All nmn lAlAIY mTAWA CW flu Mall mammal mph yer4 Iona who who mm at mr Benton pull mm mm la mm WWI 5mm m4 xlnu In Lomlnoul Mum Follawlng dlnnrr lhu um 01 honor wnl yrumlnl lllh Cuckoo Clock by Mrl Llllhn 0an 51an mcmbnl nllmdmu llw rally lncluduL Min Fan mn mry Mn ollva llrliry lllu My fllnlrr In My Dur dtua Illu Franc Cumylwll Mlu Darnlhy Ffllï¬mfl Mn Anne flllmon Illu Edna flar dan Mu thn My Ila Ilnr ml Ilcflu In MaryAnna Itholwnl If Eleanor Orr Mn Inna Quinn lln Iran 1mm IllI Dom nu lllu Ann llnhmum Mn Cunllno lmllh Mlu Ilulm Wm Mn MIMI Mlu Dlnnm flmllh III Ilnlm Wm II Juan Nlch oh Wu ernm Iln Juan mantra llulmn NI HIOI nd Mu Ill Urn MIi nmm um John Walton at In nflnmn mum in lvlnlly Anlllnn Charm Nov Thu Ghll Mclnl Cluh nnfl lhu nexlnnzl olllcc Boclnl Club Omnrla Hydro held dinner Ind pmmlnlhm pally In Imnnr al brldulm Illu Evelyn Hun ler nl Hy Contlnmlnl lnlL Dnzcnr mam tonvmer In Mu Commlow and mm Mr wm Mn Pack Av IIIUIMI were Mn HHII Mn Wlndnll Iln Hula Ilrl Ikbellnn II llozer MIL A4 llnrdnglan Convener of the Ian mom Will MIL Gray anlIld by Mn William Lllllc Hrs anhcn Mn calm Ilru Gaulhltr Mu Klnmar Mn lllb duel Mu Lloyd Cook Slcwari IlrL Krlccy Mu lunch Mu Bab Good ellaw Mn Wchh Mn IL Amulronx and um Anntul Scull Prnldlnz the an table were Mu flmvt MrL IL Cltmmu Mu mm llrl andifl Mn Datum Md 3m 04 Cook Bride Elect Feted At Dinner The convcnor um Mn C4 Runner mined by Hamsch erl Mrs Velch and Mn Jenna Mu nvld Rccve and Mn Lloyd Fonlcr received In luau numbering nppmxmnle Ten hostum Included ll Maxwell Mn Bogardll Mn luck Mallmly and Mn nonlncr men and lold theme wan med In the tea room wllh the on lab contra wllh uth naral arrangement accented with tall Milli tape On one unll NOEL was spelled out In lllllcrlnu um 1mm hlgh lluhlcd wllh large gold mm and whlle mowflnkn Each Indiv ldunl Inhle carrlcd lhrmum lho lhtme color wilh green and gold lny ccnlmplcrc wlth whlla place man and Chrlnlman green mgklml in the bazaar room Vnriciy oi iicmn wm oiimd many of which will be found under tom one tree Chriiimm morning OM navciiy hand minim map wan cnznriy mm iar Christ mm Iiocking liuiitrg Jally Old St Nlchalm wag polled mouldc the entrance to he Social Hall to point the way to the Christmas Tea and Du anr womand by ma Burton Avenue United Church Women zulardny afternoon and even 14ml balm tea lime In lhe afternoon gum were making lhelr way In the bak Inqu or prly lho good oods he Burton Ave UCW feature each yqarï¬ pm annual uflnIr Womén Shop For Christmas At Festive Teas Bazaars QUILT DISPLAY on man at the Central Unltcd Church Chrmmnp bazaar chncldny The all Chdnma 1m adam ed will brightly mlmd llzhll was located In ml Mn lbs lea room Carryan through In InfIva Ihcme Individual mire Public and convcncr wan Mn Bruce Nubfll Cw conventn nulsllnz her were Mn Cook Mn Green The llcwardshlp many or lhc sale Hum wan won by Ike Hull flu Frank Gmn and Mn Cyrfl Cook TIEINITV ANGLICAN CHURCH The lea mom Trmily My allmn Church was gaily decor nlcd In 1mm mood or the nnnual Chrlumal In bum and balm sale womand by membm Guild of the church Pam checking wax directed by Mn llcQuadc Mm BL Agnew Mu ll Wallwin and am Jamiemn sir1 mic am Poole and Mn Jacobs IookLd nfler Uni 4mm Lgryke Alr Span prcildcd at Iha plana duran lhu ca ham Mn Davis was kitchen convcncr assistant were Mn Dobson Mm Cnm Encarn Mm Dlogu Mn Furzocall Mrs Ixaynlan Mn VeilCh Mu Hay Mn Human Mr Sykel nm In may lusty or Mu Hmkln IL anklc Mn Jonncll Candy tabla was convened by ME Goqgh 11nd pm Walt The ntiï¬dlvi dmmllngwu cogvcncfi tgy My Jennch lake Lnblcl were canvmmd by Mn Goring mch by Mn Scmmenl Mm Ilou Emm Mrs Schnndlcn Mu Kali Mr Cook Mn Vnrley Mrs Batu Hm Homer Mu Carter and Mm Hunter Mn Roberuan and MII Jackson 55 DUNLOP ST IAIIII ONT litemoon Ihmd the spotlight with lplnninz wheel mm the wheel ll Mu Eric Dewv Wrought Iron Plunlon Qualiy Suollm Odd Carp Runnm Mail 50 to choou hom Now Planlc luby PmCIIam Barrie Secondhand Store BARRIE SECONDHAND STORE 126 61 050 URL BOUQUET TORONTO CF deflated analm in lacal beauty com um mired back In Irue bau bnll ashlau and hurled her bau qud of ma he ludzel Dor nlhy Whmmnn made the Iure alter failing to place nmanz Ihe lop flute In ID Mlu Yule cunlul she hm mum of mu Ignoring htr nomlac Ion prize Krill Klnknr blonde 16st who weak flva lungunm won 015 route mounted by Harmonic Get mnn Alhlellc Club The wvmen Trinity Guild nre famous or mclr zmrboxcd shortbread and lhl year the cookie boxes were in charge of Mm Lam and Mn We Also dilplayed In the bazaar room were he radillon n1 bake Iahlu agron Inblu and novelty gill wlmimu Mn lPaU McCarthy was In charge baby nllllng Gum we received by Mm Read Mn non Gremo pmldenl Mu Charles Read past president Mn Earl Blvd zen Honours were Mn Jack Butler and Mn Wllllam Wolf endcnl Convener of the annual Inad mlslng Event mu Mn Harvey Chatene and Mn Fred long was monvmen during flu nflemoon wcraMrs Waller Dyer Mn Denali son Mn Lome Davldsmlv lln Scott MIL Art Nubia and Mn Alfred BloamIIeld pisses dccoralcq lhg lea tabla Jun groin were In charge of the centre piecea which ranged from San tal reindeer lo lny Christmas mu One the man ntknctc Ive centrevlecu was while ell boo wilh red It Chrlumal er lhlnlnz red uqulnl nap commute member world at the floral display tab and mitten 1m Examc not PM Prédqm 7t itamblo RECORD CABINETS FOR CHILDREN BEDROOM 0R PLAVROOM DRESSER AMPS Wooden $300 HOME AKING loodiu were eatum Bum Ave Unlwd Gmfch Dal1dr yetch day summon Shown hem displnylng some of the annulus puma am Mu Fred Cook Mrs Frank Gar hg and Mn Earl Hunter Examiner Phoio EVEG BEAUTY SHOPPE nu IL Mumu Him PAH Olhln Iflu la IZA Il Illnwol Dan mm sonmrzn nu no In Conan HAIRCUTS $100 PERMANENT ll Amuunm ow 55 Dunlop 550 PA 411 zvm HAT 0N 1513 FROM oun mmuum STOCK or ixmmm mm mama BOMB HAVENT 1va tum Unmcmn DAYSONLY We low you wln Due to tho fabulous wcnlhcr we have rccclvcd lhla most unusual lull wn Ind that we am badly overstocked wllh lruly magnlllccnt mllllmry Our complete lnycnlnry ll bclng cleared this weekch at 11V Inga 3895927 WE OVERSTOCKED above all theyre flattering sportivo or sophisticated TODAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY lflTfll BARBIE EXAMINER Cape MAINLAND LINK Cnnw Cauleway linkan melon Inland with the ll COLLIII IT Th0 nulcctlon Include all nnd wlnlcr velourl felts mlcll lulla soumcu beaver and fur trimmed Play To men for Teens lo 1105 Rcducrd 40010 00 Holldn Hnln Include pmu do 1010 sallm whims and uqulncd hula LOIS ROBERTSON IN THE SHOP SHOP THURSDAY Nova 1955 South In 1951 Nomman OF BARRII PA I77 mainland and cam PEG MORE and was be camplelpd in