Mr In con Icrvnuon has been reflected In his book He believes cmuerva lion Ihould be tnughl not tarmal course but phil osophy whlch ermmles all teachlng and wh ch emphnslzc the development permanent Illlludes ralher Ulnn temporary acgulslllnng 01 911 One needs nnly to read the praises and the DuIll lhlx dmcrlpuve pnssnge prepares Mm or lhe 200 Iivlng page that follow GORDON WAII ntllng head he Sclcm Drpan mm at llmlo North Com ulnlv studio hook wrlnvn by grLommcnnponTmsks Rernurm for Tomorrow puhllshcd by Macmillan of Candz wrllltn by Birth Norm Collrzlnt lu cher June Snvnze It reviewed here by another Nurlh tcnchcr Gordan Wnlt This text publlshed by Mac Mlllan Cnnndn was wrltlcn by James Savage head of the Science Department of Barrlu Nnrlh Colleglale who ls on leave of absnnce or arm year He ls teaching at present In Nguchulel Switzerland M158 BWHMARIE GREEN Tnmnla Sl think lhc slum In Banla stay open qulle lunl enough as It and can see no necessity nr lhcm slaying open any long Barrie Teacher Wrotev TeXt On GonseIVQtion 1900 WINNERS IN 4lNAROW MRI MIWIEOOI SCAIUOIOUQH MI cmum CAIIIARINH Hva OnlavIo rolldenl were $000 Grand PrIxo Winner In menI MNAROW or 4OFAKlNDanme II ammoi by Domlnlon Storm lImllod my warm Mn MacGrngor 31 Clladol Dviva Scarborough 0an Mr Cmbum 54 Mwnlaln 51 SI CUIIIOIIM On Mr Miller 973 Bviduu Au Ml Mllfll Ml WINDSOI WIndIar 01 Ma and Mn lomo Mon Ihan 9000 mum Ibo nigh $500 and 3100 DOMINION STORIES LIMITED lh ch can be faund on the ehelves Enrrles Public Library will provnke thought on man and his environment and stimulate further reading The lspcnsable liquid wu ler xllvlwllure and mans place in nature are intricately wnven with descriptive passages and illustrations to Shaw that each cannot be dealt with as Ieli cayglnpd leniiiy Jnmu Snvnuc head or lbo dc rn lmmlwho In on an ycnrl nve nhstnu Exnmlncr lholo The need ol snll canservallnn ls slrcssed by llle allure nl Tom Prall and the successlul soll management of Fred Norrlsl One is reminded that the population Increases an does the need to make carelul and lar slxhled nallonal plans sn Ihal mnn wlll make lnlelllgenl use with land Sedions dealinx with the theory at Ihu evolution er the earth the formation oi soil and the impatience oi minernis In the developing Ontario con clude with the modern prneiice that ensure wise use at our min eral resources MISS DIANE EUCIIANAN 14 North St think lhe store should stay open lung er night so to give wnrklng people greater chance to do helr shopping think pm wnuld he reasonahla hour for them to stay open Tho nccldcnl occurred nl 506 pm nnd was Inmllunicd by ICoast nulmrr lho Clly POX co cut over Um boys lull cyo mulmd two nmdltl Ha was nllcndcd by Dr Ian Irnbull tevmyonrold boy Danny Tnylar was hurt yesterday whcn ho rnn In hunt or car driven by 610 Gllchrlsl 35 70 SI Vlncml SL Darrin Polka snld lodny AI lhc eastbound car drlven by Harold Grnnl Walker Ade laide SL nunIa appeared to he lo me left of lhn centre llne Mr Klosse chrvcd lo lho right and ha cm collided Consl Bulmcr ol Barrie vin Pollce lnvcsllgnlcd An uccldent at the Dunlap street bridge over Highway 400 at ahaul ll oclock Ins nlghl resulted In $300 dnmuxe Klassc hauls street Crccmore was driving west on Dunlnp 51er when car going past appeared at the lap at lhu bridge Youth Struck Bx Automobile Cars Collide At Overpass MR8 CAROL BLAKELY Ivy The store should stay open late lheyear mund on Thursday Nd and Satur day Io glve map tho chance to shop later At the moment people like myself do not get gnaugll time In lhelr lunch JAMES SAVAGE Mluil PIHPINKO MRS lOlNI NAM OI lUDIUlV ONAWA Windlar Ont Mn Pmpanko 375 Cm $1 Sudbvry Ont and Mn lomo Mama 614 Wovcl Av OIlawa Ont Mon Ian 9000 contoflaml won can prhu Ihvwohovi mum Ibo clam gum wnh including 650 molar prlmol $500 and $100 Sin nl lhe whool Includu anchn Bruckcr princlpall Mu Morflyn Ford my Gales Shlrlcl my and Mary Nr nor nvllcd la he openan the school alum otlocll In Id In seven Inc land between SlVlnctnl and Duckworlh mm on Ibo north Ildo Grova um um ll tho llrsl school In lur rla to be electrically healed throughout Can 01 bulldlnl was 100000 but the tonal ml wllh archllcdl lens and um lahlnzl wnu Dames newest public xduool wlll be nllldllly opened lonlxhl by nos SHIRE chalrman cl pnlprlg llydm anIarVvae ééhwl has hem In use slnco late last monlh whcn 135 puplll moved Into hp Ive classroom Constables Wllllam Blanchel Leonard star and Leslla Rolr mm will be the reclplenu They laid they would llv lull the money lmmuna Idlun Binkerl Amtlnllon lnlhé Dril lln Pollca Assoclulnn Renew lent Fund No lhe policemen Rob 101 and Blanche were duly when they helped arrest an MacDonald 20 Ind Gary Lee MncConncll In both Tomnln Thu stolen money was recovercd DRILLM CPI 1m po IIcemen will share $1000 rb ward or bravery and dflclency or hellJan In apprduendlnx two Arm men who xvbe Heaventown bank $39513 Mny Film Council Meets Thursday Officially Open New Public School This Evening The ï¬lm Illustrates the re marks well known Canadians and give Impresslnns of Can ada II is and Indicate what may be done In ha fulure es pedally fur the mlgnary year Th annual meellng Barrie and Dimcl Fllm Council will he held Thursday at pm in theflLghrary gall Amie Heeling Ill color lllm Quality of Nation will he shown Honor Police For Bravery pmn omen Mldhunt Station helluva the atom should stay open untll pm especlally at Chrlnmns or those people who do not have the opportunlty to shop dur lng the day flhl mllhthnvo the ellectol helplng wlth the unemployment sltuallnn the store would be able tn em play more stall to cope wlth the Increased trade PIHPENKO IUDIUIV Amnnl 1hr Mail In be lunu will be the MN Indlnn carol Jam Born Choir ul he Flnl Daplm Church Bank will hold thuIr Candlcllghl and Carol Servlcn Sunday at 51111 Public Invited To Hear Choirs Such he case he ham or 11mm George Kirk on John Mr Kirk as L1 champion bulb mwer In Banlm Hé has been amwlni bulbi 05 In six yuan Fur this Is the closed sea son or amhen everywhere with llllle Io do but 11 Irnund and wall or spring Tucked away In qulel camera of Basemenls all over Canada this winter ara boxes or bulbs sharlnz space with unopened trunks and me general hrlc ohm found In cellars CHAMPION bulb mwer Thonuu Gum Kirk Impqcu The publlc ll lnvltcd lo nllcnd THOMAS GEORGE KIRK GEORGE LLOYD Coule Ion SL deï¬nitely think that around Chilama they should stay open until 10 pm to 11v people the time to let in their Qhrlsume BIDD pin The rest ol the year they 5hould stay open until 990 pmlo pm eayrnn three days or the work decided to 11nd Eumcmlng qunting Bulbs Keeps Retired Man ActiVe Store your bulb as soon as they rlpen usually In the hill Put them In boxes or bugs or aloragr at regular tamper lun belween 4045 degrees hey can be placid In dry sawdust dry leaves land or peak manThere Ira wmc lo occupy me followlnz my henrl attack so begun grow Ing bulbs he explained Mr Klrk Mld Ihere were no basic mles or growing bulbs He thought people either had lhe touch or Ihey did not BM he dld have these up an bulb storage Mr Klrk basic mles He thought he touch one of mo many bulb ho hm glond hope or wlnlu minim Photo that In work quIlu Ion emu It without put ting In more hour Maybe the week before Chrlslmn they coulq my open Illme 1m Lam nut mm share Mutatuotelu think It rangemenls ll momenk Ere qï¬IleJdaquAtm ï¬gure wlllmla yawnth mm hollvoryuthlwhlltmy MIIIIhCCOOUHKUJhMIY lwould Illa you In lnlo COOUEIEL ABHICOY wllh ll yuu Ilp II Inc Ipvh II nun lmlcul nun modu In tho hruhm mum 1h cuminn docum Im hindom pm la llhll Sequelel AbliCOIm Gomez mice moi Bulb flowers evidenxly jealous cmwd Most at them have their own secret or mw In bulb which they hava pick ed up over he yam mm thelr mIstakes bulb such as ulips and d5 lodll that may be planlcd in the fall bu generally Ihey should be planted 1n the Iprlnz alter the Inst frost Your telephone company presents on tV an evening wlth JoanSutherland AMI on II Ihll Ihll wlnl It look to dining In III Md Ill pllcl Why do you nol IN COOUUEL CINE mum REY 20 Atiaéx bank In the hops work hnrd ennuzh It fl Tbey An enmled lo Ihelr evenings Jul Mk everyona the Her pm day upcclally mur rled couples van up Ihln COOUEYEL opus ynu wlll uvx Mqulllmll II II lvun man Iml Th0 xiv Chmyllavul ol ll OOUEYEL CEIIISE In In um nllnlnq Zequetel Eerise quil tantalisel MnsL 159119qu amt TONIGHT byllllnnl Ind aching comm Ilunlng on ol ma would maul cmme apmllo Inpunol am luring CBC Symphan HICHAHD BONYNGE Produced by FRANZ KHAEMEH Buppcnlnn Tenor menrd Conrad 930 all 1030 PM You uh Iboul 91 II In an mvduw vvu wm ll you wall lunm ha you wlll he douhlv nluud II suII mum nu vim vim uy coauuu CACAO blnnlbl pwhlml Bqgï¬giï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬m 1M Imwnll will In InnMN Oull When you Im II you wlll ny Whnl III uch othouu lonuvchocoh no In Ipm In luv upping you wlll 1m be nhlo Ht Gian oui ouaon In one ol unclnlsflled deform contacts or 010000 or more Awarded by Delcnca Con struction during the um hall November Total value the contracts $2030769 ocuslonnivmbv grown who willing to in you Upll The munam or the Interior painllnl permanent muffled quartm It Trenton II In an arpoupl of 3253379 5101181 jello like Iuï¬e the5 aura pug you will In In OTTAWA eclal Bar rie Inn er Pllnflng and Demrauna Co le ban been awmied contracz by Detent Coflslmdlqn 1051 mm Barrie Firm Gets Contract ALBERTBMITHI 1131 Stmud The miu would eve day except Wednesday st 11 open unlll 12 due not give people on mouth to shop mum channel