Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1963, p. 17

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IHA m1 In Inllll nu lnmrlllmv In mm my mam ham mum lrmrlnlnnlhl bhrl Taluhbm FA Ill umon our door Cu 10M Ind Hn Illh In VI molar dull nnn lulunllllu Innunlulo ndlw whmuxl Iv Ildl minor Thll ulm unnluon nnxy do Tllvham YA I70 or PA MI VIan nu I1an WAmn an mm mm Tull Ia mop mm or IA Inn 71 mm Dmmbn mm llmu Anlm MII rIwhnm Mluuln ul mm In or um mm mm Tn In llvwd In mun in rounw mm In Inf hlmlop Lot nodI nu my follow Iulamhllc Immlulvu MIMI ufllu In All m4 huluu Ann whm wllh un IIII ll Inlnlov lull In to no who uIm raIp nnM PA lYDII if 07 cu wmranivo nuv Nalm II III MOTOR CARS FOR SALE ll um um mm mull I1 Mom ndlo wind Ind IMI Vllw mlrror le lav mu ms mmmu PA hm or PA um gnu munlnl ll um In In yllndm IMom with nulmu In any um um Low low of 10 dawn Till non Ir PA llul inn CAI INIUIANLIY Ill In In pulls NEEDED mzheu cash paid or clean nutomnbflu Liam pMd all Trude up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST SEE US NOW II ILLIMN la II mllu CI II In mum um conmuon mmumm phnn PA mm cmv naud ullml tcnfllflon nan Mulwed or wlnlu tlfllam II III Muy III In ll Ilurlan Annni If lollphonl um mamu lrlnlmlulon ma uni lnugood nnnmnn 112pm PA MHzZn mm on um um onl Lis Tll PM FA 70 or PX JIM CIIIV altHull run nlnl 0rd 19 of but all Tillyh PA NM of mm nuvnzu 1va cuuom ndla In all Toluphanl PA no In lll connqu hem PA mo BELTS AUTOMATIC jTRANSMISSION SERVICE Alk for our rucndldoned unle re able prices Eepufmd overhaul an all Make tramminions LEAKERS $22150 UP ALL WORK GUARANTEED PAINSWICK PA 50153 llll BUICK Human or II door In Incl hupa rdla ll phone PA Mall ng nuns 0mm 75 Bradford St PA 597 MINESING MOTORS Ford Track91 and Equlpment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 218 MINESING MonlLl Home Farm Suppllep Servxce Can New Hound Davl Brownqu an Eqmpment 173 BURTON AVE PA 5131 CASH TRADE TERMS Iimn mum to um um mu sum ADva 51 or wnk ERSONALS 36 AUTOMOfi Cookslown 4584111 PATZ NEW IDEA McKEE silo trilogy Ending aysterm Dim leaner Nights Phone game PA Mm FARMERSMARKET HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 15 Inter mllkln with uaw ll Leval l0jJ fiery Milken AT FRENCH MOTORS GOOD DEAL MORE MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO CHARLES CHURCH YOU GET GOOD DEAL mail FARM MACHINERY URGENTLY hr no mum lnl Wunn 1957 Hello and canal cm m7 VI mm nod org mmi vmmm Ill Huh 0M anhhill Bow fired mm Tnnmrth In 5011 by pulyllc lcllon ma pnmlul 101 CON INNISFIL TOWNSHIP Up the Sonic llnnd 1mm Cllnlleibul lleslnunmt rlflll nnxl lo Illxhwny 400 mllu Itmlnhl hm lluhwny HATUIUMY NOVEMIIIZH 16 AT 1110 PN HIIMH The tvllawlnf CATTLE Ilulilcn law yvm lull flaw hm unin llnlxloln Cw Han lull How bred lulu llnllloln Cow you full no lvrod mun llnlAltIn CH rlslnf Il nnw Ind unln Hark Nn Mrln Cow mm mind IL nvhrcd fled mien Holler mm old unulum hml llul IllIn Heller ml ml mu Inn Med Ilorrlnn an yum bml lo mmL In lanA nary llmlord Cuw yum bml In lmlwn In Jimmy lnllnl Mum yam lu lmhcn In Jlnulry leuvd Caw yrnll hm In Irvhen In llnunry Fhafllmm Cow yonL l0 lmhrn In Jnmmry Nonn Hohan Ilrlhrl yur old oven leord llnlv mm mm manlle um lnllml Alum rim nmnlhn nld Imvlmm Saw nll lhl old Ionton Stock mum flu ch Game Ply Farm Muchlnv cry Grain and Honthou EH ccu lMIudlnI Anllquu 1M undmlnnm nu mtlud bulnmlum lrnm Aucllanur Mrl Greer Mr Drury Clark Al In Con Medom Tonn lhlp mllu ens nnd x5 mlla lomh or mllsdnln on mile norm 400 Highway 5140 45 hand of rumored Ind grnda Pulled Angus Hohtnln Callie Pigs llny Grnln and Imple monll TKmu tnlh Na mmc CHARLES THORNTON uu PA alllcilnl lvudy uh In pnlnunl nu ma nonr tinned flnmnlhll rllu Accunfi mu emu um nnml no In rm xnx Imman mu lohmlon PAINTING nu mm Interior plnunl moduut mu Trlr phom PA 159 mnmmua uuipum Tulvhonu PA Hm gab dam cm 1M1 CARI ln Ia AUCTION SALE min rzcnmcun mu Acrylic pmlunn Ill dlnlln om Tellphanl Tomnlo MIMI LAD minimum la embla mull bum mu nm name In lpm lime wnInn In 111 pt hour Apply um 91 smlun lhmlucn Ontum Dllml Wnllblu umrlmced wanun cm or wn younl chll am In my home Iva any we week Tlnphano PA um EMPLOYMENT WANTED CABHAKIB wlnlefl or Mlnlllnl cmm School Work will hllln me Apply belon MIL lhuw dly Nnnmhll Van School Aral No Bert MIN lecnllry Mlnulnl lxrlnmchn cum mm cut ll Ind mu wnpplr n11 tlmc or pm ml vanillum Apply in than anly In Chlllllll 10A Al lndlll EXPERIENCE slum Mm lat IrKllml employment lo an or nr Aucmmodnllon luv H£¢ mlnum lrnm own 111 TIXIthnl PA mm or IVInlllll PA 011 xx mm wm mum mull luv nwn thlln Ill Tlllvhfln PA gum 13 In nmn nunln Ir mm study Dhnnl PA ML En Bin mucqu wlnttd Dhnnl PA 0066i RESIDENTS 0F BARRIE STAYNER THORNBURY COLLINGWOOD 0AA Supervi tor George McCormnck need one or two full or partum men to help him meet the dp mind or Ontario Auiomobilo Association Memberghipsr Plea uni dignified good paying work No experience necessary but car it For uii informa lion contact George McCorIn uk 60 Napier SL Coiilnawood om AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 23 ml for ALUEII SMITH AUCTION SALE Emmy 11521 Eundly umber Brown and moralan Na whltc body calur Wllh bob ml Annl RIWIM PA MI 1110 mm fllp Ilwhonl PA lNW Dr TWO TI KIYI Ion In Hm hllck clofll can In on an lphon PA 667 lrorq my HELP WANTED lOST FOUND num 101 cm by comma hllrdrene ynur own norm or noun1 ur xlleah 3mm in mm or PA LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govemmenl Chartered School Thnmuzh truxmnn In allbnni dm beauty culture DERWIN KAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WOHSLEY ST PA 961 8G PERSONAlS MALE FEMALE FEMALE HELP JIM ALLEN WOMENS COLUMN NEED HELF MALE HELP Owner nr management will no he mpomlbla or Injury or nccldcnu an promy day tale Telnu Cuh Definitely fin reserve at farm sold Nothing to be removed unlll sculcd or HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Antique Space Healer Coal 0H Slave Dmm Coleman Imn Aullquo Rndln Coleman Lun tern Alnddln Lump Flower Sland Anllque Drum Bcd room Sullc Dom Mullrm Sprlngs Drmer Anllqul all Hench Pan Tulle Sch elm Dlnlnz Room Sulbe Table chain bulld thlna cablnel Chesterfield Sulla with Chain The am Spotter am will he plemd lo help So prepare your ndvcrflnlng memgo now You will be nurprlml nl lho Ipnclal Inw ram nml the cnnvanonl are rangcmonla nude or your copy lor llvn PTO llxhu good can dlllon llurmw lmarnollonal Tractor Plough good wndluon International bloom Tractor Cultivator good condltlon Case sprlngtoolh tractor celled drax narrow drawbnr Set ol lec Drag llamwo drlwbor lnternaflonll leedlertlllzer drlll ll dlsc lnlornatloual Seed Drlll ll dloe Corn Blnder Anvlh Alllo Chnlmen Baler good worklnu order Incarna llonnl SldoDellvery Rake Vloe lland Drlll Moyrolt bale groln Elevnlor wlth molor Rub bcrllmd Wagon wllhao bmhel Graln Box lnlemolloual lllowen horse drown Fence Slrcleher steel Land Roller dmm Plz Feeder Rubber llmd Wagon mllcr beorlng and rock Grnln Auger 13 molar llay lcdder Chnlns Eleclrle Fenoer Wooden Wheel Wagon Gchl llommor Mlll An llque Cutler Anllque Democrat wlth bob nlelzhs complete 100 Drive Bell Plz Rock John Deere lrnclm Manure Spread er llke new Wolklnx Plough Quanllty at Scrnplron MH eleclrle Cream Separator 700 lbs capacity Set ol Scales 200 lbs welghu Pl Troughs Gmlhom Funnan Mlll rercem Socks Ropes Largo Volerlru Trough Qunnllly ol Plank Qunnlle ol Slave Wood Burn Rope Pulleys lllnny other or llclca too numerous lo llsl EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER Coming Your Supermarket of Gilt Idea GRAIN900 bushels Rodney Oats 100 bushels Mixed Grnln 60 bushels of Wheat Hal bushel Red Clover Hal bushel Alfalfa Seed IMPLETMENTS AND MISCEL ILANEIOU Case 400 hw Saw Fig wbek old York shlra Saws bred week York shire Saw Fly week old 25 Ymknhlre Chunks Around 75 In each Yorkshlm Hog all ibla nutrition Phnna flame Mun pollmwomandohnd two Unlveralty Albem nudents during picket demonslrnuon at Edmonton city hall Tun day The pickeflnz by Ilud ems Dale Phllllpo and JEle COUGHLIN Audlonm Frnnk Webb Clerk Fot homo and auto For ovary membar of Ihu family hr 315mm Examinvr POLICE ESCORT FOR DEMONSTHBTORS Gift Spotter REGIN CPDThin huge wheat crop nd tremen doul wth export demom llrlllng haw Importn not peraus agriculture la he en lire Cnnndlnn mnnmy Glbhinu prexldml the Sn hlch wan when Pool Ild nmdly Ila lold hi 9001 An null meeting In prosperity Rammed by Ike record min mp In Wellcm Cnnndn nnd record export lemmrnrlly allevinu unemploy APPOINI GUILLEI PETERBOEOUGH CPiDrr Gulfln 65 oi Toronto iludmt Trent Valley Ind early Ontario history ilu bun poinlad canauilln on Can dana lo iihrarian of Truth University the univaraliy laid Tuesday native ni Cobourz in author oi uveral boakl MUST COMPETE CORNWALL CP Travel Minister Auid laid Tumin iha Omarin ourilt Induury ilni do in good enough Job in com pciing ior lamis duiinra old he Seaway Valiay Travel Council here Ihu industry mull Iell incl and ii product draw in nuuidm lo iha pmvince and impan them here inr an ion possibicr CIEE FRQILIMEORMNCE PLEADS NOT GUILTY KINGSNN CBMm Wll llam Cooper 25 has pleaded not guilty to Charge ol embezzling $1546 mm me Klnmon Flylnx Club where she worked booklmper lhe counly court mu lha Mather ol lhreo be an Inesdny PROCEED WITH TRIAL LlNDSAY Ont CF grand jury dellhmled or three hour mesdny helm deddlnx lhm wu enough vldenco to proceed with he capital mur der MAI today ol Hulen erflfl Deyell Mn Deyell ll churned wlth Lha bullnz denLh Myerold Harold Bale May 21 Way Monday Nov 25 Pinion AEKE PENSION STUDY KlNIHENEll CF Klldl ener cily council mesday de cided to ask lhu federal gav ernmant for loyal commission aiudy the Canada Pension Plan The resoluiian says in plan would provide dispro paflionnia Iuhsidy i0 many lrnnsier the cost al Mare Ken nations and lace privaia plum which pmv de lands lor slimem Ind lndusiriai ex Mitchell Ilahl boih 20 was an oilshoot oi iwo glemonsim lion last month by aludcgu nnd faculty member from the university objecting to lilo election of Mayor Wiilllm WORLD flaws IN BRIEF CALLPA M414 Mr MMRM paid the cabinet dllcumd tho mailer And the In nnuncemenk Wll being mid to ram mun will no on Mn Mum mm In Ir thll yur hnva nun rch lam yum known to have diedu mull nl hnvhz enlcn Iornlc nr Iwnl lowed wnlnr mnlainlnu lhe pom Ion CHARLOHETOWN CF Alrlculture Mlnmu nd raw Mune Inld nmdy nlxhl he will Introduce lenlxlallvn at ha next session the Prince Ed ward Island leghlnlum banning Inc we of all potato lapklllm conlnlnlnz Iodlum nmnlla FORM NEW GOVERNMENT DAMASCUS Syd Reulm new xovemment wu formed Tuesday under the prmflenhlp the pmlden the rcvnlu Hanlry council MatGen Amln mm The lovernmmt IUC need lha one headed by Salnh 11 db mm 55 who had LONDON Ont CF The London Free Press eyes that zen professional criminals oreyloz on commerce or far away as Winnipeg Montreal and the United State in re ported to have eel up heed quarter lure In iron an article by null reporrer lire Keptl the Free Free em The criminal colon is nld to include at least men expert eoleoncirere end other ape cllliud in armed holdup and breeirinLIod entering REBUFFH WARNINGS BUENOS AIRES AP Ar enline Tuesday rehnlled wem $11 lrom US mums regard nz the Argentine navemmenrl pleno to cancel mummillion dollar oil miracle with iorelzn companies many them American government pouch laid lire action ir Im minent The unrce nld the new government cl Pmidenl Arturo liiie in united in the de cieion to throw out the con Hm PEI Plans Ban 0n Farm Use Potato Top Killing Chemical Top klllm canulnlnl Indium growth and unlavornblo hnlnnca trade Hamlnk fiwullnu nuath and rock throwan erupted 0a 1a whm about so unim nlty nudeml clashed with crowd outside city hulL CP Wtholn cmmnq gnu Olme bird us also Inlllnu pray lo the mum lap kill which remain deadly lml Illu ll ll uled manila nnw nnk on the or Prodqu are nonll nolhrul ullle headed hm cablnul damL mated by he Bulh Ioclnlltl arty lines An Army mun lurch Hogs 61 Grade It Tomnla 107547 mrremly um 2090 heavy tow Ii Sheep and lamb 179 Good handywuluhl lambs 20 per hun dredwclxht bunk dllcounted per hundredwelzhl common nnd medium IND lhlep 310 Cnlvu Chqu mien 36 with In as 00d 2w mediums 2326 common 2w boner 1MB Replacement cam 500 Good light flanker may medium Ind common 1513 Slauzhler cattle 1122 Cholce alem In with my lacdlol atom to tow good 2324 me dium 102160 common IHI cholcahelfera ma wllh odé lop to 501031 115942 medium 184 common choice led yearling 2124 wllh odd low to 21 and 2224 load cowl Ill1750 wth odd top to 50 medlum ma tanner and cullera IMHO good heavy bologna bulls 1ND wlth odd lop 10 common and medlum 15 In addiiion they will obiain ihrough olhor brooding organiz ailom iho Iervicou of ii Aynhlm with dnughim provon abovo avmgn for Man or produciion Quunuyl wllh dnughim piovnn abov avmgl for iypo in production Soryico from this outbidnding group of builigfyfiii ygviluhififofrillifflblijbpoding prbhra in In 9i Control Io Cuiil Veal call than Ind price wen fleady Ho wm lower NEONTO CPD Trading was Ialrly Actlva and price were Ilendy on all alum Ind nude Ilnuzhler cattle the 52mm public stockylrds It ay WINNIPEO GRAIN WINNIPEG CF Moll price mowed lairly sludy lonoin qnlu openm trade hr day on uu wlulpez Guln Ex chluxc Flmmm In most Chl unn commodert wu renamed hm cat and blrlcy trade con tinued Alan gnuAlly domesllc line There wore aw Ihlp lnz mm In connlcllon with lupply Soybean were to Inner Nov mum when 15 Tower lo minor Dec $11 corn nnchunnd to higher Dec OLIWHA oats Va hlgiwer lower Dec WWI5i cm Butler prim Canaan In radar Ontr10 lendornbla I1 52 nonlendenbla 51V of truck In 11th Indian wauum 50W nominal CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO AhSoyhenn lu tum mm of 11mm but the lrnlnrwm moldy study Io rm today Du opening lhg Board mda BOYBEANB TORONN CF Soybunl $307 bumello denlen 9b countryghlpplna mInL BUTTER TORONTO 0P Churnlnl mm and Tzuuer print prim wen unchunxed today This moverls designed to give unit members iho widesi possible choice of sires The combined bull siuds of the two organizations will Include Maintain wiih dlughiou proven above nvmgo for iypo or roduciion 33 Hualor 23 porformum mud progeny iosiod Jumys with daughim provon above Ivorgo for iypo or production l2 Shorihorm poriormlnu mud Brown Swln All from lho imam lul Hill hard Chlrolols progeny mud on Cmiiiod Mm Sin lo Angu Rod Poll Milking Shorihornl The directorslof Central Ontario and Waterloo Cattle Breed lng Associations are pleased to announce that they have agreed on plan for JOINT OWNERSHIP OF BUllS LHBM PRICES Announcement nnk only lounh or clhcllvenen nqqfinxlc Ind ma 1an Ho prim But like many parliamentary ea mm are exceptions In principle Iha motion In no crlllcll but merely aimnu Such oppmnlon amendment ulullly couchnd In terms which 111 highly critical mu uovemment Government ludl llopujlxnoppaso them Enaicaiiy and tradition it is usually auumc that any op poaition amandment lo luv ernment aupply motion mo tion at nonconiidence This il modern adaptation oi the parlia mentary principia extnbiiahtd in the day oi the Stuart klnia of Enuiand that before Parlia ment grant apendinl money to tho crown the Crown muat hear and deal with Pariiamutta com manna The SARJEANT OHAWA CPlPrime Minin ler Puraanl tuxprise parlia mentary move Tuesdar in ei ilci Icceplinl Ill 0pm ilon non canlidenco motion wu band an precedent in F995 and ma Conliiiuiiannl Inihoriiiu laid it was entirely wiihin iha rule and more lilniilcaniiy in complicated conniiuilonnl con cepu oi Plriiumani PM SurpriSes House Members BARBIE EXAMINEII VWEDNESDAY NOV 18 In nom an mm Phono PA 8246 Spread yaur fuel all payment Ivenly our many munlns wnmm latexell Avold heavy mldwlnur payment when Incl consumption in at peak Deliveries made nummnllcnfly helma you run law You nmr hm to can lar Sunheat Ihn blended hm In oil Switch to Sunhent condon nuwl HOME HEAT SERVICE THIS SERVICE INCLUDES Frel Burner Servlca Ind Candluonlnz 24mm Emergency 5mm hulully Yau pay only lo replacement parts Conlch llrleunll or full WI SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN SUNHEAT PAYMENTS Honing Oll more modern can occurred in ma when he CCFnnw in Now Demncmlic Partymoved motion calling on ihe former Liberal uovernmcni ia xiv tur lher considerniinn lo Ii decilion to discontinue the wmiml Iuir aidy on mlk WlllrldLnurler later the Lib eral prime mlnlslertrmd tho Parliamentary 1prccedunla Ind xald Illa admlnurlllon nlwnyl has the power 10 accept mm llnn nulrmlnz general prln ciple and not remd ll non confidence slmllnr allunllon mm In in Canadian Cummann In when Sir Chnrle Hyperwho Ihe next year was to hacom Conaervallva prlme mlnlmr mued Um any amendment to motion 10 take up the Iupply asllmalu la nnnconfldoneo mgtlon mill II the pollllon Mr Pub lun lohk principle with which lhe Rov ernmenl can um the govern man nced not regard it nun conildcnce motion and mith luppnil it wasps shins 1395mm

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