IIIIJIIIIMY Nuvuu we lllfluluv mam no mm Muuu LIuh un Inoo 1qu mo cm TV New IIJI Wollhlr Spoils Null llJo NIod Clly nun Nnvnmn Ten hue oo NIHan School 1030 Chu lads Nunery Sthonl Hm Ramp Room In 10pr Plrly In Noundu Report HAD Movlo 116 vawnlsl Thornton Trinity United Young Pmplo attended the special scr vices last Sunday In St James Uicd Churchv Slroud other Rraups who allcudcd were from Cookslnwn Churchlll and Gully lie The Simcbc Eoihly Jersey Club held their annual Banquet last Beach E15 been spending some llme with Mr and Mrs William Mgris It was lulirï¬ound wnh some damage in moer part of In cly ome of the Incalchildrcn are nu of school with the mumm Ted chsnh had hls cur stolen last Thursday night In Barrie hlln nllpndlngthc ncnl lhcalre UCW mcmhers areremlnded that their Christmas mecllnu comes early in the month hms dny Dec It pm Hostess wil be Mrs George Hnli as sisted by Mrs Elvin Pearson Mrs Alex Denney and Mrs Leo nard Warr The Devotional and program is being prepared by Mrs Spencer and Mrs Speers Cungmlulalioni an out In those Thurman communin who were lucky tnough recciyn prizes nl lhe Rnynl Winlcr Fnh Last Wednesday aliennoon the membera oi lhn Trinity United Church Vomcn held bazaar bake saicand aiiernoon lea There was spiundid display ariicics suitable for Christmas gills Mullins cakes pics tarts coakics buns nnd bread said tiulckil lrom lhc Bake Table The in table were allubiive with their sally dccoraied min iature Chrisimas Irccsl CGli Messenger and Explorers each did good business mm their respcclivu iabics Thank to all wim came and palmnized us thus making the even success In II It rmlu an mud pie Mrg ï¬cgigald Rand Alcnm An Cw Wlll Ila nommd In llom THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE AROUND SIM rmndly GInl Illnernnn Qultl Dr marw Pope Plfly Voll um Pop Rlnll Dmi Vol nut Tenflnl um Swm Th bury Shaw Th sum annal mm mum pcurv um DRIVINOURIELF CAR AND TRUCK By MRS GEORGE HOLT TELEVISION PROGRAMS THORNTON CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 II II ralnl NIII Ind IN um Mum er my nun VIIy my Inunluv Minuan ll now META om lulmml no WIn nu Wm um um rm run 5mm loath1 Innml vlu mm Inn um Mummi mu Ulunrh um 253555 no mm In spam wumr Nun 101 Ryan Hal Sui 710 out leiu In To Trll Ina ern on ua Jul 10m Hmlln lloo ch Nlllnml Nu ms Mtlln all IL spam nun um new llmu numn our nun Nnvr MK In row norm mun Ilamtmlllu IhIm cm Ml Hutu lunnll Tmlh In In 1M 00 mu 1120 nuu Duxll uumebeny Hound Tapper Nm Wumu Spa wuon Tnln Counlri linedawn rm oerenam mum Tm UnmuchMu cm Nm Wulhu 5mm Nm 11 my mm or mu Brbny Cnnl qunnAY Nuvmun 1L Tut rmern Lin run 1100 Guy cup rum Ln Mm my Cup luunl no Mnunw sule clmu cm Nun i300 Grey Cup Prevlnv muo Egsssgzas Grey Cup Glme r1 mumm Mrs Elvin Richardson Bar rie visited with Mrs Henry um wack Mrs Pick and daughter Jac queline Toronlo are visillnu parcnls Mr and Mrs Jim Craw ford Mrs Foyslnn spent couple olrday Miami 1an week By MRS FRALICK Harold Mums held lhe wh ning lickel or the wool hhankcl sold In help the work at he Cnmmuuily Cenlrc Owing to the wonderful open Iall work has pmgmssed very favorably on the new wing of the United Church Congratulalions Sandra Lockhan who received Provid cial Hanours Inst Smurday when Achlevemcnl Day or 4H Home making Clubs was held Bond Head Mrs George Holt alleuded the Explorer Varshop in Collier Un llcd Church Barrie In ThursA day Simone Presbytery was well represented by leaders mm mm Messenger well as plorer Gmupsï¬ Sympathy goes nut to Mrs Runsh II III loss or her mother Mrs John Stanley Woodhouse whose Iunml took place on Fri day Nov 22 Trinity Unlmd Church Junior Chair led In lhe SDHEU pruisl during lherexulnr morning sen vice last Sunday Some 01 the villages handy men were ken busy repairing loose shlnzles on Saturday utter the wind damn the previous nith Many the residents had In bu satisï¬ed with cold snack an Saturday morning beeuse of he power failure lo the high winds which occurer lhmugh the night In some instances re pair were not made inr seva hours Slflhey Thaw Toronln spank Friday evnning in Thomlon Oranga Mali with the Thornton Womenaiinsiilule catering Jack Websters Orchcslra provided lhe music at lha Dance which hallowed Iml AnnIll Kukl um no Muuhn ulnarI Deuan Ima 0w um Lnounl At You In unlnn Tlllnl III mm mm om mun ram rv mile rm nun mm mm um mm Mm mu zero one To TIII 171 Truth NHL flocky mum Spam Unllmlhd cm Ne Vulhtl NIVII Snelll Hum hay Thin Elliot TORONTO BARRIE MINESING As mm the uqu lino Mouse even EastWm dn not each nlh rnrds ll ls lruo lhnl lhm are mural stumbling block long the way but lhcy um um rcnlyly dllllrun nqullnle Flrsl came esl rholco oi nn 0pman ltnd llnvlnl such poor hand Wcal Ihnuld nnsbn lhn hm la hula chance do Openinx cadnine ol hrnrts easy mnuxh lo drlwl our spades if You look Mall 52 cardx West lends his singleton hear and East lukex lha ace and returns bum Wcsl n1 and puts ï¬nal in lho lead with diamond and East um givu West anulhcr hm run lo de Ical lho cunlmct on rich lulhur lolnlkl 11le paper ao Ilrlul Ihlml BI mphnoun Fun MINI mllng nwlu LTu my 49 ummun flle DAILY CROSSWORD IIIer lmk wllh unm 111w Huuvmdl 21 Nullnn mum Huh mo of lyrlu rntlry It lhmmlr pm 150mm of rulh th ll Acnosa 117m 6Applunl Cnmnll 10Colnr J2man WI AUHVITIES The Wumcns Institute oi Edgar held Ihéir November metling the home or Mrs Gordon Laud cr with eight members and Iwa vixitnrs prescnl Nn members gavt lo Ihe Birthday and an nivcrsary box paper an Rt membrance Day was read by Mr an Mrs Maurice Hayes span Wednesday in Toronto visi ting lhclr dnuahler Mrs Ross Mchwnll and allcnding me new Wipte Fair an Mrs Afu Woodrow Orilha vmtcd Mr and Mrs Lauder Sunday mnmamk noun um North PL Im rdown spent or sislcr and brotherinvlawulllr and Mr Bruce wice ol Knock and nllcn ded he Royal Agricultural Falr will mum on Monday The Royal Agricultural Falr Toronto was visilcd by malty nan this lri Many tree wcrc damned Ind mnds were blocked by Allan llmhs during lha hlgh winds Fri any 533th My dull lhank to all who mad the Steeles Cumrrs new posslhle Hope someone else wil keep the column going in the Bradford and Eanla papers CQECOUNTY Sath dealer Holh sides By MRS ERNEST DALE In with deef regret that yuur correspondent says good hye to all friends and nelghbon of this disuch and Hal lows whm my husband and have llvcd he past 48 years wilhln law mlles ol the Dale homcslead STEELES CORNERS 14mm um UM IVMfll 14 Th November mecllng of St Peter WA wux held at home alMn Harold Jahnslon In Bab Ila Inst Thuqu evenlnz lhu wrukend wllh hl parenu Mr and Mrs Vlclnr Thaw Mr and Mr51Hurry Rowal Slayner telebrated their alden wedding Nov 11 at the home of their um and his wile Mr and Mrs Keilh Rawell Frlcnds and Mlallvcs mm Barrie SI Cah any Shayne attended DOWN MRS HAYES EDGAR CONTRACT BRIDGE vuona Mun Mean scum umnu VKQGJ uAI Noun QJOSR vi 11 4105 vulnerable men 20 my I101 of mm hurl lRTfllrd 1V Kmlll nlrkinml Hmol ILA luhulhln Molly nu mm won rrrx Convert Inln Imm Applmd gs By JAY BECKER mun 31 well mu ww nnf ILA 21 um bum 211mm ZLCIMxmr 21L lnl mollmr Has Vcsl wurk In unlsnn hm med lnr lhnm lo In all 51 znrdx Tnmonnl Thu nhld by to wonder lurlhcrmoro ln rclurnlng hear nl lrick lwn lLasl should be cnrcful not lo lcad my old hcnrlhc should apccllicnlly re turn the ten ln sclncllnz lhe lcn his hlahcsl hcnrl he makes use or he suit dirccllon mnvcn lion in order gulrlu West In dinmcml ralth than club rclurn The hllh card the lcn rb qucquVcSI la rtlurn the hlxh run as bclwccn dlnmonds nnd llllll If East hnd lhc Ice 01 clubs lnslcnd ha ace dla mondx he would rclum he two of hcnrls lo nsk or he low suit clubs Thlrd when Wcsl ho hum lrlrk lwo ho musl read ha len 01 heart as signal In lcml diamond so lhll ha can ohlnin nnolhcr hurl Ind lhu dcfrnl lha contract ul nuns when Ens lakes 1h nce 01 hearts he should reslsl the lcmnlation tu cash the king dlamonds below mluminx heart for West In ha halls lulu lhis mar 50th make tha coMrncL us he mnlracl with nu high card lricks And he should lhcrclare base his dclcnslva hnpcs on chaining one or vos sihly two heart runs He should hutfurs Icad Iheï¬nlha n1 hearts Inlm Iomln Mrs Gordon Vilhm is pa lienl in Royal Vlnlorlallosphal Barrie or many Iricnd wish her speedy recovery Mn 76 am Tarbush and Mn Alfred Saucy visited Mend In Aliislon one da 195 week Mrs Fred humor visited Ihcir son nnd daughter Inluw Mr and Mrs Sandford MlimcrKcswlck last week Mr andMrs Harald Grant and family and George Flconcr Oshawa spent he weekend It heir homes Rev and Mrs Rabat Lacey nnd Iamily lomnlo and Mr and Mrs Roland Hammond Brampion vlsiled Mr and Mrs Ernest Hammond Sunday Nov Mr and Mrs Normin Klinck Tamnlo spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Duckworul The annual medlng of Anzus Unlnn Cemetery will be held Saturday Nov at pm In Angus United Church hall we aw in producL Thu molln Leisurer dangerous it your dont know what to do with it was answeb ed by Mrsgd Strachnn denr VI will loin Clown Wi or dcmnnslrntiun on damrt at the home oi hirl Harald Wright Dec pm Everyone is we come in altend Lunchwa ser ved hy Mrs Lander assisted by her granddaughter Heather win came in with lighted candle and sang happy hlrthdly to Mrs Strachnn who celebrat ed hirthdlw that day The next meeting will he at lhe homo nl lirx iicrh Sheikwell Dec 11 at pm Members are me minded to bring gift ior the Mental hospital mll call Christmas custom in another lnnd exchange of Christmas gills 50 cents each member to read chrislmas poem mm lest Mrs Sheardown lunch Mrs Shelswell Mus bucxwonm Mrs Jnhl mlnuleg slh duslry was Hayes who lowed by won by Mm Calrl was lndull ANGUS Johnson allowed by two silence Thu topic was mm by Mrs whatcad am 101 ry conical wh ch wu Mrs Sheardown all answered by nlndnx Iglry In Bunla and it Thu molla mum ug ifyop dont know knack Hawr arm Co LL Momm 335 mm 13 IA HNWM vmwsmmm minimsum xo Lav 10 so To TH CONCERT aunmzm AHLHAV TO CATCH UP ON wgmaugmar wmnummmm Wimmnmmmmm Wwwiiésmr Dimes ï¬umugs now Times AVEC MAMA VAsowem Lu mugs Vng as in Afï¬rï¬ WM 4111 auxin anumsn THURSDAY Newman in nu NOTTNE PRESIDENTI HEJA BUSV MAN AND HAS ATNOUSAND EMPLWEESHE6 mmnmaqu wm yuanMum