Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1963, p. 2

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no Arum Mn Caypu gm 6th nw can In an ran mum Cu ml vu Iuxl hm um htnhvn ukonlrrlflll 11er mm mm II ml or Iovur Cln Imp In con tan Ilrwu Con Com on Don mid 4am up mu Tii ymmm Album Abfllbl Alum su Alumlnlum Imm mm Mbuu all Ann Au Aman Sun Ilanl gm VINL Norlhem While River Co=h rune Turning much colder wllh occaslonal lliht mow Iala Mu throuzh Friday Low lonltfll high Friday Wlndsar Winzhnm llamllhan SI Catharine Toronlo 40 40 40 38 35 35 40 I0 SSStG=SSS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Nurthtr Georzlan Buy nt Soulhem Mile River Timaflnmi North Bay Sudbury Tum much colder with cw Inowllunles tonight Inlermlb egg ow lute Frldjy Eastern Lake Ontario HU burlon Saulhcm Geomlm Bay Moslly cloudy lhmugh Friday Chance rnln Isle Friday Coqler tonluhl Synopsis Friday will ind an other storm approaching lhu Great Lakes with rain lulu de veiapinz In Iouihem sections and wow Imund lhu upper lakes Lake St Clair Lakv Erie Lain Huron Ningnn Western Lake Ontario Windsor London Humilion Torontowariabio cioudlnm onlth but becoming overcast Friday morninz in mitlenl ruin liker Friday ni ernwni Not much change in mmmints John Black Cum Mutual dely npresenlluve lo 111 ax told the trad unlon munhm Ihni he had been lranslemd to he Tnmnlo Area and that Tom Sexton 1mm would aka his plnce hm ll he llrsl Oxn Mulual meeting or credk unlon polleyowner reprexenlnllves It will be held in Emil Jun 22 Frank Murphy of Innis Far mzrs Credit Unlan chaired the meeting and Roy Lennox Pains wfick lhanked the speaker Lloyd cumming or Stroud on behal the Chapter thanked the her credit unlon NEXT MEETING TAKE TOUR Canxem Banis Credit Union was host President Humid No iand andhis board director guided the visitors on tour oi the General Electric Plant from the shifiping room to where ml ladys air dryer naked ynrtlcular interest In the viii or was the electric power mow erLa FEE prqduct Mr Homer add re ed the gnup at Chnpler monthly meeting which was held in Can iHan General Elackrlc auditor um John Homer Oniuriu Emil Union Leanna Director of Edml cation laid members the Georgian Bay Crcdit Union map er in Barrie last nlght um credit unions are no unly iorm ed in ncnnrnge members lei save and la bormw or useful purposes but is dncnle them In get UM best valun mm the us HUME money lTHE BARRIE EXAMINER JUMDAL NOV nl 1968 Crefiitflnion Tours Plant The CGE Chit III In Innmm DI Ill no Amvl lmcll flu IrvIII In Nulunfl mnan IIIhr MOIJOIII ill nun It In hm dIIl uumm On Home Imcl lxc mil mu Ml up It In Jl Olll do COLONEL iANDERI FAMOUS Compiled by Flynn ll Dunlap 5L am WEATHER in 1m m5 mi MM 15s mi Hi in lli 40an Ion Illacl Illrlllnul Nu Ham on hallo DIL Dom round Dom rum LilAM Int Armat Iflllllfl In NIEIII In UHIHIO IMIMIV Im Ion cmb AbIi um nunlay llam OII mumnun LAKEVIEW In no CIET flu AIR mumI BOX DINNER ION PA Illll I10 FAMILYpININo Wnlh Mr Vllsun luc ceed IllInn Slnlghl general manner or nearly hm yem Munled Mr Wilson father of our chlldrtn He hi InmlLy will be knklnx mildch In pigleghorfly The appointment wan announc ed today cl Wm Wllson general manner The Banla Exnmlnen lllr Wilxon wax bul Ineu manner ha Gall Eve nlnx Reparler for the pan lev en years Previously he had warm at ha Guelph Mercury ln Ihe Iumgca Mr Batten jalned the stat of the Canadian Red Cross SncIer In 1947 as nntInnnI IIcId super var oI IIrxt IId In June 1953 he was IppnInted Cnnldlnn pmentatlva to the UnIIed Na tIona Julnt Red Crou team or the exchanxe oI prisoner at war AervIn In the POW camp on Iha Ynln River North Korea Guest spuker Bitten business Hamilton depot lion Iervlce The Barrie branch of the Ca nadian Red Cross Society will hold its annnni meeting and ban quet Dec Collier Street Unllcd Churchi Thu dinner will begin at 630pm Appoint Victor Wilson General Manager Examine Red Cross Group To Hold Annual On December JACK MACMREN tantra vale Hell And Ken Mlldlell membership chalmwn ol th Steel St new members or Barrla Dumber nl Commerce the Chamber Cummmm ulh to Nonn Crya nl Elm New Ind old members met MI MIMI Ill mm lhtnll 71ml umua 0h Unlla In Im mum Iw Rm tin MI MIMI Ill NIH lhtnll RI umua 0h Unlla Km Im mum Noundl Nor Onl ha Item com um Im 11 lnw Cow out nu Amm lhlll mm or Cm TorDom mv Tun CAn 1m hn NEW AND OLD MEMBERS OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GET BETTER HGQUAINTEE wlll be Albert administralnr blood Inns 375 495 135 ms an my uk uy numuuu Ill 7me HEALTH HAZARD ACCRA AmA new law pm ldu the dull pannlly or person wuh prevlmu mn vkflonl mm Imoklnx or culllvlllnl lndlln him in Ghnnl Mr Slum ha assumed new dullu at the Totunto ofllce Wm Newspapers Limited in he years ioliowing his re turn Io Cnnndn in 1950 Mr Button was director oi an na tional first aid program iirsz lay administrator oi the Toronln blood transfusion dcpai ndmin isiniian niiicer er in Red Cross iiunzariln reliei operniion in Vienna Ind npresaniniiva mrdinnlinx Csnndinn reiiei ll sisimm ior victim oi the 1961 hurricnne in British Honduru GARDEN AND PIT IUPPLIII DUNLOP IT PA lSDOO Hm oum Imon Ind luylng Inl Followinfihla he was assigned in the Rural national Red Cm or the beam at Red Crou Societies to Iwrnnlxa the Kb ean Red Cross and to wordin am he ucdvlfle all other national Red Cross melon con uIhullnz In Romp relic Plant Indoors Now For Beautiful Christmas Flowers FEW TULIPS DAFFS AND HYACINTHS EFT TO CLEAR wow WILSON HURRY DUTCH AMARYLLIS BULBS READY TO BLOOM FOR CHRISIMAS PLANT INDOORS NOW US OUR CHRISTMAS AY AWAY PLAN NOWI ll DUNLOP ST Top prlca was 500 pnld by he Dxmrd and Dlmlct Cnlllo Dreodlna Assoclauon WM flock to GknaIlon Farms Al lmnn or Glennnon nu Appla Julius an elzhtmomhald bull cult TM 53 head bmuxhl $51150 or In uvmxa 560 each Thls was lhe hlghesk Average at Canadian Holstein ml lhll your Thu Holstein Sale Sun held at lha Rnyal Wlnler FIIr ye Icrdny law 16 of Ihe 33 Inimala utlered luld or expan These went to Italy Arxemlnn Mu loonnd thy USA Wu Allsopp manager of the local areal along wllh Mr Mc Coxmick an the original Iva who founded the assoclltlan Thw I11 he only manalcn Id of um orixlml mup The members will uva chance In question Try horn prominent consulting en gineer an arena problems James McCormick new pre sident from Klngston Memarlll A133 yIlll chair ha muons The Ha member mnnn Id mlnlslralu over 810 million ml name Them In ll 54 Isgoclnla memhnrl founded In 1941 In help the smaller Ind new arenas and in exchange ldeu embraces member rom Vnr dun PA to Fun Wmlnm Ind Port Arthur In the weal and Ngandn In ths north Alliston Cali Claims Top Price Barrio Arenn Cnmmmlon wfll has lho monthly meeun lbs Ontario Arenns Assoc on ll makend lhe Irena hoard raggn and Continent Inn Brenas Assoc To Meet Here In night It In Inlormll nth erlna It Barrie Community House Ind lpenl from to 11m mung acqualnud mucus mom Comm wanna sanvxca ROOM 104 1V DUNLOP ST PHONE PA 09 nummmo firms puscmomc The Sacrnarial Bureau 30 The purpm Mn Enron plulned lho lurthennca ol lhe lndeull wrller erlcrl Club usuomlhlvc helped me nla erlen Club Blrrle luulnz In urgent Inpul lot more memben Unless lb mem bership lncreasel lay presl denl Mn Lllllnn Barton 01 29 Gunn SL We wlll luvs to bind and lhe club does not mm to do that The llva per sun at he mulan ll lhe YM CA lust night were keenly lu luuled In delermlnlnzbnow they calla nv halt clu Bond Haven Sine Sally owned by meell Wu nlmed Grind Gammon male or the third slralzht ym Roman of Romlndnla Farms UnIaanle won both the Premier Breeder and Pa ruler Exhlbltor IV or Hol mlns II the Rom Winter Fun Nov mh Ind 19 He won lim Iur honour 1m yur Rum up for Premier Breeder wu Cenwall or Huron Ont and or Prcmler Exhlbllor Delmhj on Ingres Writers Club Needs Members Cerswell RunnerUp MR5 PEG MORE 51 New 5L and Mn Robemon 19 Dmxvlew Dn yum man the represenlallve of With our glasses ralsedon hlgh To Norman tho gltlod blondor who croolod Adams Gold Stripe Whisky Its lrlbulo well dosorvod Gold Slvlpa In tho ono whlnky mat mm as good tho locallod pmmlum brands hoops Ila tull body moilow flavour and vlch Into whom other loan Ihtwhh Ico cubuwmr mix um rmu Hm In uh lmled mama and really enloy our hobby But have worlhwhlle meetings WI mun have moi members our this we dlmm our writing read our mnu Iltlons tpmu and podry and mually delve Inlu In mlm ol with an perponal java In ihe Senior Seckilvon In Hm Ion winter when tecllon Ken In Poaoock pllctd 5th and and um me they helped he olfign she said unlyu qu ououa Ind Nar mnn Sonia Skyner All comsunk iudxed limo dasosdniry uilie beei cai Ue and swine and one class oi Iheep The South Simeon tum placed mix in the competition and was Ibo one oi the lop five Dairy Teams Nineteen ieam from Ontario wen entered in ihi evenL Runid Cook pinced mh amongst the individual con iesllnil wilhll score an of 1ooo points Rvpnsenunl South slmcoo in the ImebOonnly Livestock Judg Ing compemlon um Royal Imu Fnlr were Ronald and Ralph South Simcoe 4H Clubbers Be Well Royal Winter Fair mun Ilda yulerdlyt known 01 the Bird Chun ber 01 Commerce Commum Ity Home Bath naw memben WWW sells at tho popular prlco We think Adam Gold Stripe ls lho boat rye buy on tho board Norman lhlnks you wlll loo Adam GOLD STRIPE Any 399 lnr projects or Inlermled In the Ibove projects should contact us and help get Ihlx new aruniw flan mmnm Coowralon an MI llan up or lwo pmjccts namelyln dtmonslrale gains from he me of ear lmplnnl and mu appu cndon mic or warble fly any loupe fintml BEEF DIPROVENENI The director he Slmcoe CounLv Bee Improvement xaclnllon ll lhglr meellnx this past week discussed pmjecls whlch would be conducted this all In nddillon la the gum mailing of newsletter My mum 7th 12th and um respecflvely They exhibited In em gnln can each Lawknce Spur Inc BeelunCookslown HI Com Club pllced um lnum same elm auln class with entries mm across cum Do flen McKay Hemn placed 9m Curl Pelmck 5th Both exhibitors are qun Slapner IL unmas min my Mniob5mon lawman with cairnf her President Bax1o mm 39min Pincus CANADIAN wmm 399 01 um Ha aim lurvlved by lhreo ha sister Mn Yvonne Douceue Burnaby Mrs Bud Simone Smllh Bumnby Ind Mm George Ram Baker Vul muver Ind om hull brother HawId Wormcll Vancouver Mr Women survived by his wife Emel two sons Wilfi Ham and Howard Kenneth both of Bumlby two human Patric Lynn at home Ind Mrs Helen Robson Bnnuhn ucpmother Mrs Connlu Worm oH Bumaby hm sisters Mrs Ninl Meghan Do Imlt and Jennie Mn 5an 09b Birth Servlce was conducted by Rev Wm Muuen Ind Rev Undbm mm wu It 0mm Vlgw fluxm Plrk hmenl nervlce or John Jack Women so ol Burnaby BC wn Md Nov 14 the Slmmons and McBride Merl CfgpeL He died Nov ID ha Regiment will have lho opportunity or driving lha huge Sherman lnnk well mm It muskr weapon 1h 76m cannon Muchlna gun puns UN on um so cal Browning Included In on weekend lnln nl pmmm The regiment ll mud up units mm Blrrle mama Col Ilnzwood Orillln Durth and Owen Sound kuu minu fiam 01 Jack Symon of Indian FIRST TASK For the may new recruit that ha joined In mimenl In recent week he weekend at Mustard will in them mah lirst ml km of army uh Ind mum pmve education well an Interest For Illa old Umen ll be shine to let buck lulu ha win mu Advnnce nulls of la Hellman wlll be leavlnz or the rang Ndny Illemnon prepare or hp mlln mic that will up rive Salu ay Clpl Mc Faul Owen Sound ln chum of ma nee party an TM ml anmm weekend lb the tank mu wlll brink the nzlmenl Iozelher or On first time under In new com mander Lt Col Enxhnd Owen Sound who look over new mind the unlun 9cm ol Hoplnz or uoodweekend wu lhenLhe Burl mlmla mamv her the Greyand 51mm forester In preparlnu lo spend lheweekend the Cu fdgn Army Tank may Mam 10rd Foresters Plan Event For Weekend OBITURRY 19er womm

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