Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1963, p. 4

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mummy man In rm 9n Ivm kmmu Ill Wm mum my IVIWVO hull ll InI Allan Duly Norm Pu Mun1 nu ma AM IM 32 um orb VII Luna In minm1 mm unuxaé 3m mm 2m unfit um umuv mu Ami MN All lDflNNIIVLY Illlllllll MI WIku ma nu hy mu mm It run In 0mm 00 Inn Ihm mnth mi my mum mum mm yonmm cm Ill mm um run 0va mum In Qulolrly ihul lrmlyMr lcanmn lndlc fled that llm United Slnlrs would not Gail Evening iieporleri Vrime Minister ienrmn certainly de serm credit for his speech before the Iiigrlmx Sncieiy in New York He told them lhnl it would be wise Inr Americ ans lo consider nny Canadian govern men an lricmin foreign one whose 1m rtspoilfilliilliy ls Iim mlionai innr esin its awn Boonie iii1L However 11 probably Ml In lhn came of an even though what art In becomes more And morn complex SINGING iN ACTION Owen Sound SunTimes To be singer popular style one must he an actor even dancer these days And somewhat strangelyat least to those at us who have always thought at toik songs as something ditterent the present popularity of these story teii ing songs must he accompanied by strange contortions at body and lace Such personnges asPresley course have been noted from the first more tor their body wriggling than tor their voc alizetions Perha was natural when one thinks at emotion wringin words of many at the songs it Is muc stranger that the old old ballads teliin about someone washin someones re drawers or somethin ould be accomp anied by swa ing gu tar hunfgin actions tacinl eontor ions and bull tdd wrestl ing And the words So strange are they they just cant he trom nway hack in those less zaney days Many must he mo Ann Aumnvlun NM 011 mum mu mill mummy nun nu In mm mm DIm num llllnlon llnlldln um Mn mm an mm IL WILIDN MHHIIIHN MI WILIUN lulu Ah DIUIIA MILL Adlnl ren William selling threeineh pansles taken directly from his garden on James St Handsome calm dedicated on Remembrance Day at Angus gm of Horticultural Society Alderman George James was chairman of Canadian Legion committee responsible for impressive Remembrance services in Barrie Bert Allen headed Poppy Fund Morrison Copaco general manager named to Committee of Agriculture Kiwanis International Mr and Mrs Brymner and daught er Grace set off by motor to spend the winter in California Eaton Round Room in Toronto scene of annual banquet Barrio Examiner Nov 17 1938 Open week for deer hunt In Slmcoe County Game Warden Gordon Buie of Stayner reported thlngs were orderly and good results For the first time in years Barrie had no bank overdraft Town Clerk Smith regorted Tax collections were up and pu He works costs down Mayor Herb Robertson expressed plea sure McKlnnon began erect lng garage and servlce statlon on front part of former Childrens Shelter proper ty directly in front of butldln now Communitymliiouse yhlch house child 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN ms one British the other French have been In hot competition with Douglas for the multimillion dollar order and all kinds of promises have been made to have parts manufactured in Canada BAC has told the government that it would be prepared to signa $55 000000 productionsharing agreement with Canadair of Montreal ii TCA buys the neyiy developed British OneEleven Bi TCA has already decided to buy the Douglas DC9 but the matter rests with the federal cabinet for ngproval TCA has the approval of the anadian Air Line Pilots Association and that alone ahguld count or something The Barrie Examiner Iranwanada Airiines turboprop fleet of Viscounis and Vanguards on medium distance runs The decision must rest on performance and economy as decided by exggis invcommerciai flyingi There is no place for omlcal pres aures or manoeuvres in adding what gm of new 16 Iflrcraft vwlll replacg mm rnuan TCAs DeciSionl Airlcrqft Shbuld Be MostfImportant Eh 13mm Exatififivf vuculCEll Ouébéé government leaders French Wang publisher cgnggsqus pscmon Inmnuy 7mm Immu Ill Wm mm DOWN MEMORY ENE OlHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadlin Newspaperi Limitéd 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario TUESQAY NOVEMBER 1983 vull cm In In tho wlldnrnmand cryingrfil Among them in the volce of run ml name Ipcclnllll the mum an nual meeting of lhu Onlnrlo Auocllllon of flu munoam he warned um nl thc menl rm whlch Ontario rm In In In mm to lndur lml Ind mm In uxpamlon tholrro mynot be akin to Im 1m by mlm Waterloo Towmhl council moo Inx rcconlly Hula Ir naked quw Ilun She cm group rural nclmal puplln nllcmllng lhc mcullng She wanton In Imow what would lm pen lo lho mmm when all the arm and In llm calmlry was taken ever by lhu clum She Is not the only one nklng lhls quclllon Thcflv Wm yolcca cry Inn AL can back American frlcndn cpl mgr ng them about the wa Great Brllnn was runnIn no world However my Um and llm Second World Vnr lho lplurn hu chnngcd and 1th US now he great power with all In world commitments And Iho dcnr Ind Its bulng unly humnn cant mlal asking their American Irlcndl Well youre In he drlvcrn ml nmv How do you kl lzclng the world pullcomnn Hwy not no ruply The American viewpoint is well illust rnlcd by the ex cricncu of two elderly English lmllcs our ac unlninnce who live in California lo nvod the rigor of WilliamThe ladies recalled illni low can back American iricmln kept mgr ng them about the my Grcai Briinn mu runJ me cmps were down they carried it through more credit to them Anyone who has visited much on he US side oi the border will have discov ered that many Americans think of Can nda as rather small poialoes Oihm express the view that ii is only mat ter oi time until we no lWiliIOWOd by our powerful neighbors The most flagrant recent exam Ie of attempted Interference has been ac tlon ot the American sectIon at the Sea mans InternattonaI UnIon In ptcketlng Canndlnn vessels In US ports Evtdcnt the Amertcan SIU Is out to show the anndtnn government how powerluI It Is We tmnglne It took lot of courage on the part the mtnortly Lthernl govern ment to establtsh the trusteeshtp over the CnnndIan Mnrtttme untons But when the chips were down they carrlcd It through more credit to them Interfere In mallet which are the concern Canada ulscnl Luuuucmu Barrie Cluiéh and in Sunday nlght concert at Roxy Theatre featurlnf trum Re due by Ken Walls and OrVI Flee am Centre Simcoe Teachers Convention Pre sideni Miss Reta McKever presided Miss VStrange is presidentelect Two new faces noticed at meeting Gerald Smith and MacLennan of Barrie Program included readings by Miss Rhoda Young and solos by Knox BClwon Georgian Bay junior football cham ion shlp beatin Owen Sound 270 in inal Coach Alex ockburns squad scored four majors two by Victor Reynolds one by lineman Jack Calvert and oneto end Doug King on pass from Brian Hennessy Hap Emma who had intended to retire signed contract to play defence for Pittsburgh Hornets of American Hoc key League Barrie Curling Club getting ready for season des ite mild weather In 1910 club separate into two clubs Barrie and Thistles but joined again in 1828 Constable Wally Ray ner of Barrie Police Force shot two bears and one buck deer with three shots on hunt near Dorset Muskoka Miss Mary ltiillar of Guthrie 1301 student won lst Carter Scholarship for Slmcoe Counv ty Protessor Michael Angelo conducted Barrie Citizens Band in Sunday Hum There is ably no question of the safety of the three competing aircraIt It has been said that the Cnravelle in too big for what TCA needs in its dom estic runs But the matter must have been thoroughly studied by executives engineers and pilots of the nationally owned system and if they are agreed on the DCD that should settle the matter Douglas Aircrau of the US has al ready made productlnnlharlng an rangement with de Havllland Aircraft of Canada that Is not conditional on TCAa puEhaseo thgDCD mu aumur dhambor of tee and others have been calling on TCA to buy theLFrencll designed Caravalle This aircraft has become familiar sight on European Middle Eastern andNorth Airlcan atr orts Sud Aviation Caravellea deal ner as also said it would be willing to uild the aircraft at Canadair subsidiary of General Dynamics Corporation of the United Stateal jgglflkiam the Quehpc Junior OUR DISAIRFARINO LAND Wilma General Manager Fun entirely mm In mun mlmlm or mum upon me an mmim man mamuh No mu lrnnnlmlon you mlxhl mm wnluml labor lory rutllrm lml ll wnuld In lunmrary You would mm Io ynnr nrmnnl lulood In whld main or We Den Malnm um You mlnhl lry 15 ppr cent wlulion or nlumlnum chlorhlv lhnl rhemiul ll Ihl Imu cl IDII dcodounll Ink your dmulnl lor ll You my umlllvo la lho ulna In undlrnu In urloul hrlndl Mlullnn lmklnl souKw Impoomlul la IllOlin Inn ll cued Ind kn lrrllnllnz You can mmull rm nllmlll ml lrt him drtrrmmc your mnillvlllru Thu II Ind on uhmlthhnl mum llw mh mi Molnm Don mnl blood 1w um chann flu THOUGHT Dur Mnlnm um All film Imlornnll and my alve me nlluhl run Whit can rawp11 lor flmke renal mlc II you can man mulclu II whelhu In lho ML arm hands Inc or whtrevtr mo lhtm TM more you do to rm you canl morn lhnn lech Bl llrll he more recovery you wlll make Hm you In up youll fun wom bccnuu ho nntllvuy In my Ilmnx Iulplclon Hut ynur nlroke was mien one no extrema enough par nlyu you Mrmlnenlly but Ilmnl enough so Hull you had not done your but gel Iho nperlllnL you mlxhl 21 Iwnlkod lung You Me man enough or lucky enough or both lo know that alter your umkr you Ihould ma your leg In much ulm paulble Your problem was Itrokc Ind your 1m 10 lhalr power lo move or lens they didnt mgva well up urpaso lid ICE dr tulnflon in impind may ha ram Huerxerl dlmn nr neural other unsu It works or those who are willing In devole Male llml Ind cl on Some people unfanu nalely dont think Ircnlment ll Iny ood unlen LI camplL cited or xpenslvp But olherl Ind lhat hing whlch coll mlh In can often do ma dul ozoodl linemen exercise consist manually In lyan an Illa back railing one leg and holdlnl up until you count 30 than lower Inl It and damn lhs me will Ihe her leg Munrgpeay All the exercise my leg renlnnd Itrenglh And now 1m able to motlm 20 or more llepl winout Ihe mums trou ble Why no explain lh um clae to oghemG By JOSEPH MDLNER Dnr sir You recommendtd Hunters exercise or men ening the llmbn and have nd excallem results with TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH mgflyal YER I50 Stroke Victim Should Try TOUse Muscles no live yun use Im all had stroke My Mum weaker until Impossible for ms to use ltanl induxlrlu whlch yr nr lumrlu mm Ill lho Ind lhnl Ibo Vnuxhnll Connmny cnhyinl hula demand or IM cm pmdulrd In In ludory ll Lulon Ean nrdm for an Ike new model the Vlvn now mecd Jo milllnn dollm 11m rm urltnlly Med I00 lrn workm In Addlllau lo plncemnnll or lhn norml wu lue clumi by munlllnnl um reginmtnll One the Iluu lhll II Men In lh Incl lhnl rtcrullln team from lhe Genenl Molorl nubsldlnry Vnuxhall Mata Lulon In Bedhrdlhlre In new qurlnl he deprest are he mnhnnu mklnl worker or lhclr plnnl mm Imam lhl uncmplayrd up hem Amonl ho town vlliled lll Sundcrllnd Ind hllqdlcgymuuh LONDON Movo lo lha mum ht maul of III Ippul naw hem mnde lo unempluytd men In the dwmud northem cm max of Emma whore un cmploymtnl llzum Are lhm llrnu than nannnI IV erau Th mm In btlng ol Iowtd fly by vary prntllcnl mp nimtd druwinl lha worklen away 1mm mm mm to place when they can have murIncl olnr ular Emplgymenl hyflold IO An xray Is the best my to out wlm wrong Ind htn you hlVO better idel wk lo do or mumn The ruplum the lurlcon mentioned cauld be dlvenlc ulum outpouchlnn cl stomach nr duodenum0r could be hlalal hexnil whlch In common dlmrder ma upper dlgaufvldrgd SIR ALEC CHNUTE ummullvn wn opernlld an or pend nnd colon Ind the nun eon uld had mull rupture In my nomad that wu prob ably canan ha trouble but he lava me nothing rclleve it Wm 15 yoyr gplnlpnYR REPORT FROM ax 5n Thom Tody 11nd rallwny man yam 01d Ind both Im mutation Move To TheSouth Unemployed Urged For The Best Deal In Town ORMISTON MOTORS HlllMANHUMBER SUNBEAM Aulhorlud Dulor IIIIn nu Ono lhlnl whlrh ll humperlnl he qunl VAthnII or man wnrkm II Ihorlmfn It mmmodnuon mm ally lar mmlw mm wllh lnmlllu lo In honed Mnny unrmrlaytd men who wm qullo wlllnz la In 0th have Imd Iccond kuxhll About marml whrn may heard mm mm mm who had Alrcndy zone ml bath lodllnul Ind houm were hard to mm In lauon nnd lhnl my wm ulumrly upemln In compnrlwn wlm lho mu ummmullllon In Du nonhem mu The Vluxhnll mmlllnx drlu In the nonhcnnl ll helm carried an will lhe lull mopcraunn In mlnlxlry of Labor Already about 100 pmplo hnvu In northern lawns and lnken Johl in pllnl Lulon Many ol lhm Ira rmlvlnz lodxlu IUD wnncu under he mlnluryl re nlllbmrnl lrmuhr scheme which also make allowance tar lho upenm man ww In uEhmmhzu HIM Ihm Ira fun not enough lullablo pmpll en In Lulan lo mm the rcqulra mm Vnuxhnll III Ilump have now towed ully from lhul candl llon and they have been nbwr lblag Hie unupploygd In lhn lawn By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nav 25 DI am of 100000 Chl neu Communist troop streamed acrnu Ihe Yalu River In support he vlr lually defeated Norlh Kn run force years In Iodayln 1950 Thu wu hunched counter often lve Inlan the United NI llonl Ind South Korean nrmlel Thu mlon pm Ionled or more hm hm year In lureulve In vnlon which had been all but repulsed by UN ucllan InnThe Hm Australian rarunmcnt was opened It ldboume IonBrenden Roosevelt Pflme Mlnlller Churchill and Chinese Generallsllmu Ehlunz lfnlShck concluded wuuum their coherence ll Calm TODAY IN HISTORY Full 000 II Mali Wnrnllr PA M310 Wul Orrmuny Forclln Mln liter Gemini Schroeder Do chu Mlnlbler KAIUm Von Incl Brllalm Harald Wlluon Iudtr lho opponlllun Labor vrlyx Canaan Prlma Mlnlnur Puma Exlcnul Mlllu Min lflcr Marlin In New DIIM lnhrmed Mum uld lndlln Prime Mln lller Nehru Ibandnned plan In nllond Um lunerllhlllur II wnl Iumtd It would lmpoulbln or hlm to reach Wuhhulun In llmu or the urvlcu LIE 0F REPRESENTATIVE 0mm lohlzn rrpmcnlntm lurndlu lhn lunernl Include Thu included Prince Philip Prim Miniliar Pearson Frlncal Presidenl do Gnulk Wu German President Hein rich Luebka Ind Chancellar Ludwig Erhard Brimh Prim Minister Sir Alec Douglas Home and Queen Fredzricl oi Gm Ruulan Fin Depnly Pre mier Annliu Mlkoyln law from Moscow lo reprcltnl Pre mier Khruxhchev Btioro having ih Russian upitnl Mikeyn said the nav ernmcnl and Khruxhchcv yer mnaiiy hnva Iulhoriud me lo convey la the iamli in lain pmldcnl the in oi the 05 overnmcnl Ind lhl enilrn Amer can peopil Iincerc tando icncu on flu occnlon hit rut low luulm May we mum on talk uvvi ymzrfllllo and health lnuunm HI trained npmnullvo of The Ewol Llfo Innunnm CompanyA the CanadIoMMp mem Iwuadcpmulonmlluma4xd3mr opporumlliu um mm fzipporluruuu mm mlywllm Imam alumw Imlltd MMli um apart nnumm um riding Ma mum Probulfly the explanation in ohmic Ono man luvinfi lvon no hood for lomomrw wallowing In no pity bocaunu no oppotwnlliu mm hil way The other with mild flnnnrin lmrknmnml MW mound of roam on mry hand Ihln man had wholy purcwued lumdent pmmmcnl pmonal Ilia lnnumnmm that ha hull um flnunclul unblflly to ho vfmd dumm Advancementand tho humming power 11 mod be to min admmagu of them Tha MM of mm ohm an nimplo mt Today can nub plun for brim flnnncinl Humv ny we mum you mu nvnr WASHINGTON CPLPall cnl laden and member royal Inmillu 1mm Imund tho world headed for Wllhlnnon during II weekend to alltnd the stale luneul Ior President John Kennedy Mondly The énrerence ku wide unxlng and proved no vlunblo Mlcll lhe emssection 1mm further afield were Burnett we Eddy Much Co and Oakland Christin of he stealworkerb Union mm Pem broke Leo Clouller 01 lb Amalgamated Trans Employ cal and Hodgkin presi dan Hodlinr Lumber from Cornwlll Fnlher Alnslla rom Taleda ML and Professor Ar thur Porter from Unlverrlly Toronto my ALL qmamo wwwm hnr management government the churches and education Brockvlllea awn golden river hank electronic and llrnllar Menusophisticated plant pm aided ll quota representm vex Tho Worklhop VdeVv nurly 00 del rrgpmenllng la lnltill Itu wit concen trated on the to en trianxls Eutem Ontario Ind ma Ip praminter held at centnlly plnced Bmkvlllo rhll mu provided very apt setting for the first and necessarily exper fmental meettnz 5an here can be round the whole range of pro ducllon mm lmnll Iamllylype mm and mammallea In the Ottawa Valley to pmnresalve highly Iuwmnted company lhu share tha 5ve Lake St Lawrence World Figgres Attend Funeral plmucx mcaouon mAWAAn historic 1an In North America wu the box Management Workshop which the Onmio Government and luller WI month In novel Pumas ml to unmlna In depth the who mm of glooloml cranked by Amma on and Soclll Chum 111 tablecl encompasses more arm cl Important doci non or III our people thin in other In our provlnoel aco nomle Ind loch lilo May Hon Rowntm Mlnlner Labor fold tho con cream 51 Manageméni WOrkshéfi Historic First OiTAWfi REPORT TALE OF TWO CITIZENS Forelun Mlnllm nhullox lrlmo Mlnmcr Sir Alexnnder nummlnle anImIln Vulun Monlunar Ell din annoul Ipmloll damu In the Annlhlllx Pmldml 5mg Mllkfrflcllumn Boulllrkorug Atllnl Pml denl Gen Chung on Full Ellhloph Emperor nu Hunt Forrlln Mlnlmr Mah moud quxl hum Mn VIJnyI Llhhm Pandll Ahlcr Prime Mlnls ltr Nehru Ind thle delum the United Nation hm Premler IYIlo 1k cdl YumIvlu Frcmlcr Pcllr laluminium Farclln Steamy 11 Nemcrllndl Princl Bernhard Crown Prlncm Bu lrlx Ford Mlnlmr dough Lugs Buden Frlncu Bull Pn mler Tm Erllnder Dmmlrh Premier Jen Duo Kru PnInd VicePresident sunn Inlnw Kulczynxky and Vito Premler Plolr Jlroucwlu Belflum Kin Baudouln Far eign Mlnhler Paul Henri Spuk Nony Crown Prim Hm Prcmlar Emu Gerhlrd Wu Berlin Mlyor Willy Brnndl Kepuhllc of lullml Pm denl Emma 41 Valera Exlm 21 Aflnln Mlnlller Frank on These discussions And nud tea regardan nummaflon Mr flownlree said have empha Ilzed the mom need of pmvld In now approaches and zchniquu or manpower train We must mornize that hn huggened in pm time of 1m Inn Ioma type employment mny disppm but that at the am lime other type will cum lmo belnz Emlx Pmldcn lemnn 5h nmnlnz hoperully lhmughout the conlerence was um we should not mwer fenn lully away from this new tech nological Advance lnmad wt should adapt ourselvesa wu hnva ndnpud ourselves to flu machine to eleclrlc power and even to televisionso thnt we cm harness lutomnllon to our benefit to make It the bluxg In which It capabla helnl The extent In which autumn llon will be bleulnz or cum will depend on what mm wa an able and mpmd to lake to mm to tha revolullon ary change which aulnmwon may eventunlly brlnl about In smash11 our daily mlvltlu WELCQIE NUI REnUF mum upmu Inga mm Ind more area of our Industrial wmmardll Ind dnmesuc 111m Anlnmnuon II no Ionnr Aror drum duvelop men that ix already with us land already Funding rapidly Ficlul this cuntmllnux prob lem head on Mn Rowntm do dared lanlu exp and In detail Included Thrrole of mm ment In llhor relatioulf Prob 19ml of oollecllva hamlnlnz In chnnilnl technology Mm mar lnlnlnv ulnau rot townrdl manpower ml nmi lo pmlclmnu um In to Mr Rownlm now plan to hold Ilmlln meeting eluwhm to cover ethn mu of Ontario early next year

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