mm or BORDER Iulflll pol M1 Ihfle mum lAl Wigwam lalllnmln thlmm mde 91 Im bankr or not hum and unmet um Ialvlm ranMam from II In Include 01 Cum farmer mum Ind Wk wlm mud applique Wl In pol Hml mu Mic her hmband died 1951 In Winnlvcl Nu movtd in Bedlam Que Mal buck la work to Jun Duflnl be war when her but handIn Anzllm clergyman Ilka htr Innerunwed an army chaplain the worked In lnnularlum In Ste Antho Que la the vrlcrnm umiln dtpnnmml All 70 70 Alihounh the churn Im vluyod Iuru nun In her IIIA uhe the daughter of Rev nd Mn En Gevlmy my and WM manch In INI to Rev Stanley RIdcrsha In no munztr In tho world bull MI Ilnd unnm out In Mont ruI bank Eflfl complcllnz bunlnm sauna From there In an Imurnnco Inn and Inn warkcd or III nIumInum uampnny THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING Mn Rider Wearold wldaw wllh lwa chlldrcn had newr been membcr of Bullnul and Pram10ml Womenl Club when lhl Msumcd her pmman In May 1959 Juli amwcrcd an advertisement In the paper and torny plum lurprm Eat the Job She and we unmanl lho Itderatlonl only Ialarlcd em ployees are kept my all year channelflng cormpondcncn ML 107 membzr club um Canada FULLTIME JOB WAWA CmKeep hl admlnmrallv whczll turning or he 7000mcmbcr Cnnadlun Fadnrnuon Bullncu and Pro mlunnl Wamcnl Clubs II mum Job or Auduy Alder executive Henrytram Tenyenwld Yvanne Weaken Cmmam believe In the umpllnz the merchandise hetero making her purchase Above Mlu Rulhmnrie Green pruldenl the BenIo Venture Keeps The Wheels In Motion In 7000 Member Womens Club died In Mn mdcr Que and to wan The mmmllm Ilo my mm donallnu ol 23 mm 11mm nub nmlynlno Lllmlfl fund Plum lo nnnonm um he AVIA nl Mlmlnl In wonor ln rhlld The 11ml ammllm of In Inldlln la Chlldrql Fund lfldl lnla cmclnlly HIva lulled II In 0mm ll min In mh ll lln llnl lo loam mend to renledly In Iuh II All lhl tolled IMI And remav mud palllb unmn um Ivrldn ulrl wll lho mm lllnu mr un III water Iqumlnl not Minesing AYPA Wm Sponsor Child rmm mw Baby colton knlll an be My laundered Ir wuhlnl mnthlno Uu warm map or fly ltrlenl Ind and than Wuh lnl TU lo removn av rm MM lfldl Then kn l0 cm In dumpdrled In ha In cytle bu Ihauld ba rmovnflmmcdl Amy lo raven drop wrlnllu Him ull n1 muuuvuu Apply mm rmmcdlnmy In Iowa run mm nem nrn me weak wlullan 01 till Much Itcnrdlnl 10 fr lmlmdlnnl Try rut llly upon promylly btnun Iome aid drlcd Ilnlm alman 1mm Ilfdgfo Ismave The cotton hm underwear mud or bublu camly mn vcnlnnl Ind my to can or Jam lulled muon kn under lhlnu Ahould be wnhed cvcry any or we tar the Ionm l0 rcmalnl the deeper link me bra and lnbrlc think the Business and Prolculanul Womenn Club are doing wonderful lab bring Inz 1113 problem working amen helm he public lhl um lhm I0 mnny mm wamcn working today For ex ample In 1934 women mounted Iar 217 per cent In total warklnz farce Now they mks up 291 per cent Cotton Knits Ideal For Baby Much of her work will Ibo federation In rouUne Filing lu pervmnx callecllan of en and circulnllan ol the federation mainline and mnlntalnlnz the minnow large mamm 1a She aho Attend Iho annual national conventionha next on will be in Ottawa In July and prmnt national boqfd nIncgllnu her Iamfly on In Ill held our john Thrca mnrnlnga week Mn doctorl receptionist and secretary Flva Ifltmaanl week worked or mllk wm puny and the remalnlnl two mornings mm nmlary to my mnnuhctuun All thin and being mommy drummer of the uhoal board Wu Jun my 00 much Club hold ho molds WMII Yvonne nibblu The bake wax pm at tho Quinnm plny at the Venture club baath II the Market Square Harm Ennqu Phota ZEllERS lTD SPECIAL Arum BuADYOIlD HEREOPIIONQMDXD mnlfllfllml walnutvenom mnwltlto Suptrb uptake permur mnlchod woofer Ind lwmu peed mord clun ur Ind mnrd llama romplrlmcnu am and man nuul mold ncluded FREE mum pluu mm itiééuthe Hundrcn undo In Iomclhlu But became dludrcn and lo be cometva Tho greatest Argument ul forth In Invor otsuch urala 11 that children love them my MllrSmlth But they Ilsa lava an candy and my lnl up late At night Man valanti also In Mu jGflidedBY ParentailRexriews Apart 1mm their school lexll children read only 1119 Ha yBoyl Nancy Draw the Babuy Twin and Inch uld la vurlm TORon CmThe quality chudrenl main med to ba Funded lay Barbara Smith at the Childrens Nearer llnnu Bandlui Council BEAUTlfY YOUR HOME WITH FURNISHINGS mom mums BUY Nowimmxr Muffr7 Parentl should never buy books or children without hnv lug read them first Then who dont have lime for thin should at least tryCo read review or Ilmply 01111th that book In good and till he would and It LI not month my Min Smllh He muu be mnllvatcd byan explanation of banks story or whim 3531 mmrmsr ma Only child who read many dhmenl kind of books can put the mlnu intlhelr proper per lpgcllvg ï¬ve and satisfied lo keep ready Ins ondtyp book lhcyjlke parent must Wide them Into reading variety nun mu lMEED PORTAIILI lllONOallAlll GUARANTEED QUALITY MUMO WIIEHEVEII YOU no wllh Ihln compact nCA Vlclor portabln nccnni Plly or whom Iwolonl red bmwn him or lumen In an HIM mulurll model Mln 0p mm humuywllnu 1988 to 2999 MI lawth Mud 52 mm incredlbla Journey modgm anImal nary REG KAIOKHILL El CUSHION with Illi Ihlnlunx Imer covml Iqunru or mad with box in Lulu homn Iuhlon colourl SIVO 0111 uchl 1on became allhourhlu removed lram gunk Jul fly In mu ey dual Inmer with humnn emotion and drama ImMlujmlth She think The madlhh Gullivirfr Travail Bï¬lnmï¬ PelérPln and Alice In ngxgr £9 gut JMï¬k 1a Wren lo My tom calm nlul um IUCIIHDIIHII helm mnklhx purchuu The criterion unload chil dnnl hook never chum Thu nulharmuu hlva lame thlnn to any which even Idul will ï¬nd lln 6000le $1 pfle Mud on strong Julc Ind loamrubber backch No underpnddinl needed Flnlxhu with mud edges that wont buy or null Brown belts or men weedx Gm nu buy SANTA wm vmr oun mm SAwRDAY mo 1200 230 400 HUMFINISH lllnNOflflMll BTAND with loud at room or mnrdnl Meuum 1w 11 will IIon moul any mm doll Tlh Mummy lo lnrl low prlctl wowth van Women wen Hm given an HIM law banned ea Au wuuleI child hasnt dmlfred the main hlhibby the ha In Grad he probably never wlfluyn Mlusmnh lugmid would he wading allulfled adult The Illllllv point matro veuy In lhc ï¬eld of children 17 vocabula Pmnll worry too much Ibout IL Dim child gm burned to ma Id him hit word hadoeml kpow The nealut problnm mm the Ramadan Reading Coun ell Iodny In Inletnun parent about new Indworth whlla for younuun aldMLn and Ind Damrubber needed trimmed by nenllummï¬ Part Ar thur wlfl alto bemms clam because hnlcally allme mm l1 RUNNER wllh wflly tuninlrm whll Ilmdu lo mhnnce any Ind bedroom Cryml mar 10 him no hlgh Chime 1mm our luxo tullecllan and nval HOUme mm Mm Marilyn Dullleld flu weaker Iar the median In troduced by Mn Buddy Mln Dulfleld LI lunar flzn Three Year Deacons Came It Ewart Coumufler homal Sylvan Lake Alberta She gave detailed account Eh Den caneu Come With 21 lid of pictures the described mm November meeting or Weaknlnxler Presbyterian Wo menl Gnu wax held at tho home Mrs Oolvln The president Mrs Bumdzl presided Mn ANV ï¬nnva tho méd 1151mm 1121 malfiwu Mien 1w Mn EXCITING SPECXALI Gracclul tables lo enhmca the harm rich walnut llnfah wflh nonmulch Farrnicl lopll Five llylel 15 come 15 24 mp 14 comer In In lump or 14 round ublul Om low low price um um EXAMINEII Deaconeés Course For Weshninsfnr Only oneSs Course DésCribed WeShninster ChurchWA xyterlan Wo held at tho Oolvln The Bumdu Zellers low prices make home due ofï¬ng breeze And you in Charged with one of Zellers Credit Plans No Down Payment Buy now Pay Next Year METAL CLUIIIES AMP with Ilurdy VI mvrrod on Gm lnr bl mom bed mvm nuneryl Vhlln black or lurquoln Spoclll lmv prlcux Womb nov 11 ITRANSISTOR POCKET RADIO um rural Mhn Dtceqfluf Mela At the dose the meeflng mfruhmenll wm awed by lb hasten business union louawed Nominating Commune wuap pointedmm Mn Jacobi chairman muted byAMn Short Ind Mn Jamil avaul present dab of emceu or the ynr It DinMk Conan new mm mm balla In lowed In th ean 029 Univean of Ioronta Clmplll Mlu Dullileld lpï¬tlnher max mer van on wo on ng51 Rsehumxl It K31nd Ibog anon grating m3 hflork are PumaI 88 EACH Luca4