Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1963, p. 12

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Chicasz Monlrcnl Toronto Detroit New York Boston Smnrdnyl Rem New Yark Mnnhcal Chicago Toronto Sundayl Remlll Mnnlrcal Detroit Chicago Boston Games Wednudy Toronlo at Montreal Boston at Chicago Provldcnne Hershey Balllmm Springfield Quebec Wulem Dlvlshn alum 12 Clevelandr Rommel Bullllo Snlunhyl Relulu Quebec Sprlngfleld Eullnlo Pillsburzh Baltlmon Clovelnnd valdmu Hershey lnndnyl Remu Rochellor Quebec Ballimora Buflalo Pimburzh Sprlnxlinld Hershey valdenci Tamil um Separalc School leagues met nlar of the Canadian Prom llama League II dlnnzr Enchant It Quebm Omaha Paul Mlnnmpoliu 11min ludiannpolls By THE CANADIAN PRESS Salumnyl fluulll SI null Mlnntapolll lndlnnapalil Omuhl ll finnfllyl Hull Indlnnapolls Omaha Flu Mlnncnpolll Vrdnudul GI 51 Lani lndlunnmlu Wclland 31 voodxlnck 71 Uakvillo 19 Guelph l1 Sn 15 Port Colhorna 13 Mturdlyl nelulll Part Colbornn Onkvlllu Gull erlnnd anhlnck For Colbarne Gut1p ll Gull Tarnnla 71 Pclnrmroulh Mnnlrtul 5M 5L Calhlrlnu 55 Nlngnm Falll 10 KIlLhrnel WNWn IO Nnmmnn to sumn flunlll lumnln Mnnlnnl Ilimllton LMlllrlnu Onhnwl Kltchener Football 5an of Banla Tamiy hum thhrnrr lmflmmuzh Cnlllnrlm nl anonlu ll Nlum In Framlscu Swill Drum lm Anurln lnrunud Aucouvn llluvdlyl lhultn Vnnmuver Bull lonland Donut but lnnrlm hm Anlrln MTUIIMY himHull WIMmr Muth Chnlhnm ran leM Iowa llon um lum IMHO Cllnlon OWN Johnllm Nu Him Nlmvllle Raoul thrn mum IIIM hull It Ilnrlt OnlJ Er Cenml Pramloud ll 59 Amcrlun helm Elma DIvIIIon Nallnnal Imp TORONTO ARGOS STARS MEET LOCAL BOYS OIIA Junlnr 01M flenlor HOCKEY RECORD man mm all 65° 110 151 All SI 20 59 ID 11 II 11 13 11 10 Inlernnllannl Luau Muskcgon Windsor Toledo Chalhum Fort Wayne Port Huron Mlllnflbl Junlar St Honllace Winnipeg Rana er Fort France Winnlpeg Mon arch Sankllchewnn Junior chburn Flln Film OHIIMMI Junlnr Hull Cornwall Pembroke Brockville Smith Fall Hawkeshury Norlhem Ontario SenlnrvA Tlmmins Ablubl Saul Ste Marlo MM Sud bury Enxlnm Lugue Phlladclphln New Havcn Johnslown Clinton Greensbom Long Island Thunder Bay Senior Port Arthur Fort Vlllium otlnust Lauren Senior Erockville Hull Northern ammo Junior Saul Ste Marie Mich Es panola Gamn North Bay llandlnu Chicago won lost find palnll 10 Bcuvenu Munlml Mlklln Chlcago Bellvenu Monlrcal Si Josephs Auditorium yew lcrday Lynn Boiiams leit and Jerry Phlip right backiicid with Turn in Arxnnauts greeted iiilia most valuabl shutouu Sawchuk Dumb Iuulllu Shack Toronto 51 mlnulu Gordle Howe who scorcd lho mm goal cl hlx mm Sun dly night In hrcnk the recon by MuurIte Rlchnrd Kznny whnrrnm whoso null II 1551 lhe InI period earncd hll Chlcnga mnzk Hawk Ila wnh lhe Maple Lenin In Toronto Saturday mm Torry Snwchuk who slapped Lholl In Detroill 10 wln an Montreal Sunday nluhl for MI third mutant flu Manon nnd HUI hlx mm lying lho lnlo Grams Hnlnlwoxlhl record not In lha mm THE CANADIAN PRESS OUTSTANDING SAVINGS In ovary doplrlmun APPLIANCES FURNITUREC HOUSEWARES HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS NHL LEADERS THURS NOVEMBER 14 NHL STARS SUNDAY ADVANCE PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Wakh our in MI Nowpup Wodnouhy Refer to EATONS 4PAGE CIRCULAR °T EATON 09w Dollvuad In your door alluring Stamps In 359 Playoff Victory sum Barrle Holldnynrs wllh Hazel Murphy netlln the ace took hm nl possible nur palms from Hamlllon Cantrelch ln Ladlcs Travelling Clnulc Bowl lng layup Sgluljduy Barrie Girls Post Victbry Hazel Murphy had IN Iln KM and Irlple land all bowlers In lhe match The mm 111in 21m Inlall compared Purl McAlllaler had high sin gle or Hamlllnn with 178 and Jeanne Carterl 456 IrIple wal high In that department or the 1mm CALGARY CP When you think of lhe Calgary stumped us you usually 1hlnk IcorIn But lhljlnmpcdcr ans wen lnlking mm Ihout the mun heroes on the defemlva club Saturday as lhe Stamps ruppcd Susknlchcwarg Roughrldcrg JéI Irrirlher épcnlni rim he Vcsmn Football Conference plggofllu Thnnks to ha alert dalmsiva club Calgary hold 231mm edge tonight as the club anuln chlnn In the Iccond game the lwnAgnme alalpalnll lo es John T0110 and Pa Quinn The breakfast and pramm was apansnred by Enrrlq Knights of Columbul 1Exnm Incx Photo mm crnwd 141m expected to be on hand or lhs npulinz klckofl at 300 pm EST and more will watch It on lelcvlalnn via the nallonal CW network The winner wlll open In bestOHM WFC Ilnnl It home Salurdny azulns mum Columhln Llonl back Art John son and Dunn Elmara took ha multh me Cnllnry dclnn slve lcnm hcld lho Stamp lo grlher for nm 50 mlnum The ollcuslv club cum to lila In he Hnnl qnuncr ouucorln he floughign Viahnsofi allowed lhu pullcrn by mnny lormcr Toronto Arnanuuln belonjerhlrrln Ho wxu lha lndivldunl Ilflfld out lnr filnmprdtu Ila Inler ceplcd hm plum knocked down Iva maremo In no 2nd ICloééé Annual Meeting In Winnipeg WINNIPEO CF Flw mm rljflhmlurned by in tlmc 411 Amateur Alhletle Unu Ion of Cmndl membm cam Fleur that talk day mm nn Sacurdy moon their 70m Innunl canventjan Although most of lhe men Ion centred on the Imvltlu ol the luck Ind Held commluu avzry Ifllllmd apart pmenlc In annunl repart and commit lea rapnr to the naming um drew racord turnout pl 91 dele The upon conlrovenlnl tune to com More the convention wu held 11mm to the lull when Incominl nationll chnlr vmnnvMerw rerunan Van couver pruenltd thIrcgort commmeo Ilruck to mull nu chum Inlmt Ihl AAU by Ihotpullar Dove Stun Bnmaby 50 Indthu Univer Ily ol Olregon Sleen med In an mlch in Muclelnl Mnlulnl thn MU nmclaln Jutland tuck Ind Held meeu mun worked In In alcoholic hm that lhey lama llmu chanted Ind um Cam dlnn luck Ind Ileld lllu Ira generally at goalr rm reported tint hi lntendad ta luv complete report at their lnvu tlullonl 1n thehandt ol thc tionnl executlvn before the end at thll ynr Ind that he In tended la have yemnal Inter view with Stun thlo month name mmqn in number direcin related move the unlan turned dawn maiinn that would have re quired nil MU membm and znachu to clear with the M11 executive any critical new menu may winked lo iuvo pub illiled in mlgulnu new pm or In radla Ind televinn inierviewn Ferguson laid lhere iI ma chinery wilhin the AAU lhraunil which camplninil could Ind Ihould be chnnneigd or mm ieglve filndiinx zoneInd flopped whul might have been Saskatchewan Inuchdnwn curly In the final quarlu when lha outcome of the gum ltlll wnl In doubk Elman Ind Inrdch In Cnlnry defend llna nldur qumerbnck flan Llncab ler llllle llme lo pan Ind bol Hed up he Sulkagthewnn my nruz lung Stampede nevtr Wm be hind holdlnl quarler margin 54 Ind 1M helm oul uorlnl noulhrlderl 111 In ha Unnl quartet Fullback Earl Lumlord neared two Inuchdowm Jlm D1 lard an airyrd lhlrdqunfler pan from Eagle my and Jcrry Kuhn Iddcd one each Larry nublnmn converted hm touchdown Ind kicked Iwo Held goals whlla he slunde de lence unwanted or lhn olhrr lwa polnll an Intquart may touch Flankar Hulh Cnmfbell 1m cut by Ihu anlonl Lulu Sun Funcllco wcrl Ipsrkled or Suhlchewln mulching 21th um and Mn Ihe only der touchdown on luna Ing click an lbynrd on mm Lnnculer Tnckh nu Whllehnuu tanverl Ind Idded on 21 gal llltmpl urly In lhl lourl qumu erlln lbl llchd llnlll or Pele Buck ananln iionai lmk Ind Held commii chairman uld uia oi lhil machinery only common courtery Faunon wnreiectnd to iwwear term to replacereiir in national chairman Mai Jack Davie oi Montreal while Fred Hardin oi Turonia wnl elected ilruvicepmidem and Wally sunmn ai Sukaloon lec ong vicegrelidpnh NAME PRO Ra elccled wm rennin Graham Knox and secretary N31 Farrell both 91 Hagnmon nlon 11m avpolnlcd Don Goodwin Halllnx Ill um nn Iona men and public relntlonu omcer Ind awarded the 1964 national convention to Mannell The 1935 national convention went to lheBC hunch with Vuncougerlhe pnobnhlanllllte mm aefilnn rallflzd number other important lea THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ganlle Roger Crozler and hll Plttshlprzh Home Mammal put in Iatlulylnu weekend In Ihe American Hockey league The Hornet beat Bullan Bl nm and Sprlngflexd Indian to Inks commandan lepolnt lead Injho Wmem Dlvlalon and leer came up with hll um hutnul he union and an aggregate 55 mm Crozlcr Iha AHLI IeadInl goalie in 111 shutout Saturday night lhe Harneh turned back hln Iarmcrv leammnm Bullalo Ebony on Sunday flu Homm whippcd lhe Sprlnl Held Indlnnl 43 wllh Crazicr mauve Braccbridze 012 klcklng ulde Springfield Iholl many In the closing min ulu In lhwart late Indlnn nlly 111 Harncu now have wonIn ol uwlr 13 lama Henhcy Benn fled Pravl dance Red or thu land In the light Eallem Dlvhlan tau wllh 13 victory avcr the Rcdl Sal urduy night but Providence re enlncd the lop Sunday night by turning the Inhlu on lhe Bean In other Sunday game Ball more Cllppm beat Danlu +1 Ind Quchcc Am dclcalcd Ro chester American Cleve land Baron dawned Bulllmnre and Springfield blanked Quo bcc In Saturday other two gamer BCORES TWICE 114 Dunlap Sr Em Flerre VBrIIIaiIl neared two mall or Providence uninn Herhey Sunday Bl dld Floyd Pittsburgh Club Increases Lead um Includinl appointment nl Bodemm cl Summon track and Hold coach or tho IBM 01mm 6mm in Tokyo It mud llownco or mm mm In one man In compet Amman In any ather MU Iancllaned 1me up In 1hr na lunal 1m allhuuxh wrote llallnll cannot repreunt Clnada fillnternntlonll Imnleur mmpr on It nlm npprnvcd acceptance track and Icld and mummy In mm by Canadian mun Canadn unmanll lumi ml whan certified as wch by Ihe gavamlnl body tho own in which then record wen rcached lncludlnl than In tha Vlau yur Thu boxlnl commulea Illa had lrproved emblllhment boxn My medlcni lnvu glmlgl 111m pnder Dr Lu Wll In Edmontnn Smllh or Pillburgh mlnu Sprlnweld Brian Hexull uale the puck and scored an bulb away 1m In Ihe game for thl Inlurunu goal In Baltimorq bell Eumfla and ma Halth or flu runnerup wot In the Eutem Divilion Blll Sutherland Ind Clelmd Momon each uarcd twlce Io lend Quebec in victory over Rachcelcr Gerry Cheeverl the Rochester goalie Inflered mlnlnjury In flu mend pe riod and we replaced by Ed Bnbluk In anolhcr mlshnp Bullalol Ed Kachur Iuflmd dllla calcd right Ihouldcr Saturdly niKht lull Pltllhurgh CALGARY CF Unlimited blacklnl by backfieldm and lpcchll memento or player vanlcipallng In the Grey Cup lame wlll he urged by genenl manager meelln of We em Football Conlermco exam my here Sunday The manager mu Friday In clued huddle tn lludy pol Ilble topic for Sundayl mul lnz And In 100k for comman gmund upon whlch club nem Hm wuld lpprnach varioul Ieggug lane Herb Clpoul Brllhh Co lumbia le outnoinu chair man the zenenl mnnlzm commillee luld Ihl unllmiled Managers WC To Meet 7285983 ummmum mimm Mon mum may blocklnz propolal did not cclve unanimom approval Currtntly anly back who line up amid the wing llnc whzn he bull ll nu pod and cross Ihe line nor mmau ouulde this position are allowed to block pm the Hun urlm min chver who placed ldnlofe the club uecutivu Eun ny Cuiozzl Laid 1h plan pre unt 1mm GreyCup memen Ottawa Rough Rider Run Jukwn gallon for del Montreal lacklerl try to haul THESI SHOES ARI LESS THAN TWO MONTH OLDI We hnvo only been In bullnm or two monlhn Now we mull clcnr our pmenl lhoel lo make room or Chmlmu flock Thll In enulna opporlunlly la nave on lop quality Ihocl In good range of llltL 00an ll Wm NORMAN 8H0 Otlm Fla mg 49 Sovaga WANDERLUST garage HIg Bolllnl and Faulnuflon kay and SAVAGE an kg 598 NOW DRESS SHOES AND FlATS 5mg VITALITY Rig 1593 mil ALL Go New lulled 95 NOW 998 Now 7595 NOW JACKSON ON THE RUN NORMAN SHOES IN WINDOWS In DISPLAYI 5IUST when 1193 in II Inldu to help émphh Ilza the game and shell bl more ymlfla couple ldul Vlth dll cuslcd on an player equlllp anon plan but no declalonl wer ruched Capozzl uld Pa lhll reason no neonAmends llon wl be taken In lhe emu llve mgeunz Sun Ryan cl Edmonton Enu mot wu named to lucceed Cn pozzl Il manaueu cammlllu chairman Mm down Otuwl Won the CFL suddmdealh wnuli gmu Sammy 175 CPv Wirephoto flow OFF ALL PRICES SHOWN 1219 190 30

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