Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1963, p. 7

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FIRSTBAPTIST GROUP ansicmifsrms SKPKIRiT dlnnvr and dlnn pm In hold II In llv In Oyllin on mum Ivrnlnl at lmmlml Ihe Imth Ill Xlnl Md thonl ml lbelr nulls muniilflylu gllryurllu wm MI Mr Iml Mn Hum1 Chur clle nl Collier El we null how at nurwlu nnnlver wry pnrly hrlll tho homo Mr mu Mn lildvr muan JMer T1 llnnln mum um crlrhmlinl hair and VIIIA mu nnnlvmnry Among Iha uull Wm Mr Ind Mn Itul lunlar nrrla Mr and Mn KEMI McDonald OIHIII Mr lllld Mn 1min McKorml Or Imm IImfi fllwulun EUCIIIIH IAIITY card pmy mu hold It lha ham Mn Earl llunlcr Held 5L lnll nvmlnu by mumberl at he Lndlu Auxlllnry lo lho Bromrrhood nl runway Trnln nun Wlnnm warp Mn Hooper hm Indy Mu Sandy Dcmpmr law Indy um Hey demn blah mm Eml llunlor law min Inno hum wlmm VIM Mrl DArcy Colpllu 0m of flu hlxhlluhll ol lho awning mu lhu draw or Um winner lhc doll armed In on dollr Mm whlrh Ill won by Mn Jun Norlan mm Manum mmvnwuw mom lllgll sum llluxlc or dlnclnfl was pravldod by Nell llurlublun ordlcstra Convener ol lhu puny were llw cxtcullve ol lha lrlnngla Soclnl Club ln cludlng lruldanl lJlll Rclnnm burger VlcePmldcnl Don Ilen der nnd Trcuxurer Dung Andan wn lrozmm hlghllxhls Includ ed prlm lor navclly and Ipol dlncu lncludlnz lelm can um lor mm and Twlnt ton Im lor lho lndlts mldnluhl nppmxlmnlely 90 gunk cnloy ed bounlllul mum supper cnlnml or by llu llCAF Ladch Auxllllry fibLIDAYfiiGf Amung the chlldren nunndlnz the Chrlxlma party or lhn Ex plorers Group at First Bnpllx Church yesterday aflornoon were Misses Susan Eamon Brenda Burbldge Chavph Christina Chmvm Wanda Bur bldue Lynn Parker Joanna Coulsan and Susan Shmhsola Jamey Wallheu Danny Thump Ion John Scan and Doug Thompson Mu Fred Thompson and Mn Norman Caulwn ll lendcd as Counsellors unmiimn CHRISTMAS PARTY Slnll members Hill of Canada Limited and hclr gunm wm cnlcrlnlncd ll tha hlrd nnnunl Chrlxlmm dance party Saturday avcnlnz held II the RCA Association Club EXPUORERS PARTY AT THE SAME puny an and making Christina deo ouler mup were busily en Madam to be mod on the CHRLSTMAS TIME time giving and 1113 group Above an prepmd to shun with In lrlend as Jul mum And Mu rm Ile Mt Mr And Mn Allan Kelny Gwen Slml nlnmcd lo the on Sundly um upendxnz Iwo IDeh vlnllinz in malna Balknlchcwnn The Barrio rul dmll wen II home their on nInw Ind daughter Mr and Mn Nlul he or mcr ollvu Kelley nlo tunch nun nllendcd um wedding lhelr granddaughter Janka Wln gm dnuxhler of 1m Nuell 1r Kalon um MI rand dnuLth In mmlau Mr and Mn Wtbhcr SL Paul Mlnnuula wm gun the home of Mr and Mn Dani Andmnn Inrkdlla Crescent week MrL And cmn II niece of Mr Ind Mn chhcr Ind Mn ohm Jarmnn Mr and MIL Larry Fox Mr and Mn mm Steele Mr and Mn nIInDonaId Mr and Mn Lorne McEvoy M13 Jana Fraser Miss Mnry Dunsmore my Ford Mr and Mn John Schneider Min 11qu Jenna E13111 Gmn Mr Ind Mn Gerry Malian and Mn Vllllam mbnlkn mm Ggqsr VFRQM annENIzn Brian McPhemn of Kitchener was weekend guts lhe home of his lather No thon Pnlnswlck Oyfsifl REGINA they pack Chrlslmn ha ket Asslsled by Explorers helper Miss Judy Thompson the above lrhr lake time out from tho Explorer Christmas LURISCOMI TO TRANSMAN QUALITY STYLE STRANSMANS mun WHEN IT COME TO COATSCOM TO 44 DUNLOP IT FUR TRIMMED COATS FUR FABRICS CAR COATS alrisimu to in be Sunday SchooL Above Danny Thomp mg 10 lell watches will 51mm Barnett and Doug ihomon display their arr iislic Lalenu with aclasora The annual party was held yesterday aiiamoon lor mem bera ol the Explore Group 01 Flu Baptist much un der the leadership Mm Fred Thompson and Mrs Norman Coulson party to think others From the lelt are M15 Thompson Susan Shrubsnle Jeflrey Walther Brenda Burbldge Rambler Hum THIS CHRISTMAS Iva qunlfly mil rum FRUIT BASKET GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS CANCIllAS Fruit Market II CLAIIERTON IA Ml SELECTION PRICE 67 TORONTO STREET affirmg palleniimfionamiéi who cartedly Duing happy task ol this kind ha an added wardtile sociability that waives when groups wnrk together in happy cause it engenders awnrm glow that is truly the holiday Sanlu sleigh angels Chris mn and other colorful and traditional symbol make bleak hospital windows glow will 939 i301 Psalm And In nofinlytfihhudre wudl um lake on hymn gecc wllh this kind of grimy mum REWARD It you dont know any mlu Alana mlsln In your pm look to flag glued amateurs With all films really slanted Sunday painter many of them are good maul to be mlusionnll And who guru ey arayunpmfes do Amateur 111 New York proiessionni this us mixture oi temper Ind map for Iheir hospital an wqu This pain mixtureInd temper consist oi paint com bined with binding materini luck an en mixed with water is me ulyrto apply Ind can 1de oi easily with damp Al lho Chrlnmalieasan eta nlllnn many proteaslonnl ur um In New York Clly willingly Spend hnur utter hour pnlnllng holldly picture on the windows hospllnl wardx 1111 la in vae at Ihnrlngthu true Chris mla anrlltha you might like tn Initial In your own commu Célbtiul pscenés With soapPaints nun up ha town WHILE THEY lAST QMImmaé FAMILY SIZE FOR FAMILY DRYING Control ThreeWay HoalSolocflm EmyloRcud Backward Auyllc Enomcl thhod No Drip Top KnuAcflpn th Bullon Door laldl Hugo Loading Door Oponlng Mini0 Raldry flmor By ELEANOR ROSS Fullyautomatic Quality Bigvolume preChristmus purchase makesit possible for us to Offer you this mama to rmgnnloa OniflmersCflas DRYER for only neednt be manned lo hoaplma of mum NunKng homes con vnlescent nrphnnlm would all ourer enjoy Inch Io kenunn Your own 1me can become spa cheer In 1th neighbor hood Use your Ioawalnl mk mrn lavdecorale window fluid In out or both You an even skip lhe lemveru If you dont like paints and Sun numb esl suds you can whip upwllh All 28 um the sud filler yqu Ilka Th dense I1min Iamen Had It nnywere ll any El Whan the llme come for mat postholiday cleanluv just wield that everuselul damp cloth and wipe tho wlpdowl clean EARLY SHOPPER UP IN THE AIR not detective wen called in Thursdayo help woman Christmas mapper whn lost Ill her in luck Iggy Mrs Georg Rea told po lice the temple hu shap pIna at two downtown da partment stores went to her carand placed the par eels an the me while she opged ll dopr 1th dlu not into the car and drove home When the at home thc package werent on th roof wmnson pug cm Payable on your Gm BIII 5YEARS to pay CENTS WEEK 29 Svpor Dry Cylhdor SaMy Door SWIM High lwcl M1 hick horalong Dwoblo Win UM 5cm Glam Blown Fun Way Vmflna walling Olldu Tnutod hr Pmmilon dallvmd only DUPLICATE BRIDGE winners or the Duplieeu Bridge game played Friday evening at the YMYWCA Owen Street were Helen Northwey and Helen Ideson for north sauthn Mr Ind Mrs Peter mm were eastwest whmen Game ere concluded will alter the holiday season The next session will be Jan 10 The1 engnzement has been Announced oPMis Calm We pi Sophi Street East to lg Glenc mu Yul Mr Ind Mrl Gignae Poynix Sinai Pen The bride iho daughter or Mr Ind Mu Camzia oi Ed mnnion Alberta The wedding will take place in st Annl nomm Cnihoiic mum Pene Dec 23 at 11 mm Pal3 lowing th marrim iha coup will mid Brandon Malli Min Photo by Eric 01 Cum menu BRIDE ELECT Ma dIe claim for 2f load The Inmill Chrhlmu palm and In was held by members or thecryugl Chapter No so at he Oranga HnflBurton Ave nue General convene at the teams Mn Vm Bristow and Mrs Freldl Huey was lea con vener Mn K3 Barton was wlnner at the aw or doll Srgssed In 25 an dollar bills Mum mm TUESDAY DEC 111m DUNLOP mam wuss affixWuflmmmtm 601$ 041 lfllflfiuflllMMQJHHIIMHWMI ANNUAL BAZAAR Ghaosé his gifts by brand name Surveys indicate that most mén refer branded apparel And we now that most Barrie men pre fer famousname clothing sold with prideat MEN 91km NMMXWMMM EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE In mum HAIRCUTS $100 th PA 571 Bub Show cman In nun 1751 mm spn mm MODEL DGE 1010 Wm ow 550 fERMANENIS

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