By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Tele vlsiun whlch lately has named mm on lnlanlnz the movie lnduslry came up with spe tlal on ho Into Cecil De Mllle called Worlds Greatest Showman The ml Sundays lelccnsl was apt was much lbs commentary Them were sums Inaccuradcs as when Charlton Heston boasted lhal The Ten Cnmmandmonls was the musk Iuccossful movie at all Imo These our ladle n1 British noyully hsva more than ruya hcrltugo In commun rlghl now Each expecting hnby They THE MOVIE SCENE Special 0n De Mille Gave Fascinating History PACKS WALLOP IN PLEASURE WITH BIGSET VIEWING FEATURES WEIGHS MERE 16 POUND YET PERFORMS llKE THE BIG SETS Exclullva flunï¬o colour of Gol Wammhummmmwmmmmmwmmm4mmmummmmmmwf ROYAL LINEUP 0F EXPECTBNT MOTHERS Gone With Thu Wind chumplan Bu lho show offered fascina tlon lhnnks the pmvocnflva character at the old showman himself and the clips from monumcnlul scene ho has dl ructed Nexl monlh will mark nu yum since DeMHlea htan gave an Ihc an 77 With lho pussan of time possible to muku un evalunllnn or lhu mun and hls contribullon lo the screenIn perhaps more re are mm Ion Queen Ellzn hclh who expecllnu her fourth chlld about March Prln cm Alexandra wile ol Inanb The thow displayed DeMllleI onlfl Illempk xcrten acllng rlel sequence In which hu played hlmsulf In Sunset Boule vntd wllh Glorh Swanson He wn rqxcellnni alisuc way than dld tho televi slon ngcIIL DeMIlle like other area 11 rectors was In nclar He played the DeMflle lelend In bill He was dellnhled wllh the we ha Inxplred In common Mk HI ablllly Io cow and browbcat undexllnz was studied an WAS NOT LIKED Actors didnl llke hlm prob ably because his lrlgld nlnol nltlludc Actor In him were mmly pm of he legislch 1119 making In Angus Ogilvy expoctlnl her ï¬rst In Februlry The Bush as 01 Kent expatan her see nnd In my and Princess Mar mm the human Iouch showed In his ï¬lms The human relnllonshlps were so dnm more than xurlace thu lava Iccnes outn laughnbhu No actor called hlm Cecil Ha wasCB lo avan lhu lop sun or more llkely Mr DeMllle Though he had directed hum dred nl mm In 47 years at movle maklnl only Bob Hope and In or three others ab tended his Iuncrul COOKSVILLE 0111 CF Pallce nxcsdny charged ll eumld boy wlh then dnn zerou morlar shells alter the lad rcluxcd lo loll hls lather hnw hl eyebme became singed and burned An accordplm he iumo ago was also charged with hrcnkln and cnlcrlna Charge de Stole Shells met who Announced on Mon day she expecu hm mum chlld In Aprll AP Whephnlu WINNIPEG CPI Myle Sheldon Robinson has put tan mll huslness mum to work or him In buy hnnsobnlld In career Thu ï¬guroidwmnipe na ilva In mud in commerce mm In Unlvusily Man toha not masters degree in business Idmlnlslnunn from the University NW York Ind bmme an executive trainee with retail emulation in NewYork Ihnd made up my mlnd let out or Winnlpeu hanld bu suddenly nallzed my own taluqu attend tar mater 121 pen He returned to Vlnnlpel to join his lath In sponlnx floods hulness That Iuoclr Inn 11st nenrlylour yam pntll 11255 Then Nylon decided Io try his ownï¬wlm Hus POssibilities DUNLOP 57 WEST ginW 510 THE Look luhlonablu on and 10 Ilopu wlIh wurdrola dulgnud in Imp nklm and sputum stllIhly warml Salad abod Iooklng parlm xkl mm and slnlchpum hr your oviduct llh and Inuit Iflohlkl pm for will olcgant Ivnnlngi round Ihn In Sportswear and Lingerie cu um housebulldln In dusky WI In lens speciale Ind most hlckwnni 111 um mnnrucllnn world It could law with IL He Ioundod Metropolitan Homes Ltd and In It um year the ï¬rm rurned out so houses By lho end this yuan about 1300 Greater Whmlpou Iarnlllu wlll be living In home built by Mgrrqpongan Mylo my he no cab punter nnr leqhnlul man But ho gathered cemln bulld lnx prlndplel Ind Idm near the syn There wax lm proï¬t In aub contracting Each job that he could do himsell could lead saving that could be passed on In mlmnsdnus consumers Bulk buying could lead to twins There wu market Ind opportunity hu lhe mas SKI lOOK FA Ml urm BARR EXAmNER THURSDAY DECEMBER builder in the Meltomlimn Win nipeg am whlch ha 110mb lallon of 500000 PEQFABS M11011 EVORK Every operation thal run he done away mm the hulldlnz 3119 done by cnflsmen tho Inns plant neighboring Tnnscona iii originai eslimliu oi lha Winnipeg area market indi cated there wan shellur man ht that many people wanted place in live Ludies Snow Boots CANADA LIMITED 55 DUNLOP ST EAST Pl Won THE ENTIRE FAMILY Iron imu run mm CHILDREN Smart Styles Wide Selection Boys and Gixlx mm 15 mm 183 from 13a lINCOLN SHOES llAMAhln IlMllID Chaos Now From Our Complolp Selogtlnn Canadian made snow boots 1n black or hmm sizes 10 Available In suede mhbur and lealhcr Va have you slyleynnd size In 5le 21 $538 Since then ms Itkul th Income saturatcd smud huuse buyers have come my the market 50 mm Mn Robb son ls pursuan lhls market your ago Mr Robinson ap pound heTore Gnvemorflencral Vnnler to receive Canadian Housan Design Councll award based on belle by the Inn that customers wanled wni storey houseyul time when one mrgyjnmes were the lsuulI bridï¬cl PA 84752