Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1963, p. 16

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BishopCogiY Dies At 63 lOm QM EXAMINER magi DECEMBER ma native Ottawa Blshop Cody last year was named winner of lhe Canadian Connell Christian and Jews Human Relations Award or service PARIS AP The U5 hacked proposal or mullllal era mixed manned nuclear lorce for the Nonh Allanlic powers mum stlll lest Ved nesday belnre lhe Weslern Eu mgean Uninnfissembly The vote by the advisory board oi parliamentarians him the six Bumpcan Comman Mar 1m munlrics and Hrilnin had no immediate practice Hiecl Hawevcr the Assemblys siand did indicaie the thinking of an importani segment oi lenders mm he seven countries which besides Britain are France West Germany itaiy 1112 Nb meriands Belgium and Luxem bnurg Seven nalion mmmlssfions are discussing he mullilntcml proposal in Purl and Washing on The commission have paged flaw ppgress The Idem the mnllllalnral farce came out menu bckweon the late Presldcnl Kon ncdy and humprime minlslcr Macmillan ncnrly yur ago in Nassau The Bahama LONDON Ont CP Mus Jnlm Christopher Cody 63 blshop of London since 1950 died early today in hospital spokesman at St Jasupha Easpllnl said cause of death was who hem attack or high blood pressure He was taken to hospflal Wed nesday after becoming 111 an visit to summary He was given pm of Ike extreme nnc lien all he Regina Mundi sem lnary Ind the remainder of Iha llsl rites the hospital alter being taknn there by ambu lance He hncamelhe sixth bishop of London alter the death Most Rev John Thomas Kidd Bishnp Cody had served the diocese Is coadiukor bishop a1 lar September 1946 US Proposal Is Voted Down Asscm olcd against the idea of lam mmposcd femnnel ram he 15 North antlc Treaty Organiznlinn coun lrigs under uimoommnpd Strong slurdy melsll n1sz wllh durable covers on the able top and chairs goml nssorlmcnl colors lnsllnu gill nvallablu In chroma or brass wlth removath glam trny CHRISTMAs PRICE PROM pracllcnl gm to Add to anyones home on your gm list CHRISTMAS PRICE FROM CHRISTMAS PRICE FROM CERISTMAS TREE WA nlscoums SMOKERS STANDS GOSSIP BENCHES BRIDGE SETS YOUR PRESENT FURNITURE AS GOOD AS CASH WHEN YOU SHOP AT ClARKS PIECE 2995 You may savo the prlce of your purchase From now until the 24th of December we are making spuclal of fer When you purchase any item large or small at Clarks Home Nrnlshlngs you are entitled to draw an envelope on our Christmas tree whatever discount is in lhat envelope you recelvu Discounts range from to 100 595 Bishop Cndy was born In hwa where he mended St Alexandria Cnllege Alter grad uation he want to Mnntreal sem Innry lot short me and re Iurncd to Ottawa hr the grand seminary at the Univermy of Ottawa He was ordained in 1923 and consecrated as bishop in 1917 In that time he was yne he youngest bish HI was strong supporter the Vatican ecumenical taun cil launched by the like Papa John On Nov 25 he said the late Pnpes accomplishmnnu mm prellminarymlracle possibly leading lhe way to Christian unity Bishop Cody had often stressed the sncinl rcsponsihll iiy oi the church and recently slated that higher standards living bring with them higher inveis oi mini rcsponsihliily for the church Prior to his appointment at coadjular 1315th of London Mosl Rev Cody had served Bishop or VIclarln diuccsa which Include all Vancouver Island and the adjacent islands In February 1962 Vatican annnunccmem named hlm hishoyassistanl ma pantin cal lhmne special deslgnallon or him close to the Po es throne in St Peters Basllca In Rome during ponlificnl cere monies SUPPORTED COUNCIL opsr in banndh the cause of trlendshlp among people diflerenl creed MOST REV CODY CHRISTMAS PRICE These vc popular lam am here In du variety sly and colors CHRISTMAS PRICE FROM Set at 17 13 18 high melnl ramcs wnh In colored plnsllc lop In gum choice of shades CHRISTMAS PRICE funxlslhng of cxlcnslon tnblo wllh our cuman nblo llpholnloml chnlrn Any color you wlnlL wimagso STACKING STOOLS DINETTE SUITES POLE LAMPS 5PC HYANNIS PORT She re mumher how hot tho um wu In Dallas and the crowds greater and wider than ll crowds in Maxim ur in Vienna The sun was blinding stream lnx down yet she could not put pn sun glasses for sha had In wave to lhe cruwdh And up ahud she remembers mint tunnel around turn and thinking that then would he moment qt coolness under the tunnel Them wan the mud at the motorcycles as always In parade and the nccaslannl backfire or motorcycle lha sound 01 the shot mm at that moment Like the sound at backflm and she remember ConnnlIysnying No No No Nu Na REMEMEERS ROSES She remember lhe roses Three limes that day In Texas they had been greeted with he bouquets of yellow rose Texas Only at Daunslhny had given her red rose She remem bers lhinklni hnw funnyrad roses Ia me and then the car was Iull blnod and red roses Much latcr accompanyinl thn body from lhe Dalia hnspitnl in the nirpnrt she was alone wjih Clint Hillthe first secretI kervice man to come to their rescand with Dr Eurkiey the White liousa physician Eurklcy gave her iwo me that had slipped under the areal dent shirt when he ielll hil he herlapx Aii ihmugh the nigh they tried to sepnrnie him imm her In sedate her Ind take can of herand she would not let them She wanied to be with him She remembered that Jnnk had said oi his father when his father suiiered the stroke that couid mi live like um Dont let that happen to me ha had said when have la in VNaiv in her hid she was holding gold 5t Chrislophcrl medal CLUTClIED MEDAL NEVER BE RNOTEEHCAMELOT Theodore White close trim Pmldufl and Mn Jab Kennedy Ind auLhar The MAIh ol the Prenatal mle Fur human Kennedy In Enl loxua In the current Issue ma mlulne The lull Hole copy rlxhled by lle munlna and mldeavllhhle to Th MIoclaled Pun lollaux Jdckie Remembers Bases Parade And Sadness 95 On her little finger was the other ring slim old circle wllh green emerald chlpsIhe one he had given her In mem ory of Patrick Thurs was thought on hat was always with her She had given him St Christopherl medal when they were but when Patrick died thls summer they had wanted to put something In tha colfln with Battle that as mm them both and lo he ad pnt In the St Christophers medal Bu hen Bethesda hospl tal In Maryland mm lhu next mamlng Kenny slipped lnln lhe ehamher where the body lay and brouth her back the ringwhinh Bl she talked my glue wished When Jack qunlcd same lhlnz was usually clnssknlf she said but Im so ashamed of myselfall keep thinking of this line mm much comedyh Afmght heron wed to sleep Jack llked lo play some Then he had asked her Io give him new one In mark their will weddlng nnnIvusary manlh after Patricks death He was carrying it when he died and she had found it But it belonged to hlmm she could not put that in the ooiiinwith him She wanted to give him something that was hers some thing that she ioved So she had slipped off her wedding ring and put it on his finger When she came out oi the room in Dallas she asked Do you think it was right Nowil have nothing ieit And Kenny ODon flelil Enid Yon lenvn II where That was 31130 pm in Texas names Rma BACK 11A CLAYPEWION STREET Skl Book at 52 Lou Trad GOLDS SHOE SERVICE Skates Ski Boots Burrlox Orlglnnl 5km Exehangn ulna I947 NOWI SKI BOOT EXCHANGE New Bauer Skates New Daoust Skl Boots Boys Hucky 5km from $695 Lm Tndo That desecration Im gem Io llve In tha place lived with Jack In Geom lovm Ind with the Kennedy records and the son heloved mas ceme at the very end 01 um record The Llnu he lnved to hear were Donk let It be forgot the once there we spot or one brie Ihlnlna mo ment the was known Came lot She wanted to make me lhht lhe palnLcnme clan and want an Thu911 be great presidents plainand the John son arewondcflul lheyva been wondeer lo me but lherell naver bu another Came lolflugaln But she cams back to the Idea that transfixed her Dont It It be forgot that once there was spot or on hrlel lhhlnl moment that was known CamaloRnnd It will never ha ha way again lumps numoxs or hmeln She was liar mind by stories that she might live abroad Im nuver going to live In Europe Im not going 194 1131 meqslvcly phmd NEVER mum ammo Once the more reed oi history he more blttor lot For while thought history was something that bliier old men wrote But when reallzod history mode Jack what he was You must think of him this little boy sink so much of the time reading in bed readlnz history reading the Knights oi the Round Table reading Marl borough For Jack history wen lull oi heroes And it made him see the heroesmaybe other Uitle boys will seaMen ere such combination at good and bed Jock had lhls hero idea of history the Idealism viewr Discount of Your Own Choosing 93 426 From Now Until Dec 24 v9x12RUGSI HASSOSKS GleoLmolhor that newllving com rug In Emit may all kind BAflnlE CLARKS flu Capo Theyre Imzalnzlobflnxlzymych dnn want John in grow up to he and boy or the presidents memo rlal It first sheremembered that In every Ipeech In their last day In Texas he had Ipnken how In December this nation would 10 the largest locket booster yet Into the sky mnhlnxm nm In Ipnco 50 rho had wanted Iomothinz his firm whzn won npperhapl only his lnmm pnlnIedwn llny oornar the mat Saturn when no one need oven notice But now Amerlcuns will seek the mm from Cape Kennedy Thu newname born her In none came as wrprlsa wlruas he may thing she knew she must have Im hlm was the clonal llama over Ml rave at Arlington FOR MILES vuulin Whenever you drivo mm the bridge Irom Washinglon Into Vlrllnln ghe mid you see tho Lea Mansion on Um side of lho hill In the distance When Carolina was very lltlle tho mansion was one the firm things she learned to recognize Now at nlnht you an see his flama beneath Iha mamlun lax mle= aw She said time people paid allcnllon lo lha new president and lhu naw um lady But the does not want them In large John Kennedy read of him only In dusty or bllker histories DISCOVER ANCHORS Skln divers 1n Bulgarln hnvo found manual of anchor that have plied up on one place over penlad at nhout L000 years For an hm shining mnmcx there was Camelot Give mother that new living room rug she has wanted for so long Dong wear lng good appcnrnnce CHRISTMAS PRICE OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Cnnndnr own standard of excel lence Smurtly deslgned cabinet with 23 screen superb tone and sharp picture CHESTERFIELD SUITE CHRISTMAS PRICE ch Mm tho lnallng com for of an our chnlr Chooso from up nolslcrcd CHRISTMAS rockm lo Sklnr Swlvcl or MICE Recllnln chain In brl hl FROM coloum Vlnclle durn Io Ind wnnlmhla Choose now whlln aclccllon Ia complcle DAVENPORT SET Spartan Ilracmore lhu monl hennlllul nullu of the year Thla wlll make the ulllmntc In or the flying UpllglulermiI In 05 34 IAYFIELD ST luv you In mu lun makellmulllmntc51mler CHRIST home Uplmlalem In out PM Malclnm You mun we llllll hbmillnif willror or the home deal or bed gluing mom upholaler ed In lurnblu nylon Tho Glh For Dld Pc French Provincial Sfilavllnor 9540 OTTAWA CF The Can dlnn Wildllfe Federation uld Wednesday the future or the barrenground grizzly bear In the Northwm Territories ha been endangeron by the open reason declared by the recent union or the Northwest Terr Iorlgr council here Slnca lho animal were pro tected by law in 1919 they hm recovered mm threatened pa aluon £9 much more nub alnnllll population which blo loxim esflmnta at 500 lo 700 Grizzly Bear Now In Danger HOME FURNISHINGS VOTE CHRISTMAS PRICE ROBERTS CHRISTMAS mca We designed main and goodlooking vnrlouu nlzcs CHRISTMAS PRICE In great may all kinds all colors all sizes Verbflo 10p Inlmuls he edenflon am In natalmm The legislation passed by the councll last month permit hunter to sham tho bear with out rutrlcttun Thu Cunadlan Wildllle Fed eration believes that the recent nation ha North es Terr wfles council jeopa has quit unnecesmily the turn or Ihu banenzmund make SUPPORTS SYMPHONY FREDERICTON CP The Frederlcton womens symphony committee has raised $10493 lime in amnion tn Septem ber ml The amount goes to ward the annual pmvlnclal 0b Jecllvo $50200 37900 239°° 295° The Mm of Bulk Your hlnrh or the man who wlll mi hrlam Gerald ROBERTS ALDERMAN WARD RoElece PA 82843 plum DEC 99

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