rAaMERs MARKET POULTRY CHICKS help on vour poultry problems DE DSTOth Highest prIces pald tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small anlrnslr removed tree For last sarvrce PIIUNE BARRIE PA Hm lColleclI oI ash ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Dllhil tN0 CHANUEI at hours day am ma RR Fatmead Ontario Llcente No inlet Nick Montague Prop DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymcn are chaos DIJHLD PULLETS Started ready to lay and dry oid chicks Order now tor early order discount For service or call Crala Hunter AUTOMOTIVE Mo RT son SAG warns CAN you buy cars Ilka mm such low prices Tm Metsnr Iotlr door wmn like new time nor rtymurn nuato fess Ivar Pontiac Sedan at oar run In automatic rm Iasr Volkswagen min Is wnm elsaI Jack Taylor rho ore III Bradiord Street ararsoa tour door aedan copperlann and tan with lnetctIIIll In srlar va molar dust rsnsr automatic Irsnsmls rsalo unIIswsIl tires side mirror This car III candlllon At mul CLIPS margin Tellpharrl PA VIM or PONTIAC Partslenne IlVD door hardtop Local oneownar car equipped rnuowl autamltla Irlmmluinn custom rsdlo Power steertna WIIIIIWIII tirel Hilly plddld duh tIItIId Ildl View minnraud Thankfackap II All Alas ulllllnl green interior 735 I01 down to tho who quality 1er pimIte FA Idol or PA Imi JRAIts HUNTER POULTRY IARM LTD STROUD BONE 11 TRISH IIOLSTBIN Mile and tam gsess one gander Ialsphoas OrIlIII IRA70H LIVESTOCK PUREDRED Snilallt Ram tor Illl Ila years old Tallphdnl Ivy FRI TWO IIOLITKIN Iiellerl one Now ember II Ind II Telephone IV RIOIITERED suilnlk Rama and we Telephone 101R Elmvala llll Conn damn routes snares and coil Ve lenonable Alla IIIdIIlg Iiol IEyIII colors Telephone PA HON LIVESTOCK WANTED WANT team oi Ilorses Ior the wlnter months In aschahla or their keep Telephons Inns on troy FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dt Service Care New Iloliand Davlo Brown Ecatty Farm Equipment I70 BURTON AVE PA 02373 CASH TRADE TERMS aaaaaa nItILI rar aale Apply at John Street liter ii mm or wesb Ind == AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans roa SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE as FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradiord St PA noon WANT TO GET BEIHND NEW WHEEL Get that new car now mm lawcost llielnsurcd Scotla Plan than THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA nsI IIUICII Ilsrdloa to floor in varied ahlpe um Telephone rA MON IrsI anIIIul Oatold tnr sslr black Irven tires AI condltlon ant otter Telephone PA Mail rsuvAIILY omen Inst aartsor custom die If In load condl lion Telephone PA 30 altr rao pns le tour cod rut IlILLMAN Ior sale esoo orll Iaal rnllu cu Is In uesnllanruv good condition Inrnurnaut Tslo Iphorsa PA asTIs alter pan IALz aacntrtcx lreo slmcs mchsalcslly Drrlrrl iullv ulnrsr Iaed new um good body larlds and ouL Telephone PA arias CALL ANOUI Auto Wreckers GalvanWe any everything at but prlce Ws also lell uns pera Telephone Angus ItaeIII ml CONIUL hllrh Iltlllrnt nth dltlon rsbulit motor e50 dorm Ior lurther Intarmatlon telephone IA waacrthaI III Plymouth ssdsn Itsalslnr transmission and altlIltl In load condition rrlrpanna iA uses ms VuLxswatth Klein rsalo lparlal unulprnnr llkl as or bought in uumsny Telephone PA Hm IMI VOID Telrlanl I00 automatic radio besuliluily not He Love Own nmr down nsymsnr Will ampt Ivsds Telephone rA eIsTI Im cusv lava door standrd os salient tondlllan lufly equipped Ins vlnru turtalrr la May nan It in nation Avsnue or telephone IA MI arm can INIUIANCII ng ash in antme arm to any drlm rclamis or rlrrumsrsnoss run one little Co ll Collin IA user tars romlac our do III II cylinder Iwratone and rvitlts with mrtohln In deep trsu IllII lowIo nI II In do IA out at IA aAuana sir reclining drrp lrsarl whll nu um Ion Illll IanII rrmt IIIiIl In IQIIIII tin this II rIrr 11 on on aaauaar In dial Harlan IrmIl sIIyv ifltrll sort nu this ens It Is In In tor TutuImus Ia IIIIIIII yilvw kIIIt wlliiial no nlluluw turn vIw mm law rm rs norm rA nun or Ill amt II Iirlrrrlerr ivl Il MarinI Itlrlsr her lips mm irlla Is In II Tampa ca iTm rml IIIIHI In min as rumor rs um um VI IIIIi elnul III II IIIM III Ulv III III II on rirltlv InII IA HIM Any rule at lira tlrvn rt hr will to nl to usual utt will our tour MOBILE HOMES WANTED TO RENTI 204ml Cabin TrIIIar to llerp three or ChrIab inn Tree lot from December III In December It Arply Loni Wilson Itrltrn IIIIL Telephone ItIIrIetIne In PERSONALS FDRTLNI TRLLINOI Du you IIIII telephone PA MN anytime or your iortuna tnId by Gen II III IPFDIIIIIIIIII WOULD LIKE Compatible Lid Io aha my modern home VIN rallonlbla Cumplnicalhlr main object Tellphnnl PA NP SATURDAY NIGHT Soclll ncl Club now tormlng or so ye In and over Mixed mu hone Strolld III Ior In her Ill ornlltlalr Two more ed mm stroud to Danie atoncsy to many Monday to Saturday Tris hone Stroud mus alter pm tor svlvls WOMENS COLUMN nsaun sIIor Caldwavel arts etc by mulled hairdresser In your own horn or ho llal vice Damlce IA sass or um MALE HELP CANADIAN ARMY Regular There are career opportunities ior young single men who have attained their IIlh but not their Ziih birthday See the Array Recruiter at the Barrio Armoury irom it until November 21 rIaIcstLItszt wantd Union wages Telephone PA nsuzaa Seven barber reoulrs arst clan aslr ruttar study tl Telcvhohe IA Hui lAltTvTIIIE men HI pm In hours per wee or 050 Write Box II ma xunlner III to EU Cord Wnoa Must it own chain new Telephone bases noun WORK Him I0 I02 IMIour week Ale IN uIth ear Good reierenrel ans II asrrls Essntlnsr COUN II aALzaaIAN or local suitable rm unit under an as tirade XII education Enirrred Apply on Barrie xamlner MALE FEMALE EXPERIENCED cashiers meal cut ter and meat wrapper lull IIIn or part time poslttons Apply in form only In Christies ma At se CARETAK wanted lor Mtnulns Central School Work will brllu Dec Apply baton pm Thurs as November sI Verpra School No am am secretary Ninl FEMALE HELP ma Secretary requlrrd lms so may snnrtasnd unntlsl rations IA mos nrzarlla Irrpotulbls upsrtrnrrd wnmsn to cm lor two young chit or In my home Ilvs am arr Telephone IA astta OIIIL on vnntAN to aylp In doo torl home No cooling Live in Call III H0 or will cn II IIlIllbp Road Toronto I0 LAIlIlI REQUIRE III IIIIIIIDII star Ith Hill II hams In rnlnla to an per my Ital II Station or number OnIIIIb cArAnLI nusl auntd llmlt to sun tar model horns with all ronvsnInrv quulm Must llas rhll collcl Throttle 81000 QUALIIIID It work at wanted to I1 anon but not rur phone rA Hit or aauanur Warn Room and bond mtIneraiIan tar as Iiaht aou ll gyua Mu All In my own Tllhlvlitlltun supplied are lIIILII home Tatphone IA 37am vnrvn nan Join Ianvt ll rA IIIII lnr atIlrlrat It vl In pain 71 nrtrm Ina attire lose in nu JOIIVIIIOI Iy IIIan at ruvrl mm at an Imam rust For Wain Ad Service To HELP WANTED nan narrate axanunsa roman uovaMnaa It Ivespr BROCKVILLE CPI iha Brockviiia manager at the so counting ilrm ol Crawley was cxpcctcd to take the wit ncss stand today as the trial at Dolores Claw charged with the tacit oi rmooa Irom Billings Motors Limited continua Crown Attorney Percy liilillgan indicated Wednesday that accountant ian Alexander would be his next witness Pm sumath Mr Alexander will give evidence regarding the tangled bookkeeping at the auto agcncy Mrs Clow at tamer ac cauntant with the iirm Is at leged to have stolen the money between loss and ma Seatoa rcaltor tes tiiied Wednesday he had sold house to Mr and Mrs William Claw In 1050 or 320000 The couple since divorced id Its 000 cash and the as soce on mortgage In 1001 Mrs Clow listed the house ior sale at 065000 year later alter the listIo expired and the house was stll not sold litre Clow agreed to Scatan said alterations for which Mrs Clow bad invoices brought the value oi the house at that time to $09000 includ ing the original purchase price Mrs Claw told hlrn she wanted to sell the house quickly because she was leaving her husband and also altered to sell her 09000 Cadillac tor $5000 When he tried to reach her the next day Seatcnaald he could not locate her Harold Sheridan furniture ac countant testliled that $0670 worth of iurnlture had been bought and paid or byMra Claw bctwecn 1950 and 1081 Under crossexamination by dcicnce counsel Roydon Hughes he said portion oi thla id tor carpeting or the Dillags Motors general oitlccs Clarence Dabcock another HAS NO PLANS OTTAWA CPIHealth Min ister Lahilrsh lntormed the Commons Wednede that the government has no plans to it naacairce distribution oi the new llvevlnts vaccine or pre vention oi measles la AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 10 at 1230 pm sharp or JIM ALLEN At Lot Concession lnnlsill Township right next to 100 Highway Sale oi cattle pigs implements chT Including antiques Terms cash No rcscrva as the term ls sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Monday November 18 pm sharp ior DAVID KENT AtLot 26 Concession Rolls wasaga Township known as the blind line one mile north oi lllghwsy 20 turn at the Sun crtcst Service Station on the cast entrance at Stayncr Sale or II head at ilcrciord Durham and llolsteln Cattc The list Includes 10 cows I7 years old pasture bred and slockcrs 2000 holes at clover hay and quantity at baled straw Terms cash No mcrva at Mr Kent has been in tho hospi tal all summer and he to so hack in again the iirst oi Feb runry JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer Ideas at Iho iamily Quiz Didncigér In Claw Trial llutom niioa May Present Danger IIfownirce Says BROCKVIILE CPI On tario bfbor Minister Leslie Rowntree warned that vautorna tion may have disastrous ei iurniture executive ieatl acts on the economy at the led uIat purchases at his ilrrn province as the iIIst Canadian during the same period by Mrs automation workshop ended Clow totalled $22017 all paid Wednesday tor The citecls oi automation Evideaco was also given that hlvo not vet been widely telt Mrs Clowhad purchased more in Ontario but they may be in Own 05000 worth at iura during the future Mr Rowntree told athreeyesr period irom loss to us delegates representing in IIIeI dustry unions government and hi dealer Robert Reilly various proicssionalleadera said Claw had purchasedl the problems that we can mink coat tor tramln Au toresea can be overcoat he gust 1050 which she paid tor said Competent men and during iomonth period women will still be needed to She bought mint stole ior llll praaetd conventional types oi sell the house ior 5000 Mr drain and some household eti calves tl llolstcin liciicra 15600 In March teat and heaver Jacket or $350 in April rthesama year he said BritiIsh on Free Trade By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Stall Writer An American mission to too don to try to talk the British government out at its an bounced campaign tor trees East Vest trade seems doomed It is the ilnal US etiort In series oi talks throughout Empe to Iflet tougher attl tuda tawa credit trade with the Cornmunlsts below the whole issue comes up beiore speIJal session at the NATO council in Paris next week The Americans are in the TORONTO tCPi Dr Fred erick Back cancer re search specialist says smoking accounts tor more deaths than auto accidents or any of the hown viruses or bacteria He told United Church sem Inar on smoking Wednesday that 1000 to 3000 persons to Canada died at lung cancer in 1062 He said lung cancer Is the most pravsteat disease arising irom smoking Dr Bock associate cancer re Memorial institute in hulialo NY said the number at deaths due to hcart and bronchial dis I4 Fuatlc NOTICE Division No eagrsnga II Division No rcnirl II bring Cancer Kills More People Then Cars Doctor Slates search scientist at Roswell Park vrsraa TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Notice is hereby given that the nomination oi candidates Ior the otllea oi Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councilmen tor the Township of Vospra and Trustees lot Vcspra School Area No and No tor oitiee or the year me will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL MIDHURST MONDAY irom 1130 to 150 in the allemoon AND TAKE NtlllCE TIIAT ELECTIONS IF ANY WILL BE IIELD ON MONDAY DEC 1903 From ttlz00 am To 700 pm AT TIIE FOLLOWING PLACES Division No lMrs Gwrga Thompsons liouse Dalston employment and the new Job categories that automation will Set unusual position oi on the one hand seeking support tor irccl world trade and tha soealied Kennedy round at tarlil cuts cooling up in Geneva next year and on the other wanting to stop short ot Improved long tarm credits Communist world George Bali rcudcnt Kerr nadya key adviser on iorclga trade policy arrived In inndoo Wednesday to conier tint with Foreign Secretary It Butler and then with Edward Heath new head at the Board at Trade government department eases bred by smoking makes cigarettes greater klllcr than traitic accidents or inlectiaus ill nesscs Ha said chemical studies at cigarette smoke have disclosed number at substances that will pIoducs cancer In both men and animals Researchers who had tested many major brands at domestic cigarettes plus some Imports had IouIId that the smoke from every brand was cancerpmducln Dr Brock sad the rise In ung cancer among men has taken on epidemic proportions Between 1531 and 1960 It had Increased nine told he said NOV 25 George Dull DR Division No ITowrumo llall MilitantGeorge Coulis DILO Division No Mllmares Motel Cundies North Daltoa erltht Dit Mlacslnglrvlrrc Johnston Dit0 Clliiord Fold DJIO Division No bEdcnvale linilD McNahb one Division No 1Scotts Stare Antcn MillyL Scott Dll0 Division No eDar lirll IcrndaioMn Dori iioopcr an EARL RICHARDSON Ibwnshlp Clcrk Midhursi November 061 Supermarket of Glit For every member For homo and auto EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER So prepare your advertising Incnsaga now You will be surprised at the special low rates IIltI the convenient an raupcutrnla made for your copy The Gilt Spotter Girls will ha picarrd to help Ollie Darth Examiner Gil Spotter Coming YoUr Way Monday Nov 25 CALL PA 824l4 ploycd Negroes JITCII DOCTOR IIT LULIIIIBOURG Hallowcen must be late this ycar says Signalman Robert Freeman or Vancouv er as he is stopped in one ot the native villages close to Allqu in the Congo by the village witch doctor Free man member of the57th Canadian Signal Unit Is tele typoopcrator In the Lulua bourg detachment The witch doctors costume ls made at straw and skins The Imiie is is asymhol at niiicc CP Vlrcphoto irom Natc litace US Blcrck Metropolis Cool To Racial Struggle Thralllhant the 118 South the light Ior civil iIlIll rages among Negro groups but In New Yorklr Iiariem things are diilereat In stead oi mllliaacy tndliien ence Instead oi unity Itivl sion Associated Press atntt writer Junlus Griiila N9 gra tells oi the aoualor the despair seething turbulence and the status at the civil rights tight in Harlem the largest block rurtropolls In the 15 II JUNIUS GRIFFIN NEW YORK IAPiMuch oi iltrlom the United States larg est black metropolis Is cool to the point at lnlliilrronre to ward the clle rights slrugglc in the country But behind this lIilliIicrtnrc his sccthinr hairczl oi the whito community by tho lower class Necrors and thc unem Many also letho tlIc Ncgrn icadcrlhip which they claim brouth lrsc bone IriIcvin ovr night the ctmmuallya social Ills iur lcudcra do lot at trik lag but take an action said II Grhha mttlrcr III thrcc rlau law in rundown Icnt West IIIIII Street Irs Irahrm is an Iriici Irr IIIIIItcs ljIs rImLc trout It In 15 All Im in school lm estretoly about my hillvi girl In on like lrrurv in rIiirItIurIi IIIIglri Ila layihing It her Eur ttlch The Graham iamily Is one at II that live in the ilvestorcy walkup tcncmcnt TELLS OF ILIGIIT Vhilo cooking meal at red brans and rice over an ancient gas range Mrs Graham tnlkcd about her plight What young alrl would want to bring her irleads Into this itratrap she asked Ita clean yes but look around you You enter the apartment through the kitchen door Under worn linoleum rolling noodea iloor crcaks The plas ter is pccling lmm the walls and ceilings in evon room Fur nishings are spare ilcnt SIS month Are you warm during the ulnlcr cs but lm glad the radi ators the hall have been rc IIIDIld slrc sald lintaura now we unnt have tramps slurping In the halls uhm cold Mcvlhcr comes laid her that had noticcil Vacancy aim in root oi the adjoining building which was rrcrnty rcnovicd and aslcd nlrv didnt site more Into it lite real time is 311 rock tor rooms site said va cn ailoul it llIS IIDIIS lm just on at Isdcr llIcsc rouzliiluu in iur lrm and ti our civil rlwhta icvll cts uculrl Irnvc tbcir irury Inw us ihvv Iuhl llnd uclvlrai our ra hrs ulzut hxcIIui my OIIIEII WOMAN GOES Mrs JacIlIe Oiemn and her hur Ronald Iriaht nstl walk outta corridor upon Iran Ins ilooneolntounlr conti Mom yesterday alter the tart lllrd the war the other an la the Eugene thumps son murder trial Thomprun attiaaaaiamd accused In DI urtierIoh hm slaying ravlty In att Ii Can It March it Oileel iestiiId Like many oi HarlemsWI 000 Negroes who cannot allord high rents iirs Graham either must live In squalor or public housing Some are content others stay here because they have no choice Thomas Pipkia 10 post oi ilce cmploym said there Is last no general iaicrcsI among llorlrmiics inr things like civil rights Most people Just dont care Our neighbor hood community programs should include soil help There should be more demonstrations in New York but wc are tired oi displaying ourselves in the streets similar opinion was ex nrcsscd by Frankie lirown at West lihlh SI Our Ilnrlcln leaders are ade quate for some people but they are not concerned cnough with the art that we must help our selves he said It ECONOMIC EQUALITY Thm almuili bc morc done to dilute iIlC community oi ititrtiiTiF but Ilaricms main concern has been to push ior Tiull nl integration rather than ration that mrns limit and polIticul equal lit at tile IIcrcilsis were Jtsi rum the street shooting tiitu ulular iiIa uIIItIIIII eyes at ll paich ltiiittl on the next Ciliittl hunt the wane lot II in about the rrrouris but was able Iu out cmvcnnum warn lolvi one at the short Itomhlcrs Iii hut to learn and go to Mark he an HOME rite was Trainer molar at one Italde HmierIIed rtetdtda ham wsrnrci Ilrieadant or in rtnr away Imln his in Man at IrIl In at Iuir is In unidoatllmi bi Pa dairelira