Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1963, p. 5

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By DIANE HUXIABLE Narlh Collellnbe Saul Claus Stomp wlll be held lnnlghl In Ih Round Room ll will be xgansnrcd by lha Commercial Club and large door prlze wlll provldc lpgclnl lrcaL Thu program or flu Curlaln Up Dmmn Nile an Jim 11 rtally Ihaplng up The play chmn Io pre untcd the Georgian Bay Drama Festival In February groolka and Lady HEAD ROY AND GIRL Central last year were Bruce Students To Hop At Santa Stomp swam mam cenua uudanu were named math uhalm They in back row 7111 play wénrnn contin 11mm III Be Chm II lhu kw llmnl mm mm II In IIn Tinm ht Int II II KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY The Rendezvous Room BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM SATURDAY DECEMBER MIR 730 pm Cavalcade of Stars out grand Ilnnla Including not only lhe Drama Club but nllo ed In wheelchan outwit two clever croolu How the due provide an unusual twist lo lhe climax Lead player are Jean Farr Norm Qulnlnn and Diane Hux tabla The oHur plny Child Wonder an hilarioul comedy about child nclor Numeroul lklla Including Gol dlLocklnw and the lhree ball liberally Iprlnkled throuzh FIFI Camdns Klng of Clown STAN FRANCIS Th Profane GREG WINKFIELD CY lEONARD and HAPPY THE loWLANDERs AND MANY MORI T0 ENTERTAIN YOU AT Henry and Carol Edmunds Central Collegiate Photon rom kn Mlkn Collins Bruce Henry andMlks Kelly Front raw Jeaq Filher Mary Lar Barrlna Llrgm And Mon Luxuriou Mmlng Pluo Ihn My HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO GORD HATCH Presents Nightly Entertainment with llTTlE PEOPLES CLUB ll PROUD TO PRESENT FREE GIVEAWAYS FOR THE KIDDIES Futurlng kin Pam Ineason and Mar lam Iowan he Glee Club will hrlnl the show to close Plea sufipbrt lhla eflort For highly enlmaininz evening In Curtain Up Central Aud llarlum Tickets are on In Panch it am ShopW3llyl Fixll Shop And Jnncl Slafloneiv Id hm It llll tum NURE on He was pinchhiltan or nu tag leme Minister Penman at the annual meeting between the ledcral cahlnzt and the nntlonal Iezlslntlva committee the in lernattonnl railway unlana rep resenllnl more than 100000 IB workm Mr Pcarlan wu at him with cold Mr Chevrler said the ques lIon of lotterlc was dlfllcull problem There would havu to be maman federal lezlsllllnn Mr Chevrier made the slate man in reply to request by ha iniemaiionai railway broth erhood or an amendment the Criminal Code to permit le n1 lotteries wnlrolled and up erated by governments He aid the view 01 ha prov Incu are being sought as re sult of ma teoenl lederalm vlnclnl conference which looked lnta the quesllan of lotteries among other Iuchcls OnAWA CHJustina Min Isler Glevrler um nluuday he personally lavors the establish men lotteries under pmvln clnl Jurisdlclmn Lotteries Under Provinces Backed By Justice Minister Through Snurday 3381ng lAUGH ruon T0 DAY mm mum mum ht Der lull thud Thu ht III II In Dnll lluvlc Plan 7in ijntarid SCholars Elizabeth Tralnor presldm of the Student Council and Jim Flewelflng presldent at tho V1119 county com jury dellb cram for eight hours belon convicting Charles Joseph Cir 0113 50 of Guelph and Orval Charles Hardy John Jame McGralh 50 John Meldmm 43 Ind Marlon Amy Bum 32 All Tumult TORONN OP An all male jury Thunday convicted Iauercn and one woman on charges of wnsplrlnz to traffic narcotics They were reminded to Jan or sentence Seven other person ware Ic qulued on the same charge placed after mass arm and seizure $225000 worth of her oln by RCMP and meirapaliun Toynlo pence July Mr Chevrler farmer min later of transport well as one time head at the st Lawrence Seaway Authorlly also Indi cmd hll personal support for mntlnuallon of toll on the WW Noting that all were park of he yaflnenhlp deal bztween Canada and the United Staten to build ha mway Mr chev rler said he did no flunk any government wouid darn change um policy to allow lhe province to ug Ixg1 lagtules Thu guest weaker wu Mr Wilson All awards wen presented It the commencement and look the program will vade an Inlmsunl observation Those who received no per cent or better on nine Grnde pipers in mite ol the visitors WI bad In year were Mlh Collins Margaret Cawan Jenn Fisher Bruca Henry Pam Inn ill Mike Keily and Mary Llo Bruce Henry was thin yearl valodlctodam and to change WhoInteresting and appealed to both Adult and uudenun Bum tack most of the prize Ind won total 31m almost makes studying worth while All together this year over 311000 was awarded to Centrallaupper who Five Sentenced 11 ngCharges These his weeki at Central luvs been full 01 nellun0n Nov 30 we had our Commence ment Exercqu at gemu nice change Ind wen hon ored with line preunu men Ontlrlo whomI Acfihillfi won Geraldine WHEELS Irzxnmm mnhnsou ylmla Centl ITS BUNDlE oguuousn Evanlng Shaw sum II 700 his R011th Farsylh sald he would animal Argument lower ball Ball want at 350001m Mm McGulh and 010000 or each 01 be other our Miss West wan freed Ball wax tel for the UV other pend Inz um on other charges No ball wu for lhlheaull Buzth McGralh Mrs Juan Dickson 30 Michele Christine Poole 20 Gloria Irene West as Donal Rocky lhlbeaull 32 Jamel Orville Ross 40 Ind Frank Edgar Plro 47 all of Tomato Mm oammenument man was dance In lha cuelexla ltwu decorated with red black and white Indllla ballootnhad namu or the graduates written on them Neil Hurtubesea band playtd or the dance Eveiryone WII Impressed with both demu Mention should be made of Fred Hunlnk who won most the Minn for Grade 11 pm flclency Memqu nophy or public mama Thla could mean that if youthlve the gum lab on not elected to omceorc1sa could mean that you talk let people In tired atm lna and electryou WWW Parliament fit Glance tun CANADIAN mass TWP=€ 111 Opposition Leader Dlelen baker chided secondary rev elations MrPearsona re marks Wednesday meet lanlth Inborr leaders Transport Minister Mell nth Hid criticisms he French Caravclle 302 Inst week by RA Presldgnt Gor don McGrenr were nok In accurate Jack Hornet PCAcadln uld Airlcullure Mlnlsler Hm has been miserable allure In hlx Job Mr Hm said he hopes to mduco plan that will help amen reduce their operat lng cam FRIDAY Dec ll Thu Commons meet 11 EST to debate northern at laln department estimates The Sculls mud ndioumed unul Mondny night 13nd won fiaflrnnk Dohsgn Jus ca Minister Chenlar lnld Him In no conflict be twun Prime Minute Pur Ian and Finance Minister Gordon on defldv Ignanclng flulu An apposmon bld to make Ipeclnl penslon boasts remr acflve 02L was defeated 111 to 100 Social Credit bndr Uh Wmm MAME iike SwenUP Another reminder this lime to all resident of Barrio aw surroundan towns Centrala Drama Night wulbe held on Jan 15 at which time the Drama Club wlll present Rid lgn to lhu Sea uuunm nu bmh Central and North Dont target the Chrllmuband dance to be held Dec 21 in the gym 1110 theme tth year is Chrisknas In Quebec So to member the orlxllul Christmas dance held In Barrle Admls son ls $175 and dust npllan lion Ind bind 11 Student Council pm on the dunes and Elizabeth deserve lot of cred Les week at Central wu pun relmflnn We wmlza cum all week Sm nl the hm hw ever lound that uawdlnz Into telephone booth relieved some the tension rqtflqder ta slu Dim Eiflrumwymfibov and 1qu 705 youw alloyed In tho Mum bonlo hmvimaflobhhoblmmm 0M Mm but um Mr or mom Pomknkmlly lunmqlmun the handy SERVES FOUR OR MORE BARRIE luwu Comma vmn snow an SATURDAY mng Hum mo EflusmalmLuvssnjwmmumulstomrl In sum unmn min nzézmznh ma YELDOWKNIFE NWT conviction agulngt an Eiklmn fined mo or Ihnollnl musknxnn anlmnl protected by law In Men dismissed by Mn Justice Slams Dismiss Charges flgfiinst Eskinm TODAY ooolN mnuavnmnmuwmwmmufi Ho menu Issued aopaga IND nianrl 85m MATINEE snunmy AT mo GIANT FEATURES Sn Bolow Toy lhu ulna over £1000 FREE To clq Boy 1nd Glrl HEY KIDS Jud clenrlni Matthew lCoanunznnk who fielded will berm lulled of In pom Nov at Baku2L3 but ran lllldl communlly 1000 mllu northeast Edmanlan in dismissing Ihe conviction the Terriiorinl Court judge tiled onui hi own decisions That Eskimoahave in right ni hunt pplng and fishing $1

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