NEW LOWELL Slam Sun nldale Townshlp Council oak up Thursday when It left on Inst month on Its quandary over sub divislon plans delayed by gov ernment lnncuon it decided to keep the town ship under the present subdivi siun control bylaw The ilon Jr Spooner Minister oi Muni clpal Aliairs will be asked to assure that all applications or subdivision approval presented to his department will receive Just and air treatment with ndioln ing municipalities under equal cnndlllons with septic tanks Council objected to present aub dIvLsion condltlons requiring pro vision oi communal walnr and rcwnge disposgl Depuly Reeve Will Down er put it How Ihc ownxhlp gall to provide and mnlnlaln water and sewer service on an urban level wner full council shauld ask Mr Spanner to send his chlel nlde to Main mulling ol Sunnldnles planning hand and councll lo seek an understand Ing on the present lmnuse Well never get anywhere writ ng letters back and forth nld relerrlng In the ihnaf of corrcsmndcnce dork John Po gun has collected In the last law mnnlh Councillor EvaIon Lawrence contended subdivision plans In catcd In Iron xwamps bolh In and out of lhe lnwnshlp were approved for well and scrlic tanks when he said on huh er and drier ground wm now bclnu domed Ipproval until communal water and Icwnge dil posnl wn Iupplled URBAN TACTICS They the govtrnmenll are now usinz urbnn taclcs on our beach area in runl ulllnls hc pmlggled Councillor Fred Marlin broIIBhl council uplodnla on Ms Np yur struggle to gel llls bench 1m xubdlvlslon approved no road nut strongly wardcd lol cr Io lllrl Spooner which mm ed council by lll outspoknn con tent Mr MMUn looked on III III lnlesl mnlrlbullan In om mnn wur unlns Quecnr Park Christian Victon In my cam may no only dcmnnd wnter and mun Mr Munin Iumed They have Hum thr Iloppm Ilmlnl d4 wthmegl ngddcsll 1h rdulcd nll each IM hm lnllcr ohjccllon about hls Iuhdivlslon nenr prlnzhurn Bench and ma new 0nkvlew Bcnch School HIKE HARD Somellmu you have In Ilrlka lmrd Ind doc lo an mum Mr Dawner laid binMar llnl lcllcn Fmddy lhnl luhdlvlslon Will he mm lhu lormcr uwncr More ynu gol II lhu ma lhinun Ire uolnz may bu lhe Ilm mu lnll July In Imvn TCAI mum clumncd to Mr nnndfl mm nollca Friday wlll Iuhmll nnnlhtr prlvnlu hlll mklnu lnrllnmcnt In than Hm CIICI nnmI la llndloCnn Illn The Christian vlclonr over dealh was shown In the pen 6nn of Christ Himself wm rose from His grave He then mnde several appearances In cludlnz one before the ll div clples at Galilee He had Sunnidale Township Wants Govt Adt Fast 11w mme Ihnum In he mm in both ofï¬cial lnnzunfu MM uplnclnu lhu Hull Cm mullnn Irondmllnl Corpora mm and lho French 5mm nu dloCnnnd Would Change CBCs Name 0mm cm Jenn cm BINGO EVERY MONDAY Alma Nwhnlu Clunon $24000 SHARE THE WEALIH too pm SPECIALS JACKPOT RCAF ASSOC Admlulon 50 14 HIGH ST Another nsrect oi the ques tinn nggravntng to council was lite department habit oi sunning subdivision development pro arcs on the number at regis tered deeds lied and inhniilng It rest vacant lot in mm cs death of you Inc Mr Law 95 Mr Martin brushed all Ihls suflestlnn have yeuru cl 1th leflln me yet ha answered They should realize deed cant be registered unlll pay ment on the property are com plete one counclllor protested lol land Ihuy have listed as vacant 1an has been bought on Inslnllmeul and bull up or years comparison of the assess munl rolls or properly anncrs with registered deeds fur lhu same land wuuld nrave lhla pnlnl Mr Fugue added pmmlsed and they worshipped HimMunhew 281620 Mler Hla ascension He appalled Lo Paul who then became de vout Chrlsllnn Writing lo Ihe church memhen at Comm ha lald them that wlumut tho IAWBENCE ml at Monk Mm wmm osc nnum Auc owns Whom cum WWI film HAM FA AN HUB mm 9WIK ï¬lm mobq wgpwï¬m mmma Htï¬l IIIJIUMJHE YEAH Entertainment Fri sat Nights OKEEFE CENTRE FRONT AND YONGE TORONTO nox OFFICE mm mm EM KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY DYCONIA HOTEL The Rendezvous Lounge OPENS MON THROUGH NOV 23 EVES 830 WED SAT MATS pm $150 Do $550 THE SOUND OF MUSIC BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL 0F Nnnuxdtnnshnhuxsmr ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BARBARA MEISTER cmmmu mm 5AM 91ch ommzm nmtm 01 WASAGA BEACH mm unmadethunk sum THURS NOV 14 mow mourn We cater to Weddlngs lun qucls Pmlcs clc Phona tar reservations PM LOUNGE TERRACE ROOM DINNER BELL LOUNGE Turning to other niiaira coun cil authorized the committee or annexation to arrange meet ing with Wilbur West Ernmntun to take up the question oi de lence of the townshlpl cam This is in preparation ior re sumption oi the Ontario Munich pal Board hearing on Jan 21 met This hearIn has been in adinurnment since last winter Council declined to clone the righMKwny ire on ihe into Groihkurihs property on Secondslreeii because Cifllinl it would Iandlack adjoining prop erty The requut or closure came from Toronto legal llrm Jalillie Lewis and Orier acting or Mr Grolhkurlhl estate 1062 Iran 325 lo the Sal vation Army was approved by councll Councll ncx muï¬nn in scheduled at Dec Sunni dnle Comm hull Ilarllnl act or Christ resurrection all preaching and mm wal In valnI Corlnlhlnna 151119v All of 01mm people would also he made Illva he remlnd ed them How would no dead he ralledl Paul repflgd lh Burlos Lnrgut And Molt Luxurlou Fully Llccnud Lanna Presents Nightly Entertainment wlth GORD HATCH at tho blg HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO Fully Llcluled JOHN MYHERS WINNER UF mom AWARDS Talmuqu BEETON SiamAdmlnfatn lve dotIll nnecled with ru cenlly completed conflrucllon work hm were mldered by council in November meeting hem Wednesday nllhl Representatives oi ihu brldzu Ind municipal drain comaunto and the consulting engineen Campbell and Amciatcl Ornnzeviiie also attended the mceiinl ior consullnilanl Councll asked Benton busi nessmen lo observe 10 mm to pm cloaan hourl ynv clerk Wauon reported Al the cumm councll mem bers wlll march In the Roman hrance Day parade Monday marnlna Beaten Council3 To Match Mon whit you now dounot come to Illa unlm din urlh 1y bodf II but kernel of the alarm one Corinthian 153541 The deadwonld not be raised when hey died he laid hunt 01 second term The long mu ml an zlzclnc healing am in lower than any 01 No fuvmm av lull tank to buy No annual mainlenuntc CM And amid awmliny com an comparable with all mema Just because electric heating is so advanced some people think it costs lot he one big mluake pmpie make about electric heating in that they think It costs lot Yr lhlr IImply is no true Ihouannda of Ontario home owner now have electric heating and connervntlvo eati mnlu indicate that the number will have Increased ï¬ve time by 1085 Reduced oparallnz costs In many munchanUea lhn mm or electric hunting has boon roduood In much 30 during the hut two yearn This moun thnt In some uronn it comvlm to hunt In home nleclrlmlly than with olhor Iym mm In other places the cont is about tho name In the ow nrcnl whom rules are still Ilighlly hlghvr the difference In nogllzlblo compnrod In tho um vnluo you at will electric heating Low llllhlhuon colt Electric hunting in only to lnamll Them in no funl tank or furnnco Any llama with eloctxlo healing Ihould b0 bum lo Hydro Itnndnrdl Inmlntlon No annual mllnlonnnco com Annual cleaning and inapocllon not modal with clocqu hwllnn No dirt In montod and horn me no flllm Lo rcplna Eloculc hmm oomplnwly cumrm homo boatlnl lyltlm ELEcmld ammo moumomzas monan uvma Only olechlc lmllnu ulvu you onlomomlort You can dinl elnclly and unduly the tampmnuu you want or any room In llmlmuul1mll bocnuu clocltlc healing oflerl you wannalat In wry mom And thma Inch hullan nlmosplm never dry Elochic hm In unlit and me 1110 no mid mm or unmmformbto bluu of hot III Ynull never be dhlurbod by hallh Mulc my qulamthmlnu nymmjhgrqh My brinkihrotiqhvln mm 0001prka Bymrréal3uescher uyn Mr Llano Potvln Moqnbum Ontario mousmy HUM BOUBNEM OUTH England CmSevere yleather In Whl tor ha wiped out the prawn Ini dmlry on Brllalna with coast Fishery expertany the indul try wont be commerclal propanlllan or long Ilme In 01 ChrhtForthe trum pet thall sound the dgnd Ihall ha nixed Inmrmptlble Corlnthlanl 15m 51 GOLDEN TEXT ICérlnthllnl 1557 Ono Weak Only Eat In 55 Take Out 40 Dunlap um The Fishnet Elech healing ralu hay drowd much that ho hearing ml or our mom Alarm ham lm than our paid And am now enjoy xlm eomlarl muu and dwnlxmu eleclrw healing 111E BARRIE EXAMINER IAIUIIDAY NOVEMBER CH BEEAON Sill Projected Improvement to lllkhwny fl by the Department Runway lhey 17pr lo Tecumleth Town Ihlp wan considered by Town th Council Illmeellnz here Morndayufllemoon Téciimséth Township Elections Are Set For December Council Ipproved thu DHO nlanqulor work alumy 27 where II Intelmu wllh Hilli wny Involving the relocatlnn oHlxhwgy 2l The mollan backed by Council lor Howard Dowch and Vern on Conncll mo requuud that he section of Hinhwny 21 to he rammed no to York and 81m SUNDAY MON TUE TODAYV CHILDREN NWT CONTINUOUS SHOW BUNDAX 31mm 347 Mn WWW MK MAiiNEE MbNDAY AT 200 Jiinf ny Mnnow Orchud Puk undamOnulItm The worlds clwmt hoatlnz mum Nut Io Iunflght electric healing in tho chancel In the world It cannot mow dust wot smoka or din any kind It In complewa odomlosa You get moro living space Because elocldc heating doesnt nocd fumnoo you have extra living mo in the basement Eloclrlc healing am you cholce ol lmllnz lyllommlflleclrlc hneobonrd hcnllnl llla mug Along welll nl bmbomd level lneuleted eloculc heatlng cable ll hldden In the celllng or below the floor And there are other unlle Iome that can be flush mounted ln celllnzl or welle All units are denlxned to heal your home qulckly by he Ilmple turn of dlnl Inunload InmIIaIIon Choom nn olocIrIc heating con unclor who Is qunllflod to buck hII work with lhn Indumy moognqul Triple Sta Quallly guarantee IhIn guarantee cover both oqqummI and ImmInlIon THE LONGTERM ECONOMY OF ELECTRIC HEATING PROVES THAT IF YOU ARE BUILDINO OR BUYINO NEW HOME WHATEVER THE EIlE THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU SHOULD SETTLE TOR ANYTHING LESS THAN THE CUSTOMCOMFORT SAFETY AND CLEANLINE OF THE NEATINO STEM THAT REVOLUTIONIIINO MODERN LIVINO For mm Mommlan Ind ullmnlu contact your qunllflod Ilecltlc hauling contractor or your load Hydro ofllu ELECTRIC EATING FOR YOU IREKKNI HOME you In phnnlnn homo hub 01 your hom not now MIN you an Indll nupplnnmury dodth Mfurluumnllmlonundywr plum mum cue Coumlu The portion Con cenlan King Townlhlp Mich arm thy boundary between 1h lawmhlpl of Km and new lelh wax am lncluded In thin HiHum wu receï¬ved from metal ralepayen mm or Improvmyem 3nd Line Erma tucrmcmv grant ct mo thime untamed children In Allmon wn npproyed 111nm Iuperlmendentl pay thee Malllng 010mm Wll Ic umed by council General no count umaunllnu lo 1136535 wm pnncd or plyment Wl though 61mm cost would In high bid we pupaud to pay diflmm But lccma htallna toll in an new 11 room huuu an dually 1m proportionately Man In paid or our olher mm our old ham MMrlrhlwsh Fouurc Tonight 715 and 930 Next regular meeting calm cll ll whednled for Dec 14 1130 up Meanwhile nomination day all on Nov 25 In Seem Cam munlt Hull to mm 11 gear or the In ulnyhlrem dï¬ynly new and three noun on will be elected or two 7M lerml Na lchool Am lumen come up or election under twoyear minunn Iyr lam manly In operation mowu 6mm ONLY AT min Shawn One Only II van Bloom an Around The World In bus Deep Rivera5W TODAY ONLY Sung SUN mung