Hwyu Coach and lenml manager Punch lmlnch flu Lenll hu Inld ho would bl Innruled In getting Rnnler forward Dan Kcnney and New York In lald to In nnxioul to Ilmnnhcn IL defenca lmlach laid he would dhcuu deal with flange hon Leaf go lo Naw York or gnma lonlnhl TORONTO CWNew York Rangers are Interested In player lrndo wllh Toronto Maple Lents but Mun Palrlck zen crnl manager ho National Hockey Leagues New York club says he doesnt want Torv onlo delenccmnn Ken Douglal mm nghuy nrncllcu nldm have been workan on Icw new oflcnslve wrinkle Ind conccnlrnllng on givan quar terback nus Jackson mar pmlupuon Clulr saId Ridm plan Spun up lha name dont remember over hav lug many Injurles at once Inld Clair We hada hunch hm In 1957 but dont think llwns Ma bad other on Ihu limp with Injuries but cxpcclod Io play an Erma While Bab OBlllovlch Larry chrnw Rolcr Kramer and Elll SleklcrskL MOST INJURIES llnllbnck Run scewm who missed ha 5ch llnal game again Montreal Amelia been running well In paella and considered sure starter Snluniny That probably mm Jan VllHam will not be dressed Interested In Player Trade But at Ihls thus of year you can do is play your hum ha anld Wednesday Everyone 0159 hulrtlnj my to Llnu coach Blll Smylh Inld Wednesday he club cola It would bc butler or Nichol to all out the Saturday um and than he randy for MI allon performance when he uric concludb next week In Ham on déllnllu Announcement on other gllnym Friday And Nichols pmbably would play the Ottawa conchel all but Blll Qulnkcr couldnt Ade loly III in at Um delmulvu omwA Linebacker Jnck Nichols is expected Iavba the only pinyer minim from tho llncup at Ottawa Rough Riders Sninrdny when the tail on llnmilion TlgchCuis in tha opener ihn twogame total points Eastern Football Oonlerc Inca llnals Cape Frank Clnlr la make Nichols Player To MiSsvGame IF YOURE HUNTING run AN ï¬uromonunz SEE THE NEW monms mm Slam LOVELY BAG rldo Illa cloud on mu unlqun auvorlllollmo FLUID uuponllon EKSI N0 SPRINGS Inlay Ihn nonomy up to 45 15194 cool um va mld for In only four amulng polnll ml ell chum awry MORRIS M0 STREET BARRIE The mishn happcncd In Iron of tho Ila at lha hallway mark of 19 ms that complucd the regular dally double Last Fridays accident occurmd In ha um rm wln dou bla WESTBURY NY MP Faur harm went down In an accident In ha second race at Roosevelt Raceway Wednesday night but unlike SIXhorn lullfrlday no rlntA mulled Af SIMCOE MOTORS LTD Four Horses In Accident We hava asked for 350000 or Chuvala and no for Jones he lald The Canadian henvywcuhll manager also rovealad our bIz ï¬ll lelon but we want Clay on the way We dont lhlnk Liston deserves Clay be cause hel no any We have oflered to save lha ListonClay Huh by hav Ing Chuvalo light Doug Jones on lha nml card snld Eddla Trotter Chic Pick pacer driven by Clllr also ndrï¬lued to being worth iabopt tho Hammon lmgihd muck TORONTO 1GP George Chuvuloa mnnnger Wednes day altered hll realm or 3an mg the public horn another nunround debacla he llght batween world heavy welghl champion Sonny Mum and challenger Camus Clay we cnn Iva Run Ill 1m mved pan pmecflan and he Rel chem nwnylnxt enough on lha Inna om wull ho all WANTSCHUVRLO TO FIGHT 0N LISTONCASSIUS CARD 155$ 64 HIV For AI law AI Some call hm Gasman CALL WOLIILIY Memory Boy the 40 Invar Ile drlvm by George Phalm won the rm and computed $1M dilly double J09 MAcDannld was an the rall why or Iho lead when one 01 Ill hobblu broke Ha slumblrd and all Awol driven by 111 am Popllnxer Dlrcn handled by Hugh Bell and Van lun Hanover rclned by Wllllam Mitchell ware unable to steer clear Ind went down In chain madlan Security polica immediately Jumpmi on Kim track but than was no disorder Nana oi Ih horses or drivers wm reported hurl except for hruim Chuvaio tanner Canadian heavyweith clump who train Detroit earned controversial draw wiih Tony Iiionxi last Friday Miami Beach Alonui wu named win nor an unpopular split du cixion but lha Mllmi Beach Boxing Commissionruied it draw lilo next day It could be with all that nil Hamlltan might get the idea at trying la come out and avar Immr Ill an the around he hut we were no rough and laugh on DeJahn clay de he wanted nu piece Thu zamé mm at pml EST Ind will be teen on ht CTV network Tmllur uld pm lhn price or Chuvalnn 1th In September Inlan Mlku De ghn was meellnu wllh CamusL but we call him Cunt laus Cassius He callaflhuvnlu Wusherwomnn but he must be amid of dam the way hainvalds us RILIY COSTS Al LITTLI PA 32317 Eastern team won the last two east wast Intercollegiate hauls held In 159 and 1960 Na name was held in IBM and In 1962 tentative name was can cellbd when Gnldcn Bears whé lost 454 to MCGHI In 1960 and PER MONTH Included In the lumen wlll be tavern hundred Queens grads now llvlng In Western Canndl One rad mmlng mm Texas to see the game Ihe Ilrsl Ensl Wcsl Cnnudlnn college 11 In three yeara Mora than 10000 Inns are ex pected at Clarke Stadium for the game between 1119 clqu um compiled Identical winloss maxd In their own can ems Golden Gael lavored by two puchdowns GEAPS 417nm LIcutcnanLGavema Percy Page will ha on handto pre ient lhoiwlnner with new In phy the LleutennnlGov9rnor Alberta Trophy for EmWesl Iniercallexlnto Football Pra mler Munnlnl willqllend mm lime Is pm EST Show was expected hm balm tho weeknnd Queens University oi Gaels undefeated in tho unior Intercollegiate Luna and Uni versity at Alberta Gélden Bum undelcntedin the Western inter collegiate Football Conference tangle Saturday in thellrn an nual Golden Bowl the omma excl for mnewal 01 ha Emach 1th major lnteroollezluce football learns beauty 111155 will Helium£3 the oilï¬eld incitement or EDMONNNKCP Callous humyl banne bgnds Ind vasmu Mama Egg FUEL on PHONE PA 85027 MAYES MARTIN BURNER SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY Fdivorv GaelS BY Two Touchdowns Make Chungu For The Better hmnflï¬ï¬‚ï¬vm Honl éï¬um ma ll an ml In Iymhh InnIn TM NEW YORK AHNew York lullback Alex Webster antler inu delayed ndlan reacllnn to an Inlury sullerod More last Sundays game may no ba In action when Ihe Glam take on San Francisco In key National oolbafl gum me here Sun nuuumua Tlckel nles an expected to lnlnca the game but both the nudenl union and thamenl athletic club have weed to meet any doflcn Unlvmtty olttcluls have can tloned students to kce can and francs under mntro Student umupxwareasked not to en zm In the old practlca at queen candidates WILL PARADE Saturday parade will wind It way mm Ihu university campus In 215qu Stadium puntlame dance and the Ila will complete lestlvllle Satur X915 The elfHeld activity will be Iln at noon Friday when lhl Queenn Alumni Association Ham luncheon and mcklnll puny At nllhl regame dance or Ilndentl wll Include growniy or flu HmGwdm Alex Webster May Big Contest rw uv Golden Gun mm Friday morning and will mum late Snluniuy night altera ngclal posbgamo am In honor at phy on theam Unlval Inlihed British Columbll lintPly 13 to 7170 2000 MM Minna Duma nuvlI 50 ann NOW STORES In La Angela Gordon sln clnlr Bob Snbmuln Dev Bell And Jlm Pawm neared for So ntllo while Willie ORee Stan Maxwell Bruco Carmichael and Cnmllle Bcdnrd so the Los An nie goals 71 night lei Seattle with 11 mints San Francisco 16 Dan ver 15 Lo Angela mm For lnnd led with and Vancouver with 10 Semlln In Wednesday nightl lull lchedule butlled boaAn gela Blade to overllmo tie In other znmcPonland Bdckmo edged Vancouver Cn nucks In nvmlma whlla Dan vec Invaders deflated San Fran oso Sap 55 Hy ITHBV CANADIAN PRESS Top Ipa In the Weulem Hockey Luna is the hot spot Three of the alx elm hav held 11 or brie parlodl during 0112 yglgna umn Seima now In on top bï¬l with only onapolnz margin ovu Sag ï¬anqlacg Two Overtime Games Played In Western Hockey Circuit magi iniménu kowmiéli PHONE PA 6658 FOR SERVICE SAFE VVINTERTRACTION PRICED FOB EVERY BUDGET ï¬u BEERS flRE SERVICE 31 Brndhrd EL PA Hm Goodyear wunsn SURE GRWS 1495 plus Ind 88 Dunlop St West mm Bangles var Invader goals were mudjy John Slenver Martin Trent Hearty Bob Kabel Dunc MchlJum and Dave Duke not Vancouverl marker while Art Jones scored twice or Portland and Pg Slaplatgn Ind IbIn McC lot gingles In Vuuuhll IVUKIIS hair way back from 42 sec ond parlod dwell but couldnt mp Arlo Goodwin mm ï¬ring rebound past loans Marcel Pfllle Ilngvefllma IOI DUNLOP ST s250 Gus Purchase FREE DRINKING GLASSES WITH EVERY SPECIAL We touch all bases on mun your car ready or cold wznlher radiator battery lubrication antMreeze en gine tuneurn brakes heater eke compleu terlzlnu Job AS LOW AS ought WINTER SERVICE mN nodmAnn mm MANAGE Rows Milan Marconi Gordon Fedlhl andGary Jarrett morons PA um REPAIR NOW PAYVAVLATER wllh an éurmnlanl BUDGET PLAN DANGERFIELD s350 PA 601 Im