Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1963, p. 4

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um Arum lulu 71 lulu an 14 mum in mum In In IM 1M AMINM luu mm um lull nu mum Moll mm tum In em mum lunflln And Mllulory and mm IINNITM WALL IllIn 7le ll mum mmlunn um lulu Ill IIIION nug HIVIIAV Ith mmm InleLLr llnl lulkuuu ml Iy uvmr mm HI Illllo rm VI Mlll 1n vlo ll yn III III mnnlhl Ill IMI maul mle ImIll mum HM Iv mm In Ill AM Infill Illn North Bay Nuggcl The ml dlalurblng actor In lhc rcnl conviction of truck drlver In llnm man or having pumulon of controlled drum lhn ml lhnl lhln drlvor Iccord Inn to court lutlmony comlanlly made Town Council got esllma av ing Hayfield St trom Wellington nort to boundary of 332000 no al Vln ter lnlr North Simcoe team Merlin Coufilnnd Dougiu Galbraith Kenneth Gllc rlst and Delno Jermey won third place In judging competition Thirtytwo counties competed and their coach Stew art Page was very pleased Estim nte that Ameriun tourists spent 3100000 in Barrie last lummer Scott Bros given contrlct tor rnowplowlng town streets Alderman Moran de clnred intention running tor one at reeve rlrlps Insurance company retuscd par damage caused when town lteam ruler went out control on Mulcutor SI and crashed into mm at Philip Loves Itorc lr It Little medlcnl ottlcer at health urged civic garbage col Barrie Examiner Nov 22 1928 Mun lcipnl political pot boiling especiall re Hydro Commission over Chairman Iohn Bennetts dismissal of John Hare super intendent for 22 cars Delegation of cit izens approache John Sinclair presid ent of Barrie Tanning Limited to oppose Bennett In election Lowe con liders opposing Mayor Dlnncnn llicCuaig young lawyer who boa lllmlagi year What is perha the most otent as fol alcoholism use Alcohol ca Anon maul was devised ta helm undertaken gbf the Salvation Army In British Colum It represents an tmaginatlve yet very practical approach to the treatment and cure of alcoholism through thejestab Illahment country retreat or 1159 hollcs The retreat for alcoholics at Suva Lake near Misslon 130 is known Is Miracle Valley It comprises 166 acre of rural land far from the uquaiid des fieration of Vancouvers hopelesl Skid OW According to Salvation Arm Commis sinner Wycliffe Booth racia Vni lay in pioneer experiment for the whole 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN fExpanded tourism is another thing the ectator continues Admittedly there no place in the world more beautiful or interesting than Quebec Montreal is one of the worlds great cosmopolitan cities It New York and Sen Francisco are probably the only big cities on this continent worth vlsltlng frequentlyt Yet there is something wrong about Montreal and Quebec these The Hamilton Specmor believe then in lot to what Senntor Yqu uya Student exchange would be wonderful for the cause of bilingualism An earold boy from Hamilton could easily enrn to speak French fluently if he spent the better part of year llvlhg arid gudylng with FrenchCanndlans in Que ec Seakln in Hamilton recently Senn tor aul uzk urged student exchange Ind pxpanded tourism batween Quebec and the rest or Cunndn um means closln the rut between French Ind Eng wanking anldhns If there ts one thing more than an other that French Canada need right now tt course in public relqtlana The theme Lets be beutly to Le An glals is just about phde out It Iteadlt undermtntn the feeling at goodw 11 toward Que ec that the rest or Chg ha alwqya taken or granted Fight Against Alcoholism speaking vIErenlch Impbritdnt ButIt sflould NOt Be Mustf The Barrie Examiner TRIPS FOR TRUCK DRIVERS Willa Publllher aims OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canifllhh Newspaper aned 16 Bnyflelg Street Barrie0ntmg WEDNESDAY NOV 21 PIIO Nnbranka lumen60 huvn ball of mm IV miles long ll nhowu how llc people rm almul maklng bolh ends meet Wlndm Star The our use In llnmlllnn rcwllcd In umgullon by he maglnlrnla lhnl truck driven be forced to like uallvn mu In order In Ind out my bid been lulng ulmulnnu lhln lecmu Illghlly Prepomroul hm Hm maglunle nld um hnrrmul lo hear that lhm penplq can go I0 many thy Ind nlghla wllhout Ilup Thm Lnntzermuln roaran up and down ha luanyn wllh he mm min pill to Imp IInm nwuke connlllulo mum to public ntely Why No man should hm lo drive or nuch lenglhy pcrlodn II but natural move or driver omd lo be Hm whncl hla vchlclo that long la mort lo pop pllll In onlnr lo keep Ilcrl mm between Vlnnl cg Ind Hamlllon In whlch he drove an hours ll Ilrctch Mrs Alexi ent Barrie lady lawn bowlers Clar ence Smith shot timber wall near Crown Hill Five inches of snow tell in Bar rie Iron this week Bob Alsop was textured at the new Wurlitzer organ In the Capitol Theatre where the silent movie was Passion with Emil Jlnnlngs Ind Poll Nexrl Cusln Alllrton lsrmer shl red 40 bags Iced otatocl to South ca Bridge and uildlnz structure at Miamian CNR yards de utro ed by tire Reginald Godden LTCM brtllant young Barrio concert Jinnlst ave lFlossing recital at Barrio omenl snn inn Club Miu ilestor Codllnz tormerly or Barrie opened art studio tn Fergus 2E leqtion lysiem be established also iull time sanitary lnsgecior and pasteurha tion of milk irths in Barrie during Rm year numbered 150 deaths 130 iore than 900 children were vaccinated for smallpox and 700 immunized with ioxoid against diphtheria Munici at ities of Newmarkei Aurora and Reh mond lliii protest proposed abandonment of radial atrectcar lines from Toronto Barrie Bowiin Academy was busy with league play op score or week made by Leo aneiy Leifhion Clarke llarry Burdclte lienry iii and lony Saaq um It may take well more than month to prepare many longterm alcohollcs or normal life AIcoholtsmr Impact varies widely between personalities Oddly enough the percentage of rccldtv tun seems to be greater among the high 10 zrevps Meantvtltfe the Salvation Army again has demonstrated the point In It motto With heart to God and hand to man lflon of Cfinada If the experiment works the Army intends to net up similar centre 1113mm Canada Commlss oner Booth belleve lt will take nt least months resldence It Mir acle Valley before an alcohollc in ready to face normal llfe ngaln unfettered by Illa many traglc problem of thla Amlo Were exaggeratin Have you visited Quebee lateyi eii we were there last summer and we were struck by the change in attitude of the once friendiy FrenchCanadian couple at friends of ours visited there just recent ly and they too came back with the same feeling The tsariwince is as beau tiiui as ever the foo is still magnificent And the night lite continues to provide glittering diversion but most of the peggle haveghgngeq or the worse In does thls country great service by upeaklng out now In lavor one munn But we remind hlm that the tourists he urgesto vlslt Quebec may never find the welcome mat Whnta wrong in the nvern French Canndinna attitude Swampe with sep must ropnganda and beginning to be ileve is awful things he hears Mr Average Quebecols now appranchen ML Average Englishapeaking tourixt with jaundiced eyeand uccasiomiiy influm mnbie tonguer He someiimer becomes very rude when Mr Tourist is umble to converse infrench He ism ion er the warm triendiy gregarious Gal hon vivnni at the travel association adm tisement but cold aloof man with urge chip on his um AAA days somethlng that chuld keep tourist IWE¥XH1TDVEI Wilson GEMIII Manner VlwnMt on lhe mm lmnl wlll Ill num lo pmma Ilnn lhm lhnl uher maln lnlrml by our udlr lladlnl IIIUUM And In In hula yn II mumMun um flower mnkel vrhlcln dellvmd Illhln lhl London pounl um Mlddlmx Ind Surrey fly mn lml Hm hulk lm1 vudnblu MW laid at Coven Garden In nut to Ihu mnnlrr nm noup Alllrlod mu lhv Hum mum my much Landon owlllun 0n Ilu hulnlnlxhl eruch hmughl flawm Inla Im mum TM put Imurl wen Mum hm Mn and um It hum period of rum hour lrlfllc mu all Ild The lower indullry peaplt bcllcvv lhll lhl Mur vml pmly Inc flower mlvkd dov mud very alronxly an III true In panlllan They mnvlnced Ill It Ihnuld my when II II Men1 ng my qlulm ludy Mr 1m number huynn whl tlu mm In Ihe mulllo Kirk up land an on llhlll WI 11 pul ed ID lh Iludy mndu II ggu lhallly pg lung my Immlvu lcheme ha been drlwn up In makn pravhlan Inr um ll embncel lilo of our Inn The plInI lncorparale all ha wnrk In flawerlellen ymvldlnl Iqaca nr wIllinl Iruckl nemnry allch and home or he men who work Ihm nvuhud in lwlrrtnwer Mach Iparlmenu Luz April firm cumul mu produced upon an var lnul Illel oulllde he ctnlrnl Londnn Iru which mlth ha mn Ildertd mm or lhl uluro Covcnl aIrden MIrkel llrm recommendtd Illa on Bzcklon llnId Em am or ml and wdequ Illr It mlmnted would produce IIvInu Irmmd nInI mllllon ollIr yur nu llu cannul lInlI wen doubllul bout IhI lulurl or th Ho Funk llolllm Muriel Aulhorlly Immhled world purl of reprmnlnlhu lram ht vldoul bunch flower ALI WANT 10 MY BIBLE THOUGHT Lu May working party wu ertrblllhrd by the Cavern Gar den erkzt Authority to conrld er the future ot the flower mar ket Thll group MI ruched the tonclullon ml the flower mar ht could Itlll nmlln It tho preunt Coven nrdrn rlte wlth out cumin dtrruptton to trnttto In th now conmted nu TENTATIVE SCHEME LONDON Londonl lamed Coven mm In doomed lnhe moved to Another lncltlon wllhln the next law yem under planl which have been prepared or bulldlnl new mnrkel in an al lemlllve lite on Ihe ounklm 01 London It now appear llnl lhla move when It ll made wlll Apply only lo the lrul and vane able Iecllun ol the mlrkeL When lime mave nul lo lhe new lacHon It ll now very Illner that he nower lnduslry rm wllhllll remain elCovent Garden REPORT FROM UK Famed Covent Market Doomed To Be Moved By McINTYllE uoob Tll JMHNFII WANT All NIUNE PA Hm Luh nde by In mm Mn lhn llll lava um yur no nullxlbln lhelr mop urnan Jun tlou to 01000 wnlnn Indullml nvolullnn or Indl Xmmolvlc pallunn mod by Mlcmu mum unvequ In duluu on hlmlvumn vlnu mm Ind thhlll The hul mvlnl III Cm don by man lllrh rumln tuned Mlcmn lam mm nll rundlulmr and min flulm mm Hum mman EVOLUTION Mnndnn mm vm ml 910 mm prlnllnl naln puckm In tomInert woven on lho mom Dr Cm well look mm la mllanal In Ihow In lamMo and mu homo ordm lor 40000 Ammd ll lholr aucuu lhl lndlm Itva twpmllvn and new hm don lot mun Imn no am an In Ihm colon Indhurlnl url ml Mlcmlc denim bylfllc ul tauIn ul Anlmny Th Minnu loan llama la chum aptmd by hll IIIH In lnrmtr uhnol Mun ln1 luur lhln ha nllllllll Imll hulldlnl wn added but lhml Illll Ml mouth mom or In tunhur nppllunll Imfllnl In Ilrucllon In Ink mun why in mm and Jowrlry nuk Prnvlnchl Ind tcderll llIA lharlllu Mum lmemlud lend wn ullblllhrd and on Oct I061 Dr meell hem progrlm ol lnllrucflon II mum npcurzn to Mm Hula man Um year no Anlhany Frlncll lhcn chlel El Cove Ioulhl Ild lmrfi Dr meell dlmlor 01 Ill hlndlcrlfl hunch nl ll le Brunlwlck deplnmrnl of Indul ry Ind developmznl Ht nld hll capl Md Illenl but dld lot now how to uplulln on HEXKON NJL CWA luc cmlul buxlnul venlnu hu hrounhl new my HI lo Iha Mlcmnc Indlnn mm Cave ncnr lhll Kent County community IDENTIFY TILEMURE LoNnON cm dun bovered all plinunl chh in hung or many yam In tho vel lry Mllmesbury Abbey W11 Ihlre hu been Idanllflcd II In In lreuuron mIJor work by Girollmo Maximo Imoul mh century Ilallnn nllzloul pnlnler 0n the hull of the working party conclusion lhe Coven Gnrden Market Aulhnrllyh ra pIdly comlnx Around to tho Man that It will be quila lullsllctnry to 12 It remain whm II but wllh much Improved mum New Business Venture Change In Lives Of It hunt or them wan Ievcn um when mereywcra us In nu ma kt urea By nlnn the Ilium wu down to 150 Ind ho lower mu ke wu over by mm PILL 13 UP siness VVenture Brings In Lives Of Indians minu IiHWEI luld DENDITY NH The wavumian demlly ll Unlled Klnldnm mu In high In world wn 571 penan Iqum mill ll tho 1m czmul lmhlaul Johnlnn mu wllh yum vjllly Draw flag at pravinclnl hundimn ol hi Frpderlclnn proud moment In MI 111 came when ha mtlvm cheque mm WIH Dlmay It In or recordlnl or Web Illl volce In Mlcmu wllh Enulllh IrImlIllon of land In lutludcd In Disney plc Inn on lndlInI 1m CANADIAN an Noun 1m Thu Ramn Calhnllc cudlnll primm Hun nry Archhllhop Jon Mlndqenty wan wanted 15 year no todayIn ma by hi CommunlIMomln lied Huntrim zovamment on mun charm Can vlded lul Hun thm month later he wan lcno lenced lo Illa Imprlmnmcnt wu ruled uylum In ha United Smel Budaput lunllon during ha 1956 peo malt mIlndlnl 1n lhu Nurth was Tumor wm ranted lull Ilquor rlzhll plnclnl lhem on In equnl loan with whllu And Etklmos mo Pennsylvnnh Ila Hon In New York has worlds largest rlllroad an Inn ll day wn opened PRESIDENT CHATS WITH WEST BERLIN MAYOR TODAY IN HISTORY 32 Iho lulu Imam lmm nu Imam Human ul Ill mm Wm Ionian ull um um Attended lumrd Eu luch new Mu wlll very dllhrenl lrom mlny 01 hole whlch nnw rnvlda wotk wilh lhelr llvzlhood The Mr phhlluled new machine wlll plco In numbm la dnyn umkfled workerl flul mned worker will bl required to bulk lhou new muhlnu to work wllh lham Ind upo tlllly Io mllnuln hum It Isnt the lnlllal onslnuzhl of rheumallc lever um dum ms the heart but the utter math Tho heart become In mmed and hen huh lhe munnm near tissue Inter rem with the action Ihe vulvu other unmaled hem problem may add la the dam lga over the yam or there may be rtpelled much rhegmallc ever peljhap vlry but Ihe dlmnge Idd The dhem Ilso Ioalcd many duclou but Iuhmnllll pnr mu hu bun nude in diu hall in Ih 10 or 20 yam So now not when you were chlld mt many rheumallc lever cues are he lnx promplly IdenIIIIedA Wllh madam dmu ulually penl clllln ll possible to prnlec person or yam against mend or lhlrd or fourth luck the dlaease wnikm who nnw rim1 hm heavy dlny unsklled and mo mgqnquslxrepcllllve tasks Obviously ha emnllnl Actor In lhln etllulllan II llml Inlnmr Nun Ihnud crule dirldly Ind Indirect more Juhl lhun ll de glmyl hzrthJI will Indeed be cum Economllll rmqn Hut Iultr mnIIon wlll permit In ovcrall lnmm In productlnn II will lherelm cmla mm wuflh Ind more welllh in Ium an crull morn Jabl by ind up non ur Ilrcp thenmlllc Ivar PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Automallon has been descrlbed blessan becauu will Introduce nu zhlnu to do much él Ihe heavy dlrly unskilled and mumlun ouslyrepelltlve work In Indus lry because ll wlll create more pleasant better pald Iklllod jobs hecruse it wlll brlnz Ilmrler work wtelr And maler lelrure bccause ll wlll raln lhe Ilandanl of llvlnx hero and lhrnuxhoul the world Eu aulomallan hu also bccn described Curiebecame It Rhaumltlc Ivar v1 mu dlleale In the put many hlI dren and dull hld It ulhoulh It wnnt recognized mother thou the ynunuur Jun hld mu throat And puud all um join flowing pain and Wu hn py when alter hll lhc chu got over lhu trouble Dnr Dr Molnar Im rhaumatlc ever pllllnl Ind ml in halpitll lwlco In yur Im allergic Io penlclllln lo lull ppco Im 45 mu and didnt know had rhoumlllc love chlldMfi LE Your letter Inlereuln and whlle you hm some dulcull problem youva mud uro mu In computing them thumlllc Iver vidmu mm lulln prucr Iervnll dillve would Ickl Th matlc ly JOSEPH MOLNEB OTTAWA REPORT TO YOUR coonimaALTH Automation Brings Mixed Reception filiéuméjic Fever Vicious DiSeasej mm In Juhn Hum llunmdy IAI Wltlpllfloh AI In exampi at the client at Iutamatian on tha work tom plant qunle the cm at Vutem company which produce mmman ml tlriIi wed in buildinz Unlutm mated that plant mployed 00 production wurken each urn inl WMitt With the intrv duction Iuiomntzd machin ery tin unit at production at wnrkm wu cut to 10 But titI ICI in Iulomltinn my llnn at new join malnl nc Fmty Iuch wotkm nth um in to week hId ta be di Automation lncmud output by In Imount equIVIlent to the production at to workm In the preIuiomntiun pIInt Thu lhe lnlmdudlan nun manor dcxlrnytd 70 out 90 roducllan Jobs but It cmkd lhclr place do beuerwld Ind euler or warkm with Ippm mu Krnlnlnl I150 Add onwuarter la ha num ber of wwkhourl In lha pmdue Hun ul lha plan mIdIInery Au lumullun would vermlt reduc glon lII lhl can Ihl produd Dur fir Mulner rII coh blnallun at baking soda Ind salt lhl to clean the teeth Yes Nole Mn sllll Ind Mlle Conception can occur regent less whether onyor bath panlcs In lnloxlmcd Chronic IIcuhqllsm In althcr lndlvldunl my Interfere Mlh concepllun dmve dnmrxe whlch othcrwlu would result 1mm repugt It tlcklt Thu drum anlnrt rheu matic lover nawlr extremely effectlve Ind ought to be world amour but It lacks the dra mallc mm of lame dluasel Ieu total fncldencgr H9w ever It ha been tremuldoul Achievement Ind mu lhll nmall opportunity to my my tribute to one the mat con qluestf preventive met mar These are calloldnl plrllclu or Iubslnyccs In Iha fluid wuh which the eyeball lllléd 1th are not serious but they can be most annoying espccially Il ya worg apput them Dur Dr Molnar What Barlhnlln cyst Shnuld It be re moved Could ll be unceroull Mlls 5D The Burlhnlin Klnnds are in he vnglnn one pluned or closed become 11 mt It Is not canceroul put Ihnuld he removed pfompljy This reasoning obvioule im plies llmi ll we are to reap UM maximum bencliia irnm auto muilon we must ensure iliai our work an9 receives iii an pmurim Lnlnlnz lo liil thou increasingly technical jabs WI xpusz no lonxer urnduale large number at unskilled worktru worker into our work one ei ther from Ichaol or through im mixaiiun Treatment In InnHy by moon or Ipecln lonlInllnl penJclllln adminlntered once month If paflent LI eh Iensmvu 11ch penlcilln Iulln or name athu druz ll ed mar frequent In Thll prqvpgfl 1n Den Dr Mulner Pleu wrllu nhlqgfloalujl In lhuaye hut mmuirehlnd dactarl keep yppful eye on thug

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