mum in nunmum 1mm Imol llamqu ll Wm mm mm Mount mm mm Cumin mm llumru In Ifuualn rm Auau cumulus 11 um rm hula0v mud to III In gram1m II in II 71 mm AM alu III bu Ion muv mumt NIIIKL UNNIHJ ICIIIIIUMI ll mm Ilu ml Ivy um nu mm yvtll llnll nip MIN Dn nllllfl my mm mum mm VM Ml Ml IM WWI Whitlm In ndlvvmllfllflnn NOT QUITE 90 PER CENT Chrialhln Sclonca Monitor Unllod sum Sennlor ll quoled delvlnrln tho idea that the man who make 00000 year should be torccd contribute 00 per com hlu income the can of government Thin ro flch mlshnpmslon sometime heard mails lnymon hm lurprlslng In an run and fol 3er with 845 Driver car 510 on It unlroon escaped from Traffic Olllccr Jnck Lowll In wild chum lhrough Darrin streets Saturday night Doicgntol rom Simcoe Contra chosen Barrie Examiner 12 1938 Re membrance Day observed in town with parade and service at Cenota Ad dress given by Rev John lthilllcuddy of First Baptist Church Guard of hen or trumpeter and troops from Camp Ber den participating were commanded by LtCol Patrick llennessy D50 MC With only 227 customers Town Council decided to close liarrlcs publiclyewncd gas plant April 1939 Customers were to be advised and given every consider atlen in replacement oi ulprncnt Visiting ed or from St larya Ontario Lorne Body atated that in hla inlon Barrie was about the best town int Do minien of Canada at its size liarvie Merrick son at Mr and Mrs John Merrick of McDonald Street told at be ing in Canton China during recent bombing attack by Japanese in letter to parents lie is manager at llong Kong for Contederatlea Lite Provincewide hunt for two armed bandits who hold us attendant at local aervice station at 42 ram and got away with 845 Driver 257YEARS AGO IN TOWN mun speaking oliticinn would bo likely to 1m itate dec nred that with their profitcen ing mentality many Quebecois for too long had believed that robbing the state was not robbery because one couldnt steal from oneseif For the out of so ciety and the prestige of state Auuxodnd an omu III 01 leml mun nunom m1 Imuqu IIHNI In mm mm mu Premler Jean Lesagn of Quebec dLv played courage when not long ago he bluntly announced that lhe pracflce dlpplng unconcemedly Into the public trough would have to change It would appear that on economy which can provide more than million additional jobs in year is healthy It is But ovon 1100000 new jobs cannot keep up with the population increase the Observer continues The September as on by the Labor Degartment at Was ngton ohowed 50 000 unemployed tn the US in at month the Semla Observer reports That was 150000 more than year ago in ac tual numbers Pereentagewlse 1t waa 55 or cent of the labor force as compared 56 year ago These ï¬gures show that even the ex pandlng economy of the United States was not enough to provlde jobs for 150 000 people between 1002 and 1963 These same ï¬gures also show that the total nonfarm employment last month we 1100000 above Qctober 1082 Not only are more people working there ihosa working are receiving wage and salaries of princely proportions com pared to other countries They are emin ently satisfying compared with what the laborerwas paid for his hlra even da 11959 More peopiein the United Stath are lgainfully employed than at any time in istory but unem 10 men coniinuea to pig one the gm es economic and soc biébiégï¬Ã©hfiï¬iflchest countryin ï¬fe world In 1h first place Assuming thnl lho Dipping Into Public Trough More Jobs In united Stgtexs But Also More Uhemp10yed Lesage with AV daylligflo quushs Hm The Barrie Examiner Walla Publllhei vannu muck nuun lIlrfllllUN Mill mum imu Annum OTHER EDITORS VIEW Pubushedl by Canadian NewabnperaLKUmned 16 Hayfield Street Bame 0nurlo DOWN MEMORY LANE Wilma beau1 Mme FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21190 Plll 111 II In extremely hlgh rule prob ny hlahur thin in MY olher counlr on Hm globe and 0th to be reduce nm It In Iomcwhu leu thin 90 per cent ma lnxpyul who lncomo To reach the 00 or con bracket out would llnvn lo mu Vc mam than DD 000 year In fully lnxnblo lncomo Eur pnn one rocclvcd 0200000 year aka lllo mlxlmum Impact cl lhu 00 Ear can nun Ill loul lax would boll 1120 or just undur 78V per cent In all This la In turn in high lake And It duel not include Halo and local hues whlcll cul Into the remainder nut on tiny ollwr nldo ll duo nnl allow or pay ulblo Inx min dun In In cum In vnalmcnln chlr labia am or coil rm 25 par can on upllnl flllnL In Ilm lucond glue III plies only to the top $1000 ol the 10 000 Low er rum mdlng 11 mm 20 or conl nppl to no lower ruckou ccordlng to lo trcaaury lax rnln schodulu hll lolnl lax would be 307320 or nbnul 07 per cent 3100000 In all taxable Income nbmo ex omptlom and deductions and 11 receiv ed by bachelor or mnrdcd porlon Illan Icpnrnln rclurn lho hlgheal me he would my 07 par cent for Ontario Conservative convention in Toronto were HonEarl Rowe George Johnston Sim son Mrs Burton Woods omas Smith oi Elmvale and Thom son of Pen etang Mrs Kendrick ccted Noble Grand of Beaver Rebokah Lodge Tho Lambolh Walk dancovcraze swelclgsing country Demonstrated first at Ga on Badminton Club dance in Barrio Arm oury Miss Juno Thomson and Morton Knox hen all couples took art Col lier St United Church Cho sponsored concert by Poul Bat Danish baritono In Georgian Bay high school football all slars selected irom 1161 were junior Dill Bird centre Jack Calvert unrdx Ross Saunders tnckle Eric Mclwnin end Gordon Roach quarterback Fin Mc Gibbon Victor Reynolds Brian llen nessyholves Senior iiiorloy Richard son tnekle All olhers on senior nilstars from Midlnnd end Oriliia Mrs Dora Kenney loosed moln floor of Town linll or roller skating lull miilto hon ors accorded Cpl nudt Lang oi RCAF Camp Borden victim of huntin accident Barrio Lions Club had ilcinl visit by Shorty Green of Sudhury District Governor iorrncr star amateur and pro hockey player Dllflcultles in result rrém Mr 14+ and determine efforts to revise the moral code but he has the courage to reclaim highminded objectiveand so doingI he adds to his prestl not merely In own province but Eng lishspeaking Canada Mr Lesa admonition was not dir ected mere to one particular group or forty It served as wamln to his own fol owers as well as remln er to the relics the no mm much different department was required rqrp 1313 clugenry hengdded Most of the idle hands in America are among the teenagers trying to get their first jobs and among women Youngsters iresh irom school and lookin for work make up 154 per cent of jobless Adult women provide 54 per cent while the jobless include 29 per cent among the merrled men Admittedly the pros ect is not bright But the overall pic ure could be much bleuker This lncreaée 1n the month of October alone was 350000 over the same month last year These ï¬gures would lndlcate that tech nocracy and automation are not hurting the overall labor picture across the bor der Thay would appear to show that In dust and emrlozvpra generally are dc lhg air an taking care of labor force whlc ls expandlng too fast to pro vlde the jobs for it in thedark days oi thq early thirties whsn Franklin Roosevelt was leading his country out at its worst modern de msslon he encouraged hlspeopla with dream of 60000000 Americans with jobs He was laughed to scam In October 1060 there were 09000 000 ea 18 In the United States with jobs or otal 04500000 were lntha non farm category Workers on farms are de creasing annually as hlgh costs force far mers into automation to get the job done in 7m mom 19 4m 2m um um The 99mm nhmv that he Conmmlm hnva decllnul wright£97101 low 0th 11H anrm hld 50 per In me min In ms Ihen lhpy dmwod la an Ihll yur mu In pcr mu Mnnnhllt at camlldnln lndrpmdmlm Commuulm and bluc Iky youdrr ban hnva limppea from Ihm per mm at lho VOII In 1m la 1m lhm onHull on per cent lhll nu my mum Cam man down Illln to Mr ma lavnl In lhnl ear hwy won um um nl mm In allow Inl nlecllom My mm per cent In 1m 39 penom In m1 II per cenl In In 31 per mm In you And only L1 per cm lhl yr The urly lllfll cuurtlnl Ind mummmt an very nvldcm on Pnrllnmcnl Hlll mm In ll emptl lo bulld up manta ar llu Thln hnl yd mul In my Idmllltd voluntary Hilton bm hll ry wlll mul lhll one DIE Map pod 1m New Drmocullc IHHI lm Ca ovorlllvu Commom wealth rumHon only My whldn now ulnndl whm did In low In HIM your And 1111 your wan vor ho mu onwr Imnll puny Social Cred hu Irlnlnl almond lupvorilrom our par can In 1m lo per ogm Ihln ygnr Thm nI Iha MI our tIco Ilnns have pmduccd mlmmy zomnmenu Tho obvloul ro IpomlbIlIly my plrflumenl In than cirmmmncu In In mall lama oonlIUon thch am can lml lhc Hausau ll Illcmpltd and cmrnlly Achlevcd In avtry alhcr dcmacrnllc cauan when morn Ihan Iwo pnnIu oIMIn In Iezlllallvv Imm In an mlddla of nm period then came lha rmni Iweop by the Conservative Party who era in marked by grad uIl Increase In Conservnllva Inppon 1mm up 10 um nk Ind Iuhscqucnt dcclhu II we much by mam downtnnd In Iuppox or the Liberal Ind welallu partial allowed by In uplwlnz And cept lor their eclipse ln me ha SoclII Cred pmy hII xnlnm Ilendlly In Me Iupwn over lhv whoII MlNofllllES WOOED The Ioul vote dull year In 7mm But then wmnp proximater loooomo Cana dlam termer as eligible vote nu II no record to be proud of the disclosure that more Cunn dlnnl voted In our mu xenon election than in any previous election Our uendy mm population Irmld see each wc can election utabllahlng new mam 80¢ it must mike ex claim See Canada grow whcn we n01 that lhm wen NI jig thin Comsmlan the voting pal tern udn dun last 11x general elecdnnst ol 1m 1m 1957 1958 1962 and lmchown iomc lnlzmtlnz trundl union olJunI 1057 WAWA Canada Chlel Electoral Olllcer Nelson Cas Ianzuay hu released the lint afllclnl labulnllan of the votlnz Indus Aprl1ll general glgdloyl OTTAWA REPORT ToWer Of Babel Por CompleteDetails See Genesis XI ay Pmucx menost ElectionTabulation Show Trends Clearly mmmon resllon Run donl In unyihï¬m in mr hr the mm part II Ila hu umvldnl Donl Imull Illm will lhla kind mum nod Huh Inn IIII IIIM Dhlll not much mun than Yfllubn II nul an wnndem mm II Mtlllnuy Au MIan lo of mm In munclpl Hrldl hulnl our plld lnr nu our Inn Ilcllll 1er Mn lhelr aweII In Mrlm annnlo Ind In many mu In Immr tenlm Why II lhlnl hflumc people will In II II by lllllle Iggy TM 16 rKy In tho 1le urvlm In all puhllo Ic caunll wn 11500 nu And mar 41 munI Tremury on th rtllnl lull alvï¬Ã©ncy llnl bclnl paid hm ONE 211 ml Th zovc montwuldnl hlm on pcrmnnml Im ply imn lnundfllnnsurhor ouuh worklnl or the bond of Hull Toranlo suburb III mu nuklnl loo murh mqnq 1900 your Ainln Ea Md In man to tel up nlw youth hunch inlho deparlmenl yl odyclglnn Ho had bean nulnu L500 fear In lhe new job he wu 10px Ila 89500 BIBLE THOUGHT TORONTO11 tlvil urvlco 0nlurioII no he but plan In the world to Re rich quick Thuolher day van au nuunccd um am lho unlor olflclnh lho Toronto bvnrd ill cducullon wu lakn1 new The Liberal party minded 50 pm cent 01 ha vole 1n the limlwo St Laurent elections 1919 Ind 1053 But In his last clecllondlk57ledr St Laurent luwon mp to 42 per con Liberal Luder Panrwn now cab Hy Hm lho puny where he found It The only conclusion which can be drawn mm the lip um that the leader John Dielmbukcr has gravely 5pm he party lY Prairies In nationwide Iuypod they have dropped slx percentage matings 19517 In lQuebelg 31 an can lponu iuio Mu been poiniL In terms or the whole electorate 1100000 poieniial vote him turned away mm the Conser vatives since 1958 Thin year he pafly pctived only 2590000 VaiLs unbaker yearexcept on lb Pxï¬nlries 995m pm Civil Service Pay Gives Best Value HI lovornmlnl in fly DON OIIEAIIN And lhcn Iherc lnrno numhnr bonus Twenty or morn halvlnel mlnlulm AM lnlgyury 1mm lnMu 1mm All mu mull would hlva to be hoodrwlnlu Inrlnn ul nrlu eemlq llne nur In ry Maul hm Inretort In probably mm lhr bat vnluu you urn mun cllmnl 01 Du mnvlnu And clupal hl hnl um chance la club hlmnl Inlo morn money lhln hi wally warlh Th1 npporlunily or lhll hon llzhl Fox on mm mm mlnll lm Ilny In mm or qullc while And In wldo 2er Ihn hm drpmmrnl lo bo nny dupqL Now In mou muglcimlltlu lhuy hi lwayeu lumu Bu lhc mp Itnuro II no lblll Thelrfnnvly bumI Ira mayor and Inmetlmu bonrdl can lral Alderman really dont count And lhm boss ave chnnulnl In pull day many lhtm wort In omn or only year You CIII no on inclélcntnl but prnbnbly lmgorunl rum why lhny xyun In municlpnl Izamlnhlrallon omdnll luvs In uniqu oypor lunlly to bcmmc cum nosss CHANGE TRADE BOYCOH 53mm Lebanon AmKu wall hu announced lrndl boycou of South Mrlcn because 1L nclnl leangallon poli es Nov 1m The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair largest Indoor agricultural Ihow In the world 11m opened 11 ales in Tommo 11 year ago mini11 11 Ihair popu ari 10 me when tho first pouwar Air was held Last year lha 11 drew among 0111 entries 2537 cattle and 1436 harm and lwfllded 4134552 In cu prizes The 1962 en tries totalled morn than 10000 Incm weird remains ten monster wen lound on ha 3mm Colum bll coast nilTho ï¬rst lubmmnl cabll In Nanh America We laid lrom CLrIelnn mad PEI to Cam Tormcnune NB 37 THE CANADIAN PRESS TODAY IN HISTORY 102mm mantaan The count llmnu mmmll In Inn grill for moral lhouund ol dollan lar llw cl counsel In luv mm and mu aha pmvldo or line txprnm ol vns numlmr al wllnrmn and or lha ml of the Juryl 0n lop Hull lar example In ll ml of lxlrlng lmll lrom Ihc Aylulmry lluul Cuuncll or In prnllmlnary hemInn and mm mm DUI umnm chh rlu In no mmpllulcd mu BUDGET INTIMATE Mr Onrlnnd nn Our hudxd lor II mrrrnl rnr Aaldn mm or the II can of when Ind runner mlom or ll look AI ll upendllum ill ml umd mom hccnun ol lho lrnln mhlmy Illnul 1000 ol our on Iglnnl hudnl covey llama lllu Tho county lrflnsurnr hnwov er luu tom muuring nm or tha tnxpnycrl llu dau not col lhat Ihll Increased coil or the admlnlunllon 1mm wlll lncrcnlo nxu lax me 01 lhrccg unnm ol rent on uvnry doflnr ol asscumcnl 1ch 1m mmcminz like $330000 Ind lhn unruly county lrtnmnr GM Md canlldnnl thnl the expenditure ol lho rlnl llnhll nm In mom wlll ho absorb ed in he mun county hm 0L yhirh runl Into milllam ol This II the zonally the oounlyl upayarl wH have pay ba cnusn the min robbery occur red Just Insldn Um county bound Iry Thurman ha burden ol prosecullon mu upon he coun Iulhurlllcs MAY NM RAISE TAXES ago has provided yet mother Ihock or the muniy cauncll and the ralcpnym Eucklng hnmshlm They are llkcly to In cur blll of lens 360000 be lore Ihe can ha men Ind women now under arm 11 con Mellon with lhls robbery are ï¬nally Iclllcd ln lhe prellmlnnry mm than who are now nwalllnz the complzllon ol lhtlr prellmlnm hcnrlnzsnre sen lo hlzher mun for Ma that II the num whlcll llurklnxlmmshlro wlll have to mm In law 10le Choosing om doctor and my 1ng with him In both wise and economical Ive said helm and will say again that In Inch circumstance It possible fur the donor to lpmd ma cost over several yuml For he lake of his pauentl pocket book he can do sum he more expenslvu lesuthls year aome other the next and so onxulded by such ailns as he see or the Immediate advisa bility of dqu one won and let aqï¬molyer one wait Bljkaln AYLESBURY llamshlre Thu 17501000 lraln emitg Awhich ifka by whole uuu nuul am disturbed Ibnut com ment In the letter printed yw erday The man hnd done to dmerent down or check ups wflhom discoverlnl his very lerloux trouble He could not thus avoid having Iha doe Ian wasle lime and money by guplllgalmn tests packs up or unlanmn nation which includes 21mm cardlogram basal melahallsrh fags and such When um paï¬eglml going In new doctor in should glva n13 noth 91 vghelher he ex Thereg whopping difference between the person who has to Iquma low dollar out iha recreation household and ml ceuaneous budget to parlor complete phyllcalchackup nod ha weuwdo pemn who does not hove to worry or the yore sighted one who sets and on extra donor week or medical care or no business executlvo who told ea take time mg and have thorough examination compo 11mm or the person on char 2y who may not detailed attention from citys expert free of charge That happens on But what about us middle class people whatever lha meanswe who have to count our nlckels or dollars and want good car but cant my tho cog doesnt molar By JOSEPH MOLNER MD MET mom 0x on levelel muons con 76 mnlmnlnlnl Train Robbery Case May Cost $00000 McINTYRE HOOD AC53557¢7955EÂ¥ Stay With Him No Add mu up to Cnn In lulu lho and In reduclnl In lrmnHannl rnda Imrrlm Ind In maul whu unemenh 1rd lho warld In pramuun erdI belwm kammunlu Ind non Communlll common WINNIPEG CI Mlnlllcr Sharpe chnudny nld Canada In an In lhmhold at ran mnomlc mm particu nrly lnlemallonnl lrnda bar rlm lowered with Cummu nlnl counlrlu There Ire also lunhar hldden ml whllh It ll llmoll Impos Ihle la eslimnle Thu IeIephoan cost or police hendqumm 1n nuckinzhlmshlm are bound In rm Ileeply mun of lb huge number call It had to hnndla And no on can wvrk out mdly how much Ihu cflmb has cost the wunly In um dr ecllv work These explmel however wlll not all In puld by he cqynly qupaypry They wlll be includcd In lhn moral polch bud e1 awlndl whlch the flame 01m Inmully mnk Iuhslunllll 1mm courts of fee lar Ihe Iculonr chalnmn of the judges lodg lng Ind other admlnmrallvl costs The other 1000 II my Involved In lee Ind penm 1n Cflmhlll cum Wt have planan or ma ol 50000101 the rain robbery cue afler consultlng the naighr baring munly Romanian About lha com whlch It incude In the famous murder lrlaL Sharpe Urges Trade With Reds Be Expanded The danger hair 13 Inizcuon Your hauledc Bu Inch Infection can bl dan zennus So lets Just any youve been luclqy you dluuka nu appearance why not hm the males nmavedf NOTE 10 MRS Ml when tho body II being formed th lesllclex up In thl Ibdomzn and In to appear In um nu ma In nnlural position 11 they do not hormone treatment usu Illy unempled this doesnt uececd rzery In mulmL Dear Dr Molnm You wrote recently that person Ihould nevtr null or tweet hum mm Linn butslou1d cut them hava Iaven mole and Iv nlwayl used tweezers on them However last month lune valed one on my arm but It Is all healed new have qullo MI halr on my arm and the hair suckinl out of molo 10015 win In meDD uu mun mancy Shopping for duclorl IIIf and relying basic11y on one parlonll physician IA wasteful And when you have Mme problem It especially wastaful Io mnxull mud doe1 1m North American moveiebouU considerably and hat mennll we hm In change damn an well Inhoqu and habitn But one thing we can do In ul nun doctorwhen we move whether he can suggest one in the newl community He my haw an endhe mayvelw be able to lend dong lummary of My reporda at your health your vnjlclnnllms 19 why ndvhe choosing doctor and remaining In his we Hr apecialiau are needed them with your doctorl conch tents MAIMUI IIY AIIOINIMKNT PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS mm