GOOD EVENING Township federations Elect Their Executives For 1954 Edits At Examiner Prohnbly no plcca ms 54 Iain In unrm hm been ml to much good nu thorlll square And poulth because lhla II In nllcn rclnrml In by man nume Frcd Gram Squnn Army PR Ofï¬cer Frldny and Snlurdny ol Ins Ink Hm mum lmk on umth Innk nle wruun wm Illll Al the bum Crmlnph Slam ndvorlllinl Um Blood Donor LMnA Ir wm Ilnlml Bull1 MII wrnl uv and Ibo pol In ttnln llm mum wu duanlul wllh mloml llxhll WMI more could nnu lml rotllon at 11nd do All lheu Mm al lull um um It won mm rm The unmath tr mm lhnu wlm luv flwlr llvu or Canada Arler um can you my nun lnr lha ltlpfl coupl 01 um when lhu old post ol llce vm Iom drum ll olnre nhohhy hm 9m down hulldinl The alarm 1M hrlv III In It II In anmtlomly wnvhl hwuuh mulumlnml llmu illis most rccinivtrip Into the lleld of news was at The Exam Your mund the mum II he Illa cl lho Crnulnph In the lummtr Ill bench mnh ll In vlnco lnr Hm gimp Mm in lhu unn monlhl lleaullful Barrlul mall hun Iilul ncrcnn lhnnll lo the on nu an Donn Flow or nlwnyn mm to he bloom ma Iqunrr 11w llnlc wlll hcln nvo Hm Snnlln Mall nnx lulu Joy Io llm Ilvu of our nunultrm Part or his mining Im the job hns taken him In US Armed Forces radio television and newspaper writing course inflow York City Fm Lining for Volumu was an Interesting subjcd or gland discushn at lhl Vespra uwnshlp Federation of Agricul lure mcclinx Mldhurst Panel members were Bert Maw Mervin Parker Henry Dn vis Emmi Harris Ralph Clay lon and Len Cumming mod ernlnr Some suggestions were that Inrmm should first mnkc lull use cxlsllnn fudllllcs rcrnod clling where nmmry and um ll desired bulld or Increased vnlumc kccplnz mind labour efllclency ulllily and cmcicnt use or cnpllnl nndph Clayhm Agriculluml Engineering exlcnslon spcclnllsl also amkn on Mnde lrcnds In lnrm Bulldinus County Feder nllon Axrlcullum president Len mmmlng reported an no Public Relations means mow than handvshukinz lo Camp Bor den Army For Bordens PR representa Ilve or the lust live years mean keepan In close contact With the nuns media both local ly and national Among other lhlngs Sgt Larry Halbmok has had to learn In wnle In slyles snil able or press radio and Elk vision 953150 learned phala grapmc echnlquos or both ms and television Aside from his working the Isslgnmenls Sgt llnlbmak hep the news India on hp of outstanding and unusual events at camp rl nml Inwumwi ï¬layzrnuï¬d mllcu yaunnlm SGT HOLBBOOK 561 WY Hob brook Ionk course In cdilinl and newspaper style It Whll an lhl land now no By STEVE yau um mcrylhould Ill be limn or you In an lmmflnnl min In bolh Ivnnll Contrary to many pmplca op lnlon lumen nru no gelling well pnld receiving huxe unv ernmcn suhsldlc elc However any subsidles bclnl pnld bone only bcnulllnl hul mm purpose on 01f nmum Around lhl avenlnl II Imaw who wlll mnlm up our clly council Jar lhe next two yï¬lfll W511 Ilw know Bmlo Ind dmrld mldcnl me ha lied ï¬gudhlood dapp unmet eluded president Ron Couus vicepmldcnl Wnynu Russell secretary lrmurcr Gordan Wrighl dlrmtnr on tha county federallon board Run Coulis Jlm Ross Struud director of Infarmnllun the Ontario Fed erallnn of Agriculture speaking hr annual meellnz nd hnn quel Innlsfll Township chcnllon Agricullnre urns rd he Imporlnnce urban pm plo hnvlnx lho proper Image 01 arming todayr Purpose of lhe brie sojaurn In the névzspaper allies was to Improve his knowlMe of how the paper licks and In his own welds To make my copy coman to yours my Eds note passed CAREER RECORD member of the regular army for 14 mars Sgt H014 brook has had varied career Prior In emulug me rub relntlnm ï¬eld he was In nsuuctor of Eugflsh zrammar lypmg nmce procedures and generalvidmlnlsrnflon at the Royal Canadian Army Survlce Corps Schrwl Bordena In 195 graduated mm senior noncommLssioned ul flcers mum and In 35 receiv ed hk parachule wings aller slx ville Ihe counly nrzaniza mun Iner Inst week For week 52 Holbmok sat at an news papers ally desk editing and wherevermecessary rewriting live new copy ELECTION JONESCU Examlnu last week Ha shown hm discussing live new copy with my Editor mltum will Money Illp Ihrouah your noon You no P8P Vlnll your 1mm Scallnbmnch and all about lhln lllclnmud pman Invlnal plan 6M93FINK larmcr He polnlcd out ï¬nal ur ban people are rmlvlng loud value for their and doHar by stating that In um 191539 period lhe average wmkly urban WIKI would buy familys lood up ply for 16 weeks while today it will buy food or 40 weeks TOP SIX INCHES Tracing hlghHxhls no rec ml OFA annual meeting the speaker minim nul lhul the con vcnllon theme The Tnp Slx In ches had dun meaning The up nlx inches nl 5011 unda mznlnl Io ha nnuanl Iurvlvnl um musl be proleclcd and hence um up nix Inches man and tho nullonl chnruclcr mun not be eroded through grew etc Elccllnn nillcm pnslpre nldcnl Allck Saunlcr president Herb Chlslell Int vlcbprcsld onl Kellh Kcll Icmnd Vicente Ildcnl Bert Schaly Iecnlaryo lrcasurer Kt Ind two dlh eclorl rom tnch uhool lemon Sgt Iloihrook is married lo Emilie Deina ol Kayvilie Sash They have iour children iim 57W 10 Nicolai Naomi humid Gina 20monlhs Mr Ross declared um bet or understanding between rural and urban people must be mul ed and bclnu n11 Cnnndlnns mun rccognlza ruth nIJIcrl problem Born lnHnnna Alberta Sgt llolbmok received elementary school education Cold Lake Mu Prince Rupert 30 and matriculated from hlxh school ntï¬Welasklwln Alla He served as corporal lrom 94749 In Squndmn 19m Armoured Corp Car Regiment lMllllla Wemsklwln He enjoys swimming Mann and hunting In his spare hours Hes presently taking llvo monlh skin and SCUBA divln course with lhe Aqunleon or Canada It Borden dmunu from flyinz Nicer at Rims Man Caner poshnus have taken him Whitehorse Yukun torles Regina Sash Winn Pel Manx Fm Lewis Wash and Borgia jar almogfl 1n yegrg the consumer much as UN Slave Jonescn Examiner Pho ln mm at APPOINTMENT PA 837I SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvuo uiva blood dumoon Flu Cut me In men noon lea blood In fluxnoon Plln Cut Vole Illu dlnnar GIVI blood In afternoon decllon dny but blootfdnmï¬w And It you feel mun rgtldo mt 3mg 0n worry Wu Thu Mum auxplanva Illyourprobluns Poul In open km 11 mm In pm VIM tho blood donor Clinic 11 open um 180 to am Vandmm 500 In 830 1m in lha Parish HID kaAnlflh 31 Church Waughrmuwmm dike who eel betwlll Ind befween behl mm dqmomcy um humullarlnn nhe plum MI cards mm her gun be both 19d Ind hm clear nucleate Dont loud thll the Red Cross need at least 25 plan at blood Sines thermwlu be 65 um ployees cl Nnrlhem Electric lbs clinic this Inanoon between mo and m5 will be nu prob lun for Barrie clmenl to make up the Menace And 1an here will be mm thin voter mung their bul Mg 039 qlnlq glmpst cemln Bangkok null Sal1t Thlnml 55 premler at Thu land Ind 0113 ml dusts friend of 1110 West In uonthmr Asia 01 Nancy Ind hem com plluuons Manuel mom Whllo head 71 chllrmln or Mant real Shrinen Hospllnl for Crlp pled Children and retired vice pmldenl And generalman er nl Clnldlln Import Limit Grlnuby Onl Robert Mu xey Scrivener Iemlrcllred Tannin comulIlnl engineer whose that helped select the me Ind prepare plans or he Auslrlllln national capllal ll Canbern Vnmnnr Charla Joseph Unwen Be on of the found en the Vancouver Stock Ex than Cmunl Culun Min Hardy former head or the Unlvmlly of Sukatchewnn II rlcullunl enzlncerin depart Plan Cut voh In inch noon Give hlood um dlnnar Plan Cut vole Intr dinnur Give blood litu dinner go be the Males In Bin1e EXAMINER PLAN In JCIS v95 In morning Ill IARN HAMINIR MONDAY um llu FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS By 1115 CANADIAN PREï¬ Blobd Téday Fl Deplrlmelt PA Hill Provlnclll rolkr PA mu City Palm PA NS mm Vlcufll nmlul PA N8 OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PlAN mmwr If SAVE 10 On Every Purchdse with YOU IAVK TWICE on overy pmrhnu Ya rt thy luwnl multh nu on an mu whlrh 1M1 luwulr vulth YOU EXTRA under wr YIVIDHND IAVINDI PLAN uyumu nun grxlrrmu dlvIlImd MI which 10 YOUII CIIIIIDT MAI LAYAIM AI WILLI BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED N0 INTEREST CHARGES flummbn ynu purvï¬mf PM mqu mend mm mm knob 11 DEATHS BQQVQS An Iccldcnl on hluhway 90 ll THU 51ml yeslcrdny cnuscd nvcr $500 damage but mulled In no Injuries 11m nccldcnt null under ln vcmxnllcn by Cnmlnble 1m Hammond nl BunIo Dclnchmcnl Onturlo Provlnclnl Pollen Cllflurd Enslnn Bradshaw ll 41 Perry 51 Bunla had mm ed across nghwny when his mum wnl struck by cnr drlv on by Luclcn Grochu 2701 Camp Bonita Cars Collide At Intersection CHILD POSTS MM lo Sanla Claus in tho Burris JayA mail box which was pul up in he Mcmurlnl Square Saturday For the ï¬rst llme FOUR YEAR on Paul Jams perched happlli out THOUGHTS WERE 01 SKNTNON WEEKEND the nyms hnva also put Sanla Clam mall box ln Bar rle Shopglnz Pluza Nearly 1000 chll rcn Ire expected In mall lellerl to Santa balm Chrlslmu Lail malllnl data In Ilme or reply belorn Chilan Dec IL Exam Inel photo BUEHLERE FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST BARRIE FOWL 29c FRESH NEW YORK DRESSED BOILING HABITANT PEA BANANAS Six Icéldenu were Investigat ed aver lha weekend by Elm vale attachment Ontario Prav tncinl Police Total damage with mm thy accident was over $1000 but then were no Muriel knee Slnll elm when In an mum It Zel arI store nnie Saturday She win one hundred of children who whispers lhelr secret Chrlitmu wish to San during tho Illernnon Six Accidents In Elimiale Area GOLDEN RIPE lBS Manage Sponsored By Your THERE IS STILL TIME TO POLLS Loss AT BARRIE JAYCEES 29° OZ TIN Mr Collins said he NDEA wu mun2d with many ac Ilvltles that had bearing on employment In this am whlch would mbseqnanfly alien work en In defence establishment He told the member um ND EA is Inkzresled ln Iha Inca win ter Workl Campaign Commmea and had member from NDEA on that committee NDEAsupporied an minute of Technology beIIevlng the De enca worker of the Mum will re ulre ream mimic1 xklll lulu n1 He also Ruled that NDEA from Camp Borden and mum will make every cum have the Minimum Wage Law extended ems Ontario Wlng Commander Damp ner spoke briefly In map of National Defence Empioyeex Association member RCA Station Edlar at their annual mgunz Pruldent ol the has NDEA Branch Collins of Ban and vlcepresldem Mel Bray mnn oLCooksIown were guests Several of the member pro lent maxeased concern over ha reported eunuch in deienco lablilhmnu The president wllh lha assistance oi civilinn perm nol oiiicer Mu ByMcWiuianu axplalned haw cutback oi dvll in employee would be dune ll alieclcd nny millLary lablishmenix in this am also explaining the new twp in lurlnce plan or NDEA mam beta and the dues slmclure oi the Issaclnlioni He lhankgd the wnrkers ol the station hr their wark and apenuon whflu he wan Gum mwdln Ofï¬cer of the mum Canning orfllla ha chic uecutlve orch laxEd nr NDEAHKellh Lee Shanty Bay WI returned In ofï¬ce unit represenlalivu Technical Sghobl In Barrie Area NDEA Wants 00 Fiï¬