PHGWkS Rdrfxgersi Montreal Rookie Still Sidelined payed glmu wllh Canadians on the In line wilh vtlemnl Jean Belivcuu Ind Bern Boom JBoom Gwflriun norlnz 11 goals Ind eight asxlsu Ho 1m Fergy his lummalu call lllm talk nbnut hlx ynunz NHL career llkl man planed with what hga done but anxlolu In vmrk harggr 913d do more Thlrtecn Illlchel were to quired to CWLIP the thumb lashed inh Hugging mulch with Boston dtlencemnn Ed wm ML SomehoW WesUallI Ikm crunched Inta Fexzusons lovr lenhnnd when they ell to in ice list flying HES PLEASED But you hava to think pox live This will Just make me work all the harder when back In them hndnl mlssed Am in two years when this thin hm pened Ferzuson nld in an In terview hnldlng up tha thumb his not hand mngpmcenlly bound In cut bl pl hqckey puck llmé blowing dawn offside plays dnr In Cnnadlcn wnrknuu lha Forum Ha will he Inncllva or at least two more week per By JOE DUPUIS MONTREAL CF Ith wInzer JoIm Ferguson of Man rul Canadians was nndldatc for hallyear ronkle honors In the NnIIonaI Hutkey League and hlx teaml up scam when freak Injury In Boston Dec wt Iglm nulofqcflnn BARBIE ARENA Chicago Black Hawk with Stan Mikila tnllnnlnz up hl len sona production averrun 1m Rangers in New York while lhe slumpï¬dden Dem Rad Wings upset the Maple Leah In Toronlo The ChlcaxoNew York game was also marked by Kenny Whnmms payoff work Ind tho zoou gnal by Bnhby Hull In scheduled NHL plny other accomplishments by tho Ellck Elwks Things ran contrnry to trend Wednesday night In he Nllinnll Hockey League No clubs WI 38111 on the rpm By THE CANADXAN PRESS HOCKEY BROADCAST 930 BY CONSUMERS GAS C01 FRIDAY NIGHT 830 61 Ã©ï¬ INTERMEDIATE Inked up only 31 mlnutu in mamas which onunpect II In law week In In NHL that plum Mn mun Manuel Id Ilonl with Bolton Brulnl Wed nudny night In point In hlnd Thmn up 10 bu fun you let to the Red Winn Only lnlraqnamly have m0 club been thin to wIn In 1h other lellowurlnk no It lhll Iuson The outcama Wednel duy nightr two lune Iell In mark or vlmln club loam Ind win In 75 men The End Hawk havo Ic counted or five of the win and with point new land lhn runnerup Mlpla Lem hy lo CANADIENB POINT BEHIND SAVE CASH And Have The Cleanesl Car In Town 13 CAR WASH rAT IHE CornerDunlop and Anne Sis WASHES 1200 vulva ONLY MAY Wu SuggestFor Your ConVenlonu CAR WASH TICKET BOOKS Before H003 am In Toronlo the Red Winn pllyed wlthum VI injured regulm but In line perIormancu from can WWW Mikllu lhlrd goal or Inn alumbl Rh the cnmplgn and me one by Guyana came an Rowequ gm ul rec 10 ml helped lit up mlth balm crnwd of 4153 In New York WM Whlrmn counted twlco and band In sum Hulll rounded out Thu ï¬ll cnmo 6n Ihpshot from out Iid the bluellm lhrpuck baunclnx pm Iubsmute mile Glllu VilllmureInd wII MI ll Ieuom Rliuri Ind Bruin ma 19 pop Here Chance For You To munuuuua Rookie Pl Mmfn Andra Pio MIDLAND LYERS $1000 UPS In In Idded flu munnce ml car 1n nil vexInd whm be club wen Ihorll man Ron Hunh Floyd Smith 1nd John Mluuk all upï¬nm mu Denon lnrm mumAhmed wall Tllay were 111m in for null Dnu Blrkley Elll Gndsby Norm Wmm MIX Faukner and Larry Jenny Twa man men an bu might with Nuw York at Mon real and Chicgo at Bunion Mmlm openzd ha Icorln Imr In min pu by Fun Mnhnvllchln tho um um Amman tied it up in the ondon war Thy Pronnvall lent an ad Wnu Ilmd 01 load helm lhn end Iho pc rlod qn mother paws plly limit our ddencunon Rain In rqm counudm Dmolt whu earn Amman clicked orl Toronto lylna thu ICON hljleny 4n the Iecond period Detraln Journayman 0111 Jerry Snwchuk denim or yllmmenl by Rom cmlfl 115de In ouugnndlul tune maklnn um Don Simmonx mined uldn than or Tor on TIRE STORES Boulol LargmTIu Snlu Ind Sowlco Comm DOMINION IIO BRADFORD STREEI 7mm