May Harness Mighty Fraser KTfll BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY DECEMBER Tho iwwivnr policy the simultaneous devulopment oi the Peace In the north and the Columbia in the south Work now L1 in progress on the Peace project which will cost between 00000300 and 8800301000 The provincial government EXPECL work to start on thet50000000 Columbia development next year VANCOUVER CPLBritish Columbias lwnrher power pol icy could become lhrefllver WEEK In 19 war is under way io wnrd development 01 the Peace River an the Columbia River pianning could probably be ad vanced next you on start ward harnessing the mightiest of them all the Marin Fraser River report on flood mum on he Fraser ls expth to be in the governments hands by Ihe end or the year It will pmvlda hr dam on the Fraser uppu teaches and gums mean incl We an keep off the Fraser fur lung say Lands Minister Ray Willislon FRASER FLOODS Engineers have henn studying the Fraser 01 slx years seek ing way to prevent flooding such as In 1910 when floods cav cred much or he weleapuInled Fraser delta area near here government secs pass lties of powar units being In slnlled In flood comm dnms to provide Incidental power to he Igd hung zridï¬nked with Feau micr préjch Slurdily built handle SMvel chule dirccl nmw cf olj 90 111 Nnnclnxglnu Four posit inn slop comrnls clcvnlion ol snow conlrnls dislnnco mm 10 lo 12 feel Slnxle auger double nigh hallx lype Impeller or best snow Ihrowing velo city ldla nuxcr spud mo rpm Two posmon wheel Dwight adluslmml Lower mung cleans rlxhl lo sldcwnlk or pnvml driveway high er xclllnx Iar xrnvcl wnlk or drive Slutl wheels II Inlcly ground 259 INNISFIL 5T le III 11mm new 10 mm or my hmn m1 up In innnu with In vuln Mm hullll unmtlt SIMCOE IllSTRICT IO0P DELUXE MODEL 0512 $11995 um um ll mm mm mm In In II II llrw an The Peace Rlvnr 1th wlll hava uneventunl capaclty ol ammo kllowalu Power unle In In llllcn darn one cl three called or in the lnlernatlunal Columbln treaty with the 05 wlll pmvldran undetermined amount at power 1h load can tml dams on the Fraser eventlr ally could add another 1000000 kllnwatu The government In said will need it all or the develop meal BrXUsh Columbia ll says lawcos power will unmet industry FINAL HUBBLE vm work well under way on the Peace River the political spotlight nut year will an the Columbia The EC lovernment expects lhn treaty that was ratiï¬ed by the Us shortly afar iu 1961 signing wlll go More the Calla dian House at Commons ex ternal unuirs committee In the nun future These arings are expound to be the scene of last ditch smnd by npponenu the ueaty notably Gen McNaughton Iormcr Canadian fluirmnn at the Internallunnl Joint Commission and the New Deppcngljc Pargy Coinm engineering by in 86 Hydra and Power Author ily is advanced to line stage where construcyion could star immediately ailer ratification oi the treniy on the Duncan Luke and High Armw dam of the pmject Work on Mica could start soon meniald3 Incldenlally idler iii govern NIWl will mm Hum Allulnul Whnl nrllhl Idlnllmnll Jun 1le Ihu um um hm mo um rm Im II lunl ht mtlh lullu AI mm Mum Ihe result of ma 5ch pruvinclalelgeuiadadi cake um oppoaillnn in the Koal enay to the High Arrow dam which will flood Iboul 20000 acres arahla Ilnd has thn lshed considerably m7 35mm powan The Columbla treaty pmvlde or Mum in Canada at so per cent ma power generated In the us sectionrol um river because of water slonge in Canada hehlnd the me dam The lcderal and pmvhzclnl nvemments agreed to It sale of that power In us or live mills per kilowatt hour or ils equivqu Now negodn lions are In mm mlrkellnz of the powar lhnuuh cansonlum or nnhllclnd prime US mmpanles 11an mm mm both countries an also determining the exact unwunt powcr um will Ivallmlg The rrinney derived Inn lho sale will he used to ï¬nance eon slmcflon of the dams Meanwhile the Pence River has been diverted and work has started on the 3000000 prin cipal darn By 1968 more um 500000 kilowalls wlll he avail able rem In underground power plant that will be one at the largest In the Western world Simultanmus dzvelapmenl lhe Peace and the Columbia has hcen bone political canker liog huge of ways Premiu Benneu made It major plank in his election plat form while Davie mm leader at the EC Progressive Conservatives said Influx the campaign he would stop wurk on Ike Penn River Mr Bennetts Soda Credit government was mleded with an increased majority whiie the Conservative tailed to lied membu TRY mm WANT ADS PHONE PA um SNOW THROWER ENDS BACK BREAKING SHOVEllING Now An rlcculc mow lhmwcr And 11 by Sunbeam mm are 11 um mnvmlcncc of 10 MW 13 Amt IUWflfldu ior lhc lVulln hmownrr bum KM ruj chllequ End llxinn almvcllnx Nu haul Illlll mnhInl ml nl nu hnlhy ulna This Sunhum tlldflc mlylfriq 1n llflyl Antl yhll job docs SEE IT DEMONSIRAIEDI PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW ELECTRIC 8995 Allawmhar Cord Ex WASHINGTON AP Ooln munlsl Chin5 alrJom is rt ported lo be caught In In Ilh cum fuel shnnaï¬uislnx out tha will with SovielUn Innso serious as tuning drulic curtailment upen tlnns highlybased military om oer who his returned hum sev ernlAygyn guly 19th FILEIA used the arm meme when asked the mm mm 91 the CommunistChlnese Ir Red wnrplnes are now seen nu unb ln coastal water the malnlnnd this 0mm said Since Russi pulled mat her lechnlclun Ind stoppzd ship menu of mu mi map oni luloA gig Ching Chineo 0d mulated mm Sovlet mum earlier both or openlinz lb cull Ind mlllury vghlcles LACKS ymouauu China almost enumly lacking petroleum mum now must depend an what lucl can from neutral Ind Comm counlfles olher than Hulda1n lhe South Paciï¬c or in Hllhn regions In addition planes Ind other weapons uriginllly given the Chhuse by Russia are wearing ouL Penman sources aid to day They said spam parts In being used up and the Red ChL naemilitary presumably is hr Ingcnrgpelled am Red Chm does not not hint and may no him to many year an industrial mmplgx able lo mmpmducemch pm cidon equipment IS kl mines or eleclmnic gear Fuel Shortage Hits Communist Chinese Planes Eris mm an plane hank truck at miner piece In hep ano¢hgrlp opgrllinn ONLY muelm om Tbs Easy to manoeuvre Compact 16 wldUL Can be hung usiLv on wall out the my he rubber covered nub cord with SWAN plug Use with méommcndcd 56w 5nd watersealed Sunbeam utcmion cord Powerful Sunbeam motor hp mic type mp 115 volt 726653 the magic o£ chmstmasBeqms at AALKtzas WALKERS mm mm mm 1101 rm WM 11 huru Navy with whlla xlzos to 3X Coltgn dross wnh AIlno lumpml 698 FCvlsp collon saloon wllh dolicelo ombmidury Mm Pink or bluoln sllus4lo 6X