Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1963, p. 11

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HONDUNIIN SEAMEN Capt Viniicid McNab strip per oi the iaotoot motor van sci Chiei stands with tour at his six scamon as they were CAPSULE NEWS brought to dock In smlall Coast Guard boat to lisrtii FlaThursday The eamen spent zahours In llebost Police Force Age Is TORONTO CP An ans nounccment in the Ontario Gaz ette says the Ontario cabinet has reduced the minimum age tor police constables throughout Ontario to in irom st in what is Interpreted as bid to attract more men to police work Lowering oi the age limit or constables was one at three changes In the regulations gov erning the Ontario Police Act that were made In October by the cabinet Such changes in regulations do not require read ing In the Legislature The other two changes aliect the appointment at police chlei and grant broader power to the Ontario Police Commission In questioning members at police departments Under the changes any Cana dlttn citizen can now hold post as police chiei or constable whereas under the lormer regu lations person was required to he British subject This change opens the door to persons at any ethnic origin provided they have acquired Ca nadlsn eilltenship The change atlccting the po lice commission gives the newly lormcd body broader powers ol Investigation In ques ttoning police oilicers irom any department In Ontario Enter Documents MAYO YT tCi Seven honking documents were en tcrtd Wednesday at the prelim Inary hearing at trraid Priest on charges arising irom 70 ton shipment oi Yukon are to the United States Inst summer The charges are conspiracy thett oi ore concentrates their oi sIlvcr precipitate and un lnwlul sale nl silver Anthony Iinhcik Inccs slmllar charges llis hearing Is not stated to start until Priests ends Wednesdays hearan was de voted mainly to entering as crown exhibit and ti Item tnr ltleoliilenlion mainl canvas bags and la ritualsd cross esumlnntion ol the crawns itrst witness RCMP Cpl George Strnlhcr The hearing continucs today Named Chairman CLEVELAND iATlThomsl aiton president at Repuh Ile Steel Corp since 1054 end chlrt sscculivn nlilrrr the last lhrre years was Rillnltl board chairman ol the company TIIIIrstIay Intinn will continue as pml rtrnt and chitI axrctxttvs olilcrr oi tho tIlts third largest slut rratluter Tho hoard rhnlrmnn ship has hrrn vacant slnra IMO Eben Charles White ro Charged In Death Illian lliVIle Oill CPI Leonard iiohtwash It was sommlltrvl to trial on chsrss at ca ital murder at piellmlc asry tartar Thursday ltohlwash chasgnt with the doslh oi Maris Dearoslm whou body was tnund Oct is In It cabin shaml try lhs can In slvnit livs mite Irom Dilitd River tie will spprsr tor trial st the spring suites at the tits litrlllti tfmtrt to limit Btu Mm re Gets Damages TORONTO till Frank Learnrrl 7o an Elliot Lake mining engineer who sutiered parolrsis to his ieil lltll in an sutmnohilo srcitlonl rousinl Us speech to he starred was Lower awarded 531503 Thursday to Ontario Court Mr Learned suiting engineer at Consolidate Deni son Mines Limited was driving ecar which was In oIIIslon with department at hI hways vehicle driven by Willis ille Garvie Nov 2t 1961 be Sud bury Mr Justice Campbell Grant noted Mr Learned wlil un able to return to work re sult at his Iniurics ls Remanded NORTH BAY CPIL Williams lormer On ario highways department superin tendent was remanded to Dec to Thursday on charge oi de lrsudlng the provincial gov rn meat at about 000 bctw on Aug mo and May 10 Held By Police PEMBROKE tCIit iem brokerereu man is being held In iaii here alter provincial police oiticcr said man tried to hit him with an axe Wed nesday night Clayton Graham at of Ram broke was remanded one week when he appeared In court Thursday lie charged with assaulting and obstructing pollceollicer causing disturbance driving under suspension and operating vehicle without insurance Acclaim Mayor ESPANOIA Onl tCPIFcr nand Giraux lispanolas iirst mayor was returned to olilce by scclamatlon tor sixth term Wednesday night Girous who was mayor at this Northern Ontario pnpcr mill town at 5100 irom Incor poration In me until his Itc test by councillor Jim Yocom in the lust elections made comeback last December Reserve Judgment OTTAWA tCli Judlmmt Ira reserved Thursday by the Supreme Coast at Canada on an application by Toronto lawyer llenry Koory tor leave to ap al trend conviction Involv lit dacoos Mints Limited tllycsroid lawyer was one at tour men unisncort to prison Isst sy In connection with ths es which involved the delrsudtng oi the mining company at some 6100000 Koury was srntrncrd by Mr Justice t1 late oi the Orr tsria finpse Court to ll Tliti rescue alter the Chlet en route Irorn air In All were in good condition AP Wire Honduras to tilt storm early Tue photo months in relormato real mining million Roy Robertson received iivs years North bay promoter Charles Stuart six years and Montreal lawyer Andre Begin TIA years All iottr lost appeals in the Ontario Court at Appeals Koury is the only one seeking permission to appeal to the SN preme Court Back In Oiiice SAULT STE MARIE tClIo Reeve Dan Murray oi adjacent Tarentorus Township his coun cil and the township school board were returned in otlice by acclamotlon Thursday Mr Murray said the accla paign on adults ths danger olsmoltltig ctatlom have given the raise Impression that st doo Rynard PDstmcos East urged that maximum publicitycsm undertaken to impress and to dissuade the lyoung irom picking up the hsbt Dr ny nsrd was one at three doctor MPs who spoke as the Conn mono discussed ths spending as ttmatas oi the health department on Thursday night Dr William Hows NDPllsm liion So bite tors are opposed to government medical insussm LONDON AP llx Euro pean allies have agreed to prin ciple to man and operate US warship In unique test oi Pres ldent Kennedys plan tor in ternstlonal nuclear test Quatliled diplomats reporting this lhutsdsy night said the ex periment probably will be staged next year it progreu is made toward setting up the pro tected multilateral nuclear iorce The six European govern ments which have Indicated willingness tn prlncipl to stage the unprecedth trial are Eel glum Britain West Germany Greece ltaty and Turkey The Netherlands said to be con sidering participation The tentative siiled agree ment ioIIowed an American ol Icr last month at on or two warships tor trials In multlns lionsl manning and manage ment US authorities evidently ilgure thst vessel such as guldcdmlsslle carrier with its com lex electronic equipment would provide priceless exper Dr Howe told the limo at Commons the propaganda so strong that doctors who bsa iich to meditate are siraid to go sgsInst this norm and say what thsy truly its admitted that doc or re opposed to dIcsre adding have seen istters irom doe torsIn satchawsnsnd alter reading hcm actually sumsrn ession ald general prac titioner said no privsts medical plan In the country Including thoss run by medical sssocIa Europectn Alliesgli To Aid JFK Plans iencs tor crews mixed nation alItIcs WOULD CUT DOUBT Thcy reasoned Iurther that succeastul training mission on the high seas would serve to lessen European doubts about the practlcs Ility oi the con cept The iorce would consist at about as suriacs vessels esch carrying eight nuclear tired Polaris missiles and trout bs manned ow ed and ilasnced by those Atlsilc Alliance coun tries ready to participate lhs six Europeer countries plus the United states are studying the politicsl and mili tary aspects ot the protect to expert committees in Paris and Washington Lots oi work remains bciore the experiment can actually be tried out Including decision on who will certain the ship whether It wll carry real or simulated missiles and where the ships mission will take place tre oration resulted irom the lawn shlps successiul application to the Ontario Municipal Board tor the amalgamation with Sault Ste Marie and Korah Town Great Truths Oi Christianity Said Subverted By Cowardice points The township council board will hold olilce tor one year since the clleetive date at the amoigamgiioubrderinin r1965 Charge Man SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPICharles Iappas 55 restaurant owner at Wawa was released on 81500 ball Thurs day on charge at attempted and assault causing murder bodily harm Pappas was brought by pa about mile north oi here earlier In the day lie was srrrstod In connection with the stabbing oi Franstsca Cristante ol Sault and Evanlclina Krasopoulau 29 at Southamp lice irom Wswa Ste Marie ion The victims were taken to hospital tor treatment at stab wounds received early Thurs day morning while In Pappas restaurant Cristants later was released iappns was remanded until Jan to CHATIIAM PC more necessary irom pulpit to pew iththfiFcliisTEFlfihlth an anachronism In an educated luture Ve ltev Angus Mac Queen lot the annqu Unllrd Church Evangelism Conltrence here Thursday Dr hichuecn oi London formerlmadcrator oi the United Church oi Canada was one oi the main speaker at the orie day meeting attended by min Istcrs and laymen irom London and Hamilton conierences ol the church Dr MacQucen said obscursn tism cowardice dogmatism pragmatism and Madison Av enue type at propaganda are all leading to obstruct and subvert the great truths oi Christianity IIlnny people still think that when we roles to the Bible the word oi God we mean that it contains the words oi God or that when we say the Bible Is Inspired we mean that It was dictated by God to men who were stcnogrsphcrs and did not possess Intellectual or spiritual honest line at communication genius at their own he said lilinixtcrs must be honest with their people and must relay to themnowhand metimes on popular II eiiglou thought It the church is not to become collection at ths Ig norant snd gullible Dr MacQuecn ssld dogmatic views oi some religious Iesd era are also subverting Chrie tlan truths preler untrammellcd lion estiogoodnrss atheism to ths kind at religion which pretends to itnow all the answer and spells them out to pat little crreds and commits to hell all who cannot accept them he declared LIFT SMOKING BAN OTTAWA CPI Liberal member oi Parliament survey lng empty seat In the Com mom suggested Thursday night that house attendance could be doubled by allowing msmbers to smoke at their deslts Thats why many duck out oi the chamber said Ralph Cowsrs tLiorlt llumberi ORDER NOW OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE PERSONALIZE THEM WITH YOUR OWN VERSE cuoose FROMAMANY SPARKLINO DESIGNS THERE IS ON SUITED FOR YOU EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE DAYFIEID ST Mititll breederDrifivndfd drum or DrvP glves ads unis care lie vior in govern meatsponsored plan covering medical dental optical sad drug costs Dr bl Willoughby PC Ksmloopst said ths calypso pis who should be covered by medicare are those who canmt siiord privs tan or are ell glbls tor social elim Dr Hows accused ths Ontario Medical Association oid ce tlvc statements against are and said prolit makin medical plan sctusll cover only in per cent at avar ags lsmllys health costs Earlier ia the day the House debated soond usdln ot amendments to ths Nstonsl Centennial Act One dro the world National and angrs ths name at the messurs to ths Csnsdian Centennial oi Cool oration Act The increase In pensions was proposed by Stanley Knowles iNDP Winnipeg North Cen lls suggested that the be hm stages with next year and tlo Increases It tool and two The pension paid citizens at 70 end over was Increased to month irom 465 To Hold Inquest In Priests Death ilAWKE5l1URY Ont An inquest will be held into deaths ncsr Wendovcr 0n Wednesday at two Roman Ca oIIc priests provincial poll said here Thursday Est ll More head at OPP detachment hero sat dot tor the Inquest will be at shortly alter consultation Ith the coroners olilce and cr wn otiiclais Rev Ubald Furlsn it tor oi the Scrvltcs monastery In 0t lawn and Rev Andrew La an cette it matter oi student at Queen at the Servitcs Coilsg in Ottsw both died in the cr Sgt iitorcl said the mic ta car driven by Rev Jerome raro parish priest at St thonys Parish Ottawa entl swerved across lttg l7 uring dense log and hit broadside by vehl Ia driven by Charles Wclngsrt lit at Toronto Five other also became involved in pileup litr Welngarten who suite only minor Injuries was tr etting welt toward Ottawa the priests were travelling toward Montreal Early reports Indicated an townbound car had swerved into the opposite lane and that Mr Wcingartcn had been pub scnger In cm at the ears TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIONE PA Milt TAKING COVER IN TERRORIST ItTlIt Vencwelan military men darts between automobiles to seek cover during proCastro terrorist attack in Caracas Need Money 1v The terrorists are trying to topple President Romulo Bet ancourt government AP Wirephotot mw Says Premier TORONTO tCPI Premier Rnbarts expressed hope Wed nuday that hodgepodge oi provincial taxation will not emerge irom ths iedcraIprovto cial conlerenu opening Monday at Ottawa At prosession press conlcrn once the Ontario premier was commenting on report that the icdersl government was prepar log to propose some changes in the basis at the costtsharing programs it undertakes with the provinces ii the icdersl government was going to hsvs the provinces take more responsibility and hand them more mon to do it he thought that cool be im plementcd But It It was matter oi abatement at its share at In come taxcs In isvor oi the prov lncrs with ths latter having the right to opt In or out that would matte tor rest hodge odge oi taxes and would be mprocilcsble Ontario not going to the conterrncs with any speclitc il nanclal demands Mr Robsrts said and It has no ilnanclal iormuias But It could use all the money available and we havent suilicicnt tunds to carry out all the programs we would like to It would not oppose ths print ciple at special deals tor some There are 29 great Adams provinces since conditions across the country varied but every ravines must know how it won be sliectcd am going in spirit at operation said hlr Rob who announced he will be campoalcd by nine cabinet nun Edi isters want Canada to mdv Pl ahead as unified country on whatever done along that lIn will think meet supportI While reiterating his suppo tor the easing oi law agains bingotype gambling he decii ed to give support ior provindi ll lotteries ss sought by Quebec Provincial lotteries sra canisrence agenda rzsr DRIVE sun I964 RAMBIER NOW VIAU MOTORS ll GOWAN 51 ill brsdisrd It Private Stock CA AIIIAN ItYl WIIIHRY lavw fdnlvvsl1rIn Years 50 Adam distilled so great thIlIts rsth wIIiI it own distinctive shanttrritiia and that =ng Ihrm in special oslr cults Now Adams has nunch lime in use whirlrles to create the superb flavour of Adam Private try this autism blend prescan in its crystal ideqtttcr Stock 50 be sure to populsr prim Private Stbck cuarom nteuneo CANADIAN ave wmonv

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