Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1963, p. 5

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Quebec Members Told To Hush Schombérg Man Wins At Royal IIlE EMIRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMQER 18 OH OTTAWA CF NnWDemo nllc MP Dounlnl Flnher urlcd Quebec Common mambm Fr day to hum Ihfll crllicllml the CNR male in deailnl wh Fran puking employ Hs Ill inked that uflher tacknmxhl boomcrm In renu llon lrom ether part of Iha HEW an You can too In In thls klnrl n1 helnhorlnl of an arm znuon nld Mn Fisher mum bet or Port Arthur nddreuln MI words mainly la Credlllstu Ind Soulnl Credit members from Quebec You have mnde your major falnl Now or God aka Mr alonglyr lllglg um Mr then advlca wasnt heeded during Common debut on resolutlon to up the Ipechl malnnal Common nom mflteo which question cm Prexident Donald Garden on op eration ol the publicly owned ngway um OTTAWA CF fhe Su premu Court Canada re Ierved judgmem Friday on the hunt round the hnllla that has been going on or yam be twun the Jo nvahl WKan In the Quebec um um There was no Indication when the court will hand down in declnl stake thlu um whnlher he Jehovahl have lenl caule of nation In their mm hava declared unconslllu tlnnal Quebec gulqu which my claim was dc Illned flop their rellsloul Ac MUu my pmvlncm Cdurt Reserves Judgment 0n Jehovahs Witness Sect Superlor courr In Quebec ruled that mm OTMWA CP Renewed Interest being lhown In Pnr llument In Jultlce Mlnlnler Chevrlerl order In tho RCMP not lo armt Hal Bank alter wlrrnnt was obtained or nr mtron charge canplgacy to commfl Inuit Oppmlllon Dlzlem huker law nnllco Frldny al mnllun 11111an or copy all document Ind record Involved In delayan executlan of he uplch term of he wnr nnl lhal Ihe pence nlllcerl Ihould lonhwllh llul Hunky Delay In Arrest Of SIU Boss Brings New PC Protests Banks Canadian president the Scalarm lnlernnllanal Un lon wan churned Oct and warrlnl or hll nrrm WM luncd Mr Chevrler old the Common Ian week ml ha or dered day delay in execu tiun of Ike warrllnyi ol hi order ht men wen out on lbs uld Bunk Ilrlke and lovernmcnl nu rlmhlp aver ha unlan hld jun been gmdnlmed lle ncled In vu llc lnlcrul to protect ex nobéh mm Credume TORONTO Cl Judlin mull the Royal Alrlcullum Wlpm Flhj ham Ihqw Fljldny VIM lwn lcnrh II 053mm Wtybum Balk Pym Scbombgrl wmm hunler under mam Wnrd Arm Farm llldnllcld Conn Johnson Char Fid dnr NSV LInCoL II Mll II Dunmhn CommIlka hnnltr uddlu Hum Callrcllu Tor anlo MI Gen IL 5pm hmdon Onl anum Luge om 0m LBlrcvfi In woodurqd om linm nka him Will Grnhlm lmlan Gnu yath MIrDoullll Erln Ont Hum Mmmm Mo mulll Ulllllnlu Trophy ml BIND sum Tor onm Mr and Mn Vunon Candy fileMarlucrllo NINE Qua fllnnlry Woodhrldu inl Mr Didenhlker 1m uktd hudtm hall pnlujnh lumen harm Nlnlnrnlonvtho uuuu an error to Man he or grllnzunllm ln email We have let Ilsaan don 1mm long enonlh MJIId ll we it alone we lenr thv president will to Ileep and neggr 13130 up mm wnnv Mr Fllhzr rumed to the nu and furore nllcd during last yenrl meeting of the com mlflue over the lack French Canadians in op executive po Illjpnl on lhq mm He argued that lhe CNR Ihouldbo zlvenj chance carry om It current mm In give Frenchspeaking employ ee helm presentation all Ieyell mull company Icllmx continued he added fear Ihnl there will he wllhln the pemnnel In rallwny an extremely man rudlon pnrflcularly In ha portion of flu Canadian Na Ionnl whlch operate In part the cauntry remote mm largo groups French Cuna dinns ultuklonal But when Ihe Jehov ahs WImema appealed um Quabec Court of ucenl Bench mledwllhoul ulvnu an opin 1011 to whether the law we consfllullonnl Ihat lho group had no legal came for notion began had rm been threat on Then have been no armll under lha nlnlute Th 1le law bans lhu public or doormdoar dlllrlbullon ol rcllzlous literature that cenulns abusive or lnsulllnu altnckl against other rtllzlous bellell In Quebec or than who hnvu such bullcll Public speech hnvlnz lho lama cum am pmhlbllcd that Mr Chavrlcr ex lain undtr what law he wed orduinl the May delay In nrrenlnz Bank In In um the war nnlgnworqlnzA whlch Ian In And lull He mldl unmlnzlom 0M Ere Burton Brookfln Ont Mu Clnrum Graham Wood brldn om mam halloFrank men In Onl lrnnl flynn Ollm morn Nowmnn 5L Cnlhulnel Onl 1mm llugtn Mrmullll Trr Hm nra flan Sprnm Auden 0nL Vernnn Curdy flu Mnrguerlls Slnllon Quo Jum nnd nthco llurdmnn Ol Inwn Auhlln ham mauled Ill Ilu munmv tlm No Culloch Onlmwn Mu Jolln Kltrlmn khnm om alum an Danni Brook Firm Bl Laurent Qum lvnn IL Cochrnne Nulldawn 0nL lnckln 11ml Burnll ANIIKNI DIEIODII IIUUMIZBT MUArcheolo lllu hnvu Illlmwrcd alum ooh uud by pflmnlvo men Ill bond lrnumonla mm prehlllorle nnlmnl In llun lnrlln llmulnnc qulrry Ex pnu lay my dale lurk Aboul mow yun In III of UM lltldtllml Min JOHN DIEFENDAKER nice to him Blink TORONTO CPL three yeawld mum and aour year 91 more Friday wart Judged grand champion Perch eron brccdlnx harm at the Roynl Agricultural winter Fnlr Hendrick Hull Quin wul talented an the beat of in mutant In Ihe alalllon clan Jummm Stylish stellarowmd by Victor Cookwn of How manvlllc Ont was picked ram 56 entrlel the belt mare Reserve champion In the two due was Dollco Major TORONTO CPD The llewwn of Milton entry Cup nln Friday wan judged be the Clydesdale drauiht harm his yearl 35m Royal Airl culmral Wlmer Fulr Another Ontario entry Flash owned by William Henry and Son ol R113 Almonn Ont wnl nlmed merve champion Xn medal lemon or CA nadlnbnd gelding or grade mix23 11m prlu want In W11 llam Hen and Sann enlrz Aubry T01 and San oi Blyt 0n and Human finished lecond and third mpccfively oum wlnnen Gelding or nun tolled In mu Bud owncd by Lour Reserve ChampiOn IClass Copped By Elmvdle Men Robert Storey OiElmvale Wins In Clydesdale Contest TORONN CF Elnven Canadians and one United 5mm competitor have clnlmm world and Inlernnllannl Illa In lhe Held trap exhlhlll at lhe 15¢ Royal Airlcnllml Winter Ivy John MnXo ol Slmcoc ohm Harry Gorilan Demomlvfllo rye arrlng llld wlnlcr llumll Dam Bruccfleld hay Frtnch 01 Mitchell bnrv laytwwmww All In world ml Othrr Onlnrlo wlnncrl mm nd winler whnl mam Lume Wlltan Mount Brydm Ont Ontario Inrmerl wera promin ent In lhc world min with nlnz flvo chlmplomhlpl They fiuko ilglpul Boll whllu winter when Champion my Garllme Demamlvflle Onl menu rmrve chum lon Garden lhnmmcmv Klan om Gena no Norman Schmldl Mlld my om German nnrlu rowed World chumplnn Frtnch 1m Mllrhell Ont Scnrllnn Roy when 1m Mllvcnun Ont Bencllu min wlnlnWnrld rhnmplon lmy EarHM Demomlvlllo 1er pclkul mom champlan Wllllnm mm Ill nrnlrew Onl um pefluni erklvhllll Ir or Fold be lwhlle Imnll mullumil In Olrnn WI dIu Vmuhnll Alln tunnllm Harry norHM Demon vflk lumHM Ontarib Farmers Awarded Titles up My In Ind ll Irma hum Mn alum Waddlr mxllull Mu Iml Mulcnnl Hurry Ionllm Demomlvlllu lyencll pod lack wu Llwmm Doxlwlck olVVWheah nm mn II Lnlnl GEORGE DEXTER KEMPENFILT DININO ROOM OFIN DAILY The Rendezvous lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL lounyenrold stallion owned by Hughezgiaroghgrs cg Stu new 01 Ontario wlnnerl In In hreedlnl Percheron compe am Stallion or filly lulled 1m Sllverl Lad owned by Robert Jones Fnrmnr Clly 11L Rusty Lnet owned by Cfixoklon and Sun Bowman Stallion lulled 1m Fore mack Tower owned by Sexton of Lioydmlmler Sank Langwaod Paramount Royal owned by Aubrey T011 31th monlh of Brandon Man Pen owned by Ilewlan Elm vlew Ted Gaflly owned by Rob ert litgrcy Emvala 01 Ian In or over Flash own by Willlnm Henry Ind Sanzvnnph owned by Aubry Toll and San Flnh owned by Ht Hewmn mu um mains Gnlfllnz or mm med In mo Golden Mourn owned by llewnn Benny Imp wed by Aubry 131 nd Son 601M or nun luv dnulhl our nm or our Capuhl owned by Haw Ion Jock owned by William Taylor Ind Sons Grand Valloy Duh Scouy owned by Aubry Toll And Son Glanhelm Ont Snlzcrl DI koln Eurl com um mu Bruno Lamnrqhe Ayrcd 0M Corn um lover mu Champlnn Jack Harm Thnmuvlllc om Golden an Alnfln Cornlorlh Bow man Mun varnnllx Glbbom Bram Kenncw om munn Lorne Brlmo Renlruw om vernal Blnhlool Treloll Donald McDonald Wolle Inland 0an Camyball namner Farm um Bath Ont iuflmln Blen hrlm gnl shut when Stalkovl mothm mum 011 My Gollz Fnlkenburz Ont Nar mnn Schmldlflldrn Ont she1 OutsNorman Schmldt Mlldmny Len Fllcher Mlld mgy Hunky Bro chell lIru ul null ll per cenl or mam Ilallinl lock Farm4 unmet Pom Bruce Enlder Maple Ont Garden Thjmplnn hjon0nl Pint cut mm mm olhn Dun II In prr mil luumn Roy Golu Fnlknnburl Onl clavcr Min now Brook Eltelhyflllu lupedznr Mn Mer Mlllcr Glmaw sullen Onl ml clam Flrl III In Mama lxlum n4 lusl 19 or luumo llall In Hock lnnnl Luanler Imm Avondnln hrml mock gllle 0111 Hum Bnldcr linplo Onl at or more nan Wacdbrldn Vllclm Mildlmy don Tr 1110mthX NIH can mumuuu wu qu krona n11 gay iunmn or mm World chum plum mull Dlllu Druw mm OHL noulnx llocl lvnmu Iqunler Pam lor dvn lv Thamplan Mlll noon uunnals Ilmlol Largo And Mont Loluvlow Fully lemd Lounge Presents Nightly Enlonalnmon wlth GORD HATCH Iha blq HAMMOND onom AND muo Ont Chic Koncnrlnel owned llyCecll Sci sumvlm 6m Mara Ruled m2 Green be Cardonna owned by 11 IL Caddlnglon and Famlly ol hr dlnnnpolh Ind Lynnwood Nin vru Vlll owned by Huuhu Brother Strand Dell Lnel owned by Walter Sparkl Sllltlvlllnu Mm onltd Ml Mm Ka le owned by Coddlnp on and anly Indlmw III 1nd lnnhhugh Beauty award by Huh Brother 01 Strand Mm lulled 1m Fallhope owned by Ken RIchmdmn of Sllmvlllo Sllverl Valenllna Lnetownod by Waller Spnrkl of Sllmvlllc Mnra lulled previous to Jan mo Jnmmera Slyllnh Slelln owned by Victor Cook mn Bovnnanvllle Konelln ownedby George Fnur and Son Semen Sunk Top Girl owned by Hugh Eralherl Slroud Thus Iamnm nny us Huzhu Brolhm of Strand Wll Spark of MunIlla Vlo or 00an Bowmunvllll Juulvr Ibowmmhb Ar len Pool of Kenny Mud Ruben Eluk of Brmplol Ont Edir In sum imvluclni compellflon with llllflon and mm mm 0n arlu Quebec Mlnllobl Ind Al em Archlc llnl Memoflll Trophy Vllfitor Cookmn annmnn Yurllnl call III or eldlnl Della thawed by Waller Spark or sumvma Ehld 1M Dally owned by Eghul Bllck Ind Sam Brnmpwn Lynn uoad Ndm vm owned by lluzhu Brothm strand Th large Cumbod junzla nallan next door In Thailand Ind South Vlel um where Inc United sum hu In lvuled huvlly In blood Ind TOKYO AP Communllt China mml confident mm In major pmmflvn In southern lull duplll callly Unlled sum Altempll to da land that xtrnlelle from communllma Chinese Beds Seem Confident major Asian Penetration Peklnl broadcull bout Cnmbodlnl ch 01 Prince Norodam Sihnnouk hll pledud clou lrlcndlhlp Ind to Honnon wlth Communlu Inn slhmuk Im explained ha mum or Inlcmtnd CMnm hnlp no called lmvcdnllu unlom In lhrellmlnl hlm Ptiln broaden Almou dull tho rndlo duulbn Mend Ind cardlll uflu betvmn Ch nu and Imbodlln gillclnll ll Ihe Chlneu Huh but apernlnnl In Cumbadh Baulhml All will In men urlmuly bulk and Cambodlnl lonl Illdtllntd border with In Ihm helm born In nlmoul lmpaulhll Elm lo Innllrllon Saulh VIM Nun rlnlml VII Co lucrrllv In now uu Clmh lane at nlda luau Ihl bar er BROKE TIN Prlnco slhnlwuk hu brolun NOW MILIMMO mm nucxwonm 0mm IA ANGUS Bull Flvo men ware nomlnnlcd here link nlnhl or lha vlllngol threemember Board of Truth They luvq until lhll afternoon to qunllly Elecllml will be htld In lllnln Ionn Hull Navl ram l0 mm to pm The amen Lhroe mule wcre namlnutcd mm Ilonl wllh two other hopelull Thm are Duckworth prucm chairman of he board Fred Rm locnl drnulll who ha been In charge midi Ind Marv Mllwn In chma mac llnhllni lnrbue Ildewalku Mr Mlllan workl at the Iowa 115 pogul plan George Demr Camv Bor denpump houla employ who lemd mm leverl yam wu namlnmd too The mm man In smon Guerlln Highway 90 game operator newcomer an Ihl Anlul wlitlcnl Icons Em Towmhlp councillor Gene Smith wal chnlrmnn or tho namlnlllqnlmmlnl lrlbuled the meeting outlined vlllm Income And ex nm up In Nov 15 In nu me there in credit bank bnlam 11m plnl $159037 In lhl ullmued road lubddy or ions 01 MGM and on an Eulmnled expemu mu ulpn or the blllncl 1063 would lenva ll village with predicted 04230 Iurplul at tho any of IhI 1mm Merv Mllwn um under nu mm mm raupuy or flu Looo ml Iidewalk MI in hm Ihll nummer Sam contend fin uphill Ind ll bclaw lhn Iod lav mm vy told Mr non ha Ihoul haw mnde canlraclar do It right berm flu Holds Nominations dlleomlllc reintlona with 59th Vet Nam And Thnllnnd chm Inl bath wllh border vnlalanl and 1m unlmt win In cum Cum odll nnulnllly Ho hu mom 1an lntem cur ol mu cuuiht up In lhI type of war that flrcnchlnl Vic Nlm In blood has upmnd Icellnl that communllm Already hu lrl umpbod In Vlu Nam Ind Nu what one um known Frenth lndqch nl Vlel Nnm mud Thu at my counlrt cerlulnly will his ml mm hm hn nn vrlm npwrvd worried lhn Cambodiaaha 9300000 people 730 mum mllu would be unabluoLny nllonl In lha crllll surround IL wmpllincd Hm Amtr run 11ch wm luv reason for Auppmd Communlu lrl umph UNREALIITIC loLfilClfiNl rlc mm bll anInlzm hrlllllnl Ind uullmt Ml dim mu llul lhtlr 1r mnlrlubla flllllm Ilpr Ihorl ha renlm al pomch when lho nulluda ollhaomlch luml nm In Unllrd sum luv poured $100000000 In mmln Ind mlllllry uld lqu Cum bodln between 955 Ind 1m lhla Inn MIIW MILEON bill was pnld Another rnlcpay er clnlmcd than low sidewalk wm old ones hum other yam um Mr Mllson Ihould his cum mended orylhe thh qunlle Ihu pleca pan lhls year Mr Mllson explained this alde wnlk under lira wnl one rennet ed by ha rnlcpnym under Ilpnfl other midcnls nro anx luul to let lldcwnlku loo ha unld lhey mug and ask ul early In Illa ycnr we will try ougnheal to provldo th lhay as Allhouxh none were rcqucal ed flve Ilrcel lllhll were inllnl led In tho darken parts at the vlllngu he added The Afllul dumy taken over bytho lawn Ihlp Ihn Int ho year In apcrnllna amuolhly under the new nrrnngemant Mr Millon pmledv Fred no 10111 the audience about 30 that over mile 11mm Md bccn rcflnlshod thll Iummcr and the lowmhly had participated In getting the two new brim lmlnllcd Mr Ron pnlnlcd out the leumem Imam lo Anunl ram flu prnpoled new Bell Tclwhnno Co lelchlnl nation on lho Third Llnu at tho weltern 11qu cl Angul Chairman Duckworlh nld the 1061 mum had work ed Mather In mm may mllm hoped the Incoming board mum would hnvo lho Mme IUCEIIL sman Gncrgll Anld Wfll new ln pcllllcnl nllalu but would Ilka chance lo learn atom Dexter relmed lo prevlm experiencu you an on lhe mum board decide mmd or cum will work or Ihe hum of Ill In mid LARGEBT UBEM sum xumraton ol tledrlc power Inrzcu ulerl ol can connumad nearly 200000 000 lam In mz Vlulv 0h Fllhnu Ior lho Hum In food Italian Food Tnke out mien Light Much Dunlap lA um ltlh ll Mum ll Enteridinment Fri SuIQNighIs xsiéiésurigém DINNER BELL lOUNGE The Fishnet DYCONIA HOTEL WASAGA BEACH WI uler la WMdln mm quell Pnrllcl ale an tmrvnllnnl OTTAWA CF No MP from mininl areas made plan In Ihe Common Friday mm or more fuvmmanl nulmnco or the on mining luv Eugene Rheaumo PGNonh wut Tmllorlcl med 1h nov ornmm In lndlcnlo won whether he Emernm Gold Mining AI Ilttanca Aclll who continued extended ar changed In at morn modern circumltnnm Mk untament of Env crnmcnt wllcf Is nccmnry so hut ma mln nu Induury mny hnvanmpla notice proposed chimney Tho whlch pru vldu ladurnl nulllnncu or ma mlnlnl operations II to expln ngheengoilphu RequeSt GOvt Aid Murda Marlin NDP Tlm mlna aha called for an early declxlnn on the future of tho Ink mlnlnx nnlnnncn lcnllln Non but mauled that the nld may be man In butler wuyl men helplnfi to develop new gold mlnca rnl cr than conlhuo 1ng mine In ogcrnllon They make the Common launched Ill Ikudy of the us mm Ipendlnl cumuluso ha department mine and technical gurvcyg Introduclnz the csllmnlcl MIMI Mlnlller Bcnldlckm mid they were bnaicnlly ha plan preparcd by me previous Con rmvnklvo government for the current lllcnl ycnr ndlng ncxt March 31 Alvin llnmllton lorrncr Con Iervatlva agriculture mlnlaler emphnllzed the lmporlanea ol the depanmenta exploration program In the polar contlnen to shell around the arctlc Il landL Ha exprmed tha hope that all northern nallonl mllht cooperate In an nrganlzad cl lart to learn more about the earth lurlaca below lho Arclla Ocean Arnold Palm lNDPllmlakl mlhz cchacd llr Marllnl plea for more help to the gold mlhlnz lndunlry and null Canada Ihauld mm harder Io an hlahcr 11 or Kola on thy warld mar lle also qucaled that lho lavernmenl buy all of Caandaa Illyy producllar shipment AxumIran plane wm flopped up Inn your up Enrcnlly 1n reacuan Cam adlnl hm Vlo 1ng mm heavily nn um aévlct Unlan or mlllury hrdwnre 500 pan SPECIALS JACKPOT $25000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admlnlon 50c 14 HIGH ST EVERY MONDAY hilly Llcumd Abovo NuSmlu Clnnm RCAF ASSOC cowmuova wva mo TENTH

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