Dul Ann underx have been marriod In this man or 29 years He was never much at talker but these past two yam he has glammcd up Cpmplelel hi go by and he doesnt lay one word to me When ask him direct quesflan he had yes or On rare occasion whnn wants tell gnu 50m9 thing he will write new and leave on the kitchen tabku On Feb he wrote hole which rcud Dont buy any more sausage unlil we ï¬nish the ham hop he wrote Evelyn lays she will go In churdu wllh you if you can be ready Io have at 515 These have been his only al templs to communicate with me In 1963 II good man morally doésnl drink or run lrnund so perhapl should nut hr su crilical Bu it would hclp In it you could eh me why he is so quick Lonmme or Cnnvrrlnllon ANN LANDERS Dear Lunuume Your hul hand is more Khan quick He Is xlck In the meantime please read he allowing letter may provlde you nlh mall mm urtl or cvmtan to two Soth Simcae girls 53 lurdny at the 4H Girls Home making Club Achlevement Day De nden My hus band and have Men marricd yum yum Ve hnvu an ador able mu 5M and only home Clillon was educated in England and holds an exccllent posillon We have no ï¬nancial worries or inrlaw prnhlums So why un ï¬ling Because Clil lull in conllnuoux lnlker and he mud hls voice is driv inzrmc aruund liq bend Ha ha pinion on amy hlnz Every night my lile ml an nrnliun on pulilits uniuus rdumlinn Ihc xnld xlnn dnrd or Inn1 lid PROVINCIAL HONORS wen Too Much Silence Mr nml Mu iconic Gmmtdo Ilmwu MIMI llwlr mmhmq Many Anx llmn hmh arm The hvldo Ih mum ndly hr uhvr n1 lr Ind Bespeaks 0f Illness imfï¬mmi 1on diurn an Mink WED AT TRINITY CHURCH He switches readily from world allalrs to Why didnt you change lhe pillow cases lasL nlghlhow come one ol your eyebrows is arched hlgher Khan lheolherwhy did you water the from lawn and no the back He can raule on 101 two solld hours about absolutely nollng mclimcs got so undone lrom listening to hls lnlcrmin able dialogue Ihnl go into the bathroom and luck lhe dour lo gel away lmm hlm He lallows me stand oulside and con linnes to talk When loll hlm am laklng shuwcr and cant hear even turn an the lau cLls he ages on lnlklng What makes person gab ln cessanlly Please loll me wha la do before have nervous breakdownl Rum Eds at Bond Head communin hull They are Edna Orr Bond Head lefl and Sandra Lock hafl Thornton No club Hére lhey are shown examin Urge him to get nrolussional help In the meantime con linue In lakelbn¢ evening shower and lry la lune him on by conccnlrallng on other things when he starts to yak MIRUITNESS ur husband compulsiv talker People who have Ihls ncumllc compul sion cannm be nllcnced by nsllon Insisicnce nn Lnndm Lust gren Ing our son who will be in cw months received ele phone call mm girl who in his mom at schoql be phont When he heard the girls voice he remind Yu Im going la the name tomorrow mu mm In do my hamcwark now Goad molher praised flick or his dircdnm because aha mu In Mr nnd luL ammldc at an Mm MA IL Md olllclmd the 11an tenpun Mg myHK 10ft loll Iflhinick had been rude In Wklflllkfltmllxl my lintl iv boln by Eur ohm mm BOND HEAD Stall Achieve menk Day here Saturday for girls active In Ilnmemakinl Club work brought the 10p awards in work to two Hum Sandra Lockhnn Thum lun No Club and Edna Orr Bond Head both received their pruvlncial honm cmlllcates Ind plus These an awarded tn girls who have succeulully enm plged proje 4H Girls Win Top Awards There were 101 girls from six clubs partlcipltlnx in the day long program at the community hall beret Record hooks and first aid klts from thelr project The Club Girl Stand on Guard were on dlsriluy It the hall county honor certilicatc and pin for six tell club prolecls completed went to Barbara Ann Matthews at theTecgwlll Club Home economist Mrs Butte iiiilier oi the South Simwc oiiice of the Department at Agriculture was in charge oi the program She was assisted by Miss Rose mary Clark home economist Guelph and Miss Austria Jnnitis hnme cconumisirOnisrio and ank Counties lug poser at nahievement day prepared by Strand No Club on tha them Its Great To Be Canndlan Examin er phnto and that he xhanld not ha so curt In Lhn futureno mailer who calls Plus give us your views ll am wmnl would appraclm bnlng straightened out Spohm Rudtr Spoke Thin is golnz to be split decision60 or you Inc 40 qr hp oppogilion should ml culling boyx But Rick cnuld have hem mm Kcnlle It was not neces Iary to law her all so abmplly Even It 13 boy Ihnuld know Ihe vnlue llllla oil MW cm he mnhincry of human rrlullons Mrs Stafford Hosts Meeting TecWeGwill Womens Institute The TeeWeGwlll Womml In xlllule me on Nov 19 nl he hnmn or Mn Robert Smflnrd wilh IA 3003 Illcndnncel he Chrlslmu menling In member membrn wlll mnka Irrnnxcmcnll lo mm needy Imlllu cwm Lanulun mun Ind Robert SlnlInrd Ind Mn Harald Mucqu wllh the lmlilmn moon fur lhoir wry wndhumle work wilh Ihc HI ulrll Mn Stafford had he hflfl nr ol ulna In the Royal Winler Im with eanm pnld or Mr F0 ll TOMORROW An cxccllrnl dny fur llunu Mm Imbluuul and rum prlunn llulh bunlnm and pr Iona Innmu wlll he owned hy tnlruul lnlhlenm Ind nn exluordlnnrlly ml lunar nl pm mulvl help you In wln ln nu inrrmml vmllka and vnlunblu puhlltlly ll lmnurmw ll your Ivlrlhdly your hunurape ludlcnlu um um um yrar nhnuld In yvu mm hnppln In ml nmllcn lImlly Mu Ilmnhl run unmlhly nml lhm II IlmflI Ilhrlllmml Ilml mil Tlll nmnnmv rotlunlllu lnr mecllnl new and nlrmllnl lrlrnrl Mprrlnlly durlnl Drumlm JIHHMY Ind IIIMIIWC ll lnlle nrw Inmnnn ll ulhlfly In rm vunry April uno pr munl ndunmn nl Iml lmmuvrmenl In your mum clnl nlnlul cm In umllud mnklnl lhl boll lm al yam enll bclwnn mu Ind lulu Dr cemhur tom Inllueum bqln nlnl than ll wnllnue lhmuuh Janum Further homln nlnnI mm Ml Indlrlled In my Au ul October and Nw mun old muvmm In ch1mr Ind Ayn hamr THE STARS SAY Hy Immng MNNUALIMENS NIGHT Mr Ind Wllllnm Janiz who rmnlly returned mm Congo were um speaker the annuni Menja Nlnhl ol Em manuel Baptm Church Womena Missionary Society Mr and Mn Jana have men good number year in Congo andwm In Bflnlum en mule in Congo It lha lime In uranllnz ol In dependence and relurned to Congo jum In hf mm ML Junu unve the audience rundown ol Cangon history dur lng this century Under Kin Aopold ll Canal had been rul ed brutally but mm 1900 on when the Belgian Government took aver cundltlons gradually lmpmved In 1940 about in per cent the people were literate which was much better than in nelghhourlnz Atrlun 90 During llIesa years lhere wu much missionary nativity in 1950 Belgium decided in bring the coin up to the best puss ible stnn mi and there were many improvements made in msa the Belgian Govemmenl yald Ill expenses at 6000 nativ Congolese to attend the World Fair in Brussels These people upon their mum to Como only increased the unrut that already was present This was inriher heightened by tremendous Com munistic activity Thar weru uprisings and early in 1950 Con go requesled Immediaie indepen dence Belgium complied but de layed its granting until June an thgrpcakcr nolgd Mrs Jam formerly Claire WhlelawA conllnued the Ilary lrnm there on mllng the con fusion and terror um rflgned Elena Murdock Dn Costa will be speaker It meellng ol Ihe Burl Womenl Liberal lu mlatlnn an Wednesday evening The meclinx will commence It 130 pm Ind lulu lhe form at pal luck parly Mrs Da Costa was Littoral candldale or York Humber She II the daughler the lulu Sena lor James Murdock who also served In Mackenzie Knxsl in cabinet Mlnlsler LI hur MrL Da Coslou mother who 91 um mldcs In Toronto and wu active during lhe last compm Quit mum EXAMINERIMDNMY NOVEMBER nu The upeakcr was educnhd SI Margarcll College Toronto Ottawa Ladlu College Ind Mc Glll Univenlly Toronto Woman Will Be Speaker At WLA MeetingOn Wednesday Convener ho evening ll Mn Bmce Edey good work or lwn yum with UIRHIJIIIL Mu Bruce Keller and her commillca conducted lho pm grnm lho lnplc hclni clllzcmhlp and oducnllon Mu nob Han lun um mdlnl on the menu flu no henmh the lm ol knowledge climb It Mm Merv vln Jcnop me each one pra nnl ma Hui lllrh am mm country wlwre llw mlllulu are In our lha world cnch member pinned her Inn on Ihe mlp whm Iho couner wn Mn Hawker mowed Inmn try llnu plclum lnkcn while and he hmbnnd Ind baby llml In Koren or ruling will be held Ilw ham Mn Mcrvln On Dec 11 uch number rd to bring lrlrml Mm ll unl an lmlllulu member nmo wlll bu In uchnnu Club mu lllln vuwn IlHI Uullnl hulch Wu mrn hrhl lhrlr Nmrmlwr motl ln ll llIc hume Iv Mn Ilanvhl hmry evlnmlny Mn Turk and Mn llnr nld SwNIor Dmlurlrd lm dun llnnnl urvhxl Vnrluvu mmm wm Ilvrn lluv Thunw muluclwl Um rlmlun ol afï¬rm lor 1961 Crown Hill UCW Conducl Elections 11w nllle DHIIII Im IveIdem Mu Nummn Tmt lluhlrnl MII Ilawnd TIM wrll Sevmary Mu Ilnr Now Inn Aumnm uurlnry Mu Ilnmld Rwllwr Tunum Mn Mnnnld Hxlmlnm VLIIIIMII llve lo mum and In HIP uul Ilnlwellz Ilrpmmlnuvu In Band nl ï¬leuvll Mn lnrllldlu lmnm Cummlllu lenll Mn II Ynhlrll Ind Eucullm ï¬nch Cnmmlmo Convener Mrl Noun lul rldn Mn lIrnld Druvy Mn Mum lullrm Mm Jordan Dunnmon Mme onmllw LorinMr Mn my rmnuu Mn lulu mum but and Speakers Discuss Life In Congo dnrln the days that allowed luderendence with ha wï¬llu leav hurrledly mum olv them helm xulded along lnlnnd roads hellcoplera hoverlnl overhel lendlnl ha waif lo palm at departure In up 01 the hurrled Exodus and tha Env dnnuurx none of the evanullcal mlsslonmestm molested or klllcd The speaker nurlbuled lhls 01m prayers of Chrhllan pegple nlluover rvr Pracllcally Ill missionaries had loll buk in September olj the rum your the Janus decl ded lo leave Belxlnm when my hadheen aludylng Punch and returnlo Conlo Umn lhelr ar rlvul there they Inund lhal al llludca toward an mlulnnarlu had shunned They wore an Inn ger parllculnrly welcome and were mad lo eel very sub ordinate lhla roqnlred lhe nlmnsl ln pallnnce and un derstanding But whlle they could not carry an as belnre lhey dld llnd way meadan the my pel and Ilrtnlzlhenlnx the em hlished work Many more mlss lonarlu hlV since relurnad and lame progress helng made academically In he schnoh and Iplrllnnlly In the churches Some luleresllng lldes were shawnl Mrs Beers axpresscd the nppmciallqn of he nudlenue to Mr and Mrs Janlz or 111 Intercnlnx addresses and In Marley lhornlun for two lovely 5010 The Sands TIM nro inking and the Unscardr hie Rlches or Chr Mrs Langman VMS pm ilent was In charge lhe mew n3 An enjoyuhlu ncknl wan glv an by mum Iho vocal and vlum students at Thu Dmlu Canada Snlurdny cwnlng ll Johnson Street Publlc School 1111 Wu be ucond public recital hit by he Sludlm lhl war Those liking pm In cludod Hm lollowlng plnnhu nrmln Cola Charm Cm Dnvld Crook Terry lrte Unr lmrn Jny Im Long lecln Mnln Deny Ann Mallow Jdm lnrry Sumn Puller Calhy lrlnuncr Jnm flmke Nnnry Hooks leln nuns Januflcr Skelly lloh Smith Homer Hmlfll Jullo SmNh Klm Taylor mmmx Recital Given By Students Vocal solemn were Eunlrc Bur Jun Cmnk AnnDnldue Don Lainwn Mn lJIrl Mluh Marlena lnlltmltn JuHu lelle llcr Gull lolhlck Juan Smllh and Evan Wllmx Gull Puma nnd non Lulu mn um heard In lwo dmln one whlch Will Mnlnlly 11m God ourludul lhn wymm Vern llemlenn DEVI and Mlu lrnnm wm Ac rmnpmduu lnr Ihr vocal num lml Vlllllnl lmnmlnu nnmnr Mrl Nnrmlu Turk Mu Dummm Mu lcnr Ikkllnl Mu lnh TellMme om mllm umrmu Mn Mnuvlte lulrldn Mn Imr Mll ClllfllC Hmllh Mn Ilnmld llwllur supply Ind mm Al um Mn Unrdnn Dunmat Llumm Vommunlullmu um Irlodlull Mu lame llnndn Prm and Pnhllcily Mn mm 0mm Atrium Mn Nut man Thnmvwn Mn nonhm All Nominnllom Mn 1m 1m com um NIIIM Darla wu nmmml memmdu and Inlroduml um vmluul numb 111 mm nnmln Slmllm vlll low In In Docunhtr Imml Imlll Muth 10M alum Hvu Dnvlu Hmlr nnnnnl wlnlor mnmt lnur ELENA DACOSTA The November meeting oi lhc Womens Missionary Society of Essa Road Presbyterian Olurrh was held in the Feiiowxhlp room Tuesday nizhl The pmsldem Mis iohn McCgricy presidmi Suipume readings were taken by Mrs John Muler Mrs Vnrnca and Mrs Coch rune nus were made to hum the December meeunz In the arm pot luck supper wllh the Roma Helpers CG and Explorer zropps aslxucsls very mlemsunz mlsslon study on Indln was pmenlcd by Mu Lloyd Puma and mlsl ed by 1mg Ted Maxwell lelllng Ihe work done by Mr and Mrs Buchanan In I901 Eva Prnxer mpmsenuihe filth enunlion In her family in pain nnd is widely known for her poriraiu children ranzinz 1mm those oi movie sin and prominent mines to Komn orphan girl lier interest in underprivileged children has led her into erk or the CanadianSnve the Children Nnd fur which she hu designed Christmas cards rs nrch old Dr and Mn Wllklo who bean Meir work In India In I904 quutlon and answer period was allowed by medilauon hnd prayer led by Hrs Lloyd Foam 11 Tea hostesses were Mrs Les lie Walker Mrs Arthur Conlon and Miss Helen Webb India Mission Topic For WMS EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE BAYFIELD ST CP Photo The SARJEANT DONT mm Mary Street Ban BARRIE Phonc PA 8246 SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN msomuze IHEM wum YOUR OWN vanss Spread your Incl all paymenu Ivenly over many months williqu Interest Avoid heavy mldwlnl=r pnymenu when luel consumption in In ml Deliveries Ire made lummallcl helm you run low Ynu never hlvc to cull Inr Sunhut the blended nub In nlL Switch to Sunhut comfort ORDER NOW ME THIS SERVICE INCLUDES Free Burner Sench Ind Conditionlnz mum Emergency Service haslcnlly You pay oniy or replnmmcnl pans Cunllcl inkuh or Full mum SUNHEAT PAYMENTS HOME HEAT SERVICE CHOOSE FROM MANY SPARKLING DESIGNS OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE THERE IS ONE SUITED FOR YOU OTTAWA CF An mm mm mm Dominion Dunn Fullvallo assist wflh rave llnz expenses has been made by the Canada Council ll was In munced Sunnny nle muncll Ilsa mnklnl null 01 $8000 lo Vancouverl Playhouse Theme Company 11181911911 oi Toronto and 731000 to be The ma d9 lEslocy Quebec City lrnm la lhn Dominion Drumn Festival wlll be med In hflp mxlannl winner attend the ï¬nal festival mmpeuuon next ay Drama Festival Receives Grant Hauling Oll 7266537