glnnisï¬l Bear GettingTired IUUHII Earl 111mm muted third place at the Canadian NA Unnnl Model Airplane conic recently received imphy or jthe tent Mr Rickeltn who ha been flylnl combat only man time did the aimmt impoxnibie vincinl in the cnntexi in whit there wnl competition irom lhn bent nyen in wulhern Ontario in In combs event the air pinnel at Anywhere iram 75 In no in per hnur Mr Rick ettn whose pi imnrii Bruno the mum but 15 let cm lleepy And so In the town Alhip residanlx For the last month he bl bmwn bear ha been uen wan derinz amund the lowmhlp 114 umouxh ha hu dons no dam age up to the prennt lime ru lldenu are gelling llltlu Ilaep or eu will mart Imaging for flood In their hamu um milplurlmm mm But Unix lulrerinrlrom llred blood and wllh the ap jpmch of winter lho chance who hear niluklng someone or fdoinz much damnxe become less It wnnl be long before ero lnla hla den or lung For the int time In the Mir my ol the Barrie Modll Mr pllna Club member ylued In nation coxnpellllq vua wuvn lralner entered the Saute me for inn and experience He laid he didnt dream of mm at all because he wnl 11mm the lop yen 1n Receives Trophy For Model Flying TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE And Innhfll mldenu can xld than cmwl tel And bloodsth eyu and can up mm on the mnqullllurl mum Ahluhl Allan Illl Muminlum Axum mu unm flu PM Al Inlll Inf Mon link NJ lull lII rlllllln on can llnwlr CM CM cnmml Chimull cum ran Con Mlnllll Curl rum com on Dam Inï¬ll Anm um um Amal Cum cm Cdn II nu can Av um Call Dot ll cum um um Drum mmmmu mm mm 1x olm 01M Hun his widow Tho ml on that Conlrol MI Two mm nu muted at Mn drunk In while plum 39d anger 1mm my In mlvuonn In Iull AVIIAUII lnflmllhll up It Illk Gain IL Hill up ll mnom Imrl no own ï¬nchMm Ooldl 57 own 0Iw Xuduml norm Polk upon quld mm lul nlghl Ilm only llm menu lmwlnl blolll Police Report Quiet Night rm Compiled by nun MODEL AIRPLANE CLUB TROPHY WINNE VI MU LIIVI INCII CPR lmyofll ml Commln an In Cm Maul mu mad under Ibo New I1 DIL In nan hm Dam on mutual Mum noun Iconhfldn mu hp an Ilflmlllll mm LI Illlllmn Nl an MI llnllfl Nomnlllt Ilm fad1 Ilnmv llud Bl Klu Ilndwnl my Imp lnbuco 0U on In mm lulml n0 lulu mml Hung rpm Jam club AhJ nmvlnuu Ontario Anolher hmdlcnp ml the med oi Mr Rickeill plane which in roughly 10 mile per hour compiled to item 80 lo 110 mile hnur for hi com peiilon mm The model ylanu have Mona Itrlng utlched to them with Imnll 1m spotted ovary 12 inch en The object In to fly directly behind your opponent and to cut the nlal I119 11 Inch lec um Umlly qulle law phnu on lost In thll event but Mr Rlckem plane cam out with out umm ornam cf 01a Barrie Modd Alrplnnn Cluh nld member an proud Mr Elckuu accom gllmrygqt And Intenq la belle the clubl record hex year The Department of Hllhwm Hunnvllla Omu ha announced that the Parry Sound an on Kings High wll he re opened re He at 11 noon Friday The bypau was cloud on to permit unwary repair to the Sequin Rlver Bridge Tm has been muled through QM awn whill work wu In um um Canadian Nullonal Railway has annwnced he temporary nppolnlmenl Ralph Ryan chlel dupalcher Rania He succeed lhrnetl who ha been mlzncd 190 clll dullu Reopen Bypass At Parry Sound CNR Announces An Appointment on IITW on down ma Eï¬ï¬iéu mm hm mm Imelkr hm llInuy In IOUTIIIIN VMAIIONII mam AH hm Nu mm DI IIIll mam mm IN or Moll Cull Further lulmmllon nmmllm Ind mm Mu 0x JOHNSON c6 IJMITED Duh II KM Mm um Toronto 097 my 51m Bnrnll Front Mm Illa Paw R11 Mun lul Nonndl Non 0M NJ Koo Com Hell Pan Truu CHI 1m m4 In Tanzo Unhm nu Wlxlu ow wmn hum Nona AI am In Illa lhlnll lluv In mm unn Unllod on mu Group Captain Dlllle CD Commande 0mm BCAF Station Camp Borden has an nmmcad the lollowlnl airmen prgmotlolmA 41201135 Nov Promted to the ml at Flight Sergeant 81 Lawnm PMQ RCAF Camp Borden Sgt Hmcock PMQ RCAF Camp Bmden 51 mm PMQ RCAF Camp Borden Sgt Nolan PMQ REA Cm Erw Pnzmoted the rink of Cor poralMad Akcralknm Ttlbot 4d Wollinzton BCBP Borden Lists Promotions Funeral ldVlOO or Hml ho bol Mlddkbmok Dun troon wu hold Nov It the hutch the Redeemer Dun uoon Rev Downer om dmd Intermem WA on the church cemetery Mn Middleka died tom heart attack when Ihe was driving her car mu her home on tho tomb um Noktnwu nu Sha have herhulbmd W11 lmd nIIddlwmok pareMI Mr and Mn Nelson Wei or Stay nerz two brothen Jack Wei British Columbia and Jim 01 Barrie lwo mien Mu Fred Jones Mamas 01 Bank and gm Varn Lytlc Helm 01 will continue Thunday but In dunlly Allin lamperalum will muk In men lnaw than raln The only amaunkl ol cnnm quanta are posslblc in the Ice 01 his Huron and Gwrzlnn Buy Ind pathan tenth lea 0n um In gho Elegant liznlnlu Lake St Clnlr Lu re Southern uh Huron wulem Nlnm LIX Ontario nonth Geonlnn my Ilullhnrwm Wind In London llumlllan Toronto Mainly cloudy wllh nccnslnnnl rnln or we mow mnlzhl Cloudy and cool Thundny wnh mow nunlu perlodn 1th mow WM becoming normally In thmuhl Indflhullday EARL RICKETTS Pnllbeareu were Dan Taylor Howard Duunn Jamel Wfll hum Frank Glflm Paul Gad wny and Don Cumlchnel Ioulh em Gcnmlnn llny mlern NI Ira Cloudy and coal wllh oc mm new And poulbla ummqunlll onlth Ind nlurl dny Wlndl hlcomlnl norlherly Alxoml Tlmnnml Cachnnv Sault 510 mm North Buy Sud bury Mulnly awrch wllh HIM mow And an loulnht and Thurday Wlndl becnmlng gnrlhuly lnnlgm and Thu mm Mmumnoox rumul Tempmlnm lw mint In Wrdnndly Wlmlmr 40 SL Thom 40 London 31 an Kllclwner II New Winghnm Illmlllnn 31 Cfllhlfln Tnmnla lo Iflrrhomulh lo Trmlon 51 Kill1M 10 ll Ilullwln Norm Ill nopgl Ellellled weather mm IIKII OBITUBBY WEATHER Barrlql recreational and corn munlty Iervlca Ichadnled or It in the arm Mayor Conn Innounced today the appointment Study 00qu chillman IF Findlnu Commlttee to melva Moimutton recommen dations and mnke uudlu co cumin the cltya tom Herea Ilonnt cummunlty saxVIM and nullity needy Mr Coake laid 1115 Recrea Ilun Committee Pixkl Bond nnd Aren Commlulon In commendable work And bong asked to Ippolnl ram ienmlm to this committal Th continuum preuuro or wldar Iervlcel Ind lnclllllu public expenle needs cmlul BRADFORD sum Anny residents at Barrie street north dinetiliied with the Deputrnent oi Highway rebuilding yromm done there thin Inmmer peppeh ed town eouncii with letter of mmplnlnt Tuesday eitunonn Time letter answered re quut tom council int month or written account at the re Iidenu claiml Oi the 51 home holder Itiected by the improve menu to ihil nation of High wg ll Miilei compilintl efL repaired by cnnlnclorl on lhl hilhwly project Than on th mt Ilde Barrie meet men tcd Iho elevnuon the hIthlY Ind Ildewalk Io hr Mum 1th 1mm la driveway Improperly reflukhed Ingrwnrdl with sleep lncllnu and high curb wan xlvinz mm tall pip Ind driv en nervu In awlul balling man letlen aid The Illumon wuud gel wom In lhl winter time Slap ludln mm prlvm wnllu the Idawnlk had not keen pmvldtd with hand ralllnzl pronnixed Fencu Imuhed by heavy machinery hurl not bzeu repairedï¬a mavhlnn wu made Rammed lhcehumu ram Iprlng basement flood mm the hinhwny rune Pm peny value In the nalzhlmimd had demand by at lea mu lhlrd other letter clnlmad Ia lhul lama adjustment In mul menlahoqld bo made ii Hédd Offinbup Studv RéCrthiOn xlunmclm number that letter placed the emits hlnmv for lhu Iliunuon on lawn coun cll whlch drove Councillor rantk Bud Gardnar to an out urs man who flopped ha trout and of hll 1m plckup truck on In mllwny track It CNR cronlnu In 0m anmhlp was llllcd last night mar hll truck wu hl by mulhhound lrlln Curl Maxwell so Cold water wn thrown 52 In from the pol Impact pollen nld was dead on nrriul It Roy ll Vldarlu Hosp Bradford Council Heqrs Complaints Property Damage 711710 lrEIn rolled Mnxwelll lmtk Ipun all the lrnth and lhraw 55 to mm the poly llmpncl pqllcn uld Tho lraln Wnl Elvin W3 McEwcn 476 Broadway Avo Toronto the conductor rm Thame Illml SL Tab unto Man Is Killed When His Truck Hit By Train ay my alm Ilndy l0 um my chaner wlll he considered on the laundell wllblebub Then wlll no doubt bu olllar mum and In dlvldulll withlnl to menu View on lhu matter helm the speclnl committee 111m wlll ho III oppommllyu do lhll when over an commmea hold mael lngg Inï¬ll pu Mr Cooke Inld hehld with peopla and Imemled groups leverl times and from then meellnu would aï¬pear um ull lludy by ma commmeo Injqufled Such comndltu would ro ulvo recommendation mm thou lndlvldulln Ind notiï¬ actlvywllthln ma 3ny nt Will do we have to do to convinco than 5min that tho own council in naminga do th thin projociit he uked Thin wnl gill to the town irom thoDepmmeni Hilb VIIyl The daparimepi paid the anti coop oi the praiocz hired tho conimlon Ind Junorviled tho work ihil council had ninth in lo do yliih lg whliuver Concemlnl tha uleument comp Councillor Tum Ev ln ah ved um non than mapnyen Ippured helm chi recent 0er of ravllion with Ippealm sum urn dldnl Sam them dldnl mun their IDPIIII had to he med by 06 clerk Munre Dlvoy explained 11311213 or warm Council in going to lorwlrd prom lztter Man with topic of hi letter complan to thn Maximum of Hlxhwm 1min um mm to live up ll pledm to mum prlvm pro party dimed dnrlnl the con Itnlcllon project ThaDHQ will umd to land repro unmm here to council meet lnl loan to Iron out lhm mo vnnm Balh Mr Emu Ind MI Joe Mian1 agreed um dr vr way were rebuilt no narrow or Iuch lncllnu and lha the brunet themlelm wm um exo mnmclon pmmlnd lo Ix lha drlvnwnyx Mayor Mann nld They pulled out of town without dnlnl II The mlnlaler ol highway 11 loin In yet all lime camplnlnu unt llma well an review all alpaca the whim 51mm Cunniyl luth sponlu Good Oullcl Dunlap ll Mm HOCKEY SKATES SPORT EQUIPMENT 11W GARNERS Thennnual meouu And ban qust he 51mm County Thu leel And Rue ayerlAIlocl Man will III II tonlzht In 11 Conkmwn Unlted Church pm Gum Ipenkur will be Elmer Wood of Orllliu pm pmldent of lbs unoclnunn Dum um Trustees Meet Ht Cookétown Amen thou min II hnd ably Atlqu meellni HIEChrlxllun Bul Ineu Menl Cnmrnmeu wen let to right RMdd GROUND CHUCK 59 MP Spulal Ihnd log pkg 5545 COOKED HAM Mvv53c SMOKED HAMS IIINLV GHOUND BLADE STEAKS 59 ID BRAND Ill IHAIIINO IUIN ILIOID VAD PAO AdPIkncIu Only Mm WWII blowfly WWW SHANK PORTION 49 onumo pnowu n43c Huh mm and VwflH TEA BAGS BRUSSELS smours HERD TABLE AT CBMC MEETING BROWNV VIII NIIN N0 GRAD COOKED READY TO SERVE wlll Include Reeve In W11 gon and mm mm nem key Winner of tin 1062 Indim ubiic walking tanlut wiii bl nlroduced by Mn Cccil Rey mold oi Beaten at 011m Mi chael Klnz Mount Si Mull winner oi tho Elementary School win stun Pelenon Oriliin winner oi tho Seconde Ichuo Erin Ind Dinan Kuxnbia min North Coiiexllicwinnar oiil1e prin for impromptu Inckin dun ehllrmm Mnyor Lu Cooke Juno Hundry Iolo hl Dr Bllndln um maker Mathew Gnuo Bumx Ind Elvln Puma ol Wupl4ifr42 190146 Iln In In 2va 7a WHY PAY MORE WWI PathBaum Styliat Voqflqvluq ANN BEANS 5°z999c CASEOF24 W534 30 women Dnllon Waller pmldem of the camdlnn autumn mlnunn wlll pay hII nlllclll vllll to Holldly Branch um Monday llmchm pllnned or mo oclock It Lahoth Dairy Bu Dlmor wlll be pm II Orllllnl Shaw Gudeu Thurman Dr Blundln all od dentin II oxmar mlulun onm In blunt who all edmndl to nublllh churdl thm Exmlnu Photo Restaurant Head To Visit Barrie Nu mm mm Whol II IIva It 39c SPECIAL