TORon CHRun Jack Ion brilliant young Caiuadiun quurlurhack iilh ounwa Rough Riders nxesday nigh wu named to lbs 1968 Eastern F001 bali Conierence aii slur team or Ihe second successive year He shared lop Individual honors with we imports 1mm Montreal Aloueiles reisl mil Ina11 Pullman Hamil lon Ion llnllqloe Pclrler Ollnwn HullJim Runnuce Toronto comer Inchlcchim Rey nolds Montreal Corie llnrblckerJim Can NL WW5 Middle fluidJohn Darrow llnmlllon IYnqu nnd riplo unvo Lilllnn lap hunnn or Um day over All bowlm Pal 01m vin paced Conlm IM wilh 79 llfllll and 162 mull Nenly our FilC member ionihali writers and sporty casters in the our league cities hose eight Ottawa players equally divided between the ni iensive and dcimsive lineups and seven irom Hamilton 11 garCats landed our an offence and ihrea on deience The Alouelles knocked out of Grey Cup contention with 17 loss In the Rough Elders last Saturday In the EFC ludden dcath semiHm wen awarded 51x berth on Ihe mythical dream team 5111 evenly bo Iwcm offence and dchnce Toronto Arxnnauta who ended the fame schedule with only three victories pinced lhm layers on the cum One made on oflcnce two on delanco an numenRus Jackson ana CenlreMm Craln Momma Gymd Dick Walton Mon GuardEllison Kelly Hamil Ion TackleRoger Kramer Ol lawn Tickle Hardlmun Curelon Hamilton iruldu linebacker Gena Guinea Dilnwn laud HnehlchnJlm And rcpgtl Monueal 11ml Ellu with Lllllnn ho nvlnl ho wny Icorcd vdory over Ccnlro chain at Cednrbrnu III Taronlo Satur day In Ladch Tnvollinl Clu Ilc Howling mum ncllon Selecllon Jucksnn or the Football Reporter of Canada loam and lhcununlmonl cholce ntlcnslve hallbnck Gentle mum and llnebacker Jlm And reolll were highllghu the vol lng Selectors picked Hamilton Tiger Ca and Rough Elder players orthe backbone II otgnslve and delemlvg mugs The PRC Elm replaces Tin Canadlan Press all nut team duen annuallx slnce 932h Tim and Riders who met In the twolame total palm EFCT Inn to decide Ihn Eastl team In the Grey Cup llnal al Vnncanver on Saturday Nov 30 provided he persunnel or 5ol the 21 poslllons SIX AB 0N TEAM TackleAngelo Mom am Mon TickleEd Nlckll Munlrcnl EndJohnny Aulry Toronto By JACK SULLIVAN Candin Pm Spam Edflnr 54 Ettes In Bowling Win EaStém LOOP THE OFFENSIVE TEAM pl George Dlxan Mont lullDick Shullo Toronto lullDave Thelm Ottawa nullTammy Grant Ilamll EndTed Watkins Ounwa THE DEFENSIVE TEAM lullGurney Henley llnmll WINNIPEG CmA lollflh qunmr Iumbla ln Monday alshll Wailcm Football Conlcr nco umlllnaln lumhlc that gave Saskatchewan Rauzhrlden possesslan of the ball when they needed ll mastwas not what It appeared Ia he Mast observer lnlLrprcled he play as lumhlu by Calgary Slampedcr hallbnck Jlm Dlllard he attempted lo calch deep pas near the Saxknlchcwan xaal llna from quarterback Eagle Day Thu hall was necnlmm llm prcu box at chlnal Taylor Flcld and an lelevlslon nu Thu hall wns necnlmm Ibo pm box at chlnal Taylor Flcld and an mavlslon nu Icrosl Canada to bound lnlo the Snaknlchuwnn and who when wnirrrcrcéverrrca by Emma thewnn ddcndcr chk Cohee 3301 run back to he nixyard Sydney Hnllor comm nlonnr Iho Canadian Football Luzue explained 1115 play lhll wqy1uudny Always line ball harmAer and terror on the option plny Jackson has vastly Improved Ml passing In lha an Cuupla of years Thls added threat comhhmd with canny ability to exploit teams delenslvo weaknesses made Rough Rd era Ionnidnbla contenders lhll uason Riders weml even con sidered by he expert or plan In he EFCI lhreeleam playolfa in preseason forecast lha Calunry player never louchgd the bull bounced of MI head lnla lho hand he Salknlchcwnn deltndcr who lumblnd ll Into the and ion Thu Saskalchcwnn pl lhcn recovered MI own tumble Ind ran Um ball back out the Ind zone 1110 ycqr old Jackson am at our nativehum Inna dlun players to make lhu em The ether are llecl new Tommy Grant TigerCats and two Ottawa delenslve standouts halfhack J69 Polrler and cor ner linebacker Jim Conroy DEVELOPED RAPIDLY Jackson an Ottawa hllh school teacher and an honor graduate from McMaster Unl venlty ln Hamllton Jalned the noun Rldnn ln 1958 and has rnpldly developed lnlo one al the countryl outstanding quar terbacks He Is the only llst strlng No Canadianbarn sig nal caller to the nlneteam Cnnadlan Football Lenxuc Calgary pluytr hnd rc covered 0w fumble ll would have men lauchdown nnd ll um Smkulchnwnn player had horn lnckltd In lho end wm Cnlzary would hm bun BOUNCE OFF HEAD Md Explanation OfA Important Play EndBllly Joe Booth DI RUSS JACKSON menu that mind CA1 gnry realm pollution with an Incompleked pus Sunl chewan look poumlon with lime runnan out In lha lame Andraolll was named an slur far lha Iannh mum year He went the Maudie this season alter three yam with Torontn and plugged bl holq In their delence The play was allImportant to Suknlchewnn It deflated CaL gnry am In leamo Mal polnt mics alter losing lho npmlnl xnma snmrday in Cal xury 5H Calgary came clan lo wln nlnz even Ihun ul flanker Llrry floblmon mind Held Ml at tempt Sukakchcwan defender Geno Wlnlluk punled the ball out own end lane Ind Robinson hunted lhe ball out of bound as Ihe ï¬nal gun rounded awarded Iwa palm Iorl may touch Ho Iald Iha play was nmdally ruled an lnterccpled pm fol lowed by fumble recovery and run back CAME CLOSE Dixon wen lo the An In 1959 1mm he Unlvmlty of Bridle Dlxm lpecucular break away runner and he league leadlnz ground gainer the last two masons wan also an unnnl mans choice In 1961 Lu year he won additional honon al the oulalanding Mayer In coun Iry le voters nolcd all lhln and gave him an almost011d vole 01 conï¬dence as tho n11 ulnr quarter He recelved la votes Veman Bernll Fnlonny the TilerCats the only other pivot considered so le MORE HONORS AHEAD Now Jackson in Ihooklng or two more human Ha had been named earlier as tho Eaala candldala 1n the voting or he numandlnz player and out atandlnz Canadlan ha CFL Resulta of the final balk of ma award will ha nnnaunced Thur day Nov 23 but Ynckaon numnndlnz work played bl pm in the club secondplace llnnl lundinz HA CLAPPEIIIDN mun Skl Boon Lm Tudo JIM ANDREOTII GOLDS SHOE SERVICE Skates Ski Boots Blrrlll Orlglml 5km Exehlngu slum I947 NOWI SKI BOOT EXCHANGE New Bauer Skate New Dawn Ski Boots Boyl Hackny Skim lrom $695 Lul Trad pm In Bridgeport Cam and Andreoul natlvo Chitqu who played with Northwemm Unlveulty mined Amnautl In 1960 PATTERSON NAMED AGAIN II PanelIon Hamilton oulgundlnz an cachet end and roux defensive lack Annlo Mam 5110 the TI ere plcked all but ona oi the selectors It wan the elshth tlma 1n the Int 10 can that Pnltmon had earn lll star ranklnz The only other time Mom made It wax in 1960 when he played with Ottawa The line pinylnz of Dick Shaun qne ol the law bright spat in dismal 1hronlo Iun recalnlzed by lha vnb era in his selection on tha ni lenslve backfield Shallo the land leading scorer re ceived 22 voles and was chosen for the levenih tlma in the in elghl ygars John Barrow Hamilton wan chasm as tho middle guard on lhadelemlve unit This II ha uvenlh consecutive year ha ha been picked an In nllmr uzohnz 111on TORONTO BARR 48 ANNE ST SOUTH TOPS Coffee Table GENUINE waDGRAiN ARBORITE BALL PLANING MILL 24x43 ONLY VI 69 EACH BUTTERNUT HARDBOARD 16x96 SAN DBLASTED MAHOGANY PLYWOOD NEW ACADIAN But flurry lelnluhod RANDOM sconén Unflnlshod PLYWOOD AMERPLY SHEETS NEW 16x96 ABITIBI BALLPLANING MILL SPECIALS REC ROOM COMPANY LIMITID 4x7 SHEET 418 SHEET HSPHHITSHINGLES lAtH IACH ht Quanty Spline STUDSW 210 La SQUARE EACH 39 92 39 60 EACH sTAINLEss STEEL NAME BRAND 649 log 49 lpulal Rog pulll 080 IM lllnlkoh Vlnyl Admin WEATHERSTRIP FLOOR TILE CAUlKING GUN CAULKING PLYWOOD UNDERLAY GMHC POPLAR 129 4x4 SHEET 109 842496 DOOR nth nth l3