in graduaily iendin to the renlizniion that common sense courtesy an observance oi the time laws is much more important than filling the dn iy hng limit The record of achievement is nerhaps beginning to show for ihere has been decline in accidents in the int three yam and in 1062 the number of fatalities we ieu ihnn hell that in 1960 in North America from 1951 to 1960 53 per cent 70 the total huntin accidents were due to uninten ftional dischar um 0f theaccidenta which oc curred wheret ti ng of gun was unintentional 68 jper cent took place at distance of 50 yards or less un der conditions oi clear visibility and light or open ecover Forty Ser cent of the victims were wearing brightly coiore clothes In many of these cases the nhunter was swinging uickiy on game or the victim Cwalked intothe line oi ire Unfortunately high pro portlon oi the victims were mistaken for game even ai short range Provision to establish hunter safety trsinin pro krnm was introduced in The Game and Fisheries at in D58 Careless hunting becamean offence in 1931 zsince it had been shown in some cases that the element oi wanton orfeckiess disgegardhqclessary tone iish During the 10year Period ending him about 35 per cent or the casual ies fatal and otherwise were haltinflicted The age group from 1620 and those who lack hunting experience made substantial con tribution to the total number of accidents but large number of accidents were caused by hunters with 10 years or more of hunting experience The main causes of accidents aeseclnted with the unintentionul discharge of iirearme include those where the hunter stumbled and fell the trigger caught on the brush the bullet ricocheted loaded gun was being pieced in removed irom or carried in motor vehicle the weapon fell from an inseéure resting pos ition the hunter was lug to load or unload his gun or was attempting to cl mh fence Wlll new laws really help the sltuatlon Let us look 53 the two or three main laws which already bear on aha use of flrearmr The Crlmlnnl Code has or many yem provided that everyope la crlmlnally negllgent ln dolng anythlnf which shows wanton or reckless dlare Igard or the es or safety of other persons 23han nélï¬llgence had bgeh lacking yeirthe num rner In which firearm had been used showed lack of reasonnble conslderatlon for person or property Thntethe lead 01 theeditorlai in the current is ue ofOntario Fish and Wildlife Review It is reprinted here tor your information This hunting season it it follows the trend estalr lished in the last few yeerei will reeultin about 120 Jhuntlng accidents of which 15 will he letal There will Jae expressions of alarm from the public and new opera and other media will call tor the banan lrearms and describe huniin as savage and bar ar us There will be demands or new restrictive lawn fmhunmmuflmh mmnnï¬ovmnm In my VIN flu nulldou plny fuller pucllco mm lhm III he said all lhl lenml lulu xkhnt IIMI mMnl In Emnpc lulu 1m leek law lending to enlightenment Is the boat kind flhua llho Broyisigp hgnler snlgetytmlqlng program 1m WlndInr liulldon 10 II laurlh tnnnrullvu unmn of III Europrnn lnur Wednudny haw lnl la numhyr nuulun Nlllunnl lenm Ohvloully pllylnl tonrh Jon Klukny II no loo happr with lht way lhv tour In n1 Most gun accidents do not need to happen There is usually substantial element of negil ence or care lesane involved Anxiety desire to bags com etitlon or game or just plain greed is frequently actor in hunting accidents It is not by chance then that many at those who cause such accidents are a1 ready breaking the law by carrying loaded firearm ina vehicle or as in one particular serious case canoeborne night hunter was shot and killed by another hunter who in the darkness mistook the splash of puddle or the movement on moose Failure to consider the probable consequences at an action is common underytng cause at many accid ents as was the case with the hunter who killed him leit while clubbing wounded rabbit with the butt of his iouded shotgun Had the victim been someone elm the hunter wouidlaureiy have been guilty of care less hunting Would new laws reduce the accldenl loll where most accldenls happen at short range and are due to greed for game or utter failure to reco nlze that the other fellow in there Would law re 11 rlng all hunt crl to wear brlghlly colored clothes he when the we Hm in plain View or not even hun er The real challenge II to ï¬nd tho means of influ ennlng lhow who carry sun In the ï¬eld to liveu to what thny already know The creation of new am my very well lead only to now problem Bulldogs In Shutout Loss MOSCOW tCl Tho lb ANDERS MENS WEAR WNW If There ought to be 1w ANDERS GREAT OUTDOORS Toryllnn MENS WEAR Shirts 32 Are New Laws The Answer By STEVE JONESCU Chlrnnn Mammal Toronlo Dflmlt New Yolk noun fllmu Ellime Bolton ll Tonan 0mm lam Monlml ll Chicago Tomlo New mll Detroil loIan WMIIIIMJI nun Dflrolt Chlcnlo Damn New Yoyll Manual Turonto OMIARI AT WM HOCKEY RECORD WLT PAP XIII MNHN HWflfl ll Wm MIMI mm VANCOUVER CF Sal kalchewan mughrlderl cam twlce written inn oathnll cof flllzmroda on alaln Wednesday Tho vehicle wax 1341 Vic lory over Brlthh Columba Mom In mud and mow wrought by hook and by crack but In tha end wrpuzhl decisively It lled tha Western Football Conference tinnl mm one game Inch and faced Lion and Riders up again Saturday nt lcrnonn for llnnl decision on Ike wutl bulb in the Nov 80 Grey Cup Drawn VIM with the Dean for elm yum and In mo led them to wmem Dlvhlon titleho only one or Chm in the 1m 17 yum Hut he on couch Gear Hnlm Mar and by 1901 um benched In Invar cl Bllly Wade Iha pmcnt Bnn qunr aback don lhlnk mu llvcn m1 good Ihnl alter 56 Brown said mu never the am Ilrlnz qunrlcrhlck Ignln Ind had to lhnro flu Job Ivlh uh nrnllmwm nnd Wnda But Ill lho ol union wu up And uhd to bu lrndcd PITTSBURGH AP Sun dny day reckoning lot Ed Brown the quarterback at the Pittsburgh Steele For tha um lme lince beinx traded by In Chlculn Ecnrl hell lace hll cId tenmmatu In razulnr lea mn nmennd crudal one or both teams Th rugged Benn alter whip Elng Gmn Buy 27 Int week old onegame land aver the Packer In lhe National Foot bhll LuzuaI Wencm Dlvlllon wllh rtcord Ike Slulcrl Ion wont be bccuum our pluyhu on Brawnl pm cmuhlenlly Ina quarterback hm hm ho stealer In the me All un Ian duplla porno Ihoddy peh lormnnm by Illuburghn duo Halve platoon slum are In fourth pinto In the Emlnrn Dlvlllon with Md record and ma viclary In mnlnlnln lhulr Ion lhol chance at he lemon crown NEW YORK AP New York Olnnll cull Yank Slad lum homl nnd ll lime Ill anlonnl roomll Lulu um coma non smw and Dick Cohee loan each nlher utter Salkllch vlctnry Bears Stealers To Meet Sunday Roughriders Upset BC To Even Series BEST BATSTONBS Ill UI TODAY mu mvtcu IOI BAYFIILD 812 66549 BUY THE BUY By far lhe won football wavaplayed all ym long Iald Dave Skrlan MI Llnnl performance Sanka chewan came out and knocked heck out of us It also left one conch angry at hls learn and the 196 der fomtbnck legend mu Abund n5 PLAYED IN SNOW The im mowrall the year swirled nanny all night and held the Empire Stadium crowd to 25738 The player were treated to healers behlnd 1110 bench and um Held wu heavy The lelclm made lo raver humlea have worhd an El well hay oncn dld or the Yankees the Glantl have bullzd their way to onegame lend iln th Enmm Dlvlllnn me Na more lineup change will be made Sunday In tha bin hal tle with SL Lani Cardinall who an ad or lecnnd behind the Giant The fullback will be Joe Mur rlwn who but played halfback Cunlul my me hi nelcc UVa mvlce yllcul exnmlnn Hun Ihenl Hood chance hell to Sonny thon or flu htnvywc crown Thnl oplnlan mu expmud Wednesdly by Evmfle Sltph emon llnu ulecilvn Ile d1 radar Clay melvcd Wmlnlon la Inks hll unmlnndnn New York wllhln the nul 10 dnyt ll wnlllnl or pnpm to ulmltrrtd Undnr pmcnt quolal any rmbnbly won be and are Febmlry nld Binphen Ian ha dun to be ln ducted law Mr Minn MI Ichedultd thlmpmlhl Hum wqpld let brl dem Ian they hm plalwned Ihelr troop the way he Yankee unled to do under Casey sten ge over 36 Llonl Wednesday night In the Itcond game ha but Ihrea Western Would Still Hava Chance To Fight JDUISVILLE AP Even if whynot drink somethingyoull eally ï¬ke Now you can choose from three superb varieties of the new light taste inrum Tho II smooth flavour of Maroon Rum will to on It Is one of lho worlds flnust Suwme ow dIsllnctlvoly dry MuracaJs soulng tho ashlon In tum dunks Llaht and month an tropch rhythm Rnughrldm who lost Satur dnyl opener W7 Regina clinched the second game with high hanging wyard pm that dropped into and chk Cm heea arm beside Ihe 130 annlposu le mlnulea mm the Inn Quarterback man Lnncnsler rolled lar aï¬eld escaping EC linemen complcled ol 39 am or 761 yard landth Iva lntcrcepted Rider picked up In yards on ha und And play ll1t Wm causan SkrIen In any that III baskflgmlg llmlng aqflcreg The Rider defence had held 304 Acoran nuandnm tauchdown play an single and In the last six mlnula stopped Inn no pun attempt with an Interccpklon and lum blgrecove£y Martin Fob Saskatchewans punter kicker and end took care or use other scoring with convert andjwa fleldï¬onls Haimnék Ron MiaEirmnd flu EC touchdown and Pele Kemp waned had kicked mule Joe Raw ha Lions nnIch only ulna recelverl In 25 Men or yard nlo EC ground game wu held to yard and lb club muttered only 11 first dawns Snlkalchcwnn conch Wnyno Shaw credited his lnllra team or the victory Ha uld hll men went Into tha znma wlth lha wenst arms Faalhall Cénierence ï¬nal at Vancouver Cohee scored tho winning touchdown an Saskat lo DUNLOP ST Murrays Shell SPECIAL touch all buu an zoning your Ar ready or cold wenfllu rndlnlor buttery luhrluunn autumn en nt lunwfl brnkcl hum ele mmplell lerlzlnl Job low WINTER SERVICE name altitude 10 day ur ller when they made up palm delicll to defeat Cnlgnry Stampeden In tbs mend gm of the totalvpolnt umInnu se res Shaw lurned Wednesday that his mother wal In com the family home In We and ho wan tubdued man In tho drgslng team The smile Eama bï¬ck when lemma asked What do you egd gage ï¬xer Dona Ayne ol Barrio led bowlenwllh In an Icon Run Lee 54 checked In wllh In cven I300 Icon All lied and Bmce de Ihe pace or Jim wllh loom am and 307 respec lively The Barrie club will host lea cue mm at Holiday Bowl Sun day evening uven oclock Ind it is hoped hm Inwaul will be on hlld RepliedShaw feed em honey nnd treat em like Barrie Holldny Ind Play Uma Jaguan rplll our polntl In the Tamnlo haven Club Ile Bowling Lengua thll week chowan gnlned 1H declalon BC won the sexm opener Regin last Saturday W7 Barrie Team Gains Split 51 tulle notcwmd homo wm MWWWNWM 350 PA Fiat beughridéfs cmwuvmn on hichewnn Rnuihrideu their coach laid yroudly team that Just don know when lhgyfra gent mks ln Illa Rid den arming roam Wedneadny night altar they had dulled the odd lot lllo xecond llmu In an many web dawnlng Brlt lah Columbll on In force uflld name In Vthe be ol hm Western Football Confer once ï¬nals Hopx In home dates 01 the team and their um 1m to Saskatchewan in II mzellngl And cnnllnued tho Rlden me backs2mm wall Ilandu Ihal began when the wlped put wpnlnt detail to win their semiHun mund over Calgnryllampedm lopglm the 30 drunlng room coach Dnvc Skrlan expressed disgust over his leaml raver ml after 197 victory on the gldeu home ï¬eld 1m Satur day We played by er ha wont netball weve played all year long he nld Wo dmpped morelpnsm than we have ln any gums nll leasan We jun didnt hnvd the flue upark KEMPVIEW flown TUES AFT LADIES Manhattenn vrPlnk Ladle Singapore Sling VI Rum mlu Zombies vs Colllm crnwdrlvem Gin Flu Lamp mnpmcs zomblen 51 Calllm 43 Plnk Laqu Screwdriver 41 Maw battens GIn Flule Sin apore Slings 29 Rumqu 27 High Single Kay Flower 220 ngh Triple Kay Flower 551 GAMES Audrey Dcwmap Marx Myertm TUESDAY NIGHT lADIEB leewlre VI Royal Food lu VI Bu Bees Night Hawk ram Blue 1m VI Hot Shot Farm VI Pennelu nunnyl number VI Lumpllghlerl uylaqn STANDINGS BARB BOWLING ACADEMY BUS LEAGUE Mnken HmlNlnnleu Underdog VI Skinner Stuwml mm 112ng mmnnau Royal 49 Lumpllzhlm l5 Unwlm Hot Shot Pl rales J1 Pnrmm Blue Jay 82 Poodlu Busy Bees 25 NM Hawk 22 Penna ll ggu Lampughten 117 Trip mm sunnéri 11 Una 14 OWEN ST EMM MOVIE FILM 35MM DYNACHROME 127 620 BLACK WHITE Pholo rumonly 8MM MOVIE FILM Kodichramo Dynuhromo MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT BOWLING SCORES BARRIE SPECIALS let out andplny wlimlng cub ball TIMING OFF Skrien xnld Ihu mm Held drenchedb wet mowlhmush out mas the game upset Iho Hmlnl ommllva hack lleld But he conceded that th pmblam wna lhu Iamalnr both team But Saturd meeting would be new all 1mm and torlunala weve not mond ohgnca to beat them ï¬eld just may to come span when the game not under way he said Miller tum repérted any Ierlunl lnlurlea dont mink we an on hard enoth In not hurt was Skrlenl wry comment Shaw offered no fancy pra dlcllons Wara Iolnz to play It lbs um way he laid Wan go 115ng play to win It Shaw was asked Ran chlaan MA allslur mldd guard who mined the game became nhouider Ieparatlon will Joln lb 511 or hg thln gmg Hell Vbeaul here II has lo run all the way the coach replied dogs 40 Marker HootNan nlca 31 Stewanl 16 ngh Slnxlt Jack Stewnrll Triple 671 LEAGUE mimmusx High Slnzla Reid Warbler 125 leh Triple Lor rnlne Acker Oriole no Prlu Lorraine Acker Wrens 57v Scarlet Tami Blueblrd vs Warbler Oriole Cardinah Oriole43 Bluebirds Scan lc Tanager Wren Clrd Inn 32 Warbler a1 Northern Onllrla Healer genusyulpgï¬ Abgtlb Timmlm Nénnd 14mm inowmorww was 20 Expoluru Pmmlng $269 lncludnd mu FIRECHRISTMAS Proman Intludld MOTOM LTD PA 12451 BI REPAIR NOW PAY lATER DANGERFIELD with our cannula BUDGET PLAN PHOTO STUDIO PA OM76 $289 $390 Pu lull lu mu Mblol