Our Telephones For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PAszsif The telephone number to call for the Huainnsl or Editorial Dept is PA 66531 local Weather Cloudy and nsiider today and Wednesday low tonight 29 High tomorrow so For an summary turn to page two 99th Year No 276 Ioansoa CONFERS wrra pains MINISTER Prcsidcnt Johnson confers last night with Prime Minister tester Pearson The private conference followed State Department reception which was held for foreign dignitar PEARSONS PREDICTION Meeting Can Shape Future Of Canada OTTAWA icPlTha federal government catered the tcdcrsl provincial fiscal contcrenco to da by diseiaiming any cutand drcd opening position Mr any issue We are not moved by any doctrinaira preconception Prime lllinlster Pearson said in his opening statement tic said he hopes cicarlydev fined policies will evolve during that they should emerge from an exchange of views rather than from declarations made at the beginning at our discussions as bargaining positions liir Pearson said the success Robarts of Use conference should not be measured thiefly by the num ber of specific decisions made at this first meeting Urgent or some of tour prob lems are we must also always be aware that we are building for more than today This conference can shape the direction of Canadian ted erallsm tor generationHut it we see the contcreaco as new beginning The prime ministers views on approaching the key issues Under the present deal the provinces are free to levy their own personal income taxes at Urges Fiscal Committee OltAlVA iCPl Coordina tion of icdcral and provincial government economic policics was urged today by Premier fiobaris at Ontario in his opcu ing statement at the tcderal provincial conference Irsmicr itoharts proposed the formation of continuing min isterial committee on fiscal and economic pitcy phone functions would include such coordination and discussing the possibility of concerted federal provin cial nniicyclltnl policies The impact of got rrnmrntol ncllvltr now is so great that un coerd noted action by several levels oi government can have serious cttccis on our economic development he said ltioro mportance must be attached to this in the future Premier ttolrarts laid heavy emphasis on economic policy and said there should be no haste change in tho structtrre of the existing fiveyear federal provincial fiscal arrangements until they run out though he re ttcrated the view that the prov lnm need greatcr share oi the dlmi taxation tlclds rrxas wroow nooans lira Marie Tilimil widow of lollcrmsn nppit who was slain Friday during the usrrh tor lmtdrnt timnedks Id tin is at woering irnnl Basile torn main mm In Dallas yesterday sites to rat services for her husband urrim began about the time time for President Ken tide were coding In Washing ton MP ercpbotot Will do so and do it well only the coniercnce But he stressed les who came to Washington to pay their linais respects to John Fitzgerald Kennedy AP ercpboto rates equal toor greater than on abatement of federal rates which is 17 per cent ttiis year rising to 20 per cent in 1966 The provinces also have about 22 per cent of the corporation income tax field and half the succession duties Sold hir Pearson iTha lcdsral gave not committed to any partich fiscal arrangement indeed it may be that sit Ilmately the best solution we can llnd will involve entirely new approacth to the tax or rangements oi Canada and the provinces This is the systcm by which bcncilts oi the taxshnrtng deal are made equal among the provinces Under the present agreement Ottawa makes pay ments to seven provinces whose per caplts yield from their share of the direct tax flcldr falls below the national av ago yield from these taxes and the yield from halt the provin clal resource revenues llir Pearson said it is writ known that the Liberal party pretrrs to see equalization paid up to the level of the highest provincenot the national avers agc British Deny Plane Downed JAKARTA ltculrrsl The government contrnlird news agentz Antara said today Drills plane had been slrot down over lnrionesin but ilrit lrh military authorltlra in sing apore denied it Antsra did not say how the plane was shot down nor what ty of plane it was ro agency also did not say when the incident took place it said the plane was violating in domain air space over tlrs vil lngo of tiaaggou WttitliNilTitN iAtt Pitt is preparing detailed re wrrt oi the assassination of rcsiilcui Kennedynan all the details will be made public the White House announced Mon dny night tmlrlcnt Johnson directed the Justice department and the Fill in enraiuct prompt and thorough lmrsttgatton of all the rtrrumstanrrs surrounding the trroial assassination of Presi dent Kennedy and the murder at his nilegrsl assassin The White tintse Illltl John sout directed all federal alrfscirl to cooperate and the people of the nation may be sure that all of the tarts will be made public 11 announmnsnt came sis lrr ltrprrsrnfsttvr Ilsle floss ot iAultlananrsistanl Demo cratts Jude the time of mint whiie threyes Testes Indicts Ruby DALLAS AmTh office of District Attorney Henry Wade announced today that Jack tluby was indicted today on charger of murder tn the slaying of Lee Harvey Oswald the man so cused oi amasinatlng PNsi dent Kennedy The trial is scheduled ior Dec Lin state district Judge Joe Browns court However such trials often are postponed The grand jury which indicted Ruby was that of Browns court The indictment was for mur ties with malice for which the maximum penalty is death Police Warned By Telephone Before Murder DALLAS icx am ltarvey Orwald went to his grave slmo in secret Monday of saddened nationwere tumed half con tinent away to the last solemn rites of the president he was accrued of killing Even as he was being buried investigators were preparing to place on public view the evi dence they say proves beyond all doubt Oswald was the as sassin who took theliis of John Fiisgeraid Kennedy District Attorney iteary Wade confirmed that map with the site of the assassination clearly plotted was found in Oswalds Dallas artrncnt ltfcnnw ie the Pill disclosed that an anonymous telephone caller had warned an attempt would be made on Oswalds life during his transfer from city to county loll Sunday The Fill said it relayed the tip to Dallas police several hon before the transfer Launch Campaign iigainst Smoking OTTAWA tCP national antismoking campaign spears headed by tho tcdcral govcrm meat in cooperation with the provinces to expected to be aunchcd soon The first step toward such publicity and educational drive was taken Monday at the spear lag session of tnodny notional contortnee on smoking and health sponsored by the fed cral government and attrndcd by provincial rcprrsentattvrl doctors cancer specialists to harm growers rignrclta manu cturc and other fhr ttrprcsrntallvrs suggested trlshtsvci congressional lnvrstl gallon of Kennett assassina tion he carried oil sold this should be done since tlrt tarts cannot be put trrto the record try trial oi the man accrued of firing the fatal shots flATltEn EVIDENCE Justice department oiitrials sshl they are gnUrcrlng every shred of sridrnre and informa tion on the sssasstnation and the suhsmurni slaying tiondsy of tee tlorvey flswntd It ac cused of hitting Kenva Otitrials are known to be user to let the public know whether Oswald new silenced louver was the Assaults bo the shadow of doubt rather an la mt tiotoa ta Hammers John Kennedy Jr three years old yesterday salutes casket containing President Kennedys body as it was placed on caisson at St Mat Examtn Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday November 26 1961 thews Cathedral for the last journey to Arlington Cemetery in background are members of the immediate family AP ercphoto Police To Guard Robert Kennedy WASHINGTON tAiiPoiico and federal officers mode hurrtcd search at the roof of the internal itevrnus Service bulldan today on rcport that man had been seen there with weapon but decided it was only workman Arr llttl spokesman said number of men were working on repairs at the top of the seven starry building which overlooks the lurtlce drpnrt tncnt cntrnnre used by Attor ncy General Robert Kon ncdy brother of ass slnnlrd President Kennedy The spokesman the men apparent old one of had walkrd that the assassination is being used in the United states to to High against communism llrrggw In suggesting con grrsslonal inquiry said it should he irlueribbon lairulry far above any suggestion par llsonsiiip lloggs said the killing of BIA laid made it especially lmpn sat for congress to establish the full forts and world swrrs to an urseatlana which till my rrntn fl htratiwhlle Wanner Carr Altornr rgener noun of has It here that not of inquiry IE both be called In is lavas close to the wall the roof Police nevertheless indicated they would maintain some pre cautions Officers of the grncrnl serv ices administration found no one on the rcdtlitvi roof llut oiticer David ill ttondall said he had seen man with what looked like wcnptm when be inspected the root from iowcr of the adjacent old post office building The search apparently began when an internal itevcnur Serv lro telephone operator callcd the tits guard oitice with re port that someone had tclc phourd that man had bccn seen on tho ro at the edge of Public Will Receive Assassination Pat is on murder charges in mouse tion with Oswalds deoth Carr said court at inquiry is procedure authorized under Texas law and added that the court would have power to sub porno witnesses lie said state and local etti ctsls would join in conducting the inquiry and that federal su thorlttcs would be invited to par ticl ate mrt also will look late the wouadlru of Tour Eleven me John causally who us do with Kormatr ntapreutontsiwlum Nlot More than Would Share on Province Iidded Pension To Disabled OTIAWA CPtPrima Min ister Pearson said today his government stands ready to share with the provinces Increase to $75 monthly to pen sions for the blind and disabled and for those aged 55 to 70 He told the opening of the federal provincial conference increaseif the provinces agreewould be coupled with an appropriate dsnnge in the permitted income levels He did not elaborate The increases would be in line wills the boost earlier this year to $75 from $65 monthly in the basic old age pen sion payable to everyone at age 70 Mr Pearson said the other sharedcost welfare programs are of great service to many needy people and it is impor tant that higher level of bone fits should be made available pmmpttywhere it is required But he said the government felt it would be ins pro date to take action at he ederst level before the federalprovin cial conference at which both the future of sharedcost prtr grams and the general prin ciples of assistance programs will be under discussion Mr Pearson made no esti mate ef how much the tilt boost in the Joint welfare fields would cost the federal treasury Tire similar increase in the old on pension coat Ottawa $116000000 year These are the existing schemes Oldage assistancenow $65 month subject to means test or those aged or to 60 lnctu sive it can be collected if single person doesnt earn more than $11th year or roar ried person $19m There are about 103000 recipients Ottawa pays halt the costs Blind persons allowances Now 53 monthly payable to the blind subject to means test To collect it single blind person must have an nouns in come lcss than 31380 and married person less than $13m there are about 3600 recipients Ottwa pays 75 per cent oi the Disabled persons allowances now $5 monthly payable to those who are totally disabled sublcct to means test The income limlLs are the same as for oldage assistance Ottawa pays half the costs There are about 50000 recipients Eternal Flame Marks Grave Of President whsurnomn or John Fitzgerald Kennedy has gone to his last repose an eternal flame marking his martyrs grave and ancw president has taken up the task of turning griev ing weary nation from the throat of national paralysis to resumption of thriving demo crnoy President Lyndon Johnson Texan who In olden days could never mustcr sufficient north em on port to become na tional Yonder has appealed to governors legislators and the ï¬rst statesmen of the world for transition of powcr bctoro presidential term has ended he told so statc governors hion day is never easy wlhout operation national psralysls could set in For month at least this to operation is assured ttepnbll can leaders including Senator ilnrry Goldwater of Arizona have called for moratorium until Jan on political rpeechcs to give Johnson chance to pick up the reins of office and to respect the memory oi Ken ncy war hero felled try an auasslns bullets And Johnson has started round at talks with torclga loads In to undorscoro the continue once at Kennedys basic pall cles and to smooth the path of cleavage among nations WINS DE MULLIC He won an immediate tri umph when French President do iautia agreed to return here early neat year in eltorta to re MM storo warm French American rotations Johnson also spoke to Can Idas Prime Minister tester it Pearson to pledge continuance ot close relations lrerson had with Kennedy and to invite th Canadian leader to return her later also to help overcome mrrtxrnier prohirrnl thls hasetourhlflg with inr elgn dignitaries wt Winn to day as Johnson mares the speech he will rest before Com About 1000000 persons lined Washington streets Monday the day Kenntdya young son John Jrs became three years oldas the muffler drums and the cadences of rcdcoalcd marine band lent the toycarold president from the rotunda of Congress to pause briefly be fore the black draped White House portico to be blessed in St hintthcws cathedral and then carried to the memory ladcn towns of Arlington Na tional Cemetery SON MLUTES While church bells tolled and the beat of drums tore at the hearts of his countrymen Ken nedy received at the church stops the one salute he may treasure abevo alltho salute of his bewildered son All through the day hcaviiy veiled and walking in tragtdy the beautiful Mrs Kennedy showed the resolutcncss so characteristic of her husband She wcpl but she did not feltcr At the military rcmetcry whens the gravesite chosen was in direct line with the shrine of Abraham Lincoln mile swaypshe insisted an eternal gaselcd flame he installed in can of her last acts at the cem etery as statesmen of the world looked on she put torttr to the flame and then passrd the torch to Attornryttcnrrnl itohort Ken only and to Senator lZdwsnt Kcnnnly the presidents tooth on so that they symbolically maid pledge their unity and their eternal love of their or thEI otENLV titrs Kennedys own two chil dren were not at the cemetery inst those at other Kennedy tam liter were and they wept openly 50 fighter planes cred try roarsd Itgun rit tca tired thm toilsya of may letry and the sound of Taps filled the umetery with new so lulah The day of Kennedys last was 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