on ms in n1 592 New Mn In Bubn Caul IArulInAl Nnvmum ll Tnl num Ina Yn run any Cup Lm Mln Kim Us énu TV Nrwl 300 UH Cup CH cup 1m muu Nllvrumm 4w Qulck anw Pony my nmx Dull Hurkubury Hound Topper Nm Wumer spam wunn Tnln Counln Hoedown Dellndtn Tel mp Tn Unluucmhxu pg rv Njwn ry wellrun hospital la have tlssun mmmillm nd wish more pea Mslhc pyaplice An established princlplc medicine is to do nothing lhnl mlghk harm Ihe body except when is lhc lesser of Wu cull You dunl perform sur gcry just or the sake sur gery You perform it nnly because it can alleviate some gale lrouble Where because diseasei the ovaries are removed there is no point in removing the uterus too just because It hair pens to be there it it is healthy noihing is gained Ihereby True some suhsequcnt trouble may or may nutdevelop it it does then is the time for surgery You dont remove it or nnythlng else Juston the lung gamble thntl something might hit it Hie After time he oher endoc rine glands and the body he come adjusted By leaving Ihe nvarics we postpone this prob cm unlil Ihe normal llrne for Ovaries are lell because they serve useful pur pose They secrete hurmenos which in concert with lhose from nlher endocrine glands regulate the bodys acllvily in many ways Vhenai meno reuse the ovaries cease provid ng these hormones the result ls Icmpnrary gruup al symp toms which we call the ehnnge el liiehoi Hashes nerves menslrunl Irregularin and flu nally cessation First of all Im sure you knnw that It isnt true that doc tors never perform mmplete hysterqclomx 9qu they do We Mumyaï¬ col ballet IE Rel lhings your chest at ll um um In umrl up Ill Vlrdonl know why am writ In this but got it my Dear Dr Malncr Why do doctors never complete by tcrcclumy lhe llrsl um 01 by slngle oparalinn why dn llwy leave Jusl one ovary when everything also is lakcn nut or leave lhe ulerus when lhc avar lu are yemaved elm when probably than will be analher owerallon lnlcr know of sev cr1l 5359 lncludlng my own Bv JOSEPH MOLNER MD All ID ll flu lkllvml II flnm THERE II No CHARGE FOR mt IRVICI TO YOUR econ HEALTH zan Tm Tn nu mm NHL Hockey Ilium Only PerformSurgery To Alleviate Trouble TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEl VALLEY TAXI KVR CHANNEL PA 82433 1090 mm 00 II In 10 rnuul Nuvmlmzn Illdu 11 Tim MI Ilnuu LIIIB Kiddo doc mun 1qu Int1mm Thlnll ol Wald Andy mum ny lAl til out Tm nmnn rnlnl TV um Nu 1mm Hull mmm mm ml mm mm WIIIlr MyIuy VIIIy In 2EE3 0839 Inunnu Novmnlx non MrrA Ina llrlnnm um Wm Yum wm ll my 1p on Iul ml no nan rm um Cu no low CTV mm mm Annml Imlra um 00 ll 1120 Mr and Mm lamy dnar visitors wilh Mr Salisbury Master Murray Clark had his ionsiisromaved on Tuesday at RIan Victoria Hospital Barrie lie is his home recovering Saiurdny morning Ihe hydro and telephone lines were out oi order and high winds did lot oluamage Congratulations to Mls Jenn clte Jermey who was chasm Ma beon the First Ladies All Slur ball leum They were given banquet Slrnud Mr and Mrs William Clark and lamin allmded lhe Royal rlnlcr Fair In Toronto last Mon ny NOTE 10 Glam lllvcs are manileslalion of some form allergy There 11 no reason to think thcy will clear up by lhcmselvns unless you llnd on what allergy ls present Emotional factors can be Involved tool WONDER VALLEY There no need or concern 0an small amount used 15 absorbed very sowly but di Du Dr Molnar some at the oil 15 15 in ma splnul luld alter myelogmm will it gra absorb lm warrled But let ghrgean he nund removing healthy tissue 00 nnen nnd he has some scare lng questions um he must nn swer And it continue In happen he presently Ind him self all the slnfl This btmnnlhescenes work or Ihe Issue cummmee 15 you see or the protection of all of usa safeguard agalnst unnecessary surgery or careless diagnosis After every operation re moved issue examined by ralhningists nnd alher speeinl sis to determine in what way It wns dlsensed or whether it needed removal It is unavoidable occasion aiiy ihai healthy issue re moved Medicine is science and art but it does not pretend to be iniailihie hmn sum mm Imm Wm mun lnnh Mr Nani Ann ma ny Ilnlu rv NA umu Iull rpm Illnn Mav mm mm hhnlln uhhni liulllvul nonn TORONTO Jullzll spa Unummd cm New vmmr New Mam Um ram BARRIE By MRS HANDY Johnson and were Sunday and Mrs 5P0 IHunll fluwvu HIIIILHDII Hull mm by mntllllng I7 Innl of mm lfnll Run mm In mm Eng RIIHIIII doc mm Pass There no rcasau lo 111an ï¬nal II will be usinr In Inan laur npudcs lhnn lhreu nolrump 0n the canlmry II very likely but Nar1h wlll hnvn Hopper In he lull ch Ind will be able la cash mm or man rlckl laur Amide conlrncl mth oullly mull In the Ion at our lrlrka pnnlculnrlyllnco North hns twlce Ihown mlnl mum value after openan lhe blddlnz 11m hand can tlund ha 105 our lrItlu In nn lrumn butnot inland Four don nol lend Iucll to nolrump play and II obviously boun ndnplcd lo mu mnlrncl Tm our club bld lorclnll permit North lo on to live club or bclnlully thW nupport or mudu Minor lull 5mm mn lrncu Mu nirly rm Iinro mum wIUI polcnllal cluvcn lrlch will mnkn nlnu lrkh ll won 11wa or DAILY CROSSWOBD In Illrlnhuk ll Hm 21 mum UNI llmnenl 1mm unwed alryx quml Uriel PJW ml rhrnl 10 Irrnm Hur 1ka Itll ll kmlrlll mm you an 495 mm an mm cum no 52 ya KMMZ was 41m What would you now bld wllh Ulch ollhe allvwlng our hands You are Soulh both sides vul nerable The bidding has beenx Congrnlulnllons la the Jlm Applnxalca parents of another born In noynl Viciorla Hos an M15 Maxkin Brnmplan smdcnt teachers at Na this week are laying with Mrs Arthur Dob Mr and Mrs Dick Ellis Ion by CM hesday night or lmme In Kindersley tnllowlng months visit wllh relatives hare nndflln Ill talllslmrEveretl arca ACROSS LPIr thllln Mr And Mrs Bruce Mlller Willard Dohson and Mn Arth ur Dabsan were in Tarontn Sun day lo attend the luneral of cousin Mrs Albert Clarke Nam hat Mr nnd Mrs Gum Ellls Ronald Ellls and Mr and Mrs Dick Ellls Klndersley Snsk spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rnhert Russ Hamilton Mr and Mrs Glenn McCann and children Delhi went the weekend wllh the Mc Cnnns and were guesls at he McMnster Phillips wedding Mrs Rnxbaro and slster Hector Turnhnll 1mm Stralford were weekend vlsltors with their brother By Mm ALLEN mum Congratulations lo Douglas McMasler and Barbara Phillips at Camp Borden whn ware married Saturday In Camp Bor den chapel Mrs Cllflard Cnmpsall hasre turned home alter spending two weeks In Torontawllh Mr and Mrs Harry Khuu Mrrand Mn Wnlier Aréhl bald Schomberg spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Allan Cainu MrsiMacKern Ha bean In Egbert euchre club helrl their games Wednesday evenlnz wllh Ive table playlng ngh prim were won by Mr and Mn Peter olaskey Iona hands Mrs Morgan and Allan Cairns low Esther Downer and Kellh Healty Euchre ls held every Wednesday avenlng Woodl xchoul Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Barrie and Roy and Vincent Halt Egbert mended the Royal Winter Fah lnlaronlo Wednes day SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS UTOPIH CONTRACT BRIDGE EGBERT mm muor mint vao at thm Canu or Hun mud mm 11mm amm kul Junng snuu wée dmrl 1mm NIMMI Chlllfn Anvmi DOWN By JAY BECKER unuwn hum an Almulullnl Totkn In llllrl dlnmr ILIAHL alculuilul lllntlx WOIIWIM pllnL Inr wool Exlllhlllun 21 Mm Hillary Mum mm pm 25 lllvcr all lumqu III 17Wnr mu Ind Furl Hum lnmllznllnx he Ilnm poul Mlmu by blddlnz luur club dot net urlously ijnrdllo lha name North likely to re lpond wllh rilhcr our Ipndu Iva club or clubs Tho In lrnllon ll lo nu whlchevcr lhm bld onh choom In mnkc Inre wn Iflll done about All um can be down to arrive HI proper mnlrnct Four rlubl II prnclicnh ly certain thal panncr can mnko three nolrump wilh lhll mnd bul p15 1w rccvm mended became hue II Illll posslblllly at making Ilam lhux le tlub would be good canlrncl pnnncr had mm lugh hand an II II pa Ihul balh our xpadu and lhrce nolmmp can be made depending upon pan ncrI hand but In lhe long run our spade Ilkcly to prove cnslnr lo neunllnle than Hum nolmlnpl Tomavmwx lnlrnllml pl Four apnd The chances of making our spndn are very Rood slnce aur tricks are un likely lo he lost bu Ihrnc no trump mlghl well turn on Io be risky allulr The danger of plnylng mlrump that lhe opponcnls having Ih ndvnn Inna of Inc opening lend mluhk be able eslabllsh Ihelr long suit before dummyl spades can be elnbllshc¢ nolmmp more catlly but In this case he danger or allempllnfl 1mm onlrncl loo great Mn And Mrs QIIWCummlnu of Massey wished Mr md Mn William Sutherland Ins wlek idseph Dobbs and Michael Cooksville spent the weekend with Ms rnolhcrjlrs Green John Bnlchelox ornarria wsilcd her molhcr Mrs Evans and sister Mrs Joe Nnhle SunA day Mr and Mrs Erinoak visited Mr and Mrs Frank Brooks at Mount Albert Sunday Mrs Green spanManday with Mrs Cerswcfl In Toronto Sum of the WI members and heir husbands me Monday eve nlng at Hulhs School to Halon and dlscuu lhe Farm Forum broadcast Earl Wanlus and Min Peggy Page Timmln and Mrs Wanks Calllnzwood vlslled Tuesday with Mr and Mn Ar clgle Wanles and madly Mrs Steve Rawn spending this week at Schnmberg with her daughter and sonInlaw Mr and Mn John Wllsan and Sharon Vlsllm on Sunday wllh Mr and Mn Cline Rawn and ham Hy Included Mr and Mn Gor don Clark of Burrle Barth olomew Gulhrie and Misses Juan and Susnnjnnhalnmzw nl Tqyonlo The 4H Club The New Fla Fashionellcs and their leader allended AchIcvement Dnyun Elmvalg Saturday Misses ï¬rm and Judy Hull spent Saturday In Barrie with Mr and Mrs Roy Hall and Mix Marlon dull Mr and Mn Walter Hall Mrs Atkinson and Jim kinson spent Saturdgyjln Ton onto Mrs Clarence Alklhson at cndcd the Royal Winter Fair onHThumiayu The sympathy at the Com numlty IA extended to lhe Wil lcughby Iamlly bereaved by the death Miss Stall wflloulhby nl Alllswn mldcnt of thin commugfly or many years Allialon héspllflleflausly Ill We wlsh her apegdy fecavery BOND HEKD MRS WANLESS NEW FLOS Anu 0mm GONG To HELD CLEAN UP out 6AM ROOMMOMS Haw WAS Shun rwzry mar NIGHI owlw HAD EATS 0mm cows To HELD CLEAN UP out GAM ROOMMOMS mmmumnmmkmnmm mm311m wflnmmwm mv anANDMA ms TURNED AUYNDFI umuun Hammiumnu 1MIM Wimwmflmumm WESTWPJEHNEPOUR Anmvrz mum wousvmkaausw Wonsoums nm Mum amnimï¬mm nomman lm mungwa méflmu aw MW lax um mumm mu mm WI ml NI 001 LIGTRIFYIN VIIWIH 0PM ON Al THOUGM Mflmï¬‚ï¬ 9045 HOW A6 NW PM MEIR FA AF 9165 N02 DRINK NO WI FIOBADY macaw W0 IR TM III K1 FILTOWï¬vksï¬eALE mm mm Imammu uwnmmvmm 196 mgr