Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1963, p. 14

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Cliliilfl IIIIIIIIrIriyirrirliligliuurllvii In Irviuvvxyivuiruivrrrrl In Dunlap ta um tamer um ll ma Ihmln IIIlIIII1 FOII YOUR IHUSIMAS TIIIZES 5c0lch llnrs 51mm The crow sum 10 to 11 deep on sidewalks and cheered Thcy rat Iheru amIIiIJgFrcsl dcnl Kennedy Governor John Cunnally Trxax and their wlvcssnylng what line wel come the Kennedy had been givzn alter all WAS ENJOYING HERSELF VI sum Ins aIllclal Acllllles after Ihe death of her Infant sop hm mnnlhs ago hnd not been on speechmaking our since 1960 was her In leII to Texas She shook hands reely vinthe crowds wan cheers with 73 word speech In Spanlsh and ad migleq she was mjayinx cums palgmng They had exrcclmi rouble In Republican Dales ccnlre of pollllcnl conservatism hul their recepllnn was byeing dtscrihed Mr President they cant makn you helieve now lhal here an not some in Dallas who lave and appnciata you aald Governor Connallys wile Nellk You should know you sure cant laid lh prcxldcnl ru lhc big car laklnu them to lunch can at the Trade Marl ap prnachcd Ihe alxsloray Texas ichnul Depository building nl vmn pm Mrs Kennedy cried on Oh no us her husband cl hack lac down on Ihe hack lent blood spurtan from wounds In highcnd and neck Sh mm In ufihlm and ma hendlnlhe lag Oh my God The my hugbnxd Jack name or the hnndlome 46yar nld man who had been rmllinx hcsldv her momcnlr before But John Kennedy lhr man Ihe had married 10 fem ago never regained corn oumru and Balsam Amly LLOYD CUNHM Ill BTATION mu RIM III uy Inclu lllvlll rlllh lNISUAI illTS F0 YOU MAN eLI Luhm Ilmmlm unl ul ul mam hydro um um plu nhlu man ham and IH In equlvnnnl WASHINGTON AP Sht chose any pink suit that day and was Isle xetling slatted Her husband explained her absence usva thousand chcurIng Texam Mn Kennedy busy organ 111m hexsell he confided in an 345 am yallllcal appearance It lake mu longer you know but Ihen she lunks so much better than we dn Then was lhu inevitable bou quei oi red me President and Mm Kennedy arrived in Dallas Tex that ilir Friday of Nov 22 The red clashed with the pink her waol suit and pilflwx hni cy slapped IMo llm Mn dark blue cvnvcrliblc Ihey had shared on many sum 0ch sions and Ihe winding 11mlle mflorcadc began IIOTS RING OUT Suddenly Ihzre were lhuse hree sharp crack that sounded kc fireworks Jacqueline GavelJFKa His Greatesftl memorial Vllll GIFTS In the fullnwln Ilnry lnncu Lewlnfi AP met who covered hi Ivltlu Mn nunnun Kennedy durlnn her While lloule yun mm lhe tanner flnl Indyl ordeal mm he am ol the any on which Prenldenl John Kenntdy wn Illnsslnnnd ln Dllm through the in en nervlce In anhlnzlon The IcEVrclnrvlcrar mm who Curllng Needs Skl Apparel Scml Formal Dream Accusarlcn Lounge Wur LENAS LINGERIE AND SPORTS WEAR By FRANCES LEWINE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STONE WEITXV GIFT SPOTTER Here Is Your Christmas in had been wilh herrlor hm urn came leaping over 111 tank of the ear to throw him no sprcndmnglnd over Ihcm Mrs Kennedy reached hand to help him covEnNon slim arbullat ElanImed Inlo hll back Connnlly shunted My lheyro going to kill Get this cau out of here mapped an agent And the II mnuslne made breakneck dafll or Parkland Hoxpllal Mrs ed cradled her husbands head and wept Vhep she walked with His stretcher In the hospital emergency mm the blond stained her pink um and naked one stocking As she waned ouulde the emerzcncy room while doctor made their lulile emuls Mu Kennedy seemed know her husband wal dying She was clued and shocked medical stuckm lalcr dc scribed Mrs Kennedy The look In her eye was like an animal that had been trapped like mu rabhltbrave bu car was In hm cy But invhcr grief Mrs Kan nedy remembered nlhcrs She thanked the priest who admin lslered last tiles Pray or him Kennedy aha begged PRAYS Wllll OTHERS Ilcr vole was clear and aud Ible she said rcspunses lo prnycra wtih others There were no hysteria In the 75 hours rum Ken nedys death until his cnflin was lowcrcd inm grave at Arling an Nallonal Cemetery Monday Nov 25 Mrs Kennedy ral spared liglle Th dull and luncral 01 Ken nedy and his widows aria wore publlcvdlsplay 60 10 WASHINGTON Sllghlly more the 90 mlnulca altar Kennedy had been when to Parkland hospital hl body was cnrrled out Near on lrnnce Mu Kennedy walked bcslae and entered cream calorcd ambulance or pallet escorlcd dash to Dallas airport where Ih presldonlial in plane walled lo lake the Ilaln presi deht Ila Washlnutnn Inside 27 person crowded lnIa the uoldurpctod presiden tial compartment Vice Presi dent Lyndon Johnson and his wile moved to clasp Mn Ken nedyl hands In deep emnflnn she Arrlvcd Al Andrew Force Base In Maryland grant ungnlnly yellow carua lllt lowered Kon nodys coliin with Mrs Ken ncdy standing busldc it holdlng liglully la the hand or her brmherl In lnw Alorncy leIIlIII1li1I1I1I 01 lMflIIIF quuuuuuwI Very Unpsual Giiu The world knew the yrivatc and tnuchlng moment the hospital when Mu Kennedy had learhllly klsscd her hus bands lifeless lips and mu her weiding ins Ian his Ilnggr Her first public appearance Ihe grieving wile was mmd lhm blood slain null on her clolhing as Johnson took the oath of qlflce pa preshij Mn Kcnncdy in bi 1an ncdyx colIIn on thu LEWmile qu Journey General ohmn5 hmncdy Thur the bronze mm clnsed never to be opened again in public Dnnhw Iuml lur Every Occasion CIIII ymvpig Crym THE GIFI IVSHEII WILL MlfllK NomfAN SH winj Md hi THE GIFT SHOP STRANSMANS znI mu muuimmnmwm Sllmx Shlrln nr unls Ski lnckclu Sklrln SwEnlcrn klmls IA lumu FOR THAT SPECIAL GAL IN YOUR LIFE GIVE FILTER QUEEN fnw um that mm Lllollmo Mun wlm any mum Fllx lrr hm youll mrlvo cm IIM mum rulmll rte limp In and Ice um NLW snow She began almosl ax cute to plan the tunerIL Shrappmved flu hyrlal In the mom Ar linglon Cemereryl 128000 dud she requested an eternal flameIn his memory she started discussing plan or monument Her ice Llhowed her anguish but Aha reulnedcnmpnlure wms AT HOSFHAL grey navy ambulance look lhem lo BeLhasda Naval Hospl tal For almost 10 hour Mu Kennedy wailad there while doctor peflormed annutapay and the presidents bodywnl prgparedm hnrinl Mrs Kenned stayed here because Ihe dd not want to leave the body aide said She tagknu Mamet umnuulrllb Mn Kenneéy chm In pat tern Kenned uneral alter QM ol Abr gm LIncnIp lhn llarly marlyfid almost 100 yum 59 II was announced there would marching procession to tho nncral mass and Mrs Kennedy aald Ihe would walk behind the harse drawn caisson hearing the body It was believed to be the lira lime presidents wl dnw had done this At 425 ls hours after Kennedy was shatMrs Ken nedy brought her husband home to the White House Mrs Ken nedy would not change her clotho and the bloodstalned bach was there as she followed the cotliu Into the White House PRAY AT COFFIN In lhc rotunda Mrs Ken nedy wllh deep clrclu under her eyes hcr Incc anguished hm dclermlncd lonk Carolinas hand and went to kneel and kls the comn Mrs Kennedy was back al pm In kncd and kiss the col Iin whlle the line of muurncrs watched hau and unflinching through must lhc lung pag eanlry Hut twice Ican lillcd ha eyes Tear came when Mrs Ken nedy had to walk lullle down lhc cnlhcdral aisle wh le lha body was placed on he caluan for lheulnn rldu lo Arllnglun The next day Mrs Kennch took her two children Caroline now and John Jr tn pray at the coffin in the East Roam Then more Ith 4000 friends olflclnls wngrcssmen diplw mats stall members and re porters came to pay respects in daylong downpnur rain that seemed to symbolile the tra xcgy undny Mu Kennedy took her cnlldrcn wearing pale blue coal in conlrasl her widows black to ride in the procession to deliver Kennedys body to He Inhstme In line 94117119 rutundu She Icti the body hm or 250000 people see In less than 24 haursv TEARS FILL EYES The mum Eiffmnday the third blnhday of John Twelv hundred had been In vited to SI Mnflhcw Cathev dral whcre Richard Cardinal Cushlng who had marrcd the Kennedy bulked hcir chll drcn nnd said the funeral mnss ailnfanl Patrick oflidnlcq Camlinc wept John Jr hardly able to rnsr he algnil lemma It all ulcd the cum In the uthcdrnl VIIIVIIIVIFIYVIYIIIIIn 32 35 vvvyyvvvvyyyyrryvrryU lhnl Women Apprcclnle Most LINtFnIE SPOIKTSWEAn Hos AC 5360an GUMICONS BLOUSIZS Uu our aymwny Wm ArdSedmn mead until mm helm Mllculm NONE PA M4 FILTER qunm ULIETTES SANM CMUS STALLED FROHISHER BAY NV CPI Tha RCAFs Operallon Santa Claus has been mulled In Ihe hu norlh by mechanical pmhlcms llmiled vlsiblflly and wlndx up In 70 miles an hnur On the our mnlou on Hercule lransparl which szlrl hula 12000 pounds Christmas Iupplles la Arctic pasts Iallcd In start allot the aircraft lnnded here durinz lhe weekend PREDICTS NUCLEAR POWER EXTEND svnwmw MONTREAL CF Mayor Jenn Drapeau In lelegram Saturday to Mayor Phlle Given Toronto expressed sympathy over the death of Tor unlanians killed In the crash DCaF jet 20 miles from Man rcal he mm of killed In the crash 70 were from Ike Toronto area WASHINGTON AP The Snvicl Unlan should have our nnmicaL mmpciiiivc nuclear power bcinLn 196870 Savlu nuclear export mid Saiurday The prospect is roughly the same iur lhe United Sinicl Soviet delegation ended it our oi US atomic insinllnlians BECOMES 161 STATE KOHIMA Indlu MP Thu lnrbnlcnl zone Inhnhlled by Naga lribesmon In easum In dia became llm cnunlryl mm mm Sunday Carving Nagalnnd mm icpnralc llnlo II one he Nehru governmcnll clfam lo wcnn nwny Ihc loyal from hosllle Mellon demand nx wvmlgn slule lndcvcnd cm New Dclhl MINIIRS KILLED WARSAW lalund lAPLFlvo wen killed nnd levernl other inJum Saturday when In cle valor use ml down man In Um mulxlnnkow coal mlnn near Kalowlu fin llltlr home Saturday nlgm lnllcc xnld ll mmcd uppnrcnl lhnl Danuld Stallard despairan mcr um den III wile kond hin no chlldrm will rifle hay IIrKl and hen lumcd lhe gun on Imscll lollce nld lhe will nppnrcnlly dlcd brloru lhu thu nulurnl camel IIH POOLE THEM llIIIHLES Smllnnd cul emFrmwll Mnlhlwn wtan In 501 by doctor dlnxnofln Icrloul hurl complnlnl Ink ll any or you wlll ml 1le Inna wax 01 Salurduyn nIlrnl hullh KKOIJE MMKEN IIELMIADE Yuxnllnvll IAID Twu Illxm lnmo Ilmok IE enrlhqunka um luul my Sknpju lvldny and Sulurdnx Ilruurll Sunday unld llm mmku mum no damKI Igul hwuahl llle lolnl number IIUIW CITYH AGE VANCOUVER ICII lwll II In dllllul In Mcmurlll lmk ch lmv lxy lllo Ecolov Icnl mlcly 11 Canada In In IHrmpt la dommlnv he an al pm Iml umlrr lha park lluprd lhc lml may lrll munc Ilnnu Klu mnn llulnl hi my IIHMONH UHZHIINHB VANCOUle ICII mlslum cum Illlu will unln IMI yrar ln nutHum In mldrnll nml Inllorl Irmml ahIpr In Vanumver humor ll wlll can chlhlnnl ham Ind ilht Ml nnuu nl iuméir Ymuhn lhu my wu dulmyed on July In 90 ONE If TIIK FMNK UTIIAFFOIIIIV um UllHel Allan huh annlnl why mmflm he lounflul rnluntm In brl um worl Imlu lor ol Slyllardvlllc nlud Mumz lug MUN my 1m mm diam Ibo belle Dr Irwln Miller right Columbus Inclv president or the Miami Council 01 Chur ches tnlh wlth Dr Edwin Espcy New York NY Councils general secretary balore Dr Miller delivered mun FOUND DEAD NOISVLE NJ Am WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CHECKING SPEECH AS CHURCHMEN CONVENE that he Is dlflerenl Hes never had call during church serv lce however and says he wouldnt leave then was one BIGGEST IN WEST NORDEGG Alla CPLNo huge meta culvert thnt carry the BI Horn River under Illgh way 11 near here are Ihe larg est ever Installed In Vcslem Canada They are 20 ed In dlamelcr and 274 set Iong weighing In lam ench STILL CRANKING EDMONTON CF About 43500 Alheflal 470000 lelc phanc subscribers sllll crank rnlhtr than dial lhelr cle phnnes Alhmn Government Telephone say he entire prov nce will have direct dinllng by 1068 OUT OF STEP REGINA CWThe municl mm Sherwood which aur mundx Regina dmcrn Item must Canadlan ccnlrc In that It doesnt want In allrncl new Industry Rccvc llcnry Zlnkhan and Um munlcipalllyl nix coun clllorl lee bunlnqss would over almduw he predominance nrmlng lhc area They are all Inrmm TOP SIUDENT VINNIPEG CPIChm Jul llce George Trlluhlcr Mun Inbal Conn Quccn Bench has recclvcd lhe mllor Sumn alu award ha Wlnnlpcg Fly mg Club hlcl Jusllcc Till Ichler 62 wn one lo who rcccivui lhclr wingl WATER EVERYWHERE CM DE LA MADELEINIJ Quc CWWnlcr purlllcnllvm costly pmblcm or many Qua lm mmmunlllel he can 01 MI cm warrlu Dnllm have TORONTO $200 $230 $200 VANCOUVER $4000 $4400 $4000 prlnclpal addrun opening passion the weeklong blen nlal General Assembly 01 the Cauncil In Philadelphln Sun day nighth his address Dr Miller declared Jhe most dan Examplesoneway RED WEUUFE BLUE ALL COACH SEATS 0N SUPER CONTINENTAL RESERVED IN ADVANCE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE BARRIE TO For hmhor Informnlon phonon Mp4 PA 66525 NEW RAIL FARES struck It 13m wall capable of lupplylng 500000 gallons daily Analyals has disclosed the wnler How in mineral content and requires no purification treatment CLUB GROWS SOREL Qua CF Admir ers lawslung flavoured hound knnwn us the beagle are multiplying rupldly here The SL Planc Beagle Club qundcd In 1962 by hundful rahbll hurl oW clnlm mare than 50 members CLAIMS RECORD NOIIINGIIAM England CPD Insurance agent Tom Colplus has claImtd the plp nmoklng thumplonship Erik He made 32 grams ol hr last 85 mlnuies 56 mln um ianzer lhnn the previous geraus hlnsle chiraclerlsuc Americas present locier In that we are In our right becoming up pwple ru clally economlcnny and mor ally AP erephnlo CANADIAN NATIONAL Iheso uxamplos show you how you can cut your lravol coals and sun onloy all he comlorls CN modem mll trqvol Plan your lvlp on Red Whllo and Blue day from CW new Calendar Days Pnisonguls hnldlng parlor color Ileoplng cur accommodation tocoiva complimentary meal on Iralns cayrying m¢a sorvlcu cars pm II 330 pm BRING YOUR lmlE PEOPLE TO MEET HIM ll THE Emmi EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER WATERLOOV OnL CHRo bin Russeii president on On tario Universiiy Liberal Feder ation laid Sunday name can didates in the Ontario election campaign presenled poor im nga oi tile Liberal party Report were received that Vuome mulled bum at pubflc meetings some were rumpled dress while olhers were am claled with undeslrable eh menls ML Russell Wam loo Lutheran Unlverslly arts nludent told the edernllonl tall commune Sourc se to the govern ment said the arrest allowed dlxclosura lhal MahlknKnlnndn had provided Kalnnxn Prnv lncca exiled former president hlolse Tshambe Cungolce passport without consulting or 5119 gnvg nL LEOFOLDVILLE The Conic AP Forclgn Mlnlsler Aug uste Mablknknlnndn was dls missed Mm Mice and ar rayed Sundgy Radio Leo ndvflle annuuna in the dlsm 5531 said Promlul Cyrille Adauln was personally laklng charge of The Congos Inreign policy TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mm Congo DismisSes Foreign Minister Liberals Gcwxie3 ALPOOI Image THIS SYMBOL MEANS CASH WHEN YOU NEED IT Yes this symbol rhphaenu cash up $3000 even more for any worthwhile purpose Niagara has over 235 nfliceu mm coast 141com and theres one nearycu Rcmcmheg Njngam thu dependable source at cmh Sleeplnfl Car SpICD Extra 1h lunnl AlLCInIdlln Cflnlumll Lulu CompA1 colllar Phone In um 11 calmnu Phone xzusu cumma lluxanmln Man In NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY llMITED EATONS SANTA CLAUS TOMORROW plays host to Cell the group that dld not want John Wlnturmeyer leader helped the Comer tlvex more lnlhe past provlfli cinl election than they helped the Liberal organization Mr Huge uatd He mentioned no cnndidntei bynnme One oi Illa 50 delegates mm 11 universities and college Iaifll more ram thauid be taken in niqciing pqndidalex mm mmwum Many delegates said former Liberal leader John Winter mayor who resigned after hil defeat at the polls was badl Iadvised by his campaign organ 2m later Jde LnMarsha entry le5 lhcflcamvalgn dld no help the PL The dclcgalcs favored lormen federal works minister Ruben VIqlm by alal margln an the next leader the pravlnt m1 parly poll showed diherl said that Health Mini SALES Ind SERVICE All Typn OI HEATING EQUIP uullnz and Mr Condluonln Adzllldc PA um BOWENS 24HOUR SERVICE

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