Waterfront Guardian GrandiJurv SeesvN Sevcral yam later IHDUIEI building wnl erected on he wen side or the dock Th lop part of 1111 Wu the widow John Carley and Clmord Car ley was born In hue upm menll 1h death MI fath er he became owner of In bullnul Ind wnl active unlll recently mnlnly In the rLpAIr of Imnll bnnll and renlnll WATERFRONT GUARDIAN ll wu In the come 01 Ml bmlncu that Mr Caxlay would none mull mu In dlulrcu an lh buy or would recehe call or help and Immediately nul usually in laugh weather on hll mcue mlulonl Ila wnl known unolllclnlly but ame uonnlly llnrrlcl wnlcrlrant guardian and lame clvlc moz nlllan wax alien Inlde about Annm Abnm Allmm Mu Aluminium Amn mu Albm an All In In Inlla mu Mani ram Cfln Imp cm Cdn nmu rrn Cln cuml cnnnuu CIluy Pun Con mm In Later Jahn Carley purchased bulldan which had been erect ad on lhe can side or lha Mul caslcr Street dock and WM tn lcndod or map lactury Haw evcf the lawn cauncll refund pcrmllslnn or the factory to operate there In tho heart at the downtown bmlneu nctton due to the actor So the Carley brow ers abtatned It or flick bou mines7 Eon rpiv Cm flu Dam lltldu Anna um Alma Arrall lIn ml uxo hm Mn hullon nlrnnmmn 1m Mn Diml Turn tun hml hrr mm ml Ill was pulled on pnvlln lot It Mm Dunlap Mum About nutMam nu Im mm rum lb cu Mn Nclum mqu an Ill an my MM an mum Mr Carley wutha ton or flu Illa John Carley one ha planters of Barrio and highly esteemed cluun bushes clvlc and ntemal circles Hi lather came here from lha Un lled State more than 110 yam ago with broiher Levi and ellahlléhed lhe um boat bulld In ï¬rm In lhls district of Lnkl Elmcoe The first bauihouw WM iucnh Id on Ardnghl Pond which ionz 550 Will illicd in it il nuw the III of nayvlcw Park and city water reservoir Thil we act ually two pond Mr Carley laid in an inierview with ihil newn papcr Ieveral years at with an outlet to the bay and land inhan placed When the Nor thcm unilwn went ihrnugh in use hr or the tracks provided an unite to the hay TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Bunnu veteran bonlmnn who mved down 01 llvu mm drownan In Kcmpenlelt Buy Cliflord Carley died yesterday Royal Vlclarla Haapltnl In hi 89 year mm aqajnags vuvnl manum 1mm 40 liartin ï¬lly MIN upon to will lmm prim mu lllghl The Apparent lack of er Ingulshinl equipmcm In nu Court Home bulldinz slung wllh the old no oLSlmm County gaol Wm mlnn palm of con cern expressed by the Grand Jury in upon to Judge Mng1cryesterday tho Slmcua Count Cum name the Jury found to be than neat and In and mm or pain Whlla the huIIdln wu mum to be adequate for In purpose wan noted that lhera were no flro protccllon nullit le Inch on xprlnkler Item The Jury also reporle that thewnltlng roam lpnne and Court Room lnciflllu mw ded Hem tha Family and Police Report Two Thefts Called Cliff Carley Compiled by Flynn Dunlap II Burl nu Man Amvl or NH llmmr Ila NI llcko NOIIMII DOWw llw vnll Arlullll cloud 171 Iiv an nu um Dam found Dom um gum mm inn alknnbrld Adar lAIc Dullull hull IAun Mm lancoull Inuda Mulumu Mldun Noun mum WM mm mm um mam am on mm my Mln lludwnl my Imp mm 29 In 1mm lnhnd no In hhl In mm mm rm loch CXIID ahI ll up 0111 Min II INDUITIIU unmm Vllhln lWflOl ihmw the Bum Ilann lo flu em It vlho walern edge is the bolt hnuu of Mr Cllflord Carley Tho bulldan med ll lug Jmma one gm whlch II in lod workman with avery rlcca ol mechnnllm neceunry or th bulldlnz 01 boat nvcry ducrlptlon the rcpnlrlnz of ma name and ulprnK era All mu wn enzlnel walla or dher power He wu an ardent mamber oi the Maronlc order Elm year no he wu honored with pm enlaliun oin myur jewel in Corinthian Lodz No 96 and year inier received the Wyear medal for memberlhip in Bar ris Vailey Mn 01 Paladin Scottish mm He was an Irdcn hunlcr and ï¬sherman fluted gain north on ho deer hunt when he WA 14 year cl us And wan annually unul quilt recent yamI In maThr Binla 6mm carried um um Carley wu one Bmlel pioneer volunteer ï¬re men Ha was In In drlvzr the hamdnwn town In tn tint and Hi 11m to drive the new molar vehicle SOYEAB JEWEL but never quite compleled until loo late Juvlnflo Court will in movud to another building the Jury all this would ailoM tom im NEED EXPANSION my crowded noted thn report and there would ap pear to be 1m doubt that war next number year pro vhlnna Ihould he made or ex pamlon The Jury did report huwaver ml the premlm were round tn be clean and load wax well prepared It complan um the The Jury waned that Inn Elmcoe County Gaol wal very ald and the conuructlon luvoa much to be dulred CLIFFORD OAKLEY mt 1M ms rum Unlnn Du wmu nhw Wmvn mm mum Fm an may loci nll mm wmm wmu Not on NO Mum Carp Mun PM gum llmylanl lhlll llul ol CIIL TorDam ISL nlnl CHI him NI Ind Discover Tuberculosis Lung Cancer and other Chest Dlseases HELP SAVE LIVES BUY TB CHRISTMAS SEALS Mr Carley wu lhe Hm bus nwmnn In handle ha sale wallne ln Bnnle ln hla lnlen vlew Mr Carley remembered the llndlnz ol the hull of an old has when they wcre excavatan lor the poll nlllce the on whlch wan demolllhed lo yam no on the present hlemorlll Park lllo ndlncenl lo the Cenotaphnnd also when they put up the Grand Trunk Rallwa mum demol lshed just thll yenr they round annlher hulL lhl pmvcd lhnl the wnm ol the bay had come up much lunhcr than now and In lncl cnvmd he mun mnln Ilmt Colller was lln urly mnln meet Mr Canny la Aurvlved by hi wile the ormcr Mica Baler Bncebrldxe whom no manic In 1910 Thulr Imlly of hm mm and three duughlcn am wrvlvm with grandchildren The mm are Gmrae Emu and Herbert the dnuihkm Marie may and anm MIL Tom mm Lindsny nmhren of Corlnlhlnn Lodz will conduct Mumic urvlce Ionth at club oclock at lho Palhlck Funeral Home 5mm In lhn chapel will be conducted Suturday nflemoon by Rev shorting ol lrlnily AnTllcnn Church alt wo oclock clawed by InlumLnt at Bank Union Cememy C1111 Carlay learned to curl on tha Ice an the bay and later balon ed to the loan club when ha in hulldlni on clapporlon StreeL Ha Alla pmlclpaled In skating Ind hock on the buy 351 In la 01 rink Bynoplll null norm am In Wu Lake Superim wlll bran Eh mow and renting nln lo udlonl Nnnhern 0n lrlo today For molt mhar uanl malnly cloudy wenlher II expected DUIIII wlm en crllly mild ltmpcrnlum mn llnulnx In the MM Frldly will bu lllllo colder nl wlndl lwlu Inln thn norlhwul behlnd Iha Nonhem Onllrio Ilonn cm in thin particular work Mr Carley in an expert his the chenlcll inventivneee and drill beinz an inheritance lrom hil lather one the belt builder oi illht era in the Province ni Ontario The other phase at the business that at the hiring oi been Le flaurlshing one dun in the lumrner months and tourist reeenn hir Carley has in all About 75 ulllng Ikiiie and raw been all oi which are mod ern in make And in excellent repair Mr Carley in man enterprising ynunn bualneu nun He recently purchased his lather1 inerest in the boat liv erybmlneu end has subjected the entire plant to complete re navetipn During the runAmer month hlr Carley in the best known than in the boat business in thin part of Ontario ngdflmï¬abem st arena Menud In 193 Ind en llrzed 1m worm mm CIIII Lalo Erle NI ulr Ioulhzm Lulu Huron Windwr London Hnmxllon Toronto Manly rlaudy und molrr Frlduy wind mnhwu Fridly Northern lan Huron Lulu Onllrlo morally llly Mlllbnr lon Nonh my ï¬udbnry manly tloudy Ind cooler onth Iml lvrMny Wlndl Him lunlm narlhmnt lo lo Why Aluoml IllaHy cloudy lo nllhl Ind Frldny Chm ol low mowflumu nnllhl Ind lrldu Priwnererwere queried with rennin to any complaint end none Wm received the Jury reported The Jury reported the lhe Calender oi Prilonerl wee dir eluted with the Governor per icuierly with regard 1110 length oi lime end winner he been held it relevant io heerinu or trial proceedinu and no irrezuinriuel were lound Mambo the Jury Include Nutter onman Gordon Leighton Franc Buln Ray SprinmJamu Walu Lloyd AD char Arthur Palenludo untilNon not mum and should in Improved WEATHER FORECAST mpcnxe in the lund great and iniindvmiaxe ii in mi taken by nenonn vanlclnailnl In Sim on County Communliy Re menu Service Aunducudfpro Emmi then it will bu extended to inciudn program conduclad by nlher recreation commlileel 1n the Couniy Mann Imurnncn Agents him lhelr monthly dinner lha Cod Irï¬ull new ypslerdny wnl decided um motion wnuld be mud ho annual marlin unilni he dale nr tho and thelr heal year lo Seplcmber to colncldc with Ula Onjnrlq ganglauqn year Speclll nolke II to go out lo All members by Mm mm the ucrctnry whlch will 1119 nd vha hem ol Um next medlnl Dec Thll will be he Shrub mu party when lhn hon will be he rm BellSnundm and lo whlch nonmember will also ll Wnlllnl Commn 01 Dunlap report lhnl lhn prrmlm wm anlmd Tue Iy nluhl Ind Iomn mllol Ind tuh lm Ilulcn Home pony cuh wu nho lnkrn Dnmnio wnu cumka lo hmkm Iranom wlmlnw lhmuxh whlrh um lhlavrl IT rnleml nond llnru cni Iéuu Tho slmcoe County Commun iiy Recreation Service Trust Fund which was iinrted Nov 20 waived in iiis donation imrn the chairman of the Sim eon County Community and Re creation Committee Bernard Si Amnnimai Penainulnishenn Purpose of the fund II to pm vlde realmellun fees lnr penici rnllnn In recreaflnn warm or than on welfare In the coun end or my other vexeon throng mean of Inability to By The nun covere the con the re lstrnllnn lee only and does nut nciude lnnepoflnflun cont equlnlghnent or any other ex un lean greater use the HM will be made durin the num mer menlhe in prov dlng reglh rellnn or children to lake lemmln Xenon or lo attend in camp Mr SL Aman is nlsa he De nny mg cg Pgnetangglslhzne nature um fund was hour In operation Rnlph Snelxrove of Ralph Snelmva Television le ed on hand the mu the amnion Mullen mad donn Utg 0150 mum um may Wlndm Kitchener Mount Foml Wlnkhum lllmillon SK Cnlhnrlnu Toronto County Recreation Trust Fund Is To Zooming Start Reports Loss Cash Registers Insulfance Agents Planning Party Greer second mm lam Mm who Sovereign pra nlded lhaAuIImm Alsembb oi Spry Chamel or Rm Glob The Barrie and DlerId ind ATIEND AUTUMN ASSEMBLY As honorary nolloual chnlrmon of the Chrlstmou Gm Pmmm ol the Canadian Menu Helm Assoclallan Alla ulu Canadlan to buy am or the 75000 pat ients ln mental hospitals The chillman of II local cam pnlzn In Banla and dlslrlcl Mn Mansel Powell sald Gm comlna In slowly ol the moment do not lhlnl people have in low ha iplxlt o1 lung ya 3n xlluollon will have to pldk up between how and Chrlstmu bccnuu We have no money to buy lha lllu our selves am nra lamd with tho don arl name leller uk nowlcxdemcnt lent from the rccalenz palm Tho donorl name runoved mm the before qulrlbutlan Chriaimu ior mon Canadian il mm and Mini ience IL Jay ma mean up are may but thn uuim lhm iI lhe mun oi belonging which mm mm bclnl wlu flood iricmh And Iovlnl lam appéa peopla nl Enrrlo lo Ive leneroufly Fm valnnleen by to wrap um Ihnuld be non lo collecllan depot Haniwnre Plan by to wrap Um ï¬lm which Ihnuld be non lo ocnl CMIM collecllan depoll Allmdnle Haniwnre Plan Dmxs Bi m1 prquCollyl Cleaner an WHEREWhich LETTER FiilEWInz lhe Idler lent lo Mn incll lrom Mn Pur Them In number oi Federal Provincial Ind Municipll Deplri menu which look liter may meet oi the bum and wel iara oi our citizens but this countywide innd will look allu exgiiusiveiy heir notational ne Mn Lester Pearson wile ol the Canadian prime mlnIy ltr ha made In app to all Canadians to help make bl Chrlxlmu mm happier one or patients mm hmplnh Mrs Peayson Asks Canadians Give Giits To Mental Patients or the Valley Banla With him mm let In Dr Sudden Dundalk and de me bumble 011qu flaky parent Ind cluxen hlvo en me or camp MI flmul Illun Coin Hook lml nrllnln Bllvrr 1790 mum to mm Ilullc oln lllngr We Now lnulc HIM Bel llnh rr 14m 75m Canndlnn flmlll Zulu Book lrvr Vlllllll lypu Mluollnnemu Ellmp lotkeu Ivy Counlry mnll 10er 00 plum CH 1an Small Bloch flooilmul Inn cu camn gm Lam Block noon bhu banir lhk mm pun on Manllla Block 8mm Ifllnl Euh 1m Block of Naw luuu mum mmunnm cm mm and old planc cover The Nuw Amhuuldor Album com New Scoll Imnrl plume covrr Luau Trumwarld Slump Album 85000 plmllc tovu Super Largo Elanard Slump Album 50000 plume cavur 11m In Sump Album 85000 Ilampl Explorer Slump Illbum for lhe lunlor cullcclarl Sculll anlly nl Nallam World Slump Album Th World rmjerhum H000 Ilnmpl Imnrl 17 BI flold Siren GIFT SUGGEST 0N5 FOR CHRISTMAS FOR THE CHILDREN 0R FATHER BARRIE STAMP COIN uuvunl lullle mm him CANADA TRUST 4NIJIDN Illl Mon Thu Fri Conllnuoun Dunlap ll Bum 4a 41 04 Donnllons to the fund will ha received by he caunlyvtreaxurel Jnck Cnlemln or Jim ï¬eld County Recreation Director In person ar by mall at In County Bulldlnl BIrrie Hommds of patients in Can Idinn menial hospilnis will be denied such Christmas Ro moved from lunily Ind mantis they will not experience the Cinislmns spirit oi love and hope peace and goodwill it in renssuring then um an nrgnm ind eiion exists to carry pzut nl our normal Christmas cele bxniion the mentally ill This eiiurt L1 the Chrislmns Glii PmA mm at the Cnnadinn Menu Hegiih Associniion piinfs expressed the desire for them wives or their children In partl Lipnu In recreation programs but her all their turning in or load rem ciorhes Ind other no cessiuesV Im pflvlleied honorary gndonallchalrman Im puz rum to command to all Culldlans Everyone who car es can participate and min the Christmxu Icuan happkr un Iqr pallenls In our mental hop Any Information regarding the fund may be obtained by con mung Mr Reld turd demo Npllnl Barrie rezlstm Dr Shan non Emir uni dam Bummer Phoio Dunlap Bull Culwlcld an miniaw bylaw human 01 um lm BMWIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 108 breath of flesh au was let Into Community Concert In mid mt gizht kaleidoscope colors and form pssscd rapidly More in out listeners The promuh was all too short Compositions rm ltd through misty mold wsy musicals spiritusis elk sow andmnlemparary music mum owned with to sueted transcription Cmt Get Started The pllhly slmo understand treatment was most Interest me was quick ly followed by rhythmlcsL hnlliixinl msnzemenl abuse oi the popuhr tunes 1mm South Psciiic Thu nmmm wan si mosl without pause ihmuth mdley nl lungs from New Faces This wss cleverly trea led from quiet relaxed open lnz l9 vivacious climax 11 nun concert men were ï¬lm uaw kind mu excitement The brilllanl tramcrlpllous by Dr Shirley invo happy audience new Ind deeper Insight Into Amerl cnn music Then wu no doubt about ll When tho Don Shlrlev Trio playnd It wu Amerch um wu be plauer or Perhaps one inc lines efv feet by the Trio wns achieved in its fourth composition taken liom My Funny Valentine This had hunting Ind mbe qua style somewhat reminiscenl oilinng inky work oi Water Boy another high light on Um pmrnm Ind ha rmrded arrangement was musical masterpiece Immedia lely allowing rm lrfloay consisting rplritual and no talk 50111 An udung arches ug andyei slut Elam An ulénh Dbn Shirley Trio if Comes Through Liké Fresh Air HI Dunlop Mm Won 154 Excluslvn lowlng hunt drIu breeze man Sol ono dlnl to dry my lnbrlc hcnullfully NMlocp lint mm on door monarch Riggerng COLONEL SANDERSVFAMOUS RIGIDAIRE CLOTHES DRYER WE SERVICE All MAKES OF TV AND APPLIANCES lrll elfecl wns mnlntnlng ed through the use or repealed notes and min by Dr Shir ley HI plane technique ex ordinary and he brings lids lo the are In exactly right places The ï¬rst In at the pmnnm came an end with brilliant performance at Gm shan tunes After rmission the pm grim continued with mum interpletaiion oi the spiritual 0h Freedom ThenDon Shin iey explainedjo his cnptivnted audience why he chose to have no iormai printed lint oi works The audience appreciated both bl wit and his wisdom Following the well known My Secret Love the pmzrlm tin lubed with rent number of Morita from Porgy and Bess ENCORE The irio wu brought back time and again by In enthusin tic audience Bachl Sheep iiiny Safely Gran was ioiiowed lm mediatuiy by Ruchmaninoiin Prelude in sharp minor These were perionned by Don Shirley alone at ibn pinno Again the tonepnintiuz wu superb Fin ally tho 13 manned Viki thl popu ur Every mar uln mm The Sound of Music The Community Concerts are presenting to the people oi Bur riu and the surroundinz disiricts musiclnns covering broad iiuid Jill is no it should be We rehearing top perform ers producing the iinesi oi con certs We am delighted and urateiui vmicuiarly or our younger generation who have the opportunity of henrinl live con cert hÂ¥ LAKEVIEW Buy BUCKET Indivldnul BOX DINNER Buy Thu FOR FAMILY DINING 375 495 ï¬rim 135 PHONE PA HIS ï¬uitim mama PA MO