trophy II nnmod in how Wmllm 1mm Cumin II Iht nayl Alf rum yd mu IM muu at my OTTAWA Clan7ul my Amhrnu it Tuba MIL but been mm Illa Tudhom Mnnnrlll vahy Cnnndnu lny humour pllol ol um unmounted India My Hue Hum annualn Plylnl Clth AIIMIII nn any III on mm Ill ln begun yam no null Mflvaadim nchlcvcrll In mum um 01an Ilom Inr nunMormon In Ibo nun memo Umlnl rï¬ilnlr gold menu hml nmk Ilw luml polnl In yr mu rllnm um hem Hall the 1m mnhil annull producllnn mm mumA flu mural lmnkl Hurnmnn nu Illllll nrc will inmnl lnl ll Ir mnrnl nulunul uld mm Pilot Named Top Amateur 0n mmml lhn uml mrdly said hundrnln of million dallnrn warm ho mflnl ll Min hunrdrd He had named in February m1 at wanknmu In Cunn dnl gold mum nn allow Inx Him the anmnmcnl hm lo horrnw LOOOWODOO 1n gold ur cumncy tonvmlhlc lo Ilnnalhen lhr rucrm and mm larclxn uhllxnllnm He recalled that in lhu pnu he urged Um floor tic be placed under Alumulc gold pmducunn and mu Cnnudna unld mum he nuhllunllnlly lncrcnml OTTAWA CPImcnl old mlnlnx Aubxldiu ware de lcribnd 111 he Sennla Tuuday nlghl haphalnrd and un llnhle lymm whlch should In replaced by lncnmlm In In mau produtllon Senator McLoan ll Ncw Hrumwlck urged lhnl flu luwrnmml mm In nrw pollcy and at lama lime lnkc Mop In build up Cnnndnl zuld menu thraevmcmbcr board of tu enlu admlnlllm the on ma has al lnlarmallan lup plled by luperinlcndenll at menm Immunom and Indul um lchooll You cauldnt cscrlbe use uldlnylhlni but Inning ha cnlh dcparlmml flclnl conflrmcd bolh the law Ilidlly and Ill enforcement llmlggdA wgy acnlnr government lclal ex pefl askcd headay whether until law an 803 law bagkg wasnt lure VICTORIA CHThe HIle sharp controversy after passage no yam aka British Columbias Scxunl Slerlllzallnn Ac today lungulshca In almost obscqrflyu ndcr ll authority EC nugeam are performing an av crane of seven alcrlllzallnn year an manual dcfpcllve Gold subsidies Said Haphazard OR DEFECTIVES Glnrses Sclerls Inn um Greek over lo be awarded Nobel prim talk with Fir Lagervlsl Swgden today In mum 3mm wanuéamw late 11 xi Sterilization Law Used In BC GREEK MAKES HISTORY Mlnlnx camvnnlu did not know until lha ynrl end an Amount ho Iuhlldy lhry would rmlv lram he edtul gnvrrnmtnl Ami lhn lublldy 0mm no Inctnllvc lo uplorr llnn nml Ovtnlnl up at nlw mlnu Brim unumcr yur on by lnr bcucr may Ihnuld be Iound thy flu Canudlnn omn mcnn which would many In tlmue our own old produc lmL The prion gold Fund Al 315 an ounce In US 1mm cnnnol he hold down Irllll clnlly Indrlluflzly and clunan helnra many Europ an pollllon to call lhe lunz raurdinz Ihe gold Illunllon and European coun lrlu wm In ominn lo wlth draw thnlr dcposill lrom Argorlu my lmc made lo the outflow gay lo nlhcr counlrlu The Act Hmlll slerlllznllonxla person In custody ar under de lcnllon puhllc mmlnl helpl tala school lar menu delect ivu or Induxlrlal Ichooh However Iha controvmy dled dawn and lha public heard little ol the anionic boardl overu llonsunlll mu when the av Irnmcnl We day announced that 50 nlnrllluuonx had been perfumed In the clamyur 1n tzrvnl Several Roman Catholic clcr uymm assailed it immoral and an lnlrlnzemen an human rights In the period between lha acta plunge and It promulga tIan 1ng month later It was bitterly attacked ram various quarlqn on moral munda starch records thawed 35 slerlllzallvn npcrallons been pcrtormLd under the In in the has five yam Stockholm where Sclcrls was awardzd the ma prize or ornlure Lagarvlu won the Nobel Prize for Ulcnlure In 1951 AP ercphnlg LONG SERVICE Sath Mrlcnl reunnu farclln mlnlxltr II Louw repre mled hll country ll bulk he Leuue Milan Ind Unlled Nullam Ha hll hnlcl earllnr hm day and momcnlamy dropped mm light However he mowed up at ldlcwlld Alrpnrl to board In airliner at mum to En le when he ha been relu ï¬ee Ilnce hid taken ovu Ibo Illf Galvan nld repoflm he lull had the lac proletliun ma Unlled Slam while In lhe U3 And In he would nu holllale In return again Galvan pallllcal or of For tuzucxa Premier Anlnnla dc Ollvrira Salazar flew hm from Brull Manda and appeared lacor lhe Unted Nallmu ml nfxhllcgrnmluccr It all hearsay ha Id ol rtporll Ihnl In mlth In re turned to Poxtun where he under Icnlcm or Inlzura liner NEW YORK AP lan llquo Galvan left the fled Stiles meuhy And lhul el cnped the thrm extradition la Faringl or thl 1961 cam mnndculnm in Portuguese Mnrla um van Thtyll take your money but yourenul Rand enough In be long ll lbs in lhe Judie ukcd McClean tald the court he dld not attend church 0mm He rald his mother was not allowed In jaln the church because lh wu dlvorced Illhuuxh rhe could lehdl ag wlll Galvao Leavés United States Judi Elliott Iald Monday at ha trial or Danny Jannu Mr Clean 16 Stewarllown Ihnt churc hypocrisy mluhl be more on ma than he youlh hlmulf Mr FIemIngl IOM David 14 llld Jnmlc 11 were MI by 51ml zun pellet last March Thty milled that McClenn red gum with lzmze nhalgun ID GEORGETOWN Oni CF nev in Flaming laid Tum dflfl remark by Jndzo Guam Eiloit at the trial oi youth charged with wounding thu min iltern iwa Inn with lhomm were iiiadvised iiijudnd Ind lacklnz In adequate knowledge The colonel Ind been waundcd durlnl Iha Korean War and had tried lo amlmle to Brazil the nraaccutnr nld will Ind our chlldrznw blur the yromulor In charge lbs Invmlmlnn lold repo erl Kim had recently In ercd bullnm allure and Wll joblen It hellavcd ha hld kllled Mmer became hll oconomlc dlmcultlu pronoun wLxlmpuqaolplm Church Could Be On Trial flrIUt wu hauth the victim LLCol Kim KIhyup l5 mlgthava liken hll Illa protect alalnnlhe Soulh Kor ongmqn uuuulul Simple Fm Enlmnm FREE PICKUP AND DEUVERY Phona PA HIS HARRIS Uphollmlu In our mm um No1 Jan nu SEOUL AP mired SanthKorun Army culm burned hlmaelmo dulh today nenr Ihnfomcial ruldcnce of grniidenl elecl Chung Hue II KolealeOHicgu Commits Suicide Bums Hinï¬elf HAT cm UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK nunbrdnn CALIFORNIA CEIERY CRISP lETTIICE CALIFORNIA DATES SUNKIST ORANGES IGA MILD CHEESE curs GREEN GIANIPEAS INSTANTPUDDINGS INSTANT POTATOES lUNCHEON NAPKINS KlEENEXTOWElS sos SOAP PADS ONTARIO ON NEW BRUNSWICK NO GRADE TV DINNERS SWISS STEAK HAM CHOPPED SIRLOIN TURKEY CHICKEN BEEF LOIN 0F PORK 5043 BAO FROZEN PKG Ul N0 GRADE FANCY SMALL JELLO KLEENEX mm Plnk Mu Ytllow Aqu pxc CARNAHON NAVEL nun UJ N0 LARGE GRADE ETALK PKGS 0F 70 PKG PKGS FOR 1202 cur 1502 TINH HEAD PIN D01 43c 33c 41c 25c 49c 45c 45c cnoss cur ms ROAST BONELESS SHOULDER mumnwumms PORK SIDE mas HOSPITALITY Fl HOSPITALITY APPlE PIE MINCE PIE HOSPITALITY cooKmoomons No10ndn bag ILICED COOKED MEATS Tnhlnrlio 64 pkg RECEIVE AN xxmA mo BONUH mm thIl KLIENEX DINNER NAPKINS pkg 40 RECEIVE AN EXTRA mo noxus mm mm MONARCH MARGARINE Mb pkg ORArfal JUICE lroun Old Soulh 60 nu OXYDOI SOAP glam Iln RECEIVE AN EXTRA um Bonus up wnn SIMONIZ FLOOR CLEANER Vim 32m RECEIVE AN EXTRA 00 HONUH TAPE Wm TH TEA TEA anus pkg 60 PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE Flmlly Sln To agrqus 0F TAPES FRESH MEAIY EACH EACH lLB PKG LB 49c 45 49c 59c 45c 59c