Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1963, p. 11

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Meeting Set For Monday Paul McKclvry AlliIon ml pmhlrnl ho 0nnrln Illla leonnl Homy Lruuo will mul wanker ll Guihrlu llnll Monnny when an Mlcml wlll made to arm Llllrn NIL In Ora 0n hh weekly rndln lhDW Ol uw qnnrlcrhack mm Jacklon dccllnnd mmmcnl an lhn mnyoru charges which had been denied enrllcr by rantale Ice umclnh In nnl lmpnulblzl Jackmn whrn de In men lho MI have Illa rlnht run Ipocch ho mnyor mulled nddlnz ml Iha would mnk helm lack Khan mm onlraller field All city toun til metling Vedncsdny when the ennlmllcr unsuccessfully mum an upolugy or the may ors arllcr chnrxa thll ho Rid hndnl lrlcd to live lhrlr best In lholr uso drubblnx hy the lecrCnu 1n Saturday opcpcr V33 Thu volunteer llncmun no punsunngo lhnn Mnyor Chmlutlc Whlllun isnt likely la crrck lhe Ndm lineup In ull lhu dlmlnullvc mnyor 1y said was that shed bo nl lhc Jab Hum Don Huld 21 Mr controllers hulllmck lpcmly Jlm laruw scare mm the CM cnmn Vcdnuduy mn he wnx helmd on IN will mu Injury Bu Icgmrla hm hm nivignh under hil awn powcrvnnd couch nuInh Sullo hoped lo have hlm or Sundays 1pm EST klckofl CHARLOTTE TANG By ED SIMON Clnldhn Pren Slnll Vlltlr Hamllon Tiger Cut nearly Inst halihnck and Ollnwa Roth Rldcrs gal new ul du llnzulshcd homebrcw candidate or lncklea jab nl lhe lwu cums continuum prcpurnllnm or Sunday wlndup lhclr lulu pnlnu Euslurn Canada lunlball Ilnnl Hamilton OttaWa Having Problems MONTREAL CANADIEN lonlle Charm Hoax hlockn mm by Toronto anla Lulu Dick Dull whllu lhu Lulu MM comn smwcisifilou sV CAUIIIWITH In COMEYOASOLINES Hwy 90 AT mum Thm DI Illhln 7D Iccond In In ucnnd period broke Iho me Md 0pm ll lIllIbmh Floyd Emlth up rd hvma lhI llm ll 15 lo ruk mm In Hunk CluI filled at lh anln pt mu It wnl lhn lhlrd Ilrnlgh vlc lory Inr lha 11mm over Hrr phcy lhll mm Ind kept the UM mm mm undhpulrd pan link Plan In In um lnrn DMI on race fillinland Bnrnm rndcd tour lame Ionlnz muk by dmbblnl llmhry near 5I In Wldnvldlyl olher Icheduled MIL ma They whipped Quebec Am 41 Wednesday nlzht or Ihclr alxm Ilrnlsm victory and banned lhelr overnll record to by In hu be In lenjup II THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pllllburxh Horncll conllnuo lo cnuh ha opponlllon In Amcrlcnn ankoy League Allhuuuh the name will he televlud on the CBC Ind CTV nullnnnl network wllh no re glmml blackout marput om cms expected lumen 01 000 25000 fan ll Clvlc Slfld lum whlch has capacity 270 dependlnl on wealth candlnm Mlddle Kunrd Ellison Kellf who had aprnlned nn nnkla he OlanI game WBI expected to be rcadv Sunday but lllen aiva end non Ray whn ml hnd knee remnimd doubllnl Ilurlcr Pace lwotnuchdawn man Salurdufi hnnlcd lnIo lullback An Ba er an crlu chI play and relnjured th right tool wh ch had kept him out two mu during the Eastern Foot hall Interean schedula mdm chanm But In laugh row to hue IRIS FULLIMCK Gump Has Shaky Night In VAHL pllylnl om man man pren ed an Ittuk tn the urn per Iod4 Coming In right Lent Captain George Arm 0m Fundr Am BEERS nnz mum mum um Goodyolr wm12n SURE GRWS 14 plun Ind SAVE CASH AndHave The Cleanest Car In Town Cecil llnakllrl llcd flu Icon Ind Bob Ellen vut lho Enron nhud for nod In In umnd period chk Mulllml Prod Glam and Jlm Haldnwny put 9n Iclnu on he an In the and and Jlm flu Iclnu on be In the In triad null link by lnaurnm lho Dun wllh vml clutch um Cleveland King nverhlul Plunhumh In Walter Divl Alon Ilmlllrly lurnu In In at whey min mu WUI lhrwlonl zxplollon Ln lho third prrlod Bmco Cllnl nu Her lhl land In Ihz llm De rla but lhv Inan domlnnlcd hi pJHAlhcreallcr calls Gump Vorlley ten down by Monlml Clnndlrnl cl the NHL to play hlmnl Into condltlon ancr an Injury Thu Am wm Iharthandtd Um became defencemnn John llnnnn was urvlnu penalty lnr lrlpnlnu mu Caner the Ace an he More lhttl In lha lhlrd pr rIod hblm Ted Hlmpmn red murunco lllly or lha wln um Hrll Pull2411 Annch won and movzd Into Iccond place In with Seattle one point back or lcnzuoleadlng San Frnntlaco Vancouver and Portland played lo ovcnlme Us and re mllned In the cellar and IOC andlut spot resrccllvdy Van couver la onl 5x pnlnu back at San Franc sco Jlm llchth myrcd he Ihul out or La Angela llnrold Whlla Camille Bcdnrd Norm Jnhnsun and Connle hlndllen he goals ll was Raultendcrs duelhe lure 6171 Inn at Portland Th9 Innms nrcd lhclr flflll In flhe By THE CANADIAN PRESS Western Hockey League Hnn Wednesday wu repel pmvlnul acuan L0 Imam Bladu lcnrld their mend allnigh nhuluul over San Franclsco Seals Van wuvcr Canuck and Portland Buckaroo played In their ond Ilrafghljle Blades Post WHL Shutout nan Centre are Montrealn chquu La errlcre who mud or nnadlen Inter In the period and Tremblly wlrephma IB CAR WASH WASHES 1200 valua ONLY May Wo SuggmFor Youi Convmlonu Comer Dunlap and Annqzsts CAR WASH mm khaki HAMILTON lCP Univ Illy of Toronto Blue allenled Mchluler Unlvmlly erllm In exhlhlllan Inlucallulllu hockey Wedneldny nllhl Thu Blnel llrinl lhru Roll In laurmlnulo Ipnn beam first team in tour yam to de IMI erllnl on harm 1th Mnlm hm Illa becn unde tentedIn 74 nmu In Mr yur perlad wlnleu onlha rand alibi ll fills gemn 710mg hddi Joynl gm th Red Winn 1h edua lion with Barkluy balm Hull ma Chlcuol nlnlh might win an home Ice and luv the lekl points 21th ahead the Canadian The ad Winn melnwlyll Bm might be noted um the season he named 50 and led ha Mordhe collected only 14 lhe same number he has now hmm the entire um hall the Inhedult Houn Chnnco For You To Blues Defeat McMaster 43 Tm inn Ilwm becn consid ered something How Ilnrler Hull ICOIIIIB pm thrnuih ll games II recordhuallnl pra parllons Projecting Ihrouzh the full mum Ichcduielum am will sure better than Bu lonmlrldlnz Hull Ihunled that Into lidexhow Ill tul with hll payau waxk berm lhe period ended His two mull gum him tom or the lemonh hu lho lame num ber of sumand carried him ahead at Monkrull Jun Bell vean In the Ieazual pointcol lequfi compgmlm HI my Wednesdly nllh typlfled hII reacllon Io IIJX tn work He noredtwa cull helm hometown crowd 79519211 the nustny Blac VHIWkl to win over Do mm Red wlnu In other Jamel Monlrul Canadlrnl mapped gIme wlnlm min IlnlnstTomnlolt 1m luck lo In mlonby upendlnl lha Maple Leaf In Ilruula for Iccondplnco In the stand nu New York Range with Gilles Vlllemure leylnl Hrs NHL name Iubsmule or DING Jacques PlInle held Boston Bruins lo nwofl cars ampH smvr The Danall Chlcuifl uma was marked hylhe lemnd pew any that 01 1h selmnSopho more defoncemnn Doul Burk ley convened mum of the lam Ihat lent the Red Wlnu way 20 lead in lhe 0pm ln perlqd Eds éaleh Bllly Relyl Dmlrnm logemphgy Ml molt vlnlented pmnnnel armuch nulhla Hulle leulngmora c1 11ml thaqavpr For unher Inlmmnunn phone PA um In an Hill Member or IMAI DIllnl Club FIIEE INSTRUC TIONS INDOOR POOL IWIMMING IN AND BC DIVING The who winm unc out to kill puma nun 1mm ukInIVhls rmlnr turn nnd wlorklnx th Chlcuo power pax Minimum run Mmled rnuplu Ivlzame rmbmhlpaudllna Nun xrBvaAIWEN M055 Cnngdlln Prm Ill er Eobbyl Hull hallrespanded to some um qulznmexgll wllh Iht Ihlrpen opening puhol Ml uven years In lha National Hqclgey pgngue mircauliwflwfinouyer Ballad campaIInor better1m lho Chlugo whiz BostongNYf TYTie WANTED iv 310 VIllemhre mm Himold called up from Enlumnre Clip per the American Hockey Lenzum mud uvel Iuhllllulu or Pllnln who lmd shoulder injury 1m walkend Ex Bruin chk Malamu counled for NEW York ll 15 lhaopenlnz period and Tom Williams mu Duluth Minn nd Du only United Slatuborn player In tho luzue Had up 11 ha mend pp Before crowd 105 In New York ha Ranger myed two polnls In Iron nu mp leu Bruin with tho lie ml the letnnd Toronto home sums to be canled on tha CTVu naflanal lellvlslon network wllhpnl Toronto area blnnkaut Mundane was ll 53 mlrk lower than every Toronto ma lhll season apart mm the pravlou Wednesduy nlght TV game which drew 17 729 am chkncured on powerp1ny and the teams Wm playing Iva men Ilde when both lefier 1nd Kean counted N9 1v aucxour The setback dropped Toronto two point hehlnd Manlrenl but the Lean have mm In hand over the Cnnndlenx Ind two avg Chlcazo But WI arealmorm hool jer for these kids he nld No one picked us to ever be high Iecond place at my uma this lea hen Vwa Ire Coich ion Blaku or Manual though the amt was oulh Eu lmle Charllo Hodla clml Ulrouzh with some luper work and Manual lull lmrn Dave Bnlon Billy Hick And dw fencarooklo Terry Humr ll well um lame to Harperl rook mm chquu Lay Said Toronto captain acorn Armstrong lulu tWa were lousy And we hww Dm Kean wn thc Torongo Icorer Opp lul Olllu Cnllln gnu gum The Red Wllill hlvohad bl autumn Innuran unluck um season And Gordll Howaq record palmthis up Hel the up pointutter an 1h club with on 11 mlrk thllcovm In 55 3n Joymfi In Tamika the Canadian wera oulahat 3141 or flu luc ond limo this Imam mp Plerre Plloze Chicazoa lcrawy team captain and hlz pnlntcallactar lhl lesson wt and ruturednoae when hI£ puck In thy II pal10¢ by me puck In tho InI rlod an WI no axpected lo Idellm Ynull Avpmlllc Thu Dlfluuu um hnlrcul hm lll mnh in your mm mm Our bnrhen In pem In uhnlavar 1le cul you prefer N0 WAITING 000D PARKING ADULT IMIECUTI IL evcned hlnll 1th the Hawk althoul oulnhol or he 30m tlma In mes ulle nwpy 0n mu Ken rramy denlice 11 Elm IndBllly flay WE HAVE EXPANDED ISHERS BARBER SHOP ready to game Bolton ll flogonto Saturday nlzht whm the Ichedule to sum Sunday night Hunt ml at Chicago nmntul New in and Delmlbalflnglonh WINTERIZE PM lsvflxgerclred igbe Sacrifice lives To Negligence OW WINTER TIRES lllE BARR EXMIINEW THURSDAY NOVEMBER HI1 AS 1m cuppamon smsm Skljooh Iv 3295 LIn Trndoi NEW DOMINION ROYAL cows Whirl1 Lirgm Tin Salu AnalMu Conm Ilqgfignsonpsr 11945955 Skétés Ski quts SHOE SERVICE Barrlnt Orlglnnl Slut Exchango slnu 1947 NOW SKI BOOT EXCHANGE NewBauer Skates New Dauust Ski Boots Bnyu ankoy Slims tom $695 LurTradc BARRIE

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