Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1963, p. 4

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Alumniad mom dm II run mm 11 um um 1m pumnl mun Innay AM nluulm unnm WAILI rnnm LnI mLum ll Merllxuofi MI ulm MI WILION Alufllulll MI NlVIIAI lll Alum nl MHIIAII DONNILIJ nullun Nu In mm my my um Ik mm NJ Yr mm In nmmn mm manlhl II 11 mum pol9mm nu It was an aid to party prunpccts In lho comlng elcctlonx beenqu ll signaled lho lradu unlons wllllnnncsa to run the La bor Inrty lo silvn the workers squnro doul under an nonmen policy 1110 union refund Io do his so long as Conservat lvon might be In charge the govern munl When lho Scarborough ucsluro wna bo WAGES BEFORE RESTRAINTS Christian Science Moniior the British Labor Party Conference ni Scarborough the trade unions made ioninllvo conlribuiion io puriy unliy by accepting policy of wage reairnlni This In course was underslood io ha conting cni on ihe pariya worklnr oui an incom cu policy or the whole nu ion ym uull Barrie Examiner Nov 29 1923 Ont ario Department of Education inspector issued report which highly praised Bar rie Collegiate Institute It read in part Under the capable management of Prin cipal Girdwood this school is rap id growing in attendance and prestige Simcoe County Council appointed James Jardine governor of House of Re fuge at Beeton Four men and one woman given heavy sentences for armed holdup ot borne Draper ot Fios Town ship and other robberies through the county Richard Garrett awarded building contract for Warren Organ Co resent site of bus terminal Young Jistrict farmer sentenced by Judge Vance in county court to 18 month for cattle rustling assaulted veteran police can stable while being handcuffed and receiv ed additional six months in Burwash Re formatory Harrie iioeke Club de cided to enter junior team is season Meeting at Vairs Tea Room elected Wait er Dutt president Simcoe Forest ers Regiment Company held dance at Barrie Armoury which atlraeted 130 mm co um um 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Their mission was to give Harvard mll llonso dollars but they gave it Instead to start new university in the West It Not wishing to impose on such an im portant person and such important time the man and wife got up and left lm mediately An illustration of how not to treat po tential customers or potential benefac tors is related by the Columbia South Carolina Record The Record recalls that nondescript con la showed up at the office of the pres dent of Harvard University years ago You will have It be brief the presi dent sald tarlly Im very busy man and can give you only few moments Sometimes it is possible to be fooled by appearances of affluence or the lack of it People who are dealing with the public can make grave and costly mis takes if they peymit themselves to be too much influenced by casual esti mate based on dress or mannerisms During this sevenyear eriod the Canadian Highway Safety ouncil con tends 150 lives were saved This is silderule assessment of course but it Deathhas never taken holiday dun lng thls special week but statistics indi cate that the number of fatalities has been reduced In the past seven years nearl 400 people were kllled during Safe rivlng Week an mm 56 during each campaignl In same seven years the normal tratflc death ex pectancy was 540 This is Safe Driving Week during which traffic authorities are endeavor ing to reduce the carnage onvtha hlgh ways The Barrie Examiner SaieDrivijngllWéek Aims To Develop Safety Habits Walk Publishufi Tourtesy Always Pays Well an Inn mu la II 1h IIM IId run om yumltd tub OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Pulillshedby dafiadlgn Nevfipipm Unified 18 Hayfield Styreet Barrie qmmo DOWN MEMORY LATE WIRon Gang Mama TUESDAY new fila Illunllonilrihmhulqu by melt 100 members Irlllmont donl Ipuk or underland ell er lllndl or mum LANOUAOI WOES SI Culhnrlncl Sllndml Canada having language woven bul hey no inalflnlllunt ln compman wllh than In lndln In Ihnt counlry lhe Inn dun demand that In oarllernrromlu of Premlcr Nchm to make Ind Ihe ucln nlvo national llngungn be honored Bnl Nehru mnlnlnlnl Enullsh 1119 ulnllo language llnklng mull lndlnns 1th could luny mean that want rcntrnln nllcrwnrd would be lnvlolnlo would hold some comfort or lorcu whlch are trying to combat lnllnllomry lcndcnclnx In Ilrflnln But his by no menu corlaln oxpurlcnco in my guide Now on It to underscore the uncertain niutude ot unlonlrcii worker towards an incomes policy come tho demnnda of tho railway unions tor pny adjustment which could theoretically run as hlxh no 10 per cent anti push up tho tores that Fassvhern munt pny It comes betoro nhor nrly victory to assured and well nhend of any Labor Parly incomes olicy So It indicates drive by one wet on 01 lnhnr for wage rim beloro wago rev trnlni can ho Ippiled lng mndo mnny Hrllons were reminded lhntlpromlsc made by unlon lenders or olllcul reasons have not Always been epl under Inter economic slrcss Tho Inst decmlo hns been marked by alrlkes which unlon leadership appeared help CHE 5m sufip and through Ill sdale the other urged Mill Road through Elmvale Clark Scolt of Al landale elected to Ontario Boys Parlle ment beating Reg Blacksiock and Char lle Hunter for seat lhe tamed An lo Canadlnn Concert Band from Huntsv lla packed Earrles Grand Opera House for concert sponsored by Women Teachers Association Norman lneson and Fred Clarke purchased Barrie Dairy from Barker and Allnndalo Delry rom Allen Normnn Coxworihe barn It ivy destroyed by fire John Snso and Sam Strnnsmnn dissolved partnership and The Grand Leader store now sole ly owned by Mr Saso George Pow ells Melody llien provided music ior dance at St llinrys Parish Hall Collier Si llllneslng defeated Barrio by two me in croklnolo mulch at Keenan and ennedy music slore cougles Music was bE the Winter Myers Orc estra from New reamland Theatre Lieut Alvin Hanmer was officer in charge of event No opposing deput ation appeared before County Council regarding roposcd new provincial high way from arrie to lung 051 group mummy magnum Now several other banks have called the story to the attention of their staff and asked the question Could he have come here first Losses do not often run lnto the mllllons for lack of coun tesy but many concerns lose profitable buslness because they fall to show ele mentary constderatlon and kindness the Carolina wnter concludes The old gentleman opened trust ac count for half million dollars few days later he named the bank excgutor torms $300090 wlll Hope 50 the man replied just left another bank where stood around for 10 minutes and nobody even spoka to me Just the other day an elderly man was seen wandering the comdors of Chase Manhattan Banks giant headquartera buttglng jn New York CanIhélginyou Sir courteous eqxngyee askgd ford was named or the donor Leland Stan Sale Driving Week could help to set pattern for motarlsts If it does then the associations efforts will have been successlul lf only 10 people or less escape death as result of this cam elgn the effort of the Safety Assocle on in cooper etlon with police wlll have been worth whlle lheeafety habit of one special weekcould have ltsqeffeet during the rest of the year If we exercise an ex tra degreeof caution for seven deyn we wlll have more reason to remeln pru dentvbehlnd the wheel when the drive comes to close does create basis for tha bellaf that concerteddflve will bring results But mn lhrn he dld Ml lenvu Inrllnmonl III In par lender Mlku lurlnn had Ionnrd In Idmlrlllon and lrlcndlhlp lor hlm and lnvilul him In um MI ulnl Illlnm with liunrlunl ln cldcnll Ink hrlplnl hlm mar pnrlllmtnlnry Ilrnmy Whm Ihn ml won pow nl lhl ye tlncllun Alln Mathchm Ionlarlty Ind prrltnco mlrhd hlm Nova Ho wan Irl elccltd Io lhl Home Common or hll homo own In ms ll lho 1K0 of at 17 qultl rnmpelenl Seal wu nnlzd van on tho overcrnwdrd Ind undrr cmployrd 1mm mcnl bark hrnthu you llllclm cl unulunl prnmlun lo won reelecllon In hm lubuquml nallonul cnmpnlinl Ind In lhe rtIII Dltlvnhnker mm mo ho wnl uclcmd by mm 10 mm After lrndnallnl St Franck leler nlvmfly Anllzonllh look further comm In economlc Incinl ul mm and Illch cconumy he unlvenuel of Toronto and Chicago Ind Muunchuulll Imllluto at Technnlozy Ho lllo did Wu 2an prolonsar and head of he depurlmunl cm numch nnd Ioclll menu Antigonlh Allan MacEachenl lamlly bnckgr ll upbringing And mining has been Ilmall cus tommade ll hlm or his pment Ink One 01 ha three mm Scollllh Calhoun coal minm In Cnpa Breton he Wll rcnrcl In Invcmeu Now Scallan cammunlt when llle Is an lncesunl hallo nznlmt lhe hardlhlp ol poverty and the humd ol the mlncl lhII lava him an underllndlnl Iympathy or the workm and In alllnlly to lho labor movement In lrnlnlnl both Itholnsllc and rnrlllmenlnry has been lho dell upprnnlimhlp Ill39113 non POLITICS Yet the new minister has shown nkiii andmt in hand ling dliiicuil naiionnl and inieh nauonni probiomx and in ap Kmnliy reaching lucceu ho buiil um hiihrria minor lovemment portioiio inio one oi major importance and im raised his own Inpuiaiion to he on of lilo major luccessu in tin new cabinet pun to ba working out TM least II he opinion Canadlu lnhor minister Hon Allan MIC Enchen who took over that porllalla rookie In lha nummzr that wan perhapl labor most difficult eu By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAAlter mmmu at worry about the Great Lake Ihtpptnz and all 311th my between Ottawa and Wash tnltnn about the Great Lake Inhar situation the xovemment plan to restore calm through lrustceshtp ugly Ip OTTAWA REPORT Minister 01 Labor snows Great Skill When You Try DoingThingS Around Th5 House Dec no The French caluny Mnurillul nn llllnd In he lndiln Octan wnl mmld cred mnlhmnl Ihrcnl llrllllh Vultll In he lndln rude untll Ill nplum by IM Brlllah In can an lo Inyln mo pan mlur Mon pence balmen lJrlh nln and anu In 1m nnmn pnumlon II lnnd VIII confirmed ma mly Tho Illnfl Imd bern Clllld llo do Franco by lhl Frenth who hnd tlllmrd II In l11l wmm tom of MI headlined cnblnel calleuuu hlv ken Ihelr Itm ecllpled durln he Slxly Den of Duhlon In lub loquenlly Hon Allan MlcEn zhen ha mldehll Ilar blue Incceu lhbitlnllllel hll promlu Looking Ahead the next ma nr task he think Ihould be to nlllala plan In lake advantage of IN many Ind better Jab which will be created by auto mallon no Flinnan Mun Consul Ivo Service And nnllclpatu an avid uulln uon of he Irowlnl admin or lnlniniu InTho Immhlp Kl Inlyl mde wllh Illu pel Exploded mllu norm Shuuhll IIHI Inn of about Moo Hm n7 11m CANADIAN PRESS Amid III the present urging that Camdllnl should be bllim uual mu Interested to non um he flucntly billnzunlr MI nmfly may make Guile home In his childhood and coyflfha IE English mlllndmlmon In or nnlml In Cnnldl under Clnldlun lhdmlnlon Anmlnllon Wllh the rut 10nd of he In bor depmmenk ha Iu hld hul one day of In ll monthseven on Sundnyl he put In Icvunl hour of work 01 club little med bl lawnIll dalecuvc naydgfllllo rend no live nlona In an apart ment carved out one the Inn lamlly home which Ill ONIWII once Inshlonnbla Sandy H111 dlltrlcl anlnz 0000 an MP plus 017000 cabinet mlnlllzr he rank Pmlhmen Hills mos ell glble bnchelar And he In hnusemlned bachelor loo whn prepare his own bmklm evzry dayconshllnl what damn would deplore an In adequate men come and cognflnkei Seal 0vaqu rfipresentallvo inJhagablnel TODAY IN HISTORY LACK lENAlOILI Yukon Tcrrllory Ind lhI Norlhwru Tcrriloriu ulgrmnl luck rrpmenlntlnn In CI mdlnn anle God In no rumkv pm IomMll 10 The oulwrd tondlllon of pi whether black or whllt all or poor 1mm nr Ilupld hmaul or lowly mean not an whll lhu nun with which an held In Godl light lb candillon lhe Inul whrlher tlzhleom or wlckedmurdlnl to fifdl Ilnndardl lhll munll with It L1 belie dllld home than be an Inmate one When Jesus Iald Sulfa mu daildm to come unto me Ha dldnt dhcrlmlnlle iavu menamem Jew or Genllln Who In WI to woman 11le How an penon be Min of what HEM Ind whnl ll wmng when he buy lottery lid 21 and acccpu wlrminu and goes to church luv Ith pm zon or vlrluo fllunllnl law all the had and church BIBLE THOUGHT wrer men 1511 much TV In an morning Who but person Who has been denled child can know the anguish person zoel through Io pm someone on the adoption board who has hwwn through expeflence how these people feel instead mneomt who may feel Ihey are blend the own lamlly remain at lwn or Ihm Because man wu lumen enough admit he was an nuns 15 ha ha been denied child to Adopt and yet his wife is Ohm And who but he mother of the world mould ma child viewpolnt toward NH loll And In church Father It usually hunting fishing or 1011 lux as the season permlh or II in chmh to save In nrzumeM mm antfpyygy What mockery Mm In pow er nuke sdopuon law It pulecuy eulble to mix not in woman but never religion Dgnr Sir LETTERS TO EDITOR MIXED MARRIAGE ADOPTIONB Scullhh nowupnpc In tn lmlr nillunch In lrylnl find man or lhll Job In Canada And he mull or Kit hrmce ha Mme that mull him Ml on look And um park nulhoduu to man Ngwmrnns IIEU Unlorlunllely with the put an yum the Atlantic wind and 1h hunk wenlhn hnva llk en loll of tho collage Ind the old bulAIndbun no lonur will ll uud to be 11 than In lane mm It ml ark ulhorlllu determined to ll rMhnlched But they have been unlbla lo Hm quil Hled lhnlcher In Canada So nmr remnrkuhlc om In beinl mndc lo Scot wha ll nullified la la out In Cine Drclon 1mm and pul now lhalch on the km llllllnl The collate In an nulhenllc hulnndbcn he Scolllsh him right up to IL hatched roof ll lhl showpiece ol the Cape Brelon Ith Nullanal Puk Every ear ll mum lhomnndl Vlilnn from othar part Cnnadl and mm the Unlled sum well our htl mm Scotland Mmy 5col mnka pilgrimage lo lhll met In Caps Breton Inland becausn fihera they can 12 um they really luck It boml Minnch emuAsa collage In In quiet vel Iey Imldel the hllll Cape Brelon Inland 1111 Valley In deed mlm well be Ien In Iha hllhlandl of Scotland has all the phyllcal alum or Ill compnrlmn Near the venue highland mean or burn lum bles dawn pIannd glen ll rest In shndmv mm hllll lc WW Icena can be found Inywhere 1n Scot lnnd Ya II healed In the heart of lhll lelund all the mall lnnd of Nova Scolln 2500 mllee mny 1mm Seollnnd EDINBURGH Scotland Up in the highland oi Scotland mrch in loin on to ilnd man who is qualified or spec illc 1017 which will give him In Illexpense paid trip taCanad with lucrative lab work to do whlia there The nun who is wanted must bu Mimualimd Highland thatcher and he ll wanted to put new thatch on quiet lhlzilng MIKE in the Cape Breton inland Highland National Plik ELECTRIC HEATINGWORM Ammmmg ll Mia Md link Intelligence come Mn the depmmenc at land Ind oxem The department hu been cognllng moose on were made Jun or this one llzld now than would be In outcry M9952 ynoamw major pmbléh In Ontario in tgem mom and hunter IL 1ch widely admitted here that Mn And annually the chm problny wlIl be mnda But not In hurry One dlylt will be decidad lrma1 ravhlon ha quuor required Pmbnbly commutes will handla It And it wll recommend um omdnl arkgm legalized oTIIceIf DON 011sz mRomnn the vhalldny lamaMum Mac Ind hwbrmlnm In the next law week may people in lha pmvlncl will bl gain Co Mllce parties when llqgarh lyvgd REPORT FROM UK QUEENS PARK Had um an estimated Human noon YulgSeésohlerings Inlractions fliifw IW Ill 15 bmkm um UChllfltml Highland Thatcher Sought For Canadh MMlllll llYllll0 VIII YOUR PM HIGH NIAGARA The Canadlm IN Nina Full on of the warld largest animal ed high lb 13 lldl 17 Mum mu Nu II will to lame extent be lovely Iran balldny lar the lucky man But what probably more lmpaflnnl he wlll earn the gratitude dwusandl Scull and of ma Guileweak in people the Island who can unaware the dream home In the mu hlflllnnd Ihlel tnl 2500 mum away if he can lound there wlll be his lo Canndn with all expenses pal iccammodallnn tar Mum and tampon or hit mamInk 0n lop all that lubtlanllal he will he requires some mukluzd Mg will be pmvlded Cm Breton peep of Seoul lino aza who may have tome know ledn the elementary mu fulfilling turn that the job done 1th enllclfly Scottish down to flu In den hlva Illpulated that he brlnz his own ltrnw and med wth Mm torn Scollnnd £09pr Bram Island rm ome mun Youll Autumn The Dlflcrnu um nnlmu hm will malt In your appur nnrel Out hmbm nu pm In Ihnlcver Ille tul you prelnl N0 WAITING 1000 PARKING ADULT llAlRCUTI 313mm nmund from um me old the chum car ries on 8h amodem hen thel up lo date She lays em on Ihe run Like 11 all hel busy Io bmy wheres the fun 039 The my mm 1111 WE the wax The mu red when hu WE HAVE EXPANDED ISHERS BARBER SHOP BARBERS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 35

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