Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1963, p. 2

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Stanley Thompson Glad none Ave Taxonto was 1an and cost uneven dm me pleadlng guilty lo charge of careless driving Barrie Mag Lstnales Court yesterday HI ll lgence was suspended or one mum Thompson was Involvzd In collisth wllh ualn on conces alnn 10 Vaspra Township Nov Buying just mlmd clearing lha mssing hl car was thrown Into another auto which had flopped to ml or the train to pass aimlea were mlnur But dnm use was tsllmaled $850 to the two can and the lrdn Evident shhwed that the n11 way track wera vlsibh 95 Ice mm the musing that therevla wumlng sign 550 lee bequ the crossing and another at the crossing The crown attorney also sald that Thompsons hrske ware de active The tnln whlstle It was laid had been blown Although Thompson in statement to olice sald that he had not can it Thompsonl attorney John Bussin aald that Thompson has collage near ho place where the accident occurred and there one had travelled the mad and knew it well Thompson he said had never seen traln on the track and had come to regard it EEméd This ad was supported he laid by the that Thompson was in 50 miles per hour and TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Album Ahmbl Alluml Elli Aluminium Alhenl Dirt Mhefll Gu Bk or Mont am N5 In 11 Brnlllm In on 30 Power Cdnlmp In can can Buer CPR Cm cmm chance clnrv Pawn nu mm Sm on hm am an Dom Imdu Suspend Lidgance Ci Torontd Mafi Anne Hum Anoc Mud nun emu IND 1mm Ilkanhndn ken all Y3 cumu lIVl Mon Am noun lam Imp mm Comment can um Nawlvnd cum Nu uoxo DDWJDNII NEW You luau luauan up Rum flown uuuun up 10an INCI lxclIANul mnlx Muxlrllll dawn J0 Gold uv JED mm dawn DL Olll down Lhmn DI ILll Mill InnHounllln Camume Cu 09 End Clmdl mm oILI lenm vamarlh Camoudma and Cum Ivmonl INDDIIRIALI Synopslx nnpld dcvclvpmenl Alarm In Klnm wlll bruk Olllcinl Toronto um hack nrdlc Mr mm In 10an no can hill lrmlnz rnln Lnke SK Clnlr Lak Humn NI hula Ioulhtm IInllbuNon Wlndu llanlon Tomn Illa ladny And mum wllh INN Morml llkely Claw In cool Snlurdny Nonhtrn Gm WMlo Mr bury Ovmul nln nnlfhl L1 told wlh lru lily um mm pullun Pomn 1mm mm III WIntlwr it nmmu lnndtm Kllrhenrr Ilnunt For Winlhlm Ilnmlllan Unmulnu Tornnlo lduboru Tunlnn llllloc Munkon Noth my Indium urn Eullon hull Bu mm humInn mm nm lo lnrihrrn Li an AV non ml Cumylled by Flynn Dnnlop SI Barrie no weather EST lululy WI and Illlle ch sumy WEATHER ulnu menu Whlln lnd wnllnulnl unlitred Hum imrglnn my Nanh lJny Bud ul wllh oculluml 01mm Ind much lnuwflunlu Silur iltOfllln Wlndwn Tomntu SI Illlh um any WEEKS MOST ACTIVE 1In lllvcr mlh wh Inmmlllrnl chnnlo lam 1ch Us I05 ll awed oflloo nu am Dam hum Dam Elm Demon mm Dam Tu nkanhndn mu Wu nude hm um Buddy mm on flufl my Min Hudsonl Bu Imp 7mm 1mm ml In on In Mch Inllnd Nu Inlet Nickel Her unuqu narprnv mm Club mm Eliclna lhlllnlu do Mk Dullufl um um Aim kncnufl undo Kldnn Mmumu NI Haws hulk Namcull nulnl lb thunder um um In VBVIY Inndon Sham INDUIIBIAIJ 41 did not mléw down whim he conceded mlxhl he mlusldeml But he said that the bush 95 feel item the erasing was mitigating lactin mcase He said it was borderline can and asked im no mpension And minimum in as he said Thompson was almdy 12 had by having his car dcmov had and as truck driver depend ed on licence iorvhi living Crown Allomey Juhn Murphy said that he did nm uh or suspenslon of Thompsonl llcenco because his Job as truck dri var and the that he had clear drivan record far But he said that was sedans oflence to go over runway croulng without mum to aim and the serious nahlre of the accident instilled greater line than the minimum mum Foster ln passing Judgment observed that Thommnn knew of the crash am that the Sign provided an pIe warnan even to one whn didnt know of In crossing Foundflorconvkfiin in barb Ws 955 STAY FEMININE wNDON Ont CPDaralhy Patterson Sayer lawyer mm Canton Ohln and lnlemalhmal president the Qunln Club or women executives said here woman must Mt only be Intel genz but must relaln her lemlA ninity and sophlsucatlon to com pete lumsslully wllh mcn Velma um man Im lull 1111500 man LIN mm 4vi VI Is Im 101 MM 20 STOCKS Mu Paw R11 Muley lul Normal an om NJI Don Cary Mala Pun Plclfic Pelt Fem P1P Pu mu Pour Cary Qlu NIL II R0 um SI had Slmmum shpll 5m or Cm Turban Bk lnnl Cln Trim Ml mm hxltn Union all Wilhr GkW Watch Zennn Northru mumm Plllmlfllll Pudu Provo Illa Alum sum Mum 5mm mm mm um on United Kuo wmm wuuq JIM II fm at Nil Chin am 156 ms 119 drive ior at least 850 Chris mu Iiit ior menu silent at the Pentium hospital mu derway Sponwred by tha Barrie hunch oi tha Cundinn Mental llealih Amciatlon the drivq will continue until Dec 19 when the fiiiu will be wnpped in diniri ulinn among the paiienh anu have been placed in Ive Barrie mm lncludlnl llandalgrwnre Drugs BLth Dru Will Cleaner and Cally Cannen The public in asked drop Ihdr unwrapped ml In these collec llon depot at to bring them di rectly la the chubman Illa Chrlmnu Gm proSect Mn Mml Powcll 97 Puget Mental Health Association Collects Giits For Patients 11m uxodlllon luuull um lnexpenllva be rpurchubd Employeea 91 Banin Publlc UtlllLIes Comman who hm outstanding safety records were Acknowledged at cer The Gevrzlnn Bay District Association Ohmlend Ac mum will hold nm mccflng ol the 1963 season at lhc Continental Inn today at 630 Area member the So clay of Industrlal and 105 Ac countanh ul Ontario wlll Join Ibo modnllon Chartered Accountants Meet To Hear Thomas Diggory Guesi 5pc wlll bu lhmnas Diuory Mndpai manus mcn comm departman Peat Muwck Miichcli nod Co iils topic will be Eiectmnln Dal Processing Mr Dizxory has been asw dated with hh present employ er linco 1954 in his mulling capacity he has worked with valMy oi lndmlries through out Canada in the Imus oi citr icnl cosi reduction nrznnlw lion mnmlemem control data pmominl mdudim Mimi and venomcl PUG ACKNOWLEDGES SAFETYCONSCIOUS EMPLOYEES MOLGONsINDEPENDENT anemia amc nae ml um ALI bocauu man poaplo uk for itopon It me it unjoy it than my other Ila In Canada Open Moton Export Mo and drink lLWv think youll Ind 1h moon or openlna you wound bow 111111141 that bottle llyou dunt um no hard cellun premany not more hm In value Such might be ll suck and nyl lobcm uc um nationary bu 1min pen and yllyinz cards club elm book of Itampl illsaw puulu home mlde fruit cake candy shorthand or Article Vclolhlnm Donors are nmlnded not In my the 31m Ind refrain 1mm Irtlclu In which mm broken In tampon Local club elm1n their xer vlm la la Barrie branch in clude Girl Guides Camollc Wo mens Amcmlon the Kinetics Venture Club Ind the Unlvaw lty nggnl Club Thu Kalsz Column hm mo donated SC Jouphl Hill to lho Mancin uon to In med or In erpplnl many this week Sealed lrom left an HW Stephenson Woolvgn Hallnm Bellby Rollo and Gregory Second row on mmumnz enaazemenu In Europe Amalia 80th Am ica and the USA mnklng to such maps the National Dulce Mannwmem Assodnuon He has also contributed urtchcs la tha Canadian Chmerod Ac Member utendlnl the meet In an emded to am mm Ban1e Collinzwood Hflmvcr lkalotd Midland Newmnrkcl Aurora Orllia Owen Sound Parry Sound Mum and Wilkmm MOLSON EXPORT is the BIG ALE in the big land BUY LAND County Comic yulardly Id ppled nelogsltgrnllun Cogm nepon whl Approved the purchnu of hm numb had mum 259 1cm Ill call $11000 Ho hu gravalled extensively Bawles Rowa LL Hamlnaky Cole Hubbard Brown and Smith Back row McNally IL Sturgeon DON STEELE manager 01 mnna Dnlzl polnll one the bum um ht hovel wlll be filled with Kim wlli In tum be diurlbulod lo pa STOCKSBONDIMUTUAL FUNDS RESEARCH ADVICE DUNLOP 81 PA 82412 BARF warm um DAM APCAL mums1mm Monmu cmm mu lullnu wallsCam Cam In on Na arm undo IMI NESBIII momou nun comunv Minn ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE and Ilthoul obllnuan HemLLDSwaq Ny Mmii riffvian Wen thunder and Baum Examlm Pho Hem the Onlarln qupllll In Penmnz projgc la Ipanlnrcd by BArflI bunch of the Cnnudlnn Mental llelllh Aneclnllon Examiner Photo SUITE BARRIE IARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBEfln m1 John Perry 21yearon Tar onto wlndaw elm honed Mlzmma Famr to low hlm be mm or oohalllm Parry up and mum on chum cpl mm In 11an at tho mm al In neldont in me In Codlr mu muur In on Hlnwuy 14 Nov HI pludld 1111 VI Pmywu pnllin of flu Min wly am in re Iunnt uk lnl la whm hll ronm ruck wu muck by southbound ur Thru ml in tha cu warn Inlurod one lullcrinl broken Inn Inolhu broken Io ml third ponlbll hud ln url Ho Admlmd 9mm convlcflonl Ind the crown Il wrmy noted thll hl hm hm convicted le mm or not Im lnl mm mum on which mod two mu no Blames Alcohol For His Troubles In Swnzorllnd hm In no Iau Inn our mum and dlh Inc Imum mlom m4 at wiring united In dml on cl nation an not vflma mmph or Cludl WNCh In lnvnlvd In aim ovu ha mum of two llngumfl When Ion IIBI ride in Hull and da III to IV one commu uan here can bc no new burden fllm obumflom wm mm by Anton kndl 5le com member of flu Kimnlp Club of Hmlo Hair wukly dlnnu menu Consul Describes Switzerland As Land Of Abundant Beauty Mr Lend hold dual clllun ohlp In Canaan Ind Swllurllnd HI II menu ma Cmdlm Army or World War No no ll pcrmlnem mldenl Toronto devoted to urtlmlnl lrado tomm Ind commercial 111 mm land Ho described Bwlturlnnd lmnlll 0mm roughly tho Ilu In of ammo won In lmn lnuy 1an dnwn b9 wean Colin 00d and Toronto It in onllrey lumnndnd by mount1m Ihe mlmly Alpl Ind muu Import All In uw mllor llll or mnnulmuro mo MI by upon Illa llnlnhed produm it but manned remain Parry nxplllned Hut ho hid the Iceno and hllnhhllud to Toronto bemu ho had no ll cence H1 Ilcenua WM under Iulpenlian becnulo financial galwzlllblllty or Iyrovloul no In In intmducod no evldancl but In uklnl Mulnrm Fouar land him for Ilcahol treatment mud om Alcohal been all my problem for flu pm cw yam Mlllllrlll Feller unlmccd Perry WM monthli In 111 nude am In order to pmhlblt hlm mm drlvlnl for Mr and mmlud to momman Mm or Ilcohol lrutment oompnnlan Perry aeom About Toronto wn llned no Ind com or having II no In vim Mher Hun ml enu HI wu found drunk In Ch or In ruck when haul win wn WM bohlnd lho mt One thing iwllurlmd do not am to lm Mr Andi up ed nylgnl begu neutral mouth two world wm but nmlhu helvllr milled All mm mm um the Inn 0d ores or Mm purpom NATURAL gumy in vorlubla Iaurlll pan dlu Mly Juno September Ind October In no tlmu to visit whln he welthar in load And you Avoid the crowded lwo lum mar momhL For wlnter mm com Switzerllnd tha contra Enron WIkh Hockey Nip 1n Clmdl on AV With Juk BIIUH projectlorv In Mr Lend comment lot benutflul color 11m mu Ihawn BwllurInd featuring the clky Lucema and lake caunlry thl lnduudnl city Zurich Ind Ill lake mnery And mounuln country ML kndlI pro um wu ml only eduullannl brought llmely mum Mlomhly pm And lnternlllanll undu Handing LUMBER THEFT Burrla Police repmled the of 43 plem of jackmo lumber rpm Lay Bl 1m nlzhc Tm lumber wu wducd at about 950 LAKEVIEW any IUCKET In no BARREL mlvldnal BOX DINNER PHONE PA Mlll FOR FAMILY DINING 375 495 35

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