Barrie Math Course Said Far Advanced werJBM mmmm d7 thlnundmol an un mum MiJnfllnm mixII hwmln the Qurhnc Mu nlrlgn lart rmnlovhlumnn Snoddun Ind nlu unrulln II Fun Mulur Company Cypnda lelled Tum Wllllnm Imumr lull Onl Indur Irlllhl and mrmlur Ihc Uulvmlly Tonmlol bowl lawman Ln hm ulllpMmo Amel In Onllvaurrl II Inna pm All mloulunl noprnm who llrul mm rcnlury no In Tornnlo nlmul L000 cull lo Mclro lolko we remind mm mm nllm lemd In CXplnlloll nno woman who call rd Thu Exllnlncr mule ll lo ho Ionlc boom She old 1110 nminer lhnl Ihn lhouuhl ll would be Illegnl or mu mo wund burl4 Two tnllm lrnm IM thnly lily Rom rrpomd lo Dmll The Ionic Imam heard here II dlllnncvl ol ncmly mllu wnl nllo heard In Tnmnlu um All over Inulhcrn Onlnrln nur rle dolachmcnl al Onlnrla lrw Vlntlnl Inllm yumdny on cd lnruo number ltlcpmnl ulll lnrlulrlnu about ha nolu Clly Iol cu received about ï¬ve Soumcm Onlnrlo no ban on ho Unlltd sum Air Force yellcrdny whtn Iwo USAF Illhlcr plum broke mu 0qu bnrrlcr In lhc Unduy urea nl Iboul lhm oclock during an ln lercrplflnn cxcrclno The money used large or lhu chlldrcns Chrlslmna Early and workshop wllh be lame to go lowards general puma cxpcadilurgs Tho lwn assoclmlon me lo xclhcr lnsl month or law supper pmparcd by and or the men and Il wn then announced the money would be donnlcd by the Knight of Oalumbm TIo cqu was pmcntcd last night cheque or $200 was prw emcd 195 Inlghl lo lho Barrie and hmch Assoclnllon Re tarded Chlldrcn by the local Knlzhls ol Columbus Mr Mnchnn who Is 510 on the pmvlnclal commith or the new mnlhemntlcs course wlll travel lo Allistan next week to give the introductory lecture to the teacher In that am Planes Break Sound Barrier ï¬nd Cause Concern In Ontario Jame Mnchnn principal of Klnx Edward School and Instruc lor fur the lnAsurvlca rnlnnl of teacher In the new course by provinclal departmento edu cnllon told the mm well knnwn publishlng house has ask ed lo meet with he cammluca to ï¬nd out how Barrie intro dqcnzlhe new cnum Barrio is further ahead hon any oIher school system In On tario In dealing with the new mnlhemnllcs coursn the Barrie pnbllc school board was told 1m nlghl Knights Present Cheque To Help Retarded Youths in CANADIAN rum aARIuE cm pouca cull Itable Ralph Hurry look an approvingly Ken Hartley IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS In other business the schwl DEATHS llmun lhll lhm could he no ndvnnu nlormlllnn la new punt rï¬r wuu mcdln Nornd Ipokolmln nl Bullle Crack Mlch uld hl flu pIInu lnvolvrd 1n the uertlw were pln In the pnrll In in vndlnl nno Ill lnmcrplor Tho exert wu gulckly ur lnnlud In low Non nlr crew on he Ilerl pollen on the crnshu had ral llcd door Ind window In their homu Sever new method and ideas menuon the tamer once an expdd lo become new policy at Um Darrin choc Mrs Faye Spaml pflncfpal of the mama dilldrena sdaoof fn Barrie fozelher wlfh tench Mu Kay lefford and Mm mee gave mpon on he nachen conference they nf fended fn London Inst October It was Iha third Mn ORAC leachen and education mulch encc held In tho province In ha purdmsed or Barrie newest public school elude used plnno Illnl cab cum mccllnz ol the retarded childrens usoclnuon board last nlghl declded not to change thespelllng Steel Street and to leave the declslnn tu Steele Street School whether it wishes to take the 1mm 1L1 name It had bean reported at an earller meet lng that the board would have to pay an estlmated $100 to change the spelling and by law would luv to passed by cltl capnclli The board also passed re cammendallnn mm tha property and supply committee that the typewriter In the boards alflca ha placed In thu nfllca Maple Grove School and that an elec trlc typowrller ha purchased ljeplacemcnt lha Kinsmen Club Idjust lately patrol unlioym on Cherlnnne Hesiqn Maple vaa Pub had pan Illl 330 pm BRING YOUMLIWLE PEOPLE TO MEET HIM Omnrlo Provinclal Pollca had no details on how lho nccldenl occurred but stated lhnk churn nro pendlnl Sych WM winner In car driven by Frederlck Whit lock of Dunlap 51ml wall Dnnlel GemIa Sykes Io III Bar flowns taken In haspIInl wIlh broken rIbs lnchIons and an eye Injury lust nIghI aIler he wnl Involved In an achdenl one mile north of Sunnlanc on Can cegsIan 10 at about 730 TM board announced last mm that the local PUC had donated an electric stove for the kitchen the new school The mcelllm also nmpled In oflcr mm the Bun1e chapter the Imperial Order Daughter 01 the Empire to hanllpiclum at Her MA my Queen Elizabeth II and Pr nca PhHlp In Mapla Grove School It dlnnor wlll be held at the Contlnentnl Inn before the nlfl clal openan for board member and lhosa people closely cameo ted wlth tho school mm metal desk and chair and standard duplicator Estima ted cost or the new lurnllur and equipment will be about 51300 OFFICIAL OPENING Omclnl opening of Maple Grove School wlll b0 DEC 11 which Ross SixIke chairman Ontario Hydro will be guest speaker Lad Injured In Accident 11c School Thu new achobl formed salely pltml yer terday Making an rim 15 V91 Brucker principal COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS EATONS SANTA CLAUS TOMORROW plays libs to LAKEVIEW Buy 11 Mum ladlvldul BOX DINNER nuy Th BUCKET WEEKEND TIBET SWEETSBURG Que CF Judge Delaney unlenced In mm penrpy gluing to our weekendan Inll or Ilcallnz rlflo Ha Inld he Im poled he unusual mums hu caun evldenco Indicated lha mun wnl lncllncd lnln tmublo on weekends Toronto Symphony Orchestra will visit Barrie Feb to IV concur In the Central Calla Isle auditorium 1b dale advanced hooking hive accounted or one quarter the main and all ol ha 200 tudlenzvllckeu hm bun spak on Dr Cwnnnuer the Iymphony Jack Elton described Centrnll auditorium the nut hlgh Ichoal auditorium he had vlsllcd Mr Faster has travelled ex enxlvnl throughout Canndn and his plan and Ilrnlghmrword Gospel ministry has been mend ed wllh wonderlul mulls The Hm media the ser ies belln It Mn today and lhe concluding service on Dec al pm mï¬iiérn public is Invlled to attend the services lull Blvmembcr orchestra will be under the dirccuon Wallzr Sussklnd The program will Includa works by Noun gym horny Tuhalkowlky and lel Kannkoll The Ad zlo or string by Samuel Baker Iho only modern work In the The sanctuary of lhd Alliance Church Steel and Cook meets wlll be Ille scene of ipcclll urleu nl ovangellstlc rvlces with the RAW Nelll Foster Kamloops EC FOR FAMILY DININO Toronto Symphony Coming To Barrie Alliance Church Has Special Event MEMBERS OF Mapio Grow Public Sdnooi mew patrol appear mum as one cl their murmurs iI equipped wilh her uniiorm The chiidmn IIIONI PA lllll 375 495 135 Pickle malrman the employment committee said brief will be given to the principal unnoan the context soon as mtble so it my be distributed among the Itudenta before mum holl d8 Final arrangements as to tha closlpz date we contest rules and prizes have not yet bmn completed The Winter Employment Cam paign Cnmmmee has asked the Barrie Collegiate Board to operate In mowing an may conus among menu In Grade to 13 Theme the may wlll be how to create more Jobs dmLll the winter months Barrie hlxh Ichobl studenu will be asked to help he clly In nuw ways to create wgnler employment Irelmn1efl Hm Rummy Janice Sinclair Guerrth Helm nylu McAflhux Wayne Pappln and Paul Waz uam Adjusflnz the beuon AskStudents Help Find Winter Jobs tobacco but more of Sumo oxolualvo Milloool super mm for truly milder smoking plomun Same mumth rodihdlilvor package ofmgylzï¬plmatm find 5le and Regular ï¬g now available in packages of 20 and 25 Full King ï¬lm Sqmo highest grade ngod Virginia Available right now IS LIKELY WINNER NEW YORK AWNorthern Dancer owned by Tay lorl Wlndfleld Farms Tommo In lhu curly Iavï¬rlta or todayl 328050 Hemaen Stakes at Aqui ducl Race Track It In Nonhcm Dnncerx lemd start on United States Inch An $15817 pum will no lo the winner In thin mile evtnt the last flake or twwurold calls at the track um lesson Mr Pickles said he expecu the contest will don by Jan 15 and will be scheduled as not in mind with Chrlsimax examinations Prize money will be donaied by building supply iimu and building comscion with prize of 850 25 and 15 being ward ed he added Chen1mm Ken Hadley ol tm Kinsmen Club while Khu men president borne Carter mew weeps vn an awn ï¬zï¬nsbnf Nov All ol the equlpmml worn by Ihe Esq In Bank In lupplled by um xiilung Club The member of the palm wen laid um their responnlbu lly wu or tho uletynl their snhoolmnlel Do not control motor mum he mused Al low Ill value proceed nor mally only when Halm ll clear or vehldu rhmrld you luw children to emu In aid Conn Bury Id that cm waflr had bean Wed on St Vincent sun at Grove to help the patrol mintn order Cons nld ha manner in whlch the cruel nulrdl do their job In gcked He said the guard would make their xchml and schoolmnes proud the way they any out their abllnllam Ho laid II wu especially lni ponan 11 mhm will ï¬w To my nhuahmem patrol Maple Grove nlne e1 pmenury uhoall In the city have nyrkemn up Conn Berry noted that In 25 year drool rarely mm in Clflldl there nu never been In accldenl where And when they have been In operation The oillceXWId the children um may hm organization Fl nina collih trier inde musi Ind Jap an have aim in mums In Barrie alone 300 children In member of pumia cgncx 9mm Court Berry crutloned the younlucrr In remember ml 1er war uulr only ohkctlve He told the membnn on pl rol that their warm re sponslhlll Ho naked um the entire enraliment thlldren obey he palmlmemV her and help keep ha lyr leml may record Intact MN sqnoou lhecblldren mm vaa Public School were preemed with their equipmen and ï¬nal briellnx allowing nulls clau what may patrol wn formed at Darrin new school mlerdny City Police conn znbleï¬alph Berry MRPLE GROVE New School Gets Safety Patfdl IO on the candidate 1n the Mum Hall In the avenlnz by 01mm of the chnpm misled by pm Mon Wise Sovereign and mm bm ul Sumemu Council no lath demo Spry Chapter Holds Assembly Aulumn Ammth of SW Chapter Rose Cron or the Valley 01 Barrie balng held today tn the Mannie Temple There no candidate for the lath degree In Scottish Rite Masonry The chamer opened It two oclock Pmldm the Most Win Sovereign Rn Eldon Greer 1511 demo work being g5 unted by In Orfllla team degree will be given by Bunla can directed by James Pappletnn rDlnner In St Anduw Church Hill at 115 pm The malngmkar will bu Ken Wall of Bunlo The chlldrcn whox conlflbnta l0 greatly to the accident lynem do notuo wllhom re ward An annual jambam ll held In Otllm which two patrol member lroln each school are Included Tbs mule roadblock hm In that hunch alliance in send tho young ster to flu Jamboree ll hard comm Spam lllpl Inch men to Maple In Garden Tor onto Ire also included dunInn the yeqr Four thousand school children are Involved In Barrlal salety palml pmlrnm Each of the 151 elementary dallmma ln lhef city vlllted by the poan thIe the police department Conn Berry II responsible or the organization and education of flu patrolehthe request or euchu eyltem must come mm the wheel board Upon requett to the deizanment thegponee become chimed to the leek In chnrx Knlzlgt