Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1963, p. 13

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Brief Requests Shooting Inquiry European Papers Hit Image Of Tough Texas Thu Illarnry cmrall do vnnmenl hul Alrudy In nnunrcd ll lnlcnunn la apical unlenm Impoud on mllm an lmundl llnl flu Irnlmm Mu Inudaqu The rcquul will Iv mm In mm la ha prcmler by the Miller KAPUSKASING Ont CW Prnmlcr John Rolmm will he Ilktd In week or lull Irv vullnllnn Ink ma dlfllhl Hum urlkln member flu Unlled BrMhmmd Carpen lm and Joiner nl Amarm CLC nurhy Rum Sidlnl mlln Ihll year For the mnmenl In the Ilunned allcrmllh or wcckond em mm poignant man plalnlhr dulre abroad 70 BrHlIh lelcviwn French commenmnr laid haw Ichaalboyl umlnk Kenncdyl granule were Anvlnz pinlum Kennedy Ho MM lhnl nnw II he llme or Franco and IM Unlltd sum to overcome their dmmmu mysv rszn And the remn lhlnk ll um Prelldenl Kennedy be uml tho mun whnm he world lruucd to hold In hll hand Ihu thunderbolt nucleiI Naver hélore ha man been mourned Ilka um mun uld Drillah pallllcian Patrch qudaq Walker death and hit widow no by barns xrlo unleashed gm of lrgnutlantlo wildn sympnlhy and cannula are at odd In overuu evnluallon GILmfxfiun Irmgdy 70n the emolfofial Xuvel more than any llme xlnca the magnoliqu Kenne By ALAN lMflVEY CIndlnn Pm sun erlu arm llrlcken almr hull Ind xlvu unwell km to hll Ion who wu killed mnomn FATHER GIVES SON FAREWELLKISS mamame Thu 10 men wen chumd lflfl hm Ilrlken wm kllled Flb II when union member mum tho ulllm laulnl cnmn durlnl Mdny mm Wm nyullld by lunnn Paul EmHI Conlambc Ind Leona Tremblay bolh ol nurby VI mu whm lhl Ihoallnl Inrldent occurred Ind Harbzrl Murrny nurhy my wm mnvldod by ll Ontario Supremo Cour jury 01 pomulon dumm mu wupanl And Hned 00 cu cud wllh churn or nonupl ll mprd Whlh Mupflnl Ihal It wuld be loo simple to put the um 11 Tcxu In tho dark or flu muulnlflon and what hnpv ynnod nmrwnrdl Um paper drlw attention lo what It calll he lullyvpalud loch llru¢ lure 1h U5 Ind nddl What renlly minors Ir lhlt llwlmneu come mlly to he underyrlvlleud lhl alumdwellm the colored pom Irhaal drapaull Mmfllrly In London lhu 11ielmub1n with the man the Texnnull lhl lelhaoter Rovulllon mime ha meat violence up Arcnuy Inherent In Ioml Amer can communlLIu come nlno mm the Mnncheb ter aulrdlan whluh uyl blpflly lpnper lhl Dally Telcmph ruler Ia Khasuy deed vlalmcu and tho 1an lb 1qu or lnw In Tgxl for name muuranu Ihu Ihu ILS will remnln an un palm Kennady up Man with lhe Ihock wnvu lympnthy Ind narrow ondnry theme cmerlinxI my uyeulneu when bun weaned down hlll out of control In Balm ColomMn Nov 20 51x 01th Mr Roberta uld Ilreldy lhl hum bid prnlrm can cernlnl Imbsr mlnuemznl reroruullon form pmectlon furl development lllhlnl Ind un Addrtuln flu munl mael lnz ho Northern Onllrlo mm Ornnnlzulan he nld Infill war II In hll dcplrl men will pl bl rolt EUDEURY CF Equll Ilqu lnr Indium wlll bl helped llflnl by program II nlnud hraurh 00000 ad avlncln uheme Ontario and Forum Mlnlnler Rohnrll uld Tue Pommllf Eumpl dread ht mramo moro lhln lhc extreme left On Brllllh TV program Monday lnlernallannl expem dlrcumd hi you 11y Texan rllhtwlnmr err min Fucm nylr dlwrdor Alan liner the mm Irmy orznnImlon In Alum Brldlh profeuor Mn Belofl thoum lhll wn dun pmfeuor John Blum Unlvmn Wu lmluh lint no we Iventunny would occur RobertsWants Equal Status For Indians Dilly III comment um Tm hu homicide um 21th hour and 1qu bought and laid 11k can of pa Mm Fred Hullh mnmgor lhn nnw Auoclnm Loin 0ch Fred In orlfilnnlly from Nllgm FAIII Onllrln Ind hu yum In the llnnnce hm nm For ml yurl ho hu pecllllzcd In mung lmnn Fred com to Barrio from lb 51 Cllhlrlncl branch where upon lhn pm yam Mr Ind Mn Rullh Ind lhelr Myurold dluuhler Finn to mm to 1mm ha mu of the yur Mr llulh In wall quill ml lo mm mldenu Qho rria Iru with my lholr flnnnclnl muuh nmn In La mu nu him noon nudl Cfima In and THE ASSOCIATES ARECOMING TO TOWN WW The ASSOCIATES Ahmmum Tho Asioclalal are comlng to town to make It more convenient for you to borrow cash when you nood III Marrlod couplas or Ilngle people may borrow money for any worthwhile pur so and pay Us back In comfortable monlhly Installmoms Youll flnd our lelml alr our people accommodallng our sorvlco pvompl We hope all of you wlll coma In and gel acqualnlod wllh us oon Romombor at Tho Auoclaloa youre always WfllrnmA in wolcomo to our money mum 1th And mm thul do wan Inhma AP Win phat ID GIANT IT Nu To link Manual FHONI PA M476 FINANCE COMPANY lIMlTED OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONMRIO Ha noun um Kennedy I1 rudy wn belnl dumbed II younl Llncnln Ind nid he all Kennedy wu Ilncml mklnx to any lorwnrd to Illmcm lho monumrnlll hall which began In Ihll country 100 yurl Ila Semi Gcnml Than urller ad lribuu to Kaunedy by quotn Nu pruldenll own word on the dam 01 Du Hummlnkjnld Let call mm to tanor Pmlden inhnlun ha dl mud me lo mm In Ihl umbly thu lherc will be no Johnmn pulley awnrd lhe United Nallouany more than than Kinnedy policy Thm wasIndlioniy Unlled sum volley Thu loo nullnlll vInIencI Ind oulllvel mm Slovenian look In In United anlonl Genetl Ammbly concluded Ipeclll memorlal unlon honorlnl tho 1m Pm ldenl Kennedy Ho laid the hour of mourning or ill mllnuled pmldent were only youe nol break In purpou or oollcy Ambamdor Adlai Slevenmn nld hmdy that the new ldenl of Iho United Slllel yn don Johmon ll duelmined hit by Improved Inlenullonll relum of III In our mouth will not he Ion The United State cunmhutel 300000000 year to flu Al Illnco The brlal mums mm by lelqvhlun Ind WII b0 Iluved certIn to mum mu Latin Amerlun countrlu who hnvo hand the Allinu lub 12cm lo Illck In he US Conlreu durinl debate on Ken nedys mixI AM requuu Thul Illa mutual aid Ime mun which wu Kenncdyl Hm mIJor Iorelln policy action in MI huamn Jahnmnl llrn lon elun Illa declaration mlflrm an pledn Kennedy to work or progrul In tho Cenlnl Ind South Amtr lcln Nlllonl Johnlan llid Inn Ind by MA memo win wry on he joby Let tho Ailinnco bu hll liv nx memorm Mlllncn with win Amer lunnlllonl In nld mun Imwl lhn huh concern my government Jnhundn ml with represent Ilvuol the LIlIn Amulun na llam in tho Em Room ma Whit Home the urns room when Kmnedy hld me with him thmyuu no Ind ulled or flu Allunu to Prom Johnlon dncrlbed ho icnion in Pull um Imlly nlhmu Stevenson Affirms ILS Policy In UN WASHINGTON AP Pm ldenl Johnlon plzdud to hi nlllnnu Lalln Amulu Tuel dly all thl met In at our gov ornmaul lo com nulllon the Aullnce For Prnlren Ild ra mm or Lalln Amenm ch um Pruldwl Kennedy lun ported 011113611 Backs Alliance UNITED umous VtCP The Austrnllnn lovernmem hu pledged la th buldn Bril nln mould Muym be ucked MalnyIamlda up or Singpom Mnllyl Sanwnk and Snbnh farmerly North Bor moiII Ilmnlly oppoted by lndonull 0n only one the lnun or lorelxn policyMllnynln do Menzlu and Lnbor Opposition Lender Arthur Cnlwell In more orlm eye lo Syn Hownver flu Ilnal mam ol 01¢ election clmpnlzn have been dnmlnllad by vMocalchlnl barrels of promm on the io memc lrom which hu cut vlnunl Imokucmn ovu or elzn poUcy luuu The three mlln luun Men zle wu repomd lo hm 1n mlnd wen Ihe newlyarmed Federallon of Malaysia Unlled Slllu Nnvy lennll bl lo ha up In western Aullu HI and rupoaed nuclearIre mu Southern Hemin phera lOANS $50 T0 $5000 711 House elccllum are held every three yam and voting com Mm The coalition leader Prim lilinialer Sir Robert Mtnllel called ihe election year ahead or Ichedulavio enable Auxmlll in adopt min and delenu policies managed by ovenn men which ha clear mun dale le ihu Australian pw MELBOURNE RattanMillion Austra lhn will go In Illa poll Sam day to elect new edenl Houn of nepnsentallvu now dominated by precarioul ano mln majority of flu ruling Ub erawauntry party coalition Mmo AmeuuGadllcw tamed operatic Iopmo who retired quam of century no died yesterday her Australians Face Election BARRIE and DISTRICT SpotlIIIm In Financing For 45 Yum Will Suvo OPERA STAR DIES Ruldonll Wlth Thnlr Nowm Offlco it would examine wary detlll became of Labor dlmusllcllon wlth Menzlu hzhnvlor and methods Added lo these dillerenceg II Labors coolness the oven menta Illcement to purchue lha Amarlcnn vTFX nudtar rlJu bomber rather than Erll Ilnl rsnz Both lupemnlc Elana In mu on In dannl cards While the opposillon Inld It would not tempt to Ilter lb reemyl made dealdbl Th Labor leader Also plum to neck nuclear1m mm or the Iauthern hemhphere de Iplte Imamnu by Menzies flu thll would dluslrnmly hlndlcap ha US Ind Aunt In other allies In overall lo bnl defencc 0n thu 1me tho lanned 118 nm base Calwel hope In lubsllluta Join Auumlnn Amen1cm annual In plug of the Iolo us control ma base pnr Vida undu the amt mu men home In Ll JOHI Calu She Wu yeln old and had been in falling Judah about month AP Wirepholo DANGERFIELD MOTORS EXPERIENCE plus repulntlnn or III delllnl mum ynu of Iqum deal m0 BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES ELECTRIC WATER HEATING Ammo CascadoW lsflamelmdeamsientwmlu Ian year guarantee on the tank Actually bit more com pllcmd um um Matches now mlubjtch lo lbpemenl ex am In Ind ha company nut gelled Iha thin be chlnged to upeclflc rate cents per thouund match which wauld mull In IN 0000 Innull llx Increua Iuylloldu The Eddy Mulch Company Limlted of Eemhmkg naked for Inetlect higher excite tux on in produm Thur marked lho Int um In 165 brid um Ike cammiulonlm heard ylnlcipnnt mun contribute morn la the laden canon OHAWL CPLMembers of th royll commlulnn on tax llon didnt Appsr vhlhly IIIken but major Canndhn compny Nudny Vadvucated wmethlnz that no olher lrm hII comc remolely close to lux mllnm Tho nmo volume healad hy Inomer method could call over $1100 par month Mnmnaxmmzx mummy YOU CAN USE OVER Indepenuenl lurvuyl prove that more water can be hauled lower cult with at me alcclrlc wller hulln thin my other way MIICMHI electric water heating pmvcn to bo ovar 00 affluent other methods may only be In much 65 omelenL Electricity Is Safe lean Flameloss More Efficient tool FOR FUll DETAILS CALI APPROVED The new Casendo 40 Water Appllance II III APPROVED PRODUCT developed fihrpugtgthp congblpogiluglmlg Ind moum of Chino ydhind mm PER MONTH HEAT IT When You Can Have the BEST for LESS ALL ELECTRICALLY Six Times Faster CAN USE OVER uu GALLONS OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY WHY PAY MORE THE HOT WATER YOU NEED COMMISSION WITH THE NEW Mr Lawmon um an In creased lax rule could nu likely mean In lnmasa 1n um one cenIapnckage pdce for book mmhes He laid canon book matcheslhnt 1mm tho Iclary far about 37 MI or 325 And with thl very substan Hnl markup the lncreul could be ahsnrbed lha wh01¢ Illa or null lave Comjmny VicePresident Llwrason lold the cammlulqn Ihal an lnmulnl punlnn at he COIL mununcluflnl matches Involve the Idvertlp In on ha pack Ind wth percenlage tn mum Hut this type of advexllllni ll halal taxed while alher lnrml In tuxtree By chnnzlnzvthe lzm lo 512ch ml tax wnuld mun hit mulchu would ply the same file ro urdlenol will Ippelred an the cover 200 mu NOV Mm

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