Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1963, p. 8

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WILL 1m WIIVUIQ mnlmdtr who VIII In 21 Jun 11 muld his NIIml Guard of hulanmhlm uld ha chum ml Immd lhnl mm mm an will hnva no now Inn lug our nrlm mmth ha lira hoard unl II no I113 llnmiggta Clay hqme Clayl Illll lllhl wllh man or wly Fobruury Ind Iomu pmlltud ll Ivuld bun nu of 300000 to MM coo ltllcludlnl cloud clrmll rink On We mm mm Clay lo Imvu lumnflllnl II no rnllurd la MM Willllm anmhnm umknmnn lnr ht group Ilul wn ml Hml lhl Ill utrnunlm clrmmlllmn hl entry lnla mvlu wm dnlnynl low mnnthl ll would Mm MI Mu apporlmm 11 ml nL LOUISVILLE Ky AP Cnnlul Clur nlrcndy IIIMd or wnvywr KM llllo liuhl wlth Bonny Llllen hnl been ordmd lo rrpml or nkcllvv urv lcv phyrlcnl cxlmlnnllnn Nov ha mum Clnr could ha cnllnl lulu mvlco III In Dc reml bul MI bathr nlmuly hl Ild lintr will mk qur 1011 delegmrnl frank pruldtn Alvln WI whn Iald rnclng would mum uhcdulcd lonliht roluacd In mlmntc dnmnzu unlll 1w vullxnlorl cnn lurvcy Ihl ml Ind lNlllldl gag MAY nu amm Police ullmnled lho damage 1h 010000000 Ilmclurz loaned nboul 30 mlIu ram mldlown Mnnhnllun uh 00000 Thu truck lasl In tr lens 10 were arrested and charged with amull llnlah Ilne Judie John Demnuea lul lured head cull when Iomeanl Imnshtd the Klan wlndow booth One person Wfll Inkcn hul llnl Joleph McAlduU mm rinco Edward Island driver 01 one or the horn Involvth ln ha lplll Ho luflmd cull Ind brullcl nnd WM held or obi gllun Canrnd nolhenznsl head oi Ihe lrnckl security police coi lapsed and died of hgan nt iuck in eariy minuiu oi in riai Pnlmiman Frank ONeill one the um oi iso ailicm ranlicolly Iummancd to help truck police wnl benien lb round by lmup oi 10 Nenriy mre wn taken In nearby hospital or lrutmcni WESTBUEY NY AP rcnzled mob 500 humus rm bcuors angered over six hme accldenl that wiped away lhelr wln double wlzm fluted or mom than an hour In mulll milliondollar Rooxevelt Raw way Frlduy night Cunkral uttered tougher de lent They had 75 lead with his lhnn our mlnmes remnln hug bu Newmaxjkct applied lhl pressure and mlsmed an un Barrio North Collegiate and Barrie Central tailed in their bid In capture Georgian Bay in school iooibnll cmwns ye er North Colleglnte the lacal boys were aulclasscd hy defend lng champions lhornhlll and bowed ZlZ Seek Deferment In Clay Called all ibd Llilhu mm or Ibo 500 Race Fans In Roosevelt Riot DOUG SMITH loll of Dar tle Noflh Collegiate Iooklng weary after battling mouth Barrie Teams ail In Football Title Bids HT PAUlu Mlnn Mll Kl lunl ante Ihut oul 5L null llum Ffldny mm la la lnln plum wllh 0m ulu Klllrllll In On Connl Im Le we Thiunulunlly quld um law an In perilth In 34 MIILMQIMn IUIII Inlo lhl numyl in lo loo so LI lllla In Tuesday Dmvrr No dnle or Illa mu Clay Krill nlprutdl or New Ymk Cnulul muld Kc be ruched lmmvdlnlely In New York or rngnmtnl umvhlllnl In Lu Vunl whrn he harmd of Cluyl drnil ull commented an nun shutoutJIM mom In mInr 51 Paul null Mmel lclldltr In only all In uII lulu Ia hem Ihulom 110 wlnnnl ml um wand blqu Huth In lhl Irl yer Ind Dirk flaurhud lnrlhu mm Then ware low llckcll on lho winner long12ml Mlny 1n lhl crowd II II the cuiom lwln daublu balling had them on he lnvorllu to mm 01 lb waxerln 1n whlch bmlar um lo coups thy wlnnm tha lelh uvenlh mm and ninth mm Th luck In refining lo do chm ha lelh no nu gitled most of hi twin doubla The mob pm Ulclnl crowd at 23121 begun Ipllllnl out the grandstand am ab tr lhI lluwnrds announud flu mu he nixth men olll ml Ilthauzh on Iwo of lhu alth ham In ad HEW 0N WINNER Pnyolll on lwln double ro quenlly um lnnlulllc Ono bel lor won 1mm than $79000 II IIon Hangers Gain Tie For Lead Therbl hardly an unbroken window In ha placey Nassau CounIy poIIca Iergeanl uldn The place In man When our mm mIvtd Ihe mob tried to am over lhe patrol cm They had Io club ham back They couldnt be everywhnra nl not When one group wan oun ImIch Inolhlr nm wIld Then mun have bean 1th Ike goln Ilona Inn In the finds from the money Illa would have been bet on lhn last three ram of lhe nlnerace pmxrnm Thay were cancelled They were Ilka nnlmnlsJ uld Jack Lee thu Luna Island Preu who watched the riot mm the pun box hlzh above the stands Thornhlll carried msonl record nlx lenguo viclarlcs and live cxhihfllun win inlo lhelr name nxnlnst North Thu Norlh squad was undefeated 1n lengun play here But Thom Ml showed better nlluck and courted lnuchduwn at 121 victory The gum was played In Newmnrkok was lhofllhlrd slrnlgm sen lor championship for ThumhIlL gfiwmarkel capped he Junior bum hind Thornhlll squad pldurcd above congratulating Glenn Hooper alter Thumhlll pounded North 112 to capture tho Geor nnm 09 lrnrk Md mm perlormer lho yrar and the bell unlvurnny mum llo rndunlcd hm mm lmm ho Un vanlly ol Tumnlol Ir ool nlphgrmm in main ernlumfler lnklnu Iwnnlu were Firm Jenn ntMonlrul vuulnmllnl junlor mnlu nlhc In Iml Mm hwln llellh vllIa ML wha vnm lhc Tum langlml Trophy Canndsl oululnmllnl hullan alhlde MIAMI IICKEI Hohl will Mlu Mccrouia mu um um like on llcld nlhlcle Weller lied Toronlvn mu Crotheu In lhe mung bul Ibnmi lha IMUI ola wklh lhl mlddIedlnlnncu humor ll unlonl namlnoo or lha Mmh Tro Ma The MU couldnt dmlv between lhc two nxolr mmu wlll bu en lmd or mmldmlhn by trul cal the why along with Mmlnm 1mm all Imnlcur mg nrolmlonal nlmlnllanl WM the Amnd win In Inc ccsalon for Weller unlloned at Camp Borden Duh wnh tha Cnnndlnn Army Both ha and Min MLCrcdln Iccnngo vmlx mm Brampton om wm bl winners In lho loo PunAmeri cnfl Gnmu ul nmll Tho nnnauHccmenl was mods durlnu MUI annual mccl Inn whlch end here today sum mmmmon Mlu MtCrcdlo who excel 11 fluid events was nnmui Can ndnl oumnndlng wvmnn nth lctu and Veiler on gymnast In he nnflan wnl named lhc but mglo ulhlcle But my looked right at home Frldny mwlnnm the Amateur Athletic Unlon of Can Id hjghcst Vannual awardl WINNIPEG CF Palwdon dance floor buxom Nancy MLCredIa and JIMshed will Weller mlth lind lha zolnz Illgerqugh Nefimarkd Tom Arnoldl may and 5111315 by Bob Nlel son gave Barrla Central load In tho suddcndenth junior final Jncl Anderson picked up Norths only two points In the lhlrd quarter on safely touch and Bob Wlley kicked single or lhnmhlll In harllmiir under Jack Tan quiy crossed North goal line and Hooper was again success ml we canyeyllgflempt Newmurket rcgmmd an un mvencd touchdown In lha sec ond quarter and than Illa way the scare stood unul ha final minutes 01 play when Newmar kel ngnln mud major la sail away lhu declslan their ddcnse bottomed almost filmy Thomhlll shot Inko 64 lend on the second play 01 lhe Kama when Paul Rivers alloyed 65 my 071 touchdown Glénfirifoéperwent over an 30yard pass and run play In the second qunflcr and he hnoled the convert to give Thornhlll 134 lead McCredie Weiler Receive Awards glnn Bay Senior ngh School championshlr It wasthe third straight tlta for nmmhlll Expmlner Photo There Goes Another new hum mldrnlun Ihe Mk Am mmmmu nnmnd Bunn hlgh ullool lcnclwr llob Conan wm In Olymmc UnmIl Ibo lymnnlllu cammlb lhrow lhclrlupmrl behind Vnnmuvrr hkl in lmld lho nmulinn munUrn rhnm MOMMPI nml Iymplc lvlnll lhIn uh woiglxlllfllnx wmmllleo uvu Mmllon or hair Clnullln chumplmuhlm and mole lrlll In In held II HorasHm Onlw Juno omdnlly Irom Twin wmmlurn thalrmnn lunch loll loom 1m ulmlon Inolhor Olymxlc omrlnl when he um he would Mun lrndlllonll chnlrmnnl Job rncllllfnm mynarra mnnnllwllh Inlnmn ln HIqu manager Ind hoped to nunouncv hdr do clllan Infar lodnyl windup Idy named lo mm mlleo nra Lloyd Swlndnlll ul Vancwm Malcolm Murray Wlnnlpeu Ken 1w Tur oma Dirk Harding Mom ml Ram Mnchlll Hulllnx and chnlrmnn lclo Hench nl Tomnlo Still to bi nnmnl II in nrmtd Iervlcu rnpmenln He REFURM Jon Now suggested lhnk one Mpmenlnllv each mm IIC In Prnlrlel Onlnrlo Qurbec lhe Mnrlllmu lhe nnnul Jerv lcu and 0m nnllonnl track And Held mnirmnn mm the com mklm It he leoond Ilma 1h farmer Canadian dncnlhlon rec ord halder has held the posi tion he Hm time being In 1958 aLCnrdl mmmu also made mdlcnl change In ll pmccdurc or ulculnz Cnnndal cums Ior majar lnlernnflannl mm pcllllan by rmmmendlng cre ation of lawnmember board to select ths cam over ourv year period Irovluully mcmherl one mm each branch In In judg mgnt on the cundldnlcx Adams rack and field coadl Ior he 19 Olympic Game Ichedulml In Tokyo llllh Triple Audrey Eucalk 25 Weekly Prlze winner And rey math 200 GAMES rioaienss MN Jack nue 83 Howler ll Cameroon Marlnnelles ls Waitnth Conn CY 230 Men Roberts 111 YoleBean IVllnlslnne 3W1 Alleycau 28 Hlllbllflu 25packeya prctugi Queenie Jury Audrey Bacall Dori Travis Ruth Laycock Ellcen Goodhead Hazel chb Belly Shannon GUTIIRIE Mxxsn LEAGUE 1134mm STANDINGS xmrvmw now 0001 manna Lycpsr sunnmas Cow In 554 Single IL Fl ar 305 BARRIE BOWLING ACADEMY MIXED MAJOR Never Lazcr DI Hard Blown Corn Huskers Aces Alley Busters Clarkson Ho tel Walden Chailengera Ilnll Way Gang you Vsrmnmas DI Hard Hal Way Gang Never Lazar 31 Blows 30 Clurksnn 29 ComHuskers 29 Aces 22 Alley Buster 16 Cha leggy Rplden if Single BudKnupp DI Her 103 ngh Triple Bud K135 Hurdsfiall unkinélngle Muriel Hillier Clarksnn Hotel 288 High Mplo Muriel Hillier W7 ngh Average Season Gee Forth 242 High Trlple Paula Hllll Shula Dick Hum 331 KEMPVIEW MENS GROUP LEAGUE STANDINGS Christies Appliances 37 Dom Inlon Tire 29 Slewarl Garage Safe Drivers Fire Bugs 25 Lang 25 Slmcoe Co op 24 Dangerfield Motors 24 Savoy Motors 71 Green Comet Res Promsslve Keglm 15 no $1n1¢oa Molar ll filth for Week Broadfoot Aynm Triple an slntlc Dava Suleanl 829 KEMPVIEW MAJOR LEAGUE mum gunman KEMPVIEW BOWL KEMPVIEW MENS GROUP LEAGUE STANDINan Lake 51mm 6133140 Howey Electric Stewart Wholmle so Barrie Tannin 29 Della Carrier For PlumblnzZI Ruben 14Cla1hon Hour Sarjunu Coal Co Gem Toaaug Plnswmer Bun MualcCentre 39 Armstrong Hardware Banla Tannin go Bran and Glenn No Kemp vlew Bowl 25 Bran and Glenn No Legion Z4 Dons BP 19 Roll nnd Simpson 13 Co THE IAIN EXAMINER SATURDAY ANOV In BOWLING Jmlfc Jlm umy also law II or anal by he mun mrt wlulle Jmlu lIunny Invrll Inw Chuula lhu ylnnrjrhw So xlld lean hull lhu ma rmqu npedulm vim Imral me term In whtn lhl dulllon mm In Mumfl llam Goulrled Mm rarllrr had wnmnl Clluvnlo look away Iho Inxl muml mm um Cnnndlnn aluner and arm Hm InclIon loAynllk v3 01 lamvnu mnnnmhl aide TroUcr nld lha Turunlo Hobo and Mall In ckplum lnltrvlrw lhnl Chuvnln pool will lo be heard by Hm Inml Hench nullnz Commlxnlnn lo any liy GENE ILOWDICN MIAMI IIEMXI Fill AP Tony Mann urinnbtnn iixhirr with whipliku arm can hank Mime Cy Gottfried or bi disputed dccision om Torv nniol imruo imvnio in hair brblllnx ioround iNIVthIKM Ill Frlfiqy nighi SevenUps looked like they might make ii xnmo niicr all when Smith finished oii piay with Larry Reid and Cord anson 11 But 38 see and inicr inglis got that on back Thm Gainnd want into IMan again scoran It 610 on payout mm ingill and hunt lay in nnoihcr pm irom inrll ai 727 Richardson mudn It 71 at 10 55 and flow scored Dnrrlo Henrys work kept Ihe scorn down in the second painBrad ford blasted 16 shots at him and the only one which not by Wu Blake Inglls drive pictun pass from Gnlnnd um Inglis all alone on my at the 1330 mark cvupla oi line opportunities Al Smith his missed the cornea with sizzling driw and Chuck Edward iaiicd an breakaway Gnlnnd opened the scoring II 129 picking the man side on breakaway Inglis made at 1753 Icnmlng up wllh Gal and an moonone break SevenUps had several Inn scaring opportunities but lailed to capitalize They couldnt get anything resemblan power play gnlng and three times they had the mnn advantage scgnm 0N nnanx Henry had five slop In Ihl first two mInMe of play in that perioctficvg 14 min myscd SevenUps had lmuhle 1n ball ends They couldnt click on Iheir passing and shooting Bradford territory and had tmuhle getting urgnnlzed when Bradlord applied the pressuru Despite the eight goals against him goaltender Red Henry piny ed well Most of the goals were Itpointhlank range or an bunk eweyx The inst goal we pen nlty shot He had 37 stops and several times was forced make two and three levee in new beiore his mates could clear the puck lt wan the In Inga the mkon or both club had the visitors Icedn better conditloned mad with more polished no lack and heykem the Mall Idlsorganlud most of the lime Calling and Inglis playing on the same line stormed aioluld Bmie goaltender Red Henry throughout lh three periods and the pair proved as gangerous aymakers as they wcroxcor Bradford grabbed 24 lead In the first period and scored the one goal the second They ripped the game with open In the 11m half the lhkd when they built up 71 margin and the teams split pair of loan the teams iplIE pair of goal in tha last six minutes Galand added two asslsls or sixpoint night Inglis had four assists to go with his hm goals Dong Richardson accented or the other Bradfard goal whlla Al Smith uld Gord Gow nolbhed the Harris markers 15mm LEAD By RICK FRASER Enmlger 8pm Edlm Moa Galnnd ind Blake mu made specuculnr debut In the Georgiana Intermadmle Hockey League Ins night Um Banla Arena whenflxey mm our and three finals respecuve to paceBrndlord Expreuv men In an victory aver Bab rle SavedUps Chuvalo Decision fisfii GdlfindiIfiglisf Pace Bradfbrd To Victbrv RENT 1964 K2 VALIANTS AVIS Gm wrlnhlng and Mandi hm war II MI MN look hnckwnnl Ilcx nnd In Hm Ihlrd lm llmml long with vlrlous MI and rluhl In lha head Monxl vms up at lhm hul ooh Hm mnmluxury cluM mum umdo lulled Ia alloy up hls mlvnnlnao Such norm n1 pramlhuul over llw dulnian llInI lo mnl llendu Ilnxlnu mmnllnlon wrnl Inlo Ilmlnl union lml nmwunml llrclxlon RENTACAR TRUCK H1 Dunlap PA 64 Manx nlrroolllvo wclnhnl In and he nmlad every ounce In wllhslnnd lho hullIlka power Chuvnlm and the llllm mlnu right and In In the had and hum HIoVAsséclnlul mm mm mm In Chuvnlol Invor Inmuul nemhy Hollywood Yin Tho Huh wan nullnnnlly cla viscd In lhu Unltul Slnm and TV mulchmnkcr Tuidy nrrnnnr mllul one of tho worsl ded nom lvn over urn Bradford was Irwan pm Ally 1m with two mlnum n5 mnlnlnz and Galnnd was elect Bd lo lako tha ma Ho Ikutcd In Ilowly mm centre Inked Henry out posluon and flipped the puck Into lho optn not second goal at 1349 with boll lcgmsflshorflmndcd Losses Booed THERE WM PLENTY OF ACTION Around Barrio Seven Up not Inst nlght n¢ tho Arena when Brndlard Express men clubbed am local 312 In the lop photo Barrie delcnw From mm Period Bradford Galnnd In glll 720 nmdlom Ingli Gmndl 1150 Prnnlllcs lnalh Kwale Edward Cosbume Emmi Pcrlnfl Bradlord mull Galand FnllII 1930 Penalties ludmrdwn Nldr ohu Reid Kwnmkn Thlld Period Dnrrlc 5mm Reid Timmy son 110 Bradford hull Thar lnmoni 150 man Gard nmm duct Doug Richmdsan Ind Phil Nloholn lkntu In 1mm the loll side mu Geny Mc Brlda beside um ml nIcrnl race or the Icon puck In flu bottom phMo Ind Nichol IOI DUNLOP 31 WA Murrays Shell FREEI DRINKING GLASSES WITH EVERY s250 Gas Purchase or over 1495 plnl SPECIAL Wu touch hum on ltmlll ynur cu may lnr culd uuuwr rndhalor lullrry lubricalh lmll out xino tummy hnlu healer mmplm nlerlxlnu oh Al MM Al WINTER SERVICE Barrie GOV fiobmwn 1313 10 Brndlonl Gnlnnd 132m mum WNkl anlll Vinny Sanderson urcadm or Smith ll ken mung In to cover Nich olas other plnym In Kc Robertson Richardson Larry Reid And goaltendar ed Henry Examine Smith my MMDM LTD mn DI 610 Bradford Galnnd bulb 1mm 721 Brndlord Richardson Nldl olal 1055 REPAIR NOW PAY LATER DANGERFIELD gfadloni Gnlnnd mill with car renunan BUDGET PLAN 350 PAMIIII 1110

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