Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1963, p. 1

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In llu Ilul Iwun Viol Cum mm have ulnahad oul pom In many Inn and cu ka enough Armrknn Imp am In rqulp uva Tnmmunlll hullHam 11 nl Aimvknn HIUII llu Im mu up tho Elihlytwo Invrrmnrnl wrap nm wrre rnvluml In mmm rmmy nllnckl llml llpfll oul Inmlm 0dr and Im Kohny mllu mull Hnmun mounlnlnl near hm llw Soul Vlrlnlmmr Cambo nlun and LMUMI mullu mm nu roardlnalnl nllmh re Ilnlly Mun lrw hmm luv mu Ilnwn Sunday llclnlln mm mm Dull tribemm II 51 upon were mluml mm mm node and Inbounm II mum um wlulnt rmn MIIIII IIc Knlmy MIGUN MI Mum HIM um muunlnln lllhrnmm mmmn Imm Inn at Illc 50th Vltlnmnuc rwrnmwulu Ilrn lrnlc humid lollnwlnx wnvu nl lam lCllll ommunlu at Inch mlmmy Inmm vrwrltd today Answering reporter quculom nl lnlemnllonnl Almori Mr Pram Inld he had no mo wllhany lnunlion or dlncuulnx Cunndlnn us rnlnllonl wllh lmldrnl Juhmon Mnrlln will be nmonx um dlgnlunflen who will be realm by ImIdem Lyndon Johnson and also by Mrs Jncquuline Kennedy prime mlnlstcr Imm pnnicd by his wllc and Extor nal Mum Minlmr Munln will nllcnd he lunch the nun WASHINGTON CF Prim Minmor Pearson Arrived In Washington Snndny nluht and xald he had come la cxprtu lhc deny noun we Ihal ll all In Canada In mun he lrnglc denlh Presldcnl Kgnmdya Viet Cong Hits Govt Outposts PM In Washington Expresses Om Sorrow JACK RUBY Dallal nlihl club ownar Hm bullet ram palm blank any lnlo the body of Lea Harvey Oswnch acm cd nslassin of President Km nzdy he Dflllfll police Iln 99m Ylar No 275 President Johnson and Mrs gohnslon wnlk9d puhlndnn Hug Allérné9565neral Robert Ktnncdy held Mrs Kennedys handus llwy walked out the northwest gala Illa While Hausa mamtim of Ihe Immediate In Bells tollsd the slain pres Idents mrrowlng wile Jacque Ilnc an an out heading procession 01 world leader on nn eightblack march to St Muuhcwa Romancalhallc CI hlgqyal fora uqeraj mass WASHINGTON ANJohn Kennedy body was borne mm Ihe While House or funeral rllu In solemn pageanlrv to day mnurners walking behind the homdrnwn cajsson bearlnl lhg gown To For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone FA mm The telephon number to call or he Businesl or Edllarqal Dept PA 63531 Our Telephones lmlur hung Wallre Ink In my Ihv plated umlu nlvmvnllnn Al the ImdnluL WM Hospital or In Crlmlw nlly lnnnl no day would have bell mnur In mid with mm puma The boy who mm mm In Ju vrnlle man an Humd wllh lhc Mann flunlh Jim I061 12 mam muman II mn mlmr NMCHHHHMH Iul CIVI llyrarold My um rnullnl murder lvldny lm hm Flam an prolmllmu In lho IJI ody or his taller pnrenll Four Amerlcnnl mluln Ill unrrlll overrun mm lorre Ille Ill llrlp IluB ll mllrl ml at Sal on Tlully mm Vlclnnmm will warm killed Ind 77 urlonl were wounded lnclu In an Amrllmn ollkeh Bracebridgo Boy Put On Probalion Pearson pcnl quch ovcnlnx wllh Cunadlnn Ambnundor Churn nllchlr hll Wnlhlnz on hoxL Thnlr nIkI wem cl mum prlvnle hul obviame runnrd over the wlde Held of CmndllnAmcrltnn AMI and lnlcmnllonnl mnllonl The vrlme mlnlllcr aha Inld he hellevbd lhul Cnnndlum deeper mm of Ion In the dual Pmldcnl Kenncdy lhnnmny nlhcr nnllan upnrt tom he us qu nummxs Bul he nddm that he WM lure thul our good relation with lhe US wlll continue and that we wlll ulnbllsh good relallonshlp lmldenl Johnwn an we have wllh other pmldrnu Ian Sunday Olwald who dlcd several hour later xrlmacel In many and Main callnpu IE Starth nlafnclalhumqn II II Lenvellc Thll vic Iuc one of he yanrl mull Senate Dcmocralic Lender Mike Manlfleldand Senale Rm publicnn Leader Evorellr Dlrkaen headed axroup from Clllrm The griglnnl plans had been for Mn Johnson to wait at In cathedral or he prgceulan Bul whenPrealdcnt Johnson all he Whlle House hi wluiwal It hls Ilde CILANQES PLANS Chlel Justice Earl Warren and armor prealdanl Eisenhower were amonglead Americana lnlha pmmlnn lrench Pmldem de Gaulle was clan hehlndleudlng the orng aadpflt Kennedy in lfie lwo hPTfiarriv Examimr World Innin It In Ibo John rllmnld Kmncdy Iunrrnl flllrm Indy It mu lh WI Home me Both are brllllnnl yaunx lar elun mvlcc alllcm who have ulabmhed lmpartnnl mnlncu Inn qund balm thllr prcun nppolnlmcnu In Vnshlnftan key gum In Him bah ndthaIccnu talk was IL mull noblmonpmlnllv Icr he Cnnndlnn embnuy and Dlm predecmor In Dunwa pod Accompanying Pearson 1mm Ottawa WM his chic ulter Mlnlra dcpnnmenl Ma BL Dior the man who pmvidu he hourhyhnur llnk bclwtcn the prime mlnlllor and Inn dcpam mcnl phofnT dramatic was made by AM photographer Bob Jnckwnol the Dallgl HmuHernld Copyrlxhhlm The Dallas Tlmesflernld and Photograph ei Bo Jackson vln AP er0 Allen brie hall at the Whllu House the canon moved an to Ihe cmhedral wilh the mourners walking The corteie had mnved ram the Capital where Kennedy body 1min new this weekend to the hue House MrL Ken nedy and members or the am lly had ridden In limousines on lhlyhulp The pmceaslon ramvlhe White House began at mm mm add lead Kennedy running In mu mm Kennedy brothel5 wnlklnz Ly hind the caisson were yarn from anly by the caller can In Ihe presidential lag and nderlen hom that nymbollzu the lullen waniota inl multary lunernl MI lmnl mu mum Wm WM Ummn mum Frau rmmm In mm Qum mum of 0mm mi mado loador him hero 11qu 15 mm Mo wllh hln Hm llllla lenglnz place lhu sum Spur Mm Inld onetime purl ner In dance promotion Al Gruber lrlend In La Anwexmld fluby laid Mm over he Iclcphone curly Sun duyln Inlklnl about In Ken ncdy Ahonllnx Im mm cugt lake 51 born flublm CHI breezy cmollonnl and hot lcmvcrcd He brawltd hlm away ram pavuly on the 5ng or Cllucnna Ho couldnt eat Frldly ll kepl Mklnn about Jackie Ind lha Konntdy kldI was mammu Hant Ihlnk Ruby hal any political alflllnllnnDcmcrauc or Republicanor ll he even Imcw which he wn in filler Eva Gmnl said he Wm badly Ihnkcn by Kcnncdyl dram dont lhlnk pomlcal null Han had Anything lo do with Rubyl action luld lnwycr Tom Howard who will defend hlm on 1315113125 ghnrgc like boxer what new Jew at bmionfl he man miiii ch in Ieievilion Sunday uw gun down Lee Harvey OIwaixl the scouted killer oi President Kent ntdy Friend diiier an hi mo 1m DALLASm tm IA 12qu lnd Do When Mrl Kennedy Illepped out ho llmouuine at Ihe White Hannah stood IlilHor moman Illnan to hymn nun by the naval academy elm r4 Accused Killer HeroWorshipper Int wamnn broke Into zhpilchadwnll Pmldenl Kennedy la zonal 0h Lardhlord She kept up her cry but the word railed all agii soon were lndmlqauhhv For ha molt pm It wen Izn crowd crowdo bowed held and tun any DOWN Thuuundh llnéfl llgrouzh all areal Barrlo Onurlo Canada Monday NovombuL 2541963 Then she turned and an Illa Ilreell mm um 153 mum xl Dmlndflel new Wade mn fluby or lho llnt Um salurdny nluht when Ruby rmhod prm confirm all poll oulllntd mm of whnt they lmned lhclr nlr Ilihl um unlnll Dlvmld ll lhl pruldtnl mnuln thliitlw WM on some mm of morn kItk Inld woman whq had dated hlm llc dldril dilnk Imokc cuu Bul he nlwnyl ruled the ladle nlcz Inuy you Mk or dltllkn nlzhlclub columnlu Tani low 1m Dnllnl Ngwn Not many pmqu nrn In belwcen lhlnk Ruby Jul nl hlm ml an lmpulu Bfld operated on hlm OnElm nld Vllerbm Kelly In Nuw Drlcllm bullnm nwclale Ruby lwn year ago Kelly and Ruby wan mm man over the ltllllng Dallnl patrolman llnn aver Ihe pmlflcnln dcnflL wllnum Inld Oswald down the alllccr no lonz nller rlllo bullell lmmhod lnla llw vmldenl Pnlrlollc he wfllnl wlka bull he wnl To Dillrlcl Allorney Henry Wade hbl Jun lunar Ill mk or tho dealh pmnllyl Bomelaw him as unlnlennely pnlrlancjman herowonhl fir at preside Frlnklln anvclt gunk Kennedy mqu wn hungry or huckhflel alwny aim II He llm or he buslnul enuedy mod elrnlght between Robert and Edward Kennedy brother the min prefldent flex15cc beneath 11 Meter black veil wu composed On her mm Robert Kenned Ianced once theycrowdpa uued hie necktie with rayV aged hand Irom lbs back uat Caroline razed around at tho crowd She Angelied vale the lunllm ca uh small lace ngd Woman nlonl hi White Home drjyewgpt at the head of the granular lklnz mgum lmlméuimmV My mum may In m1 II Ilouu nuww Mm cm WWW mixmuh Churzcd with rnplml murder In lhe cnlo ll John Frederkk IIcDDnald 4a of Nmmarktl uhtdulcd to appear In Bnrrlu mun Thursday The mix We ulcmd lo lha parent pruvloul day on complellan ethullvo um ordered by In ulwrneyxen ernll dcpartmml BEETON Onl CWThaw llllll Baker 10 when body wnl laund Nov In Ihnllow grave nclr Calcdan 15 monllu pller aha dlmppurtd ram her lnlherl Balmm lnrm wnl burltd BMurdny Thomasina Was Buried Saturday They were thrrannded by curllylmen In Hus march Ihere wm nm In pay homm the mlnnked prelldent were an lmpnlinz duh ihey walkzd in tho cams bright sun clear aulumn cu daz Then wen to the ml hm can an on rank Ihe military mm mm 5qu 9pm hall and representing all he IGNI blgyde hugger wheat fie newspnper unéd what It termed reliable mum llaurl Inlar lha Dnllu Morn Inz New In capyrllhlcd nary mid palch emun who arched Onwaldl room found map with line on mark lnl ho ynlh flu bulld lhnl klllcd lho mldent durlnr malorcada all Friday Nuher lho Flll nar the Secret 3mm wLuld comment on lfilrmfl Ila mu qulckly mmlcd and held or murder hurlnl In ha lama delrmlon Iran vn rated moments berm by hll vlcnmv MY8 mp FOUND Grfiiover ha mldenta un timely duth In mm or venzélnce unfurniin ended Ruby to appoint hlmul 0r wggdl cxecuglqyger Thll map In Qlly 1155 um um calm bonrln the nagduped camn Irrm In from 01019 cathe dral and mu ulllh Mr Kennedy agler van took dlufihter Cnrollno and non John by thulr hand and led them to the IlepL Tho children were both dremd in bluo ciiurch MGM212d In lhe tunes and the crawd watched In utter lilencl Aheud matched the member 01915 19191 clglefl my jEAL No Mora Thln Par Copyi Cloudy 11m nmv or reeling drlzzlo tonight Clearln and colder Midny MW tonight high tomorrow as See pm Local Weather Thériuwwapcr Excillar lb rlbulcd In report In Mi of Sea CLUB OWNER Fl From Mexico Cky mm in 01h report1M llmu lhnl Olw wnld vllllrd lha Soviet Ind Cu ban wnllfll me Im my be and rird In at Thu mid officer by end OanldAmnrkM the map mm which wiper tank 14 and Hm the Ktnntdy molarcndu aqyumr VIM Sim425am JACK mm Dallnl Olwnld had placed mark nl mum Inltrmllonl Along Ina mmmdo roma lhrco at our recall The vm mo Hm mm the Tun whoa book dc Alwry building Elm StrtcL is wu the Jmory the bull which Ilmck nu pmldml and 00m no Cannally There wnl PrInca Philip Hrfluln 2ch Frederik Once In all the many men See BIDS FAREWELL Fan mm lor ¢lzn leader and dlplamm mind In thebackiround EEK CHURCH Flnnllr wllh Prelldent do Gnullo the hunt rank In hll ollva drab unilarm thajmt men of allland fled quietly 1mg tho culhegrql fllchard Cardinal Cunning Baden In lull while but and auxer and black rabu am down lho Ilepl followed by other churchmen to great Kennedy Inmfly inmuy iued between wldq daar Illa church JFK 42 Plan

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