One the ï¬rst Instance In hlllory whcra freedom of tell zlon was lhe mnjor cause of conflict CEIDmeld lhls week by member he Jewish lIgIon The annual colebrnlinn Chunukah lhn Fonsl ul nghls wmmnmmlc the anclml vlc lory of he Muccnhm over ma Syrlam morn than 1000 yam Izu Durlna Ihls period In hlslory Israel was pan of lhc Syrlnn Emplre and he npprclslun ha Syrlnn ruler grew to the point when allempll wm mnda ellmlnalo ho rollglnn ol Jud lllm The were collaborator then too and In one Imall v11 axo prlut klllcd collabor ulln Jew and upnrked rebel Ilon Ho and hi lollowm fled Mr And Mn Gordon Pnlltrv Ion um host ll Ihu nnnunl Chllwnas mrcllng or YM YWCA Bonn member nl their Amrlln 51ml rclldtnco Among those Alkmxlnx he din ner puny wua Mr And Mu Hurry Amulronl nod Snlxlcr Donald Nunlon Mm AL ver Mm lnhn Kllk Hugh GWWII Vllllnm Clark Mrl Madmen Mu nmu 0w Mu Krflll MUM Mn Phll nn Mu Urnuln lluch Mr Mn Hun anlnce Mn Jonn lllrd Ind and Dnvry Durlnl brie bmlnm mm clmiml lvy vmldm Mr lnlurmm ll wu Announch lhn flu VIMYWCA annual marlin wlIl ha hclrl on Jun 21 not ï¬nal rahr wlll be Dr brook Wylmum Hm Mrl Npalllnn Tnnvnlo YMYWCIL THY HXMIIN ll WANT ADS lllONlll INN Freedom From Oppression 44 31 Celebrated At Chanukah Board Members Hosted At Dinner MRS BRUCE MURRAY loll sells ans her Chm mu tabla duorallons la Mn II Page followlni thu Yulr WHEN THE PRESIDENT renders outstanding inaderlhlp to bar group member Ira quick to recognize has quai iiiex and ha contribution lhl maker to flu organization AUXILIARYLSMEMBERS GETTOGETHER Flnnlly the wo orces mzl ln haulo and lha Maccabees wan dcclslvo vlclory They libera ted Jerusalem and began 1h ask clennlng out lhe Temple new IllIr was bull and dodl ulnd Ind IllhDUKh here was only ennugh all to In one day the lump wm Ill That lamp ll snld bays humcd lnr rlghl dam and lhl week ln Jawllh homes candle wlll be Ill dallï¬ and Iddtd In lb In an whlc was In on Dec II the mi of Ihe lent elzhl fllckerln candle wlll commemorala the lay of vlclary over opprmlon Chnnulmh lI happy llme lens of lllcly Mm rtllulaul dcdchllon thm Ira pnrllu Ion dawn and Ipaclul mmul lncludlnu 19qu Lnlku calm which are Inld la lmvo hem led 1hr Mnccnbm by llltlr Iuppurlm duran llmlr Illth to llm hllls II llmc loo or undlng lllll Ind mcllnn lrlond Ind nlIllm recent dcvclopmcnt ln lhl abnnunu nl Illa null II Ivnllnblllly Ch knhu la nfllclm Can llnllmnrk Cnrdl Chnnuknh lmllnzn In bright column and mmmtmur nllvn denlunl an wry pupullr In chlnh communlllu mall Cnnldn lo the MI and waged guerrilla warlare agalnxt Syria and dol lroyblg pagan ldnll llde dinner parly held by mem ber the Hospital Auxllllry Mn Murray was In chum In head table decoralionl THE CANDLE SHOTD Mllel North of nnrrlo on Illghway 11 To 6ran Will 80 Open Until Christmas In Addition to our mllrcllm nl umllu lrom many munlllu you will ï¬nd unuluI ll fm mg mu Hit your wall In Chrlnlmu WI also ulnllon cl Clxrlllmnl urdl OIIIN IM DAILY MTUIIIMI IH PM Plant may bu clrrltd over to next ycnr Aller How erlnl ml the pinnll in cool locallon hr 10 week Ind Itl lho l0 dry oul Dq nut he mm become dry enough to cum ihrlvalllng ha bark Alter Ill rm period an lhn plnnll bntk part way plnca Inner pot Ind supply wnur They would be exposed lo good Hum Ind calmmum durm to 7D demo men plum cnn then mwn or nu ChrMmu Polmnllin lradiilonai axis mal flank hrlvcs best with good izhi exposure and lem perahiro about 65 derngc The Wm al ihln plan an inconspicuous but caioinl IhflW is provided by thn large Icar icI brncla To pruvcnt the yell owing Mud dropping the bot iom leave honlcuilurlsis with tho Ontarin Drparimcnk oi Au riculiun give the Iqiiowinx ll Over wnurlnz or undcrwn ulna can also cause yellowing and pmnntun dropplng leuvu Plots lhe plan in window when it will recclvn on much winter Inn on possible no llme should tho plan bu ox poxcd lo draught uul CHEESE VERSAHLI Chmc mllk pmdnd lup pllu mml load vnluu milk and II vemlllo ln ILI Poinsettia Plant Needs Good Light and lha Individqu cenlrcplec cl which Idomed each dlnner uhle Enacted mm ha uh Maxim ll pmlcnlnrly rlch In Ialk mnturlnl both dance and mullc Ind Amnlil llcrnlndu hn dedlmcd her lilo In th creation dance company whlch would bring lhn colour znchnntmem and lrndlllanl Mexico not only In Ihl pm II Make bu lo mu DMldl world Under no Irllsllc direcllon Amalia Hernandez who also founded ha company In Ral lal Folklorlco pmenls example of he varlaua nallvo dance ind mnnlc mm all pull Maxim Senora Hernandez hal compo ed many ballrll on folk lame and moral of Ihm wlll be area In tho pmmm whlch will In prcgenled FIEI1IllVIIIIIIIIIIIII1VIIIUJIIVVWIIIIIIIIED Tickets are mu mndlly or we permmince by the Tommi to Symphony orchelm In Ben1e llhere In every Indch llon at allow Allen Fisher told me Exemlner dny The mean mnwred by the Burrle Collegiate Bind gnd will 13a lyehj he auditor in of Centnl Com on ghgglenln of Wedne Iy Feb Toronto Symphony Oh dmm marlin ovndoul for in Camegla ml debut 111 NEW York City lutwek Twin once lflcr wprna Ml Musth and the orcheam yamrmod mmud Strnn Four Last Sony and again The colourful Ballet Folklor lco oLMexlmlwhich Hum bring in OKeele Cenm on Dec 17 or llvtdly enngemenl one of tha lew hemIce troupe In the World In well kngvm nbgoad at home nla company has laured Ill IweMy state Mexico most of South America And has hnd heavy touring lchcdule In France Germany Bellium and 51 CrlIIca havo often award the Bullet Fnlklarlca with the Moisech Complny from Mo cow Eolh lncldenllly hnvn wan Firlt Prim ll tho PM Fallval ol aninns Ballet Troupe Known Abroad ONE 01 THE HIGHLIGHTS at th Chrlxtmu pm wn an alumnus 31m Mqu la Mu Sidney Roach convenin Toronto Symphony Set Date For Appearance In Barrie ZELLERS HEY KIDS ZEllERS UD FOR ME Mll III In hll th rm hurlhop mm In ullul Tn lnd llul Ml Ind kn cl mm n4 Iiirid my VIIII wllh Ilm II Ind In Jilly Old Nkl ll hllul In on mum COME AND SEE SANTA CLAUS SANYA WILL HAVE GIFT FOR EVERY GIRL AND BOY THAT VISITS HIM SATURDAY PARTY Ie Ill wn blnly thru qumm full but one must consider am an the um um than were lent our other mljor musical events with he Damn Symphony 0r dmln Ind the Mempounn giving an Mum com mourn the crowd liked everyihlng lhelr favor wax deï¬nitely III Mlflhlll For the med Canadian soprano Int nlghtl mcuon mun hm been very tweet Indeed After the hid lo uku An clghwnonlh hm from cancer work um yur buculse of lhmt troubln mntrlctcd In Europe In or had It her career wu flnhhed Another Clnadiln Who com manded the respect of New Yorkers Iul night wu corn pousr Hurry Samorl HI mod rrnll Movement or Orch cd tom but mnny Nobody thaw clbhllel hum they plauded each number enthusmlcally and then named bickluge Kn mu number to meet the perfonnm pcuuon CANADIAN COMPOSER RENT AIIRACHDNS by thr Suuklnd did Dvonkn Symphony No the crowd mod 1nd muted bnvol ally la Iimply hum uld concenmsler Ky mnn Goodmln ulnrwnda They either gland up and lhmwgnbhnzgl you or they 01 Ha event summes the exchange with Mn Roach In newcomer to thu auxiliary gm Harald Roach at Shnnly ay PA IMfll Flam C0 lo um Yel SI 50 Much errthnudlu Till Dec nu SANTAS HOURS 1030 mm to 12 Noon 230 pm lo 400 pm 60 DUNLOP ST festivéiPartY Held By WA 5001 11m Indvary high word wake or wpnno his Mnnhfll An mm Intense projec Hon nldmrmcnler at Mr work She hn mellowed with inmnlng maturity and 1m nighk one was muck mu Ule velvety quallty of her win Them was fllwlusl flow of line laa The Hal11d Tribunol trifle Eric Salzmnn commented It seems manna that Toronto xhwldhnva flrsIcllss arch esm Ind thlt wushould hard ly ever hen than it let alone hey Ha went on to prune me TSOI mm impreniva bnu action and Ila excellent um lemon Wlller Sull klnd he nid um ooflumyern The New York 11ch viewer Ran Parmenlcr uld tha orcheuln Imooth responsive and accurate In Imble It aim Inlennlsslo The other work on flu pm fnm was lllndemithx Nolr 1551m Vislone which Mr sussklnd Ind the archestn dedlcfled the memory at 110 me Pnaldent Kennedy mquppp ngvmws Mon than an member enlayl ed um pleasant Ginmm nutty Follawxnl Mreshmenn short bulineu meeting was held with ma pmldenl Mm hobo Chub chill prenldlnz Both of New Yorka landing nawsplpen Ive tho Toronto Symphany Orchesm highly Ivanable mlewa 0h Thursday Ivenlnl the Wo mens Auodmon Igtemoon may of Si Andrawl Presby urlun alum held Cï¬rlpunu party Ind buffetupper In In Lndlu Pulonr ollhc chixrch Ella mum and Mn Kly Hm dennn Mn Olive McDonald wn ln chamnllha exchnnxa helween members Ind present ware also brought or the Mental Health Axsaclatlnn Elma Ind conmln ware manned by Mn=Frank Pare km The Modern Invention Contest winner was Mn Ellw bemAddLson who was vaunt zd with beautiful Chrisltnu comm Banana wire mad by Mrs Jnck mm Ind Mn lnl Dub nan To lssls the president lev em members were appointed to look after manlth meetings Following the ï¬nancial report 090 wan voted to tha omen hdghfchrhlmu treu Ind Ivtgblo decuratlon In the modem manner lea lullvn air to the amnion Th supper wu convmed by Mam Mgï¬lnngn Mrs WIGHINS FUBS Annvu Au rnlcniw hm wuunn Ian IV nuam muo Cman in To unnum llanNG lllAlmfl com IIOIMII lullnun flu run wk mm um urn uni Bel You By Dnnlov KL PA HM no Igmuqmimiumunumnuw II IgnuununuuymfluIllulllnliuiuuuguy ma Canidlm Legion Ladles Mon were inéde1fliludfï¬l Iha Auxlllnrynl Branch 147 Hurling Inmul Chrlalmu bonus to each ml member Mufandi Mn 53 mm Campbtll werezpruented wlth NW Decr 9r I0 an ollpaimlnztrom the emplpw home of Mn Dorothy Sluypny the Downtown More Mr my gwuulm 5m gm Pegklm received am curmb Claw mm nullam the Plan um um llMPSONï¬SEAM PARTY Stall memberl Simpmn Sean Barth Ind lheIr mm were feted to the munl Chrm mu dinner Ind dance Wldnu daymnlng The party conven ed by Mm Mnrgnm Park wu held the Continental Inn Dur ln the mum ngat da um Mam pxmmn ï¬nmn nzbmmi ma Canndlm Legion Ladies Auxlllnrynl Branch 147 Hurling League enjoyzd Chrlumu p61 nick Iupperhnec qt lhe home of Mn Dorothy Sluypny chukfgwulllm street Santl Claun dialrtbuledyxlm or all The evenan was concluded by howling at tha Barrlq Audemy Dunlap Street An iniormal racootion wax held the Continental in on Wednesday aveninn prior to the oiiicial opening oi tha Maple Grove School Tins reception waa heated by Chairman oi lha Bar rio Public School Board Noel Stephenson and Mra Stephonaon Amonltha nests wera Chair man oi thoVOntario Hydro Ross Strike md Mra strike Mannlement Ind Educlion Committea Chairman Dr Seymour and Mra Soymou Property and supply Commltteo Chairman Ed Norman and Mn Norman Finance Committeo Chairman Can Young and Mr Young Mr and Mn Jack Moc Laren Rev IndMrs Walter Dyer Mr and Mra David Ciymont Superintendent ot Public Schools Anmu McKay and MrlMcKoy Buainesa Ad ministrator tor the Board George langstaiic And Mrs Longsuite Regionnl Manager oi Ontario Hydro Earn lon and Mn Ferguson Mr and Mrs Pat Bertram MPP Arthur Evan Ind Mrs Evans Mr and Mn Vai Brucker iiia Worahip Mayor Lea Cooke and Mn Cooke Mr and Mn Rory ODonal Dr Edwin Wiiaon and Mn Wilson Mr and Mn John Murphy Mr and Mn Millet Salter mumway nrgczmon Tho annunl banquet Ind dance for staff member 01 Wool woflhl Downtown Slnn And Ploz Store and bolt menu wax held at the Continental Inn Tuesday evenlng Mr and am Campbell and Mr and Mn Frank Perkin recllved tho guest numberlng Ipproxl molcly 120 Following Ila ur kcy dinner Ieveral prelehla prim wen pmenled to Mr and Mn Bob Zelnzr Mr And M11 Howard Fllrweather and Mn Jack Hay and John Hayl Mr and Mn Glen Graham and Mr and Mrl Bnb chnen were wlnnen ol ha elimination dunes prize Null Hunubeso archan Irxa provided an music for dan nu NUAL amoun CORDKDACH umxmantmmummumné WWW Vory lmprcnnlvu presents or very Import Int people on your all llal lop Drawer Ideas Inncllonal handsome lnoxpcn Ilvo rum Gonl Roach Menl Shop HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHTSin Fm Gm Top ï¬rmer Giftgfoerm 21 DUNLOP WEST MERE who Presentation wereaiso mada in yeraonnel supervisors Mrs Dllya Reyhll andMra Sam Mcl quicheon Music for danelng war provided by Nell Huriubeaa orchelira Spot danca prlm wera won by Mln Janll CavnnV lush and Sam McCuicheon Mn Ma Abbott nnd John Heal aygell nailon glance priza wen Mrs Mary Donnell and Fred FoborMra Reyhll and Mn Elleen Hampaon wera co convenera oi the party mrn ram Tomnio Dorninlon Bank Dun lop Sireeimn mambera and mm met at ihe Continental In In evening for the an nual Chriatmna dinner and danca Peter Sinclair acted as Master pl Ceremonies Roy Fehrman and MluMarlnn Jon ea convened the orlzea tor the lucky dance numberai Arnong lbs zuesia attending were Mravlrllur Edmondl mile of iha manner who war unable to attend and Norman Clark manager oi the Bradford Street bnncll and Mn Clark TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 414 Bow Pldures Frames 01 Palntlngs Artist Suppliei PHOTOFRAMES All SIZES ll DUNLOP 31 EAST OATES Just Received Largo Supply