Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1963, p. 16

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min hum llnhrr Gullah AM Jul mm at Tar My md Mu Cm lnTqmgtu onThurnllI rmnlly mm 41 cmvmllnn ll Mm aln Mr Ind Mm Tum Klnz me Mnrllyn nldwrllw wm Nil Illnnl by number of lrltnd nd wall wlnhru pmml Illnn In the Cnmmunlly all Thundly Mrnlnl Nov Turn Ind erllyn Ion lhu retlplmll leather IWlVlI lock Tnm upmxrd the lhnnlu Nnrllyn lml hlmull VI Trd Cnrnrr lune punkml the hump Mn nook nml lnlmd lo mun In Mn urk TI Unllrd hunh vomrn held my IncaMu hum and Harmon lu Wrdnmlny NW mqu About us Col II mum In Vlglann nlflllll rrl Mn fun Ind chlldml Iml Mr lhwulnu Ind dlll dun vllllcd hr larmarl Illm Inrlmmmpqnu 9n Mr and Mrs Robert Hugth and dunghler Kldnburg were visitors at Don Hughes homa Sugdny Dr and Mrs George Kell and son of Ottawa were week end visitors at the hom of Mr Kells parents Mr and Mn Ruben Roll MHJEbnn Sawynr and Mn nus Elliot atlcnded Donna Jen ninxs lrnusseau lea at Kinl Nov Member of Farm Forum held their openan meeting at Mr Ind Mn Kella horns Nov EUCHRE PARTY There were over so person at the euchre party at Gllmrd Friday evening Prlze winner were Mrsr Kneuhaw Mn Curlls Mrs Vernon Mr Hul sh Hamid Porriu and Dunn slyf The Young Peoples Unlnn met It Nell Sturgranl hum Nov4 IO Carolyn rHuzhes prepare lhc program MESSENGERS meeting ni he Giliord McI unxm was held in he Sundly Schmi mam Openan the much In with he hymn lhe wise may bring their learning ha members then repeated lhu Mu muzcrl Purpose story enm ied Mr Policeman was read by Lucy Fairbanks allowed by poem by Ronnie Russell Nln Bcii Jean Sawyer and Enrbm Vlnderpal Ian Thanksgiving hymn The pmmm iinishcd Mark Lcdile reading MrL vm Reid went wn¢k end with her slslcr Mrs Lucy Dnllcmlqllornnlq reconny Amonu use noth or 1119 hununz have been Mr Ind Mrl Stewart Donnelly Mr and Mn Gordon McDonald flourkr Roland nnd Pnul Comer Fm Lell ndnruco Ward Mr Ind Mu Funk MtCunlx cl Homnpnyne spent lwa dlyl wllh Mr Ind Mn Jim Emmi nunlly hirlliruce Vnrd Ind chlldml hlva Mun vlllunl relullm In Tomnlu The India of he lmllula Apnmorcd movie show Salur dly mnrnlnl In lhl Community AIL TM wnl pm on by well inan lood produrl Tho rhll flrrn lumtd oul In lull om Ind mjoyrdhlhe mom Mr Iml Mr rme Ind Mr Ind Mm Ilrml Frld mm he wcktml In Wlndnur um De Imll PM TAHON Mr and Mrs Willer Thump ton SL Cnthnrlnes were recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Nellly Mr Thompson taught Ichool In Gllord over 40 year IEO poem By MRS MAURICE REID Mr and Mn Lulle While Il lended lhc Glrl Gulde ceremony In Toronto lo we lhelr nlcce Min Linda Murdock melva her ma com ly MRS DUNSMORE Mrs Jury of hlarkhnrn former resident or ihl mmmun ily was finest of honor at am lly dinner at the SkyRoom Lake view Dairy on Saturday the occasion belnz her Both hinhdny Ali 1quin were at the cm hraiion and presenied their mo lher will transistor radio BARN DANCE Mr Ind Mrs HIrold Drury Ind lumlly ware ham to suc cesslul barn dine on Friday night Music 1m dancing wu lupplled by Tom Bliuhl and 01 chuha Donuts and come ware uerved In about 00 celebranu Ill clqge happy qenlng mi Ella brury oi was at her home hm weekend Mr Nogmnn hlck Dunno Ind Glryo Immpanled by the children of Mr and Mrs Pan fldge motortd to Toronto on Monday and alkeqded the let Camden show Mrs Gordon Atkinson and am My accompanied by Linda and Mary Atkinson and Jamy and Brian Slnclalr onloyed he Ice Canada Ihow Toronto Sunday CROWN HILL AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ny Ill DOWNINO By MRS SAWYEII GILFORD LEFROY HOLLY Téronré or Inn By MM NASH United Church Women cnlcr ad or the Girl Guides mnlhcr and daughler banquet Smur day evenlng In he Sunday School mum and or lhe Vclernns Club lhe Relomlry Wednuday evening pleasant lumlly dlnncr was enjoyed nl the ham Mr and Mrs Rel Masnn The anally surprised their parents on lha HEAR 0F TRINIDAD people from Thornton and Holly tnloycd supper meetlng atHolly Unilrd Church Thursday vcnlug when Rev Roy Jurdlsun mlulonary In nlnldad was special Kuest Atter the enjoyable meal serv ed by Holly UCW Mr Jordlson told tho ynun peopl ol the lilo that young people live ln nln ldad at their schools marriage and the need or researcher and mlsslonarlcs In that country HOLLY ll Holly Saleiy Explorers held Ihelr final meeiing Nov in Holly Sunday School The spo clal speakers were Miss Smith and Mrs Hamilton public heallh nurses from Barrie Mem bers iudled Iheir ilrsi aid kits and these will be token to Ach ievement Day Several mothers ware present and the alt serv ed lunch Among lhe interesting things done was visit to St John House ln Barrle for de monstrollon on first old sep clal speaker Chch Police Brown oi lnnlslii who gave helpful talk on safety President oi the club is Rosemary John son and secretary Grace Ell ioil The llrls are busy prepar ing for achievement day which Is to be held Nov 16 Utopia Mrs Fisher and Mrsl Johnson In tho leader oi Ihl unli There ware nlne table 01 euchre at Holly School Satur day evening hr the first the nodes sponsored by Lllllex Hill WI Prize were high ladies Mrs Andrew Newton Robln son men DMcMaster Conks lawn lucky draws Ros Emma Mu Amy Stinky Lloyd Bur nlc The next euchre will he hrld Nav so at lha mhnul Cam mltlce Mzsdames Vlllls Ruh lnson Hood Prydennd Lachlo Please sand or phanu your netw Hutu ta your correspond en onto spent the weekénd It heir home EUCBRE Dunlap Wu THESE SHOES ARE LESS THAN TWO MONTHS OLDI We have only been In buslncss or two monlhs Now we must clear our present nhnc to make room or Christmas stock This la genuine opportunity to save on lap quallly Ilmcs In $001 range Dim lnrludlnl Nm kQQEay um Rog 1598 Now NORMAN SHOES 20°12 MIDHUBST 0th Flu us 49 Savage VITALITY 915 NOW Spvago WANDERLUST Buhlnl and Falclnnflon Rog 998 NOW Savoy HILOI Rog 395 NOW Cvollly and SAVAGE Flah Rug 5987N0W DRESS SHOES AND FLATS ALL WOMENS NORMAN SHOES IN WINDOWS DISPLAYS worship service usan llnn nelmph was led by Larry Cald well Ind Bruce Clark rend Scrip ure pasme or Ihe Icedan of lhellve thousand World Frlends magnzlne was dlnrlbuled The lender lald lhe slury ol Klrln In The Dullnlo and lhe Bell and the chlldren jalned ln slnz in Iwn song in lllndl Icam ed Irom Rev Roy Jardlson lrlnldad Slncv Remembrance Day was man In appraprlalu centre was placed on the table Lawrence Bell expressed the thanks for those present for the lunch whlch had been contrlhul cdnby lhe lender Mrn Camp be Twenty essunzer me Sal urday Nov In ha Sunday School room lhe Unltcd Churchr Lawrence Bell preslrl ed Suznnhe Cnmmlngs gave secrekaryx report Stamps will be collected or leper mission chr meetlng Dec wlll be speclal Chrlslmas program wllh accordion gultar and plan mu slcuPlcluIcsvlboul India to be pasted In the Bell Bookluls are Io he brought David McM lhur wlll preside and UN warshlp wlll ha ledhy Suzanne Cum mings aqq Jame Braqley occlslon or Ihzlr 39th weddlnz annivaraary Several lormer xe condllnu neighbors helped the W16 selsbwm vvnkllu mum Mr ind Mrs Ruu Hancock and family Toronto wen nuts Mn and Mn Dan leh on 1th weekend Mr and Mr Gama Coulis vlsilfid wllh Slrndord Mend thll wee The Farm Forum will meet at the ham Mn and Mm Lynn Russell Nov The toplc our Herllm Everyone is welcome MESSENGERS NOW Parsons Seeds Held Olllcn Baton 1mm Seed Buylnl and Pmcenlnl OFF ALL PRICES SHOWN Gudcn Ind Pet Suwllu ll Dunlap PA 05000 SHRNTY BAY BULB CLEARANCE 20 ALL FALL BULBS 12 1198 Imi OFF 38 M98 20 1a By MRS ROBERT BATES speedy recovery wished nr Art Men who was pn tlenl 1n Bunlo Royal vlclurll Hggpltal rggemlx Mr and Mn Hnrold Wood al tended nurprlae party for mu fioTv CQIW n4 Dunlap Em 7285983 All Itde Covered b1 the EATON Guarantee Goods Snflsfactorl 0r Mono Refunded APPLIANCES FURNITURE HOUSEWARES HARDWARE Slur using them NOW Start payments next year superb washers AndDrtyers Hair Dryers nu lmeen Nth All CRYSTAL CLEAR HAND BLOWN GLASS AT ONE LOW PRICEI SUNNIDHLE CBS 702 Chamrngnc 701 mm H21 1201 mm Gobch 12m Pllscnér EVAoz Vhlskq Sour 100 nrnmly Snlflcr 2oz London Brandy 101 Cordlnl 4m Waoz Cucklnll DD 0m Allpurpose Vlnu l0 Inn Hal lpeulben mm mm ulmm ixunIalqa hood PenI am linlm Food Mixers 35pm Pnnabla Innu Pawu lulu nun tul mm munch mm wln 5mm mwb My mum Wuh ma only 50 FJORD European Stemware any piece Mr Allen Funcla will be In our alum lu Advllc you 0le ur lnwllllonproblem Fri Sal Nov 15 am QTV Cgmmo Dun mes armera Illter Ind herhuablnd Mr and Mn Harry McGowan In Colllngwoud The occnllnn was to celebrate the McGowan re cefl 01yweddnl annivpr re Moore ear In with club near GrauIe Lake In Northern Ontario EUCHRE FUND SPENT Wednexday night In week waseuchre nlsm Sunnldlle Corner Hall Mrs Earle Lemon won um prize or Indie hluh sMnv George Buwler lowest Mn Hunter Barrie door prize MenaElwood Glflen con aolallon Blll Clark Gordon sac Ibo nonnun llmlnl uulumuH mm lukl he Tarzan Automatic ISIHJI 00 Ml nth we mmne mu mlnm mature UYWIW an It prllu um we and old PnLOlnk my 10 Ipply harmlm to handle l1lln Inhlwcllglll lnnlglnlionyllllgclp guArd y¢m llama llnhlwclghl lnninlnllon wlll help gulnl your homo rom col ln wlnlcr and heal In Immnur Mmle Irom rcllulose lmlod lo mm llrc rodunlu vcrmln and molhn In lb bug covm 21 up It lald lhlukl SAVE ON PALOPAK INSULATION 99 arty Neltqwn dom prlzeMrI Edw Cmnllhell conducted el ectionof olflcen The iollawlnl were relnmed pmldent Mn 60an Eula treasurer Ed snicker Iecretary Mm Ed Splcheh Mrl We gave stale ment of how the pruceedlmt lm yenrueuchre parties were was Wham hr the outside the hall and this wan put onby volunteer he mm the community new furnace wu nllo partlully In Inced mm the pmmdg Mr and Mn Robert Ellen and Emily Aner and Mn isuvana SINGLE SPEED No Sudl Return 95 With Working Trude Full lnmll lee lzlb upaclly nyrcgya clc new Dulle ale Vnsh Wam Seven rinm lor the cleanest Vnshu ever MallMalic Igilalnr for hahnccd wuth Icllon Efllclenl llntHllcr soupdispenser com hlnallnn Automatic lawmidlumhllh water levd control WASHERS Equdz Sims If desired NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS on EATONS Budget Plan UNTIL FEBRUARY 1964 on purcham of Appliancu Home Furnllhlngs ind other Durable Goods 164151 BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER Ii Wllnm Bates were among re lallvu who attended urkcy dlnnar mu home of Mr and Mn Wesley Bates and amlly at New Lowell Sunday evening The accallon was In early cele Nation Mr and Mn mm woddlni Innlveraa prior In file departure 01 Mr daulhter Margaret far herlwork In tha nnrlh This Ilmn lhl an to nnnhern Manllnbl We extend lymvnlhy to Mr and Mn William McEnchum in 15 lb lug Rog L15 SUPERB MM SuperInn Info drying or Ali fabric nohol wall Four mung High Wash Wear Medium plus air or fluan Aulnmallc cool down period lo mln Smile wrinkllnl lave Ironan ml Uplo lln Amen my In roman and can Munularlurcd ln Cunndn Im Cnniadlnna lhu passing ma unclo Percy McEachcxn In Toronto Mn And Mrs McEachem wexe iuTor qnta Saturny FIRST WOMAN MAYOR BELLEVUE Alta CF Mm Clemenco Jayson 49 be cama tho um woman mayor in Albeflll Crawmen Pm ro lion when she wan recent pointed chic magistrate lhll hwn 7o mllea west of Leth brldzo mh Spoclll Pko 99 EAIONS 174

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