mm WOMEN IN NEWS oIIIE BARR EXAMINERIIÂ¥UI1DAY NOVEMBER HUI fly MARIE MARTIN BROWN MAGIC Th unlnmillur world 01 braw nlu nflcn mml conluxlnu lnr mm mu fir wlm mm mm mm mcrl mu blulwly dc mihlng Auch odd crcnluru Ill hruwn null luncnlcl man do To nnlixhlvn mu mnny Mm nuw ml lhrlr chlldrcn Ipcnklnu Mllh urnnun Innuunnc um um Ixy la pm you lyrld ex plandllon Mm II II III nhou Drownlu punk wm or null rd an ymmucr hrnuzh llrl lukch hy Lord nndrnllnwell nl GilwclL uhu llnllllllfl llml lllu mlnd nl lhn clxhl In than your nldlnlrl wn ulmbla mu mrp llvu m9ng program ol Ionrnlnu lllruuxh hm 11w mum at xlrln kind In nntk llle Icmlvr liran llrnun ulna Ilu IIch mmu lrnm he luownln nary In wher Ihe nul II Iymhul ol nhdom Hrr nnhllul cnllnl Tawny llm ymml he er who ncllvo Ida knoun News Of Kempenfelt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada MRSC KAVANER eels If9d hermlnslh bIrlpday 9n Mondny She was her LUCILLE BALL xiar oi Lucy Show in president oi Duiln Produciionainci company devoted primarily in icieviaion pmducliom it was Lucyl comedy talenll in partnership with than oi her former hushlnd Dell Ar naz that originally huili iha company now vaiued oi men than $11000000 CP Phuinl ll dlvldul lulu Nb mum lnnwm lwo lrmonn lhu uuup unlrr Irmml lo xlvc nnv mumy null nmup uh 1th hulper II omhlrm mur mm mm VI W1 pE pull mm am until ah m0 hy lhl lohnvi Lr lrnl III rnr ha men hu Iucceulully pamd mm at lulu and has had Inlluhclory attendance Thun camel lhq very Imponunl onrnlmcnl dly when Ihc rccclvu her bruwnle pln make her promise and be cnmr member In hrr own rluhl rlvllcgcd Io Join In hl lalry nL mud howl nnd paw 0W4 II In lmporllnl lur IINIIII In lelu III III nlden hind In In mml In Ml b1 ounldo Iulm NOT lhc ludum Ind Iluv Hul only In urulklmy Imam mny be med helm he mmplmlou whim him llyu mommy mod luv Mmm who In umd hn III nnd In on to raid my gullum tummy Fairy rlnl II cmremony und lhroushuul Canada and mu cam monwunllh and dam unclly Hue um wny nu llm prucribo by UP 111 landxlonl In tho mm II Iymbol nl Um ynck Ind II cured or wllh mil pm PM wow ll used or In uthnnn MD And Ilmu 1th pack pinnm uhlle lhl Illlfld hawl II npulul puck Inlule med only lnr my 1m norlnnl runmu Inch lo Iclmme gnu or honor hmunlu Mm htwmo Aim Fnlry gold can Im IIMIW lnr llm urckly dun whlch Inn1 lnr Hm purrhnno hndm pin and nlher nrcmlry umumm Upon muolmrnl hrownlu bd ulnaWalk un lwr oldm lmr uh which Illunlly uh lbnul ynar lo ram INC and on Io lha Ankhn Imnlrklll and work on wullrkncx bldlu brunqu who hu been mrmhrr at mix or lwo yen and complain All In to qulv lulu helm Imr eluvlnlh Iplwvdn III nwudrd Imwnlo Illfh III In mr lme hrr palrol emulrm unto um Iwcomn In Ida 1357 and nnw live It St Man lhe Lake Hospital In Kingston CP erephmo MRS CLARE LECKIE Winnipeg ionnet teacher and sinurhlince 1962 has been pruideni chairman lild gen eral manaler Robinson Lillie Ind Company Limited variety store luppiy organ iuiion wilh an nnnugl busi ness turnover at nearly 10 000000 Mrs Leckia was ieil tunnelling Inicresl hy her hus band who died lust your CF Pholo MARJORIA MOORE nys ynunz couples Ihould bl cumurancd to ink lureman riaua course Min Moore ro ceully mired execullva dir ector oi the Family Bureau Grcalcr Winnin nilur near iy 25 yuan She uyl the cauuu If needed htcausa more Ind mom couple are marrying helm Hwy Kain ha mulurily needed In cquip lhcm or lheir lilo iomhu CP Wimphola iamam may PRINCE ALBER CF Mrs Ethel Belmu Gmnlld Sask In adaptII ulmplh inu ploulnx maps Ind linden In lingg Job unheard by monwomen High Towerf IsfHeI Home She cllmbl an 06foot me flower daily and has little en Juan or cum wlld gnlrpnlg From her perch ammo look out nwer In lhe Klnlstlno am 01 Saskatchewln Mn BelIran mend mm 01 the summer Icannlng the wmnndlnl lim Ihe rslm oqureal llge 0n the Job the mend about 10 hours may sunning the for est In home she saw all her awn clames Ind those 01 her children Genuva 11 and Dam Ild She my do lama kn fln ather post lhlnzs qu cl no amllyl Iummar home In 1th at the ban oi the tower Ind 3ho chlldnu mend avary Iummer here She Iim became Interested In fire detecuon In 1350 when her husband Aul wuvthu lower man II Fort House When ha bmmnu pnlmlmun Ema took our lhn gmer Ska my the prospect of mn nlnz Into bear in the bush doun lrlzhun her but she Kenmed mice However It would uke mouse wnh clnltaenu to climb anymool Deu Ann Landem 11 let let ram Merried In Hum Ihould no he Ilken llghlly You Inflated III the wile Ihauld gel Interested In the hobby too knew of fellow who taught his wllo lo operala hll hem rr dio and almost bloke up two Wm Den Ann Landem Recently wenl into one ma nut de panmenx mm In lb lty clock which hid purchucd hm IIVNII monihl no nccded main encounlend llnl man people Ihud me um repIr duk lnr luldu but 1m hnvinl urn ed winxl ElGIml mama PACK Two ynr urvlcn Ilm wm pmznled lo Jlnl Cunnlnllllm Madlyn Mcolhbon Ind chblI Trunk whlle rand Bowman Cnml bummrn Ind Mnnlcl Lllhlbourn um awarded uno yur Ill ALMNIMLE mamm upuln bhclil Primer md one of tho Imam Ind mm Owl shlrlry my dorm wllh 5mm lmk lhl nflulnl Thu lulch Ind bmwnlu rlnnnlnl 1dr Innunl Chrlllmu bike It Iml hum In ham load lmhylnlm Churrh 1230 pm on Bnlunlny Number ANNUAL MIMI COAL BYPRODULID Famililr hem In which coll hypmducu um um um muons aspirin perfume DDT lax Ives synthetic vitamins TNT dye pencil and deltmenll Mn sin12d cozy lillle tnlkmmunce with my lrom Enld Okla They begin In mall picturu back mi forth Thu nut thing anybody knew Mn look on or Enld lew week Inter 1h my lmm Enid came up lo we Mn The two plycbo gearmics cuck pam spent our whole days mher mun Inqulinled mg Fonunately no divorce look place Thu people Knvolvcd fl nally Iqunred awny wllh the help of couple clergymen So you can Ice Ann wnmen dont really below In the ham radiu field It mould ha mime for men AGMNSI HALF BAKED LADY AME Dur Hull Blltd You arm he hull of IN 0on lwomme Wu man Character Ilka Mm and Mr Enid could have met on mm cu 10 dont bllma the hobby SLOW HERVICE Ilvn lwunlu were rectnlly welcomed into lho Mry rlnl when Drawn Owl Ollu mmllcd Damn lnl Jam Heywood Illrlda nulmY SMrlenn Cur llld Bnmnrn Wilcox Thu youth urvlu Gun fll Anxliun Church wn cl lendod luldc Ind hruwniu wcll cum Ind mull um mull Sunan avonlnl wllh Divlllon Commulomr Zrcry Illgndnj npcdgl mu llln lo Iuand lhc Cenlnl DInmd Annual In huh ulo hunr In held Nov ll lrlnlly llrllh Ill rum lo pini ANN ILANDERS MIMI Blame The Ham Not The Hobby CLIARINO ALL DUTCH IUIIB 20 IIIl In If Idum tum Harrls Dur Ann Llndmx Im yearold girl whn made let rlble mistake No weeks ago put peroxide In the water when wuhed my hnlr No lust lime pcmxldea whnle lot mean or my hnlr lo he law Ihude lighter but lumcd aul mgsh Ilzhler lhqn xpcplmg My molhcr nnd dad won wild when they saw me not nrdm to an than hnlrtul cum Now my ler blonde nn lhe and hul close lo he scalp lll dnxk brown and look like Ileld lnlmal My pn are so mad lhcy hardly Ipcnk la mo My mother wont mu no lo lho benuly lhop and my Imlr vllntcd luck In my nnlurnl color Sun lay have In IWLDI ll uul How can lie buck on rlmdly mm in my lolkn Hem luxntsl sumcmlnm OLD BALDY There was only on girl on duly and In flea brain muldnt hava wed less about the customers She wrls busily engaged In lelephona conver Iatlun with her buy friend Her back was turned toward ha customer but rhe wnvemlion was Iudlbla to averyam within 10 feet Th ml was on no phone or exactly 11 minutes by my with Three custumm were Ingry enouzh to have waited It took me 22 minute In drop ML that dock Den Only Mm walling live mlnulu or the girl to gel of he horn wauld hnvn hunted up the floor manna and In med him over In tho repair counter or listen BE PATIENT Our Alan pntlcnl In law wank youll be looklng hu man again In the uncannmo keep rlbbom bow lllld olhrr ornamclll cl your hand Mulu 1m relrrrnco In your hnlr and you 01h will lhnw nut Hen iunlly My husband who was wallinz outside wax it to be Und Whnl would you have dnnofONLY HUMAN Mr Ind Mn Bryon Lloyd In shown lollnwlnx their marriage Christ Christ Ivy The bride Shlrlcy Anne Goodwin Ihudauxh 1395 Iqmu UUBLEENS TM lllmllnlrd model ran b0 Med In dulled lulu my Ml 80018 COUPLE SIGN THE REGISTER FQR TOMORROW Do not count loo much on tho coopcrollon at other now Your personal eflnm delerv mlncd ones can be Instrumem L1 overcoming barriers to your prozreu however Evzn and with complex allow llons make every effort ovoid anxlely Ind control arm lions tomorrow Is your hlnhduy your homscopa Indicate Ihal or lwovandahalf months alter midDecember It would be ad qulglg to capillllu op 12ng available opportunin slnoo the aspod then will he Ilne or both job and lnancinl gnln Not only will your own man and Ideas be governed by cxcellen llimull Igul than nmmlxe towelanon tom lhnsa In po aillon to help ludhor your ml Another good period along these lines wll occur 1n the middle of nail year wlh really excellent opponunlly expand your luv lercsla indicated for September child born on Ms day will have charming and humble perwnnllly hul mny lnclJna lo ward mmivcnm FQR flE BIRTHDAY Early HM wlll be good rlod or xelcnllllc and crealvt work also for mallen rcqulr lng high degree alexecullvl nhlllly ll you In opportu nlly lo navel In December January or mldlm do like advantage l1 linco lrlcnd Ihlps and huslneu comm made then could provn zrcnl vnlua lnlcr Romnncu will be under llne 53mm lale De cember also ween lulu May and In August Mldllnd TIRE lllnluh MY up mww will be mum at In Nil llrm In your vklnlly Wt um you In mm In on my on Um Ibo mm And plum SEE If IYITThmum dzllnl Innk Mona Imm mmmunlly Iervko In lhv lnlmll or hell hearing will muducl Fm llenrln Md Service Cnc My new lhn helrlnl problem amy nnu In lhln am an tho allow lnl dnyl Iml plum Ilanlulllo Empln Mel mm ll llnlr ter of Mr and Mn Ruben Ernest Goodwin Ivy The bridegrooms parents are Mr nndMm Daniel Kean cl Eccle Street Barrie Cndlt Smith Studio THE STARS SAY Acousticon Hearing Aid Clinic mMPANY 0F TDRONIO Hummum mou Acoustlcon II Mum By ESTRELLITA wnuum om II lln Mldluwl mm Nu IL nn mm Chunpllln llahl Nu to Amnn CEREMONY Iceompani led by her mother Mn Slm cl Camflna SL visited at lhu home Rev IfldMfl Newton Smlth Perth en route to Ottnwn where they attended the Inveflflure ceremonlel held IK Government House Mr Newton Smlkh mom anled the Elwin traveller caplm um imimum on Sunday morning when the mat speaker was Dr Chltemhar rrlnclpal oi tho Al lahabad A2 cultural Inltilula ln Allanlbad India This Agricul tural Collnzo which is the only agricultural college in India was started over 50 ytan ago by Samuel Hlxgenbouam Prest leriao Church mlniller The Col lele wan inunded lo help edu cata Indian peoploon how to product morn load in thatr coun try Jamgx Gllmora who with hla wile and three children lei Aurora year no to In to India Ls now on the stall 01 in col lege and is working in the ani mal husbandry department Mr Gilmore ll associated with Iha Unlled Church oi Canada Mn and Mrs Frank Taylor luve returned to their Melmse Avenue mldeme followan weetl halldny nl Ihe CalRon Beach Hotel In Bgrmudn Mri Hen Wu Vancouv er 51ml attend church serv Ealrlawn Unkud Chuth manna same Mn Ind Mrs Bill MacDonald of Phelpston wlll be home to friend and relntlve on the occasion of their 35m weddlng anniversary on Sunday evenlnm The event will be held at me home of the celebrnnla sunIn lnw and daughter Mr and Mrs OPEN HOUSE 111 November business meet Ing the newly organhcd Qunta Club Barrie wés hold Ihu Blayshan Mole onMondny eva Ill Money ralsed In Quota pra Jecla will be used In wpplying Ild la the hard hearing other service pmjzclx be undertaken will Include volunteer wnrkm It the RV gm shop on Tuesday evenan and mislm the Wed nesday nlghlm In planned locil avenlnu or worker It the Sheltered Voxkshup Among the coming events plm ntd will be lea and an show whh collection of pnlntmz and handicram Pmldlng durlnl thchuslncsl xesllon wmmmtmeJ yl Gllhanr Quota Club Lists Projects For Next Year 16 Collin SPEAKING OF PEOPLE ANDPLACES SHOP 32 um PA 5771 George MacDonnld ol RR Elmvala from to 10 pm Winners In weeks dupli cate brldn the wm Mr nnd Mm Jlm Dewar or EastWed Mr and Mn Harold McMIhon or NamSouth Mlu Mlnl Huddleslnn Bay ï¬eld Street wan recent nu FSgt and Mn Al Peter Ind dauzhlm Llndn And Nin cy all Camp Borden BRIDGE WINNERS any Ind duhlet Wed ur menulei blflhdm arid partlel omlng on nib Ilu vlmm Ind mull Ill mm mum to women mum of Ill pm Your Imp lunpr lhh new will In null Ippro cl Plem phou Bnrm Enmlner PA H531 Ind nk lor Ellun Dlxon or Audrey Coullon an Wom enl Depmmm Nam In unaided hum tho unml mm llh Lutlies Snow Boots LINCOLN SHOES mum Minn Choou Now From Our Complm Snlmlon The season of gayer is fast approach ing Time to plan for porly frocks is now The emphasis Is on color and fabric excitement Choos irom our glamorous velvels brocados lomes georgoile lace and peou da soie Our fashion counsel ling service will assist you in selecting the pattern best suited to you from Vog ue McCalls Simplic lty and Modes Roy ale as well as re commend CANADA LIMITED OP 5T EAST Pl Choose your clmponu from mlr Ilmply dnullnf Iclccllon of null llncry lor lull Mnlcr Ind of coma the lesllvo nrlyumon which Include palm velouu mulllu broaden Youll be charmed by 19 my broaden and glollcqle cqcklnl hm party ï¬ned ennui mm hm 1ch from 1qu 595 Heady Fuhlon Cmadlan made mow book in buck or brown Ike to 10 AVIllIhll In suede mhber Ind mum Wu have your Iler Ind the In Itock 221 $698 CHAHIAM GUEST Mr and Mn HanLWilIou olvEuuenanStrm went the weekend At Chakhnm Ind Lem Inglon They were guests 01 their mm and daughlemlmluw Mr and M11 Jlm Wilsan Chat hnm and Mr and Mn Don Wilson Leamlnxlon WEEKEND GUESTS Guests at the home Mr rand Mn Waller Amos same during the weekend Included Mrs Pearl Gibson Ind Wnyne Glbsonol Orlllla Ind Mr and Mrs Douxlu Badman of 1V onln Khe engagement he been In nounoed between Mlu Dlenne Beverley Emmemn Ind George Weller Flldey The brideelect ma dnnzhter of Mn end Mn Frle Emlnmlolel Culley Al hem The brideermelect In the son Mr and Mu WU red Flldey Coolutowm 11h wedding will aka plnoo Kn the Pmlalnnl chapel RCA Sla ggon leoln Park Album NGAGEMENI Nov Ii competent drcssmaker $698 PA 83752