$331 um Ia know you mm ynu pcmnnly whh loll ynu my umlouml pnlhy or you Ind yuur II onu In yvur llmu Ihack lrlel or hm Mmm Nhul huxhund Ind her lxmlhnrlnlnw lrelldrn Nun llluh Mom Saulh VIM Nnm dlrd vlalenlly In millury coup In hat muulry lhm men 110 Mm Nhu hn betn In Ilon It mnvanl hm ltvln hvlno NRC 20 Id ho lulu ROME MP Unllld Slum ndlo mrmpondcnl Inld Sunday um Mme Nzo Dlnh Mm bu non rnblu In Mn Jnrqncllno Kcnnrdy nylnn IJmimlnnd lully how you would um nu Dcnnll Denver 15 um Douz In Dun ID bolh oIDezp Rlver mlulnn In the 01th nlvtr Illtr lhtlr cnnoe ovar lurned nur Wellwlck so mllcl out Pcmbroko hidr Chrhluphor Dcdnrlclucn Oxhnwn crulhed In dealh by dollvory ruck near MI homo MII Vltlon Gnulhlur ll Norlh my when car driven by hrr hulblnd mulled Into Jaggcdmsk nr Nonpjny Richard Jamel Pyz la Col chuler Nnrlh Townshlp ncnr Essex when Ill oar plunzcd lnlo dcep dllch and muck concrele culvert ncnr Essex 19 mllu aoulheast ol Wlndsar MAIcal Cyr 20 Advldn Que mokle Yollce connuble tho Ind kllled 0mm whlle nhnwlnl Ml revolver lo tou Il vlnlllul Madame Nhu Sends Cable nnmwu Geoer Everett Gnni l7 oi Deinlio Mines nur iimmlnl In inar collision Ullllldl oi minim Blllfldly dey Kenneth Spmula Gull nflcr hll truck collided wllh Inathgr Musk All Kllchenu YNER ONT clam and amulet Ill mum EmllnnI lulllum or print or Millhm IM Ind mlll or In mnml Illlllh Dd Num In lllmdnncl Two drownlnn one Hm denth and our unclaulfled aw cldentl made up the weekend MIL nmmy by The Cann dlan Press from pm Friday to 11 midnight Sunduy Ibowx Lu weekend lhl all Wu Onlmu led flu ymvlncu Wm 10 deaths seven Mme two drowning Ind In Iccmeutal Ihwunu Accldcnlal death look 11th Roll across Clnadl durinz lhl weekend ll lull 29 person died in Incidenu 22 of lhcm on the hlgï¬wayx THE CANADIAN PRESS mmnn LN HOMI Tragedy Toll Is 29 IIIE CASKET 01 John xon Kennedy reaches the Capital Sunday on homedrlwn cab MARSHALL PHD In omgmo DEAD Mu Grace I21 55 died Saturday In Toronto hospital lrom Injuries the recclved when struck by car as she walked across shopping cenlrl It Cuohvllle Friday Rrglnnld Piper 19 Sound klllcd when rammed lhe rear Iry transport lruck xon symbollc rlderless ham alongside AP Wlnphoto uuwMu EWQE Dear Stm vo bun nun Church Truekl mm 1929 Int 32 of tho 59 unnl in our nm In cnoral later Product of Canaan HIM mun Ontario cum mm 233 BRADFORD ST many years Your local Chevrolet Truck dealér Earning power depends on the ability of your truck to do the job at the lowest possible cost Thats where Ctmmlel Trucks shine Theyiie been earning top money for owners oncvery kind of job in every part of the couan foii Ifs earning power fllaf mm RussiaLaudsPresideï¬t SiaYsOsWaldSilenced Owen his car station 24 mllel W0 tIIHIllllli Moscow television lane mm the White House of mourning crowd and llmed biography of Kennedy 111E charges hnwever not Interfere with euloglu hilale prgllï¬mjl Wilh lha ahoo of Oswald Tau commented the only per son who wu caused of killing Preslden Kennedy the man who until the very and denied lgnpucqllon In th Issaulna AnIeriu could wntch this new crime on the amen of their television 0qu swacan plot The Soviet nawr Henry Tau nld The murderer Presl dent JohnKennedy are tryan to tour up lhalr traces Lee Harvey Oswald whp was charged wllll murderlnz Iho prusldanl has been kllled In celllr the pallce ulnllan Ink Ruby the owner nlghl lub shot al0swlld at close runze wllh revolver 1nd lheAlauerr roan dled Ahil Iccuuflnn wu also taken up by the olflclallast Germm new unency ADN which nld Bpolmcal ohxemrs beneved Olwald wn shot to cpver up In In Communist MOSCOW1h Sovietflnion continued In chnnuv pulu for the lat Frendenk Kennedy Sunday but charged hLl teal murdererl skulkln behind thadnowdeld Leg Harvey 0n wn Adeli6 DANGERHELP morons mm SALES and SERVICE 09 All Typu Oi HEATING EQUIP UP from APIlelilm Bullnl Ind Mr Quail BOWENS meow ssnvucs IIenced Bn luv to watch Donanm each Sunday on lho CBCJV mtwmk Check your lodal lilfll to channcl Ind mm 0020b 22 1963 or did for Your Chuvmlfl Oldumobm Cadillac lung and camel lvï¬Ã©ltflï¬lcr Thu rlel fur the murdered larder the Western World was mirrored by comment from averx other Communmbloc nn tIon except China Ind Albania whlch oppose Rqua In the Connmum Ideological disputr TITl Silver Dartonly nonstop jet 10 Vancouver FASTEST T0030UHE THEREN JUST HOURS 40 MINUTES 10A S7mMaf Fly TCA 0048 Silver Dart across Canada days weekl itsIna other frequent daily flights Fly First Class or Economy Econamy Fare $2 has the right Chevrolet Truck 5000 to 43000 lbs GVW with the right cheyrolet engine 90 to252hb for your kind of hauling No matter which one you need you can be sure of this itll have plenty of power earning power Thats the kind that counts 92 102 Dunlap St West No ID uld on av kc Onu the savm luderl closes AdQJ Flu Deputy Premier Animal Mlknynn flew to Washington to anand the fun eul In repnrtlnz Oswaldl meal the New Yorkr correspondent 0K JOHNSQï¬ EBZIIMITED l07 Dunlap 59 Em Tnmnw 591 Ely SI BARRIEVTRAVEL SERVICE General Melon Value mm muckmannrnuab 5841 In FOR lNFOIiMAJldN AND RESERVATIONS FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS CALL NOW Month 26 mud World Wldo TIIVII Sorvlco Barrla Opposlh Gum Haul Ha rtponed um Onwald wan mated In hm bannln ï¬nal and wnl ulleuedlyamemhu local FIlr play or Cnbn committee 711w Prlvda commandant The Puvda commandant added AI more denlla are re ported the more murky and luplcloul this thing look for me tlme being only on lhlnz la clam1113 lhu pollen obvlo with provocative mnow trim mule deah 01vth president or lncltlnz nullSoviet Ind Anu Cuban hyglefla IncCammunht pan Journll rgvdp aid Dell circles HI Cammunllt PHONE II PA 66525 5mm Fronl El Will IMVII If WWI M71113 an 75 Weblém oburvm laid the palthumnul nu lhoweredon The massive coverage glven by the Russian mu radio und televmon lo Kennedyl death were thought to flu In pm Runllln anxiety um the United Slate should min may from the peaceful co ulmnce was underlined In their dll 1mm way by Khmhchev Ind Kennedy aim IIGllylnl 1o link the Com munist mm with this murder of lhopruldemlfl NDAY NOVEMBER 1M AIR WA TRANSCANADA AIR lINES PA 66474 our choice of $218 return Some ax reused dlxmuy at Ihc possible In no on Ruulam American re allonl ll Illa anu proved to ha Communllb The flu reaction olmou orv dlnary people In Malcaw who spoke to Western mark an wu one Itunned Ihack he lulu mldenl wna ulna Illunl lnd callon that Runll lplta of In cannon at open Ideological polemic lmllllllo hone of mm the breach wm Communln China In the heir Mural