numle mrmlml Am lIIlou prmnl Ivml Inuonl vruldcd Huh ln rammrnu um Inn by Mm VA Iv IIMWL war mnem vbumra mvlce mu obmml Invllnflnn md hum 10an ml WI In lhllf mum wmnwlnr Nam 21 um arcrplrd port Am the hurl mum lrnnll lex In AIIInlan In klnInIr In Inn Ivy Mn ll IInIInn and mm nu HM cmuuvo mmlnl In Coonlou Mn anhnnlrl 5mm of TM fummh died Friday Nov 15 IFumrnl mvlcn um old her nm em MIDI Monday HHEHIDDII Mermcnl Trlnlly Unlled Comrlcry Drown MEEHNO llcclon Womrnl lmlllnlv held mulnr morllnl Tuudny 1w nlnu Nov II In council mmm with number mull The nun mmlnlofllmud Brnnch lb Cantdim Mb Society mu held In smud Unl ltd Church Nov Wlllllm Howl Mu lhc Incaktr Ind Ihawod fllmon mm Society wnrk 1n Canndn Olflml wm ruled od pmldenl lloy Goodlellavq rrrlldmll Funk Conn Iubben umtn Gordon Ix Innum Hurry loldcmfl Hectar hi boon llktd lo him In he mom1 by Doc MM MULIIDLLAND nu noun zucmm 1Eleven table of euchn llnl fakde Amlhcr Monday uvenlnl In Simud hall wlnnm wm Mn Loy Mn Lennox Bllck Mn Moon Mn Clown noy upm and Hamid Ayem Rm ch wu served 11 Inna nirWlflouzhby Add Blue and Thampsan Recent vhllarl with Mlu Joan Wllwn cho wan Mn WII am Clemcnll Harrie Ind Mr mg gums Mn Frank Graham up or Slmud nu cnnvnu or Can ldlnn Inltllutn or In Blind pom mmpldlon at tumflu enmpnln when 0135 wu coll lrlbulod Mn Graham on be Jul at In mum umch Ihnnh Ihm who did tho cnnvn II Linda Small allndl Man Kmn Cooper flulh Blut Gnnfll Kcunen Mary Krul Thelml Sheri Shlrhy Manbb mum WM and In bel Own mu scam and Mn Leonard Dlp he ended party in Toronto 10 cuebma flu hlnhday Mn wily Diplodx 001111 oudm mic being held Ah the Legion Hill by the Lndlu Auxiliary wdl mend Win Im of thin weekldmm Item men Xingu Axum Fara 2r low Mm alonnn lldlu 21311th Buml low um STBOUD By MRS ROSE NEWMWE BAPTIST CHURCH Ipecinl lervlce will be held in Hue Bell Ewart Communlly Baptist church at ym Sun day Nnv conduded by Dr Michelson of the Hebrew Evan gellzallan Saclely All are wcl eame William Calder attended 1h IhrlalenInz 01 hi granddaughter In In Tomnlu Sunday Mrl Caldcr WM unable to Mend be lnx patient In Rayul Victoria ggpltal Mlny high school linden In U13 district Attended ha Royal Winter Mr and loud In min and oducauanul Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose and Mr and Mn Ray Lallmer and Ariana went Sunday with Mr 1nd Mrs Breen whim Mr and Mn Walter McMnc kon spending law day wllhk rclallves In Toronto thin wee wggman mm Mr and MrsAnhur Lnnfton and Jann Wiiiowdaie vined their parents Mn and Mn Hun vio Robinson on he weekend Sevgrnl indie from the viii agu attended the bazaar at Camp prnorden in Wednesday evenini Min Graham and Mn Napier Guthrie are vilitinx hil week with Mr and Mn Duckworlh Mr and iilnGien Chisholm Tnmnto 5pm lha wcekend with Mr and hm Ernest McKnizhL Mr and Mrs Cecil Barren Ind iamily Barrie spent Sun gnthiih Mr and Mn Gordan ll Russell Adam returned home Saturday Irom the Royal Victor Hospital Battle Mr And Mn fllchard Duck wonh Oshawa pcnl the weak end lull home Mr pnd Mrs Oscar Irwin and lamlly Oshawa visited during the wcekend with Mr and Mn Williamulmjn Sympalhy 15 extended to Mrs Wlllinm Galbraith and lnmlly Shelburne nee Emmn Kirby formerly Anguu In the and den death of Mr Galbraith last week Mrs Ann Burton Camp Bor den won he ham or racer It at Ladlu Aux nary No 499 BEETON BELLE EWART mmm EXAMINER mm nu mm nucxwonfu SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS mm mm mm pay Prize winner were Mn 1bm WHIIIHLI Mn Bruce Mayan Mr Lund Mn Nonll Coutu Ind Ray Smith Coo v71 Women lnxlllulo hold the Int In mic of undue Nov ninu lablu In mungm £5110an unn mémx undifiuéï¬ifivnh Ihu tucher lhl pmres children Opan Thusrm held Nov 19 the Em Union School Na Coohlawn um uumrcn Prize winners lnr he evening were Irene Gllmy Elsie When zr Faye Ellnes Bruce Barman Fred Wheeler and Prad Ellnes OEEN 0st During the evening euchn and cmklnole wen played by the Adult and candy scramble Ifor thy children vam er mums Ros Social Group entertained at patluck Lug In the Cookstown Town Hnu in MN HIM Clll the Ron Social Group meelm held Nov 15 me home lb pmldent Mrs Elsie Wheeler During the day members worked on quilt Lunch and nflemaon lea were mved by the hostess and bar commune Mira Bawen Ollvn Bowenand W11 ml Demon upmx mam luuodbywlwrlyolHON ALLAN MAcEACHEN MINISTER OF LABOUR CANAbA The bulk or the Work on your new home mun be carried om Mort Mmh I964 The foundnllon my be lmlnllcd befon December uul cumin unl uldo flnth may be complain am March Jhl Your hams could be bull or yuu you can build youmlf you can buy one may NHL The homo can be Ilnuo home or multiple homing ltluclurc nvvr ï¬irteen member and our Ines red the roll call flu R088 SOCIAL GROUP an bourlfyoumewhom lnlmhoulaln tequltcmenu FlutohllInappliullonforunlncnllonmnWlnlrr nulll homo mull be mndo lo Iho Special Stvach Bunch Dcplmncnl of leour Omwn cilhcr by you or flu builder Thll ulep lo uunllal Epec II mislc was Inn by th Junior choir under the direct mhlp Mn McDawalI The fallnwln children were baptized Kimberley Made daughter Mr Ind Mn Jame Nay Carolina June and Yvonne Palrlcla dauzhlen Mr and Mrs Emary mummy baplllmll Iervlce was held Nay 17 In Ooohlown United Church with men children hr in ha llzed Spec II muslc was um by the Junior choir under Hui ding mmn Il APT Syn mch mu nan Pm gram wu an Historian Research and canvener Mrs Kenna nvn two papen one on Our Heritage and one an foods Cur rent event wen read by Mr erlh Tc hostesses Mrs Wright Mm Harm way Mn ColeMu Hum What this country needs Is good 12month year and you can help lthappenl YOUR INCENTIVE muen andï¬ Frederick Ruler NOVEMBER is COOKSTOWN on IT NOW Arrange for your new home to be Winter Built lleral an oulslnnding mlonlal homo whose room layout pro vldoa tho klnd nl livablllly aet dom found lo home The front entry hall protcclcd by deep porch and pmvldéa easy access to all major area of the mound lloor Upstalr there are two extra llrze bedroom each wllh lLr own lull bathroom Downstaln thorn la another bed room wllh aeparale washroom flu lull bathroom The spam on study has two large closet and could be used as an extra bedroom ll nccessary large modern kitchen rflu acparate dlnlnz Nam an hug llvlnl room complete the downslolr area There la protected ter ma bthlnd the two our amaze FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IF YOU HAVE YOUR NEw HOME BUILT IN THE WINTER Hangman 03TH WEEK Ru uumcd Cnmdlnn buildm have Ihe knowhow to make Wlnlcr Dun hem lound Inmllmnl Do ll Nov Anna Indy to hm you homo wmm Hum Youll uh mom WV Ind youll be helping Cum keep my Waugh the wlnlu mnnllu wlnlu monllv mummum qualifying for Ike $50000 incentive Nuuufly it hm Io oomph wilh nonnal Imaofldtmahboummloul buildlng bylaw ploymcm Swim 0600 0mm you dont lunaNESodhhywrdilflcQMnthmw Modem Ind loam Corporation owes or write dim to Spain Saviouflnochvbmnmm of Labour Ollam Main Floor MIZ SqFh Construction brick veneer but details or bulldlnz In Iolld brick or name an supplied wllh ha Blueprint Standard Bullden Elurprinlu or this Design No Uppcralz Sqil 46 ml us for he Hrs so and $5 or ddltlonal sch They are available In Canada by relum mnIL Ontario residean must mm per cent ule tax Gar509 5M1 We Carry Everythlng To Keep Your Home Up To Date Comping Stock caown pumps MINI mmz can alter short nlnplnca ment Is to pallenlly IppLY lllln sucesslve mu wax hop in la bulld up the linoleum azaln TERMITE CONTROL QUESTION have Just bought mill place or land on Mm pSuaMy lhe slmni solullon caused 10 linoleum lo dclerlorate Th only uuullon can alter nfnplnca mentl my oasement Iioor look on two comm Out side the housa ore downspout mm the not Do these have anything to do with tho leakat How eon the problem bosolvedl SWElt it tho discharle mm the dowmpouta does not run at to on area at least 15 test immthe house the water may be working its way through weak glam in your basement lloor ry well should he duz to take cm at this runalt or plastic mnoila to ho attach ed to the end at the downspout and which direct the water away from the house inundation oru nvollnhio at lam hardware and housewora deniera These roll up to tho bottom oi tho spout when not in use Repair tho corner leak with latox pot lnx concrete available at masonry supplies and hardware stores DULL KITCHEN HNOLEUM QUESTiON Our kitchen lint leurn got acmbhlnx with Very strong solution Since then it looks dirty and dull oven ith lots waxing mm Mm LOOK unaqu rllnlallflfl How can clean the iucco pulere on our front Porch ANSWER Easiest method of cleaning ii you can hnve ihe contmlar undertake Inch email Job would be in hm building cienner remove the dirt by steam Ciennin the time yourseii by mu In wlth umng detoxmi Mowing it with ample rinsing with clear welerin union ham LION or this would be very io dimi Job cummd stucéo 12mm mmmmv EJRST AID FOR THE HOME WnÂ¥k06ï¬fciwmm Mfirvw To US FOR THE KIND 0R FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HASIUILT OUR RIPUTATION m7 solution sï¬m Khan and dull even axlxng What can Human lo um ll Ulmon dualny Imm your lulldor Iim lcrmm lm Produelu BROTHERS Our complqu Mack 01 quality lumbor make It posslblo or you to um work today Lo give you ran nllmulo on your nccdl Fm oltywldo delivery maximal Hm be present vamlsh ï¬nish remand Ind the floor landed mouth with SHEan FINISH QUESTION our llvlnl Ind dining morn floor In pment 1y varnished We want put on shellnc llnllh Instead Whnt the proper gmcedym Mama mm um dark and ham to keep clean ANSWER Yet But be sun tho In floor In absolululy dean Ind or any race of wax grease elc The $113 should be month and love Ind adhering lightly all over floorleveling compound may be necessary In Insure reflecuy flak mm or the lnaleum Follow linole um manunmnma lnstnllnllon Instruction carelnlly these would be available mm your deule 11109 whllo many kn vvm Ll1 EST Can wn ll Ilnol turn aver Illa The He In pm Ly good shape but gm mm mm Wuahlnlon 13x c1n mm Soil Treatmem and Ad to Tumult Control mva mama the home Wham Information Iboul lhls umn which wa Elan to build vmg mu hm LINOLEUM ovnn may DHYQllnn ynlll Iennur mail amaunt oi cream oHartnr and amen pemxidn Rub thin an the main and allow to remain or about 20 mlnuloa lhcn rub main and rim oi with pionty oi clear watar Repeat trlht ment nemalry SCRATCHED WINDOW OM58 QUESTION Can anything be done to window Elna that im bean scratched with anndm AN There ia no pm tical way to ramava Icrntchea tram liaaa other than having the auriaca profusion mnnd down You might try iii in deep acnichu with clear piaatic Iny way in mmova rust Ilalnl mm white forceluln hath lub have fled Ammonia bleach and two ludlnx clennm but none do the lab ANSWER Try tho allowing mathud Mnk hick pull urnmm mu mu wipe oil dull Then we and cont thinned II aim booklet on ilniIhinu iloorl ll Ivniiablo on mum from Ill Shoiioc information Bumu Irk Avo Now YorkCily MUST ODOR IN BASEMENT QUESTION lI lhom way to rid human mm odorI oiher than ilwmua cloaninzr This wnlkln blw men has not ior law yem will Ir paper rooi which started lankan More the houu on It was meted window in overy dlmctlon hm beenopen ml Iirlor uoveul weekl All min on floor dried out Ii ler Iwooplnz and mapping Bu Illli musty odor lingers IVDI though not had II It illIi ANSWER Wlih canilnucd III in the odor will disappear Il you IN iindlnx on by its nudull diminishing Sprinkllnz chlorido oi limo around on in floor will help weed up the dll Ippoanncs oi Illa odor RUN STAINS 0N amnvn QUESTIO you know 01 Inv um r0254 many nnqdwnru dealun ortlll dun Then apply lhln um ma Ihollac thinned by adding one pm of clear dennlnh ad Ileahol to our pm of thal uqd tuxlace mm ury LY with 00 an mm uuumll Itll can be rented deslrndnl dellQILLWIM flooMqndlnll Agnaphlna gaugiï¬aper Ind Thus