Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1963, p. 5

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mnnmmm Man On Only HOT FltTUNED IIERKIMER NY Ml Slnla lllslorinn Albert LI Carey dlud horn Saturday mum at In Jurlu lullmd In lhrtecnr mull Frldny nluhl an Inn rnInA Illckcned New ank Thruway was Ha wnl frmlunlcd mm Ac ulu Unlvm ly In Nova Scnlln 1911 no later rnrncd mnIlora 1mm rum Acmlll Ind lmm llrvnrd Unlvmluz nnd Him llnrtnr ol hllmunhy Irma ram Clark Un vcnlly In 101 Fromm Ind more rman ar Quebec culture But English Cnnudlonl had not ya ndlcnlcd whether lhey on Cour who received hll enrly educmnn In Canada had held the stale volt In 10 van Ila wnl or many yrnu head he lrpnrlmcnl hlnlnry Ind unvernmcnl at El anmm Uglyrrllly IIHMN ONCE ONLY AT um Wu have Ihnru In the naflon chlalned throth our blood and Iweal he laid We cunnnl bu Io dplpu crllrlzens Ukrainians It all Cnnadlana Irrespective lhclr nllionnl orluln should Ildve lo preserv tho unity Canad tench Ipnnklnu Cnnudlnns would Ac copl ficncrnl program more hlllnnuu l5m outside Qurbcc dl cdcml pmvqulnl Mr anonlazne Iald the Van cauver Insllluke Sulurdny night that French Canadians will no long tolerate ecmamlc lltl nl and cultural domlnntnn In Vancouver Maurice 34 an president of tha Privy Council laid um 11 Eng Nahspeaking Cnnadlnns want preserve the status quo hm the vale ho moderate In French Canada win new to be hard and all us will an Mr Mandzluk spenklnz Sun day at the annual convenlinn lhu Ukralnmn Sell Reliance League Canada snld he 13 not nullFrench but doe not want In ten Canndlnns rulnlnn arlxin ha caunlry lhlrd lnmsl elhnlc grouprele filled to lower catelary cl MP for Marquallu said In Wln nlpng the royal commlxslon on billnzunllsm Ind bicullurahsm mlght retard or even destroy the concept of slmnm healthy Canndlun men Historian Dies 0n Thruway Crash Two members of Parllnmanl who tackled lhe Issue 01 Cann dlnn blcullumllsm durlnl the weekend concluded opponltely lhnt Unfled Canada ncel de Ilructlofi It dun loo milEh about hlcullurallsm and cm lrgghp 11 does too little Thus were almost as many people as lull Bnylleld slreel dock ycslcrdny Adulll brought alonn he all Ilzes By THE CANADIAN PRESS Biculturalism Presents Confusing Problems lll lll SUNDAY AT THE BHYFIELD ST DOCK IUWING NOW no wld French and English must be renlcdequnlly by 1907 the ccnlcnnlnl of Cor federallon and suggested plan at hnnuse for chcrl clvll ur vnnu who loam ncand Ian uagot In wlndsor Jenn Luc Pcpln Liberal MP for DmmmondArv lhubuka laid bllinxunllsm in he civil service wlll be one of he royal mmmllslanl most crmcnl pxzoblcngs Plerra Lapurle Qutbcca mu nlclpnl affairs mlnlslu anld 1n addressan Laval Unlvnnllya cunlzrcnce on Canadlnn affair Snlurduy that In Conledemuon amemcn need revillnz to alva Quebec greater llscal nu lnnumy He hoped lhl manlhl fed mlpmvmdnl conlercnce would be he mm an avgrhuul lha gonsllutlon BC Pumler Donnell also at lrndtd MI pmvlncul wclul cm d1 convexAllan In New Wellmln mr and dimmed wllh Mn would accept such program and Ihcrclore was up lo lhem whether Canada was to remain unlled Support lorMr annnlagnua vlew came 1mm lwa olhcr Que bee MP5 speaking 1n Windsnr Ont and Ngw Weslmlnsler lCI and 1mm Quebecs mun clpnl nflnlrs mlnlslcr In Quebec Clly Mnurlco Cow SozIal Credlt member for Chlcmulml told tho EC Soda Credit Lenqu In New Veslmlnsler Saturday lhnl French Cnhnda wants national gndvrslandlug no nnlicnal un NnHonnl unily mean melt Inu at which absolutely in ndm sslble and lntole ra ble whllo national understand In means the progress of two nanns side by slde In mulull respect each mm mm nnd lax311199131 nnd shu lo lrab minnows which ll mnst likely he srll ed chopped nnd held or he wlnler lcclshinm sen son lho youngsters mean The SARJEANT DONT wnvrm Mary Sim Banlo Phono PA 8246 SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Spmd your lurl all pnymenu Ivtnly over many munlnl wllhnul lnluul Avnld any mldwlnur pnymcnll lhtn Iuel tnmumpllon II In pent Dollierkl an mndv nulammlcnllv boluru um um law You IV hm In luv Sunhul llu Handed hub In fl lelrh lo Eunhm cnmlon now HOME HEAT SERVICE TIIDI flfillVlCH INCLUIIEHX Fm Hum mm Condlllonm NIlnur Emrmrncy 5mm lmlcally You my only or npucrmwl mm Cowlct llvklnll or Full Dd SUNHEAT PAYMENTS Mr Bennett sald he did no helluva the ablllly to speak Dom English and French should be basis for employment in the federal clvll servch In an Fair lrealmen Int ill and me clal privilege Iur none was the message 80 would carry to Iha farthmmlng Iederal prol vlncial conference Meanwhile Quebec Separa lst leader was telling sludcnl audience he University of Victor lhnl pmvlncas cfislon from Band Inevit ab Conlcdernllan is doamad said Pierre Baurnull who ed iis Lindependnncc official pub lication of be Russemhlemenl yuur llndepcndanca Nationals dont helluva in Canada any moral Cote on the Issue of langum bufluscg for clvll servanls Quebecwould become econo mlcnlly Independent under 30 clnllsm alter separating from the rest of Canada whlch Mr Bourglult termed alarmed hnnuna republic Hlailng while had their rods and ml in ncllan hoplnl ull In the odd bluchack hcrr ng along Eu many perch Examlner Photo REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIAL ROUND JAQKPOT $320 lEGlON HALL 71 COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY NOV BINGO lEGlON Wish NOTES We remember that day being emonz those who had been piae ed on noncombat dullee Wear inu Ihe Red Cross on our am an duliee had been multiple ihat time the Influenza ep1 demic was akin heavy 011 Men who had been weakened by battle iound it diuieuit to throw oil the mm of the Span ieh In Men were dying In crowded hospitaie and elnfle were feariui giving eervice in case they would also suc cumb Voiunieere were needed and they mm mm base camps and oliieee It was lrylng llme and thls was pm the war Ihnt dld not respond to the cease Hre However lhuse who could lnuk whnl momenta they could spare and went nlunz to see Ihe llxhls mme on Window whlch had been shuttered nnd blacked out were illuminated once more nnd street light carnal on In the lawns It was night In tnloy Slree dancing wen onwher ever therewcre mldlers and girls and lralns gave up the effort to collect fare as every one who had pass headed for the big clly Passengers hunzon lo the overcrowded coaches and buses look week or more get things back under control and soon men dlrect mm the Iron lmes cnked In mud and cov ered with lieu were lowing back In base damn Medical exam This ha hem done an thla day every year 1th the ceasa In on the nth hnur of UM nth day of the min mongh 191a when alreement was reached to end the First Great War Today acmal HI world Re membranes Da parades were held to cenolap and wrealha ware placed by municipalities annexation and mauve In memory of than who died that we might live In madam Than many mum In rhrrk your familyl Ilunndll hcnllllz mums cllnngr chllnlrcnl Igrn divulge quin reI change Ulcful to you wllelhrr you need lunur now or not Eiplulul your true llfo vnlun nud Ill worlll Io your fiuully Nu ullllgnllou cxccpl lo lhuw you love Illrm can Im minlukrn in Ihe Iinnnrlnl nmlrlly plnnu you have Imulr IInnl my lm um llllr You may Iml lrr grlllnn llm munl mm lho IIUHMI you lull nidu fur mmily Mcegt Day 01 Armistice Vividly Recalled Family Security CheckUp 3415 Theres no obligation except to those you love take advantage of this Metropolitan service anpu Mailman €1qu Manqgn 9JDunlopSL my Sullo 391 BuiIiL Talc Of course now we know hat lhlnzs wera leit in bad mesa andonly law years passed until it was necmaryrto ilxht again ihll conflict even mm costly than the ix5L The Sec ond World War lacked the hon and much flu hardxhlpa al the iirst Tank and machlnea did what the loot saldlen had done before but anilering was great and again the war was to leave Uiapla far than that allowed gm IINGDOM comv Speaking to his congreunlion at St Pauls lnnlsnl during Sun day Remembrancn Day gelvices Rev Peter Tran took his text Thy Kingdom come He Lem let back home they cried The war is over andwu have won was lhu leellnz had been the war to end all wars we all thougm tho sum for papers Mega thermal purpose In lrenh clothhlz with KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY The Rendezvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Whether you nwl lmumnco or nolwlmlllcr ur nnl your lmurncoll wllh McuupollunI Family Sncurlly CheclvUp mnlm unw 0m 2l00 Mtlmpnlllnn llrpmtnmlm In 102 local mm mm Canada In lrnllml Io lyran you lhh mvlce Call your local ulfico lutlay The Family Sccurily CluckUp rcvlcvu lha IIMII you have mark help you no your prcmfl ollunlluu clearly pull you In poahlon lo judge Imrlligrnlly whclhcr Illa provlllonl yuu have Inmlo lur yuur family no you wnnl llmn In be BARRIF msmlgr We mowed letter from our daughter Marlueflgn Mn Bnr ll Ilsa Vancouver who wllh her husband on world tour or the Orient by ship They will be maklnz call at annn Hon Kong Ceylon Indla Italy and the Suez retumlna to Vancouv er in March In her letter from up she all of nn ex gemnee In Honolqu when there nd been Itnpovar alter Wa ware Among haw who flood balm our Cenotaph or the twominute silence There will be many unseen comrades there sums of whom have only recently been unnhla to be man than unending mm WAVE irrational whether the people at world really wuntrd this to happen Werewe ready or the Kingdom of God to take over or were we just satisfied to carry on and leave the rich to get richer and the poor and down trodden to yet further mired He look so one Instance the Small Loam Elli which was re cently debated in the Forllament at Canada and the manner in which it was eldestepped ills contention was that were were in vnln heneilttina only those who eoulht power and riches and that people were not reelly asking for the Kingdom at the Lord to come Barrlon Largm And Mall Luxurloul Fully Llcenud Loungu 0h blg HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO GORD HATCH mm In page alx Presents nghtly Entertainment with THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY IIOVEMBEH 11 NH ONLY MORE DAY JACK HAWKINS 005C FEMERILEC GUNNESsANYHONV CUNN WrgmuuAmmtummmumwv OMM SHAWw FEVER 01m uwucr mfiim Minn53535 11 nmm mw mum flESI MEMBERWI Stem THURSDAY quaphqhqx 14an AND TUESDAY TODAY You duck lho furlu your penInn plm your hum yourlife Inlurnncr your mile Ind ulhn Incll You my be Impvlml In Imn how much yuun wonh You wrlullymlr rrnpomlMllIkI mung5m rrnl plymeml ulnadon ulhrnwm Irrlxlml Ind alclnm emeryml lunv much yum null would nml to llvu wllhnul you Ynu lam wlum ynu nlnul You ulurnnlm your mi Ian won pnlull wlulhrr pro vlllom you In mud or yum flmlly will do vim you hutLL You gel In an In uml olyuu You pln Im l0 Mum llual on Ilmo fun you drclda whn mlnfi my my lw medal lo me you nfnmlly madly pIn Iaflnrmuln In your urn nnd ml antlomonu whlrh min good mm for you WMI III help nfyour MdmpaIIIm mun common Mum damn mESAM 5mm DAVID um Produtllen n1 luwlly emu WHAT IT 15 AND WHAT IT Dom FOR YOU WINNER on mum mans may

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