5119 more from Published by Canadian Newspapers limited v10 Bayfield Street aarrta to It wuls Publisher ratnav Novatsaaa to in Ontario Alf II wilno General Manager Panf Ontario BedrSfrBigjLoctd OldiAge PensionyPlat1 Vho slons Every Canadian who has any taxabla income sends three per cent of It four or cent startln next year to Ottawa gram the pool nto whichthese pay ments flow money is sent out from 0t tawa at the meet $75 month to every pays folCanath old age pen one over 70 it is not so obvious but oguaity true that different kind of trans er is going on In the same old age pension scheme As well as transferring money from all taxpayln Canadians to all ovon70 Can adians scheme operates to transfer money from one part of the country to another the Strat ord BeaconHerald re orts Ontario must be paying in proportion ateiy more than Newfoundland pg in it can be assumed because Onta In comes are bi ger Therefore three per cent of an ntario income puts more money In the Ottawa pool 0n the pay ingout side British Columbia gets more proportionately because more old eople move to British Columbia than Ontario and more $75 monthly che ues go there in proportion to pop ulatIon from the poo money at 0t tawa The figures which Indicate the extent to which this other kind oftransfer is going on have been sorted out of the 1962 taxation statistics in an actuarial bulletin published by William Men cer Ltd They reveal an interesting pic ture of what is going on in this country to shift money around from province to province Seven of the 10 provinces the figures show are making good substantial gain In purchssln power from the na tional pension sc ems One province Quebec is just about breaking even Quebec taxpayers send about asmuch toOttawa In threepercent levies on their taxable incomes as Quebec pen rioner cheques No provinces Alberta andIOntario are carryingthe load and Ontario is carrying the big end of the load Alberta supplies 72 cents of each doi Iar going in and gets 07 cents of each dollar that comes out again Quebec near breaks even on this asepect of federa welfare but ends up ng on the giving side by fraction along with Ontario and Alberta On th giving side 210 cents of each security tax dollar Is paid by Quebec residents on the taking side 211 cents of each pension dollar goes to Quebec residents New Brunswick and Nova Scotia do wall on the deal each province doubles its money New Brunswick pays to 17 cents of the dollar and gets back 34 its Scotia pays in 28 and gets back Whenever we hear provincial politici ans In other provinces yeiplng about greedy Ontario that gra all the in dustries and all the good jobs its as well to keep in mind the other side of the picture The old age pension scheme is one example of the way Ontario car rles the loa while seven provinces of 10 come along for the ride Knowledge Law Needed litany people today seem to have no respect for the law and therefore have no concern when they break It Various attempts havebecn made In an effort to curb the steady increase of law break ers Althou little success has been seen in most folds William McGrath execu tive director of the Canadian Correction Association has devised plan which could be the answer to revolt of the North American teenagers Mr McGrath plans to ask school au thorities to Include law instruction In the curriculum Young people today have no knowled of the law and there fore no respect or it hestated This is definitely step in the right direction and this plan is one of the best to come to light in some time In prob lems such as these we need to get head start in order to combat It including the basic fundamentals of law in the curriculum would allow the students to get better insight into the laws of our country which ma help keep some of them out of troub ignorance could be one of the chief reasons wbyksome people break the law and once ls corrected those being fined or jailed may be on the wane it might also help if young people could observe our courts in action Very few pee le see the inside of court room unless ey are brought in for some mis demeanor Ono glimpse of flouth being sentenc ed for misdeed ouid be enough to give most people second thou hts before they go about breaking the aw DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAVS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Nov 25 1043 Sim coo County Council decided to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first meet ing 1843 by erecting suitable memor Ial centennial entrance to court house in Barrie Special committee headed Warden Orvl to Todd Barrie Co lcglate institute was making plans to re ebrato lLt 100th anniversary next week Principal Arthur Girdwood was welcoming former students to the centennial events which begin on Sun day Nov 28 with parade of cadets to school for commemoration service and dedication of flag lifonday was Open ilouso at the school with eclal dis glays and ovonts and start of entonnisl cltolarshlp hind German sources throu the lied Cross informed Mr and Mrs Kelly of Thornton that their son Pilot Officer Albert II Kelly to ported lost In air action July this year was buried In the French Cemetery at Polx Somme Town Council placed four areas In restricted to residential class Lesilo Chlttlck olcctcd resi dent Bsrrio Kiwanis Club Fll Sgt Frank liIcCutcheon former Cl stu dent reported missing after nir opcrn tIons over Germany ilugh Ptsxton cutCommander inspected Barrio boa Cadet Cor Nav Vcck vus colo bratcd in own Plot Officer Elmer Dungorv winner of DFC returned home lo was reported mlssln after sir operations In July but turne up In The Barrie Examiner Authorirod II Md clue Mali run Dutc Dopsrlmcnl Dill ans fn payment If youll In lundlsl and Itllultly little IINNHII WALLI Vlcrll If WILION Mtfllllil Ill IAIN WILION Al mall Nausea MLIIIAK lllLl Alrolllnl MIIIIAKI DOKIILLV lffgllliivl Hull lumttpunn rat nIns no 70 all met liltth lutallo mlllll Illlllh volslbw ll mi till no Mlgn in II year 0mm an Uphill Ava Toronto rain nt aimi lumen ttu that outst aims viruses lumen oi tht ca Ill psiir tin our Put mu Ilaentice no cmadlal he an up or CImiaIIoM mm me la llrllslvfl entitled to the masticnon or all am new In tau wt tmtisn II it so Th4 Ano mo Pro or tm are also the tout am noncl Maia 1min England in October after escaping with hot of underground bomber pilot wit many aortles completed he was cited for courage and coolness County Council approved fiveyear post war lan with Ontario government for on log $000000 on roads Student plot from Kitchener killed In crash of training plans from Camp Iiordcn near Everett lilany deer seen but few shot In en hunt this week In Slmcoo Count cal men who bagged one In clude Vic fheakston llarry Iowa and Ross Bertram Barrie Arena mans or Salter reported to board of Ir ectors that summer dancing had provid ed good profit Revenue from skating last winter was record but hockey was down Smith was reelected presi dent Nursing and public health lan for rural areas advocated by Schoo In spector Roy fichIttlo for Slmcoo ouniy OTHER EDITORS VIEWS USED CAR STATUS isudbur Star business re or which tells of shortage of us can In Canada also indicates subtle trend makln laelf felt In the used car market it that more poo to are using their old car as secon car when they purchase new car This to not as strange as it sounds Many parents consider It bottsr busi nets to permit sons and daughters to learn to drIvs with the old car than to rink damage with the new car Further more there Itss been trend to lthar families for some time and as long as the older car In In good condition tnoro valus Is obtained by driving It titan by turning it in SLAUOHIII HUMANS ibondott Free Ireasi illgitway deaths In North America have more or loss lovollod off at around forty thousand year another millionplus are maimed or Iniured Safety com at as have succeeded only in holdin Is II es to that figure and human as ure being what it any improvement In Improb able It is easier to deplore Ibis slaughter than to do anything to reduce back In monthly pension nu OTTIIWII REPORT Says No Move Made To Overt Patronage PATRICK NICHOLSON OIIAWA I1to federal de partment of public works has at times been regarded as the most flagrant and scandalous gravy bowl Into which poiiti clans try to dip their fingers and pull out of it plum of patronage Ten years ago the Liberal prime minister appointed Rob ert Winters as minister of pub lic works and he made some progress in cleaning up the old patronage system Then In the Diefenbaker government the department was taken over by Howard Green who abhorred patronage as vigorously as any Old Testament sin Recently It has been charged that under JeanPaul Desdtatclets the de partment is returning to the pro Winters system of patronage The parliamentary secretary to liir Deschalelets Is It iIu bert liadanai Liberal MP for Fort William who Is respected by him of all parties and rrc ognited as burgers of un exceplionablo principle FAIR 10 FOL have noticed how fair llad anal has been to his political fees when new federal build ing It being officially opened In their constituency For example Conservative MP Charles Lamb was Invited to play prominent role In the ceremonies marking the opening of such building Lindsay Ont Similarly lld Nasserdcn was honored when similar building was opened at Duck Lake Soak And next month hlsdlll will take his position similarly at the opening of federal buidlng at Orangovilis in his Ontario con stituency of Dufferln slmcoc Ihua licrt lindanal has insisted titnt these three Conservative Mls should be recognised and not be deftly snubbed by being omitted from the list of honored guests at government ceremon for In their constituencies This is welcome swing away from subtle form of patron age under the old dispemotlm In the department of public works It would have been the defeated Liberal candidate rather than the Conservative IIII who would have been thus honored Agnintl Ihls hnckground lilttd first lisdanal about this charge that his department is swinging back to overt patron age Nonsense he replied The truth Is that In my view there Is no minister in tho lrnrson cahincl who It more fair and honest than JoanInul Ilcarhatl rlcls From the very first IIIY of my association with film appreciated his leadership to wards clcnning up all realism of socalicd patronage lrcsaura for special ronaIdtrallon on pol Iilral grounds Ia frowned upon by the minister and restated by himself myself and by thev officials the department IIIJI lllllNOIlflJJ This admirable policy must be hard to follow livery kll wants wharf or poll ottim or federal building somewhere in his roostilumcy to be weird of the uprnae of lhr taxpayer liut individual rnrrll rather than the political affiliation of the demanding hilt seems lo be the rule now However Ihers Is one black nter being mentioned and that It in Nova dentin Whatever its nod about the reform so planned for the sadly stricken coal mining town of lprtnshilif fhat no funds In Iticnce MUDED ROWAN the tanner Conservative govern ment tint It has been delayed by the substitution of some new architects who are said to be supporters of the Liberal party It seems to be fact that these new architects will receive higher fee than those selected by the Conservative govern ment But more important In the fact that the changes ef fected by the new Liberal mla ister of public works will delay the protect by about 12 months This means that the staff of 160 forrtha reform school willnot be ecrulted tintii one year later thus costing the commum Ity eme $830000 In payroll Are ere good reasons for this Or Is this an example of the ugly head of party patronage WRONG BROTHERS entrys rants 10RONmfhé atseovéry feuottthe futureof Canada at anation Wealth Is0ttén7ltésented non onsanrt of oil in Alberta some years ago may have had an incidental ef 7Itls Week at IIIetederslpro vlnclsl conference at Ottawa then could be lot said by the Ontario og all about the disproportidnata contribu the country And lot tlonfhe province Is making to more will be felt Before the Ontario delegation left for the conference econo mists were busy figurlng out Show much Ontarin put Intovthe country through taxes to per cent Is the figure usually men tioned and how much Iessper eapltalt gets back than do the other provinces Cntmrs HARMONY This argument of course has its place at theconfcrehoe table it Ix Ontarios big bargaining imm Iiut If it is overdonalt can be agreat threat to national harmony lIfany of the other provinces resent retreneg Ontarios wealth And they ara particularly con sclous of the fact that albig share of Its tax payments arr made with dollars they have TODAY IN IIISTORY By THE CANAbIAN PRESS Nov 100 liS Rear Admiral Rich ard Byrd made aviation historyos years ago today tn inswhen ha and three companions became the first men to fly overvlha South Pole Three years earler Byrd who made an uneseorted trip around the world at the age of It was acclaimed for the first plans flight overthsNartb Pole linoThe French formally transferred Detroit to the British ms Yugoslavia abol ishcd the monarchy and or tablished itself as re public being permitted to rearltrelf still In that traditional gravy bowl Iohnson Outlines Position On Domestic Foreign Issues WASHINGTON AP iha lowering domestic problem In the United States today and tricky political issue In the bat tls for the presidency next year Is the question of full equality for the Negro President Johnson is South other But speaking on the site of the battle of Gettysburg fast IIIay on US motorist Day Johnson said Until lust blind to color untll education Is unaware of race until opportunity is uncen crrned with the color of mcna skins emancipation will be proclamation but not fact The Negro today aaiis Jus lice We do not answer himwe do not answer those who Ila he neath this soilwhen we reply to tho Nrgro by asking ps Cnrl flown the LS am bssaador to Finland is No gro At dinner in Helsinki last Srplemher Johnson called him one of our most outstanding young Americans Johnson helped gultls some civil rights legislation through the Senate in ion and law As olitlcal realist he knows ha position on civil rights can cost hnt votes In the likely event that be Is the Democratic norninco In mt In Texas only few hours before lrclltlcnt Kannsd was assassinated Johnson ntlt Tbs civil rights tune is going to hurt us It may be factor In parts of the North too Some north ern iiIIcIsns call civil rights an cebsrg Issue meaning there II more hidden than via Ihie opposition to Kfflfllify avi mlnlairation proposals in this flrltl Where does Johnson stand on other tastiest llo bag domilmt himself In both liborsl and Nth servntlvo lollllcal labels on slippery IIowovor over the years he has spoken out on virtually every motor foreign and domestic is sup lim are some of his state menlli CubaWI shsll not be con tent until lhI lost of Rasvlat forces on wiuidrawn from Ion sign soil the members of the Organisation of American States Ill mutually determined that On Cuban people shall have the opportunity to choose their mmment freely and Ililtoin Oppression Foreign aidNo nation can long enon affluence when all the othcr nations are impover ishcd DefenceJfWa cannot be done with our dangers or even our duties by next weekend or next year We are In for long pull Vand It Is our duty to begin pull Init Cammunut catn Amcrv lca stands firm with her Chi ncse Nationallin allies and we shall continue to do so untilyfroo dam ls secured DisarmamentWe now face the prospect of destroying our selves am calling for an open curtain for full discussion of the Immtdisie urgent prof lcms facing our people We should Insist on the right to state our case on disarmament In detail in the Soviet people tile said this In last be are the agreement to ban nuclear lost lngJ Latin America We must rcvilallrc our diplomatic corps with ambassadors who know and understand ottr neighbors and their language and have qualifications other than con triimflng to campaign rltcsis We must nffcr to the people of Latin America the vcr best technical knowhow whlc will help them to tinvrlop their skills and to malts and not their own produris Johnsons shows IAborln l0I7 he voted to override Irultlcnt Trumans Veto of tho inflIIartley Labor Relations Act In last he voted to lowest the president to In who injunction provisions of the Tallillartlcy Act in the stool slrlko In other words he or politil requiring unions to elect their officers by soch ballot every four years and requiring majority vote by secret hai lof before unlon could rail strike voting recent one Orphan Oats Big Windfall provided through buying 0n tlrio 00d lltoy feelkcenly that the movlnccs and Canadians are er dependent and partlcu lady that Ontarios dyltrosperlty rests with other Cans anx bay ing the dollars Iobud ltsprod ucts Its automob for in man ISAW RED times in the past we have come close to avercmphaslslng this nrgument and alienating iQifoniatio rater had good IOIII Engineer which at heart would IIIIOS am pennant lar emits Alberta oil lion Leslie Frost when pre sence of Ca nadian nationhood ills relations with the federal government and with the other provinces generally were better than On tario had had for long time But Mr Frost in his latter years IlIImEl turned bit lhil went baclr to the time when the fiscal agreement which preceded the present one was being negotiated Ottawa insisted that the other provinces should be given grunts based on an equality with Ontario and British Columbia Iho two richest provinces In terms of production This meant that Alberta got grant alone of the poorer provinces and this used to make Mr Frost see red For the Alberta government is the best off In Canada Thanks to oil royalties it Is no debt and has had money to give nwayoneyear It even gave325 to all citizens This old emotional feeling Is still around In our Interest and that of Callldl it is to be hoped it doesnt getout of bounds um THOUGHT Felix trembled and answer ed Go thy way for this final when have convenientmea sort will call for thee Acts 1120 Religion that is practiced only as It inconvenient is merely windowdressing the real thing II missing arrest lacuna By MclNnBEVllOOD BELFAST lreland Form the North Ireland capital Belfast has come story which reads almost like work offlction but it Is true it concerns little colored boy who was an inmate of an orphanage lie alxyear old Manny Martin and while In the childrens home be was al lowed less than 10 cents eck as spending money Now by strange stroke of fortune this little colored boy has become heir to fortuns of $18000 This windfall which has coma the way of Manny lifsrtln is his share of $90000 estate left by lIIra Josephine Ilamlll who died In Ilclfnst last March at the age of 70 LIKE GHANDCIIILD For six years practically ever since he went into the childrens home lira Ilamill had trcaled vllttle Manny hiartln as If he wcro favorite grandchild She visited him every week at the childrens home canted on by the floman Catholic Sisters of Naxareth in Belfast She used to take him out for rides lathe country or to one of the big city hotcls for allemoon lea And every year at Christmas she scat him presents As he grew up the little colored boy who has never know his parents came to know her by this affectionate name of gran lilrs Ilamllls granddaughter tlryenr old Ann Ilamlll who nur sed Manny at the home had taken him at Weekend to her arrnts hours In lielfali where or grandmother lived Miss Iln mill who has Just returned to Ireland after four years In the United states said she was simply crazy about him all his hcarttlugglng wsyl his big brown eyes and Itla luv sblc nnturo Sho travelled more titan three miles by bus several times week Just to loo him And sits aald he lied brought hrr lay and happiness beyond words EIAID IN WILL So in her will hire Josephine ilnntlil did sontrllti to repay Manny hlnrtln for lint happin which be all unknowln ly Roy still lives he was thrilled but thought of what he could do for others lie promised the sister In charge big black automobile his nurse load of coke to keep her home warm in winter set of toy bricks to one of his little friends in the home and loads of candles for the 150 other boys who share his life in the orph anage But lifanny whose only ambl tlon In life at his age of six years is in be bus driver will continue to receive only 10 cents week of pocket money The L000 has con placed fat tntst fund for him until he res es the ago of 15 One of his nurses fIIirs hlary hfulhcrn agrch that the boys lovable wnys had been respoa sihla for the hold be had taken on llrx iIamIIla affection Manny would tear Inloiany bodyl heart she said Aod because of that he can look Iorvvard to something which should give him good start In his adull lilo whcn he Is young man of 25 SUCCESSFUL SALE SAWYEIIVIILE Que CPI Iha first auction sale of feeder cattle In Quebecs eastern town ships WM suds memosm lean steers anti heifers went for 7732 that tbs sponsoring Quebec Beef Cattle Association Is considering making the sale an annual event hnil brought Into her life In or xiii us bequest of 111000 to Im When he was told the news at the childrens home when he flllEl CITITJ Tho rhlrf cities of Algeria an Aislrra the capital titan seaport and Inland Constantino economy youll enjoy BHANVIN SH RRY AND IOiiT WINK tt to BIN hill 10 A82907 IIIINN 575 llltflilll lit Itl BHANIIIN