Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1963, p. 8

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MONTREAL GP Coaches Punch Imlach ol Torenlo and Billy Reay of Chlcagn were slapped wuhsmoo fines and censured by the National Hockey League Manda for making no attempl to cur the wars donnybrunk that the league has experienced in many years He also levied additional line against every player who iett his bench to take part in the light which started when Chl icagos leg Flaming speared Eddie Shack or Tomato Automatic lines incurred in the game and Campbells addi tional penalties came to $4925 the largest total ilue ever im posed by the league or single incidentr The largest line ever handed coach was $2000 lev ied against Toe Blake oi Mont real thrce years ago In my opinion ihere was up real control exercised by coaches Billy Reay and George Imiach over their plnyers on the bench and there was no in dication of any eliort being made by either ot them to bring them under control alter the outbreak Campbell said In 100aword written report HOPES THATS ll The coaches were crlllclxcd by Nlll prnsldcnl Clarence Campbell ur not prawnan thelr players rum leaving the benches to take part ln free swlngisg mmhlute brawl that emple during Tomnlos 30 vlclnry over the Hawks Deg taking lhls severe ncllnn hoped that Ihls type ol con duct wlll be stamped out for good nnddhat will serve as an ellcctlve warnlng to all olher coaches and players lint the league does not and will not lolerala l1 This quickly raises the proir icm innds 111a association urgcs that man at In money changing hundan rtcreallanni siding at commercial resorts be disliiltxi in CASiAdircced lining prong Imlnch arrivcd In Monlml from Boslan late Monday night and said he hnd no comment to make on Campbells slaw man Campbells weekions investi gatinn oi Ihe incident including examination of CBC kinescope recording or the game did not result in susponsiansi He said The number of compellflve skim In the century loo small In mainlaln lhe place and the Canadian Amateur Skl Am dnuan recommending much more Irnlnlnz of many more In dividunll 1m pm way In the groupl tMnklng In to lncruse fee Inmme mm amllnlcd xkl clubs by making lhnm mare nt gréacuvt with lar larger mm And to rccrnnllonnl xklm lo Juln clubs the CASA In campalxnlng ncmsl Canada urglng Um skl 1m aperalan xranl lonorccnl rcdudlan In on Io Akmub membm MIXED RESULTS Sums L1 rcpoflod In the Drlllsh Columhla lmcrlar 0n Mia and mnlcrn Quebec 50 the campalgn hnl Men In wash oul In prime commercial areal Mme mow nddl up lo Ihflfllllm loss mum lar the per with dubioul mspccll mnklnx up lho Ion nltr on VANCOUVER cmcaning stands hlgh In world alpine him he perch ls precnr The CASA mi in mm vlalonn now work 5pm member Ice hum lho lulu the nnllonnl body lnkinx lo per cm of flu 50ran Acnlor lea and rut mm Ihc 15crul Junior to wrll prmnl um Inrsnl Add up In much hrcnusc lcw Ikiurl bullm Join club For In Ilnnrc Ill callmnlcd ml 01 or rm lC film Aklrrl nve club nllnchmcnll 1er Mn olhnr Income IUIIHKI In women Imldc lhu Illl nwmlm mlurllan plan sklm Inqu My equlpmrnl Ipch monry la have Ill and Imla°hi$10003 Eddh Recommends Training Of Many Mare Skier5 Campbell said file name an lomnllc $25 fine or leaving the bench was Inadequate in this case and raised each Inc in $100 The largest Individual flne Incurred by player was 5200 Imposed on Flandng He also llned Carl Brewer 01 Toronto 50 alumugh Brewer escaped wlthout penalty dur ing the game because his part In the fight was accldentall ovarlouked by referee Fran Udvarl Campbell sald Udvarl thought Brewer deserved jar and mlscanduct penalty and the Maple Lea defeneeman was lined accordlngly COMMENDS REFEREE 1h federal govemmenlr il nes and recreation grant $4000 helps brewery pays al most the entire cost or mmp In chnmplonshlps and son drlnk company Assist with the junior champlanshlps Buluhal the CASA wants In Impressive lndupcndenl rulu and the support ilrongcr poannn In asklnl gmlcr help lrom he mum council the fines should be enough to discourage luch outbreaks but if nut more drastic pcnnllle tag be eqploy Cnmphnll commended Udvarl or his handling oI lhe game and said Ihe penalties issund by he nlerce were correct He said blame or the donnybmok rested with the players and coaches Campbell made no mention In his repan of charges by Mur my Balfour of Chlcagn that ha had been puncth In the face by either Imlach or Toronto xlcefi and the lnlmsu who benefit should be nbbed far as soclnlc and corporate member ship In the CASA officials say WANTS OWN INCOME Nath Bny Sndhury Cnnndlnn Expamlu Cnrwu Amcrlcnn Nornndn Knpmknxlnn Tlmmlnn Mllllhl we got lhe members we could mm nny chnrnl gram Inyl Dob BaxIcy chairman m5 nqllonnl junior cangm lah Columbln hlll by MIL lluurcd about 9000 your muld be nemled or an adequate lrnlnlng pmgrnm themIncluding Id iocuptnn No Scull Bub llnlllnx New illnkuw 0mm hula rm Colbornc On flunkMun Mum Moon Jun Bulknloon lo II TI CANADIAN PRESS Nutthm Onllllo Jnnlor LT API lh Buy 13 0111 can Ihury 0100 ml madlnn Sou II 552 mnqu ll 01 M21 mm Mllllfl crlcnn Soc 115 Nnflhrn Oulnvla flenloy hl pumm mum HOCKEY RECORD Counting the other six dIvl alongAlbum Manitoba Lulu Superior 0mm Quebec and Atlanticthe sure would be appmxlmalcly $100300 Nggman 10 comma going to compels the way were trying to compete at the lnternntionnl level wllh tap countries any Hartley we need In money to will nlo Junior amp at the lap Junior divislannl level and top national level Weve kept up lnr lhrouxh dclcnnlnnllon But cannot mnllnu trainer Bobby Hanan while wrestlinz with Brewer Lnter however the NHL president said he found no evidence to uugport innllaura gharq The steppedup Ines deluded Toronto Bub Baun and lany Hahn bnth use and Balfour He was commenting on 41000 fine Ievled in Montreal Mnndny agnlmt the coaches by Clarence Campbell president of the Na llona Hogkgy Leap Although he woqu not elahoh ale Smythe said In an inltrvlew he thought Reay lnsfigaled hu brawl by sending Reg Fleming flerylempered Chicago forward on In the Ice against Leafl Ed die Shack Minutes before Shack had been given minor pcnaliy for highsticking Fleming The inci dent was continuation oi langxlandinl Fleminl Shack laud Evm with $100000 Bunky Inyl here would be nu concern about any we rldu or cache or IHCIL um wnuld can hem mnncy go In train lug campbu more would so as ho cnmpl wuld he avail TORONTO CF Staflnrd Smylhe president of Toronlo Maple Dents said Monday he was surprised fine Imposed on Billy Reay canclr Ch cage Black Hawks wal not lar ger than the one levied Iznlnst anonlo coach Punch Imlach inlnlslrnllon navel thithés com59 und camps iar alplne any nagdlc nslrucllom Port Buhichnun Jnulor chhum Kelly Edmunlon Ellovnn Onlrlo Junlnr Cnlhlrlnel 5amIord mllzvlllo lclcrbomulh IDNDON AW Blr Jnrk ohm on the Um null or nickel mthnl IIII um birthday Mnndny wllhmfl my nlrbrnflomevm without imwlnl Iboul Hm once mlpMy hnllmnn who hll my umumln mm ml ma or H71 ccmurlu In Icmlwml In howllnl whm he has been urloully III for lht lul Ihm nth CRICKET GREAT ILL 11mm Bay Junlor Aflth For Wllllnm BILLY REA NEONTO CP1A chrllnl lnurlume lrom Scotland lold lutsu at an Ontario Au1m Amelndon luncheon here Monday about their first taste of Cagadlan winter 233 BRADFORD ST SCOTSTTASTE WINTER HERE We cuuldnt understand when we nw lhe Canndinn curler wearing gloves In the Scotch Cup gamggut Penh Scotland hh year said vlcoaklp John ErydendNow we know Winnipem énnday apanmreci by meCanadlnn Broadcasting Corporation Thu Fem rm Chuck Hav skip Bryden Allen Glenn Iccond and JlmHnm than lead comfiletod In muner cqu Ierles 1g Temperatun In lhe Wlnnl peg rink quo degree above 2m The auxmm losln exmend decision to Luke Slylluk oIDemll he 1933 mm Slates champion OLD SMOBILE 64 DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMIIED AUANT WAITKIND 0F GO with aivhy waizfflairfirmlue Action starts the minute you turn the key in 64 Oldsmobile Rocket Actionthe kind thats generated by one of Olds famed Rocket V83 The count commences at 245 hpgoes all the way up to 330 hp in the Rocket rangeand hits booming 345 in the Starfire V8 Naturally all this go doesnt just stand around flexing itsmusclcs It gets to gether with one of Olds great transnligsions 3Speed SynchroMesh sporty 4onthefloorHydmMntic or new Jetuway automaticlin manner that really Barrie Plumber plce mtm In the Georlinn Bay Junhr Hockey League will hm Men ord tonight at lhaArena at 030 Plumbm have racked up record of men wins Ilulnsl anly on defeat in Ichedule play to date Their one 10 was setbackp the hand of lec ondpllce Colflngwood we have line mup bay hen aald Showchuk today We Itartled wllh notlglngnaml the en Thl Is in if two games dated for Plumber thll week They see Penetang Sundayv lhnilasm 1110er by then young sten was more than enough encouraxemenl for me In con Hnuefl Shewdluk pointed wt 1h Plumberl beside leading Coach AI Showchuk In more than pleased with thelhowlni of his club to date To Host Medford Your Chum Oldlmolallo Cadlllu Envny Ind Chmnid Truck Dulcr VISW YOUR lOCAl AUmORllED OUAUIY OLDSMOBILE DEALER lhelmue hm iho 3p goalV tender Clare Sheppar and the lemma lop more Don Am and Conrad Mnlaney other Barrie Plumber ara Itarllng to climb In the marina race ulna Ron Hurst veteran Midland Flyerl right winner has been luspended or one ycar by ha Ontario Hockey Auoclnilon it was announced yesterday Hum recelved hII auspemlnn or run In with New Al Pramalne during game be egn Migland pnd Orlllla Ir Midland Decembé of Ron Hurst Out For One Year Via have slimi we clan take puts the show on the road If you think all this could spoil your resolution to buy new ear this yearyoure right But then where else could you discover the kind of automotive value that Olds mobile gives und discover too that it all starts at pleasantly reasonable figure especially with the new lowerpriced Jetstar 883 Why not have lieurbtoheart tqu with your quality Oldsmobile dealer soon Hell show you host of good reasons why you should put yourself in new Oldsmobile grfizxnmmz zxmmzn fuzéiinv DECEMBER ha mum gain well awe and shoot with any club In the lugua mid Al The desire shown by the boyl is tremen doul Shewchuk added Ihal he and the club would like to Ice more an In Ihe rink He mad that then comlderabla uyznm eve Junior club partto i305 and taken an If 11 mg team In Open MURDOCK Prepare Your Cu For Wlnler Drlvlnl WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING rusonmm SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION DVERIIAUL Pl TORONTO 51 1282202 HARRY PHONE PA 66521 WHfREflEAWUIV IS VIMVE RECORD ENTRY ZURICH swllzerland fluub grnA record so countries had angered tha lass World Socccrl Cup Monday when entries cloned at International Footballi Federation headquarters harem Canada II no arm than ell lered PA um Hatfis Vijellvered locally or anywhere In the world by FIN Harris Flowers For In LulMlana Gm um Flnwm

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