Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1963, p. 4

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Aulhnm run ll Dill tumm nm mum unlmm um Mull ALI llllllhll nllAh luuml 0mm km ummmw um IIUIIAI IIILL null In lumen mun Ilnu Mnllul mural unlulm lumuuvllun am mu mm mun am to null in 0mm mu mum um munlh ml mum mum umm Mum mlo pm Ln m1 mm mm mum in Um An mm Ilnnlmlr in am In qu numm rum Mun rm no in mum mm mmmm mmqu mum It In urbllmm no mm In Hm ma flu In 100 mama mull One of the great American eclacies presidential election campa gn will noon be in full swing The lempo quick ened earlier this week when Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York an nounced he would seek the Republican nomination iiir Rockefeller will have to call upon every once of his lighting qualities and more to gain his objecllvel Four years ego some political experts asserted he could have deiealed the Democratic can dldnie John Kennedy for the presidency But iilr Rockefeller or reasons known only to himself and small circle of friends bowed out and left the iield open toylcejresldent Richard Nixon Mr Kennedy as president is much more redoublable opponent than he was as the youthiul Democrat making his first bit for the chief executives chair lie has the Erestl of his office and tradition wor ing or him As president he wleltls great power and influence lie also knows that the twoterm tradition is in his favor and that nothing short political disaster or the emergence of on other General Eisenhower can shake him from his pedestal Four years ago laclng the same set of clrcumsmnccs as loda Mr Rockefeller could have been the cpubllcnn candld ale But he hm hm political troubles slncu arl from scrlous personal prob lems ll dlvorco mm wllo of over 30 years and hls aubsequonl mnrrlnge to yaun womnn la hls own buslness as rlva clllzcn However he la publlc lgurc and hls marllnl dlfllcullles could hurt hlml Somo Republlcans any he does Barrie Northern Advancv Nov 1805 Many hunters Mlcr door Among hunt clubs were Muskrnl Illlh Vesprn mg 1515 luln In Hnlllnnlun wllh Hnnlnr Kennedy chiul Slnymr Club at low nssnln New Imvull fluh Including Thum ns Rogers 01 Harrie llnnlng MIII nnd DIIKHI nnrlh OI Scolln Juncllnn MM lnnnl Club vnrklnu lhmngh lho Minm nlng Snnnlp Ivylllnrnlnl Club In the man Ash hnnllng grounda bnlwccn Nol lnwnsnnn River and tho Mml Mann Rlvcr nmlm handed by Dr Momn of Barrio gnlnn rum lonclnng by hunl Harrlo 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Interest Is Quickening In Presidential Election Wall Puhllsher The Barrie Examiner Pubhshed by Canadian NewspaperaLImned 16 Bnyneld Street Barrie Unlano Earth Examinrri DOWN MEMORY LANE Hrmn 51mm 6mm Mannie SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1931 Paul LUNAR ECLIPSE thlcvcr lloyal Vlcto lor llnl vnry busy with It pntlcnta look on we exlrn nnrm llnrrle Chem llanrd oltorcd nunrly 2000 boxes at Wu ll Don polroncra At work In town an chunks ol mont loaded with atr chnlnc Jorcph llogorl lost two vnlunlro St Bernard thln Wonk llcrt tlrnwn ol Allnndnlo nppotntcd prlnclpnl Cookllown puhllc school At mnsqucrndo concert at Dulnlllo lnlloxo St Cnlhnrlncn Mt Nun lrnrn at tlnrrtu WM churcn Queenr McLean Elm ruvo lmt returned from ltlnnllotra nn the Terrllorlol brought back mnplo ol lted lllo wheat uruwn rd Glenlrnw ylcldlng 30 bushels to am Vhon ll llcally ot Coanlown was out huntlng hln un nccldenln ly dln rhrrrgcd nnd lmdly thinned ono loot Fow tnyl nnrllor lrlr gun went all hluwtn rtm ntl htr hat and buttons all hll It Brcnmcr loll Mlnulng to at tcnd Toronto ltlcdlcat Collnge Wln nm nl tnnlutll ptowtng match held Thornton were Spencer Crolc ot Blrmn run tluerIon ot Churchlll hllIg er Bennett Ind Del Bennctl bfth Yu Dllt not have chance to get the part nomIn ntlgh or to wlnan electan with ennedy as hls opponeht Mr Rockefeller wlll have to emerge with strong su port at rcsldenllnl prel erenco prlmar es it ho to receive ren ious conslderallon from his fellowReputr Ileana He will face such men as Senator Barry Goldwater and number of power ful state governors or the honor of re presenting the party On the strength at uhllc ofilntun polls as 01 recent date ltr Roe eteller ls Weakenlng potentlal nomtneo whlle lltr Goldwater ts much stronger Mr on who was belleved to have been shelv ed ns result of hls defeat or presldent and hls subse uent loss in the electlon for governor Calltornla l5 agaln men tloned an candtdate Thus we have Goldwater and Roche ieller In the runnln and Nixon prepar ing to toss his hat nto the ring too it is evident then that the real interest in months ahead will be in jockeying or osition and power in the Republican amp The Democrats have no problem They will nominate Kennedy The rimaries are form oi straw vole bu they have great client on the actual nomination lhout strength in the primaries wouldbe candidate might as well told up his tents and leave tor home Porcupine Club Including Nonh Groso Iml Love John Coflcy and Mike Shan ncy In Muskokn nrvn George Hogg Scull Sam Wesley nml ulhcr Harrlcc llu were hunllng near Cnllandcn Sal nn and Ills agent were roporlcd brand llnlluwocu Mrs All Lac on Hrmlo lard SI had her clulhuallno Ilrlrpcd by lhlcvcn Royal Vlclorln Ham lnl vnrv There are many Ila and and but be low candidate selected the mom ent we would any that Mn Rockclcllor missed his blg chnnco our yam ago and he wont get another The cam Include lhat prominent Orelan doctor ICCIW ad of Illangling III we and middle Axed church supply aalesman accused In em hauler Allin punkeilon Merle FixII Prime Eye Bywalm 671an In his book Mr Black du crlbu series of use which occurred In this country and in England These unlaflunale men and women expcrlenced night mare of Investigation public notoriety noun trial and In some use prison terms Allcn Plnkshon came to Am erica to Avoid arm and beams Inmous detective and launder ol the worlds aidel mid largest Investigative annoy comm of 13 run stories of Innocent people men and women accused of crime they dldnl commit II also the alory ol courage ous pollen alllcers lawyers and crlmlnnlvllsta who vindicated them Thesa case would have been mnra tragic were II for the effort courageous men who refused In accept the court find ing and using their own time muney and talents uncovered the truth In net Innocent people tree MT um mr IllI mm In imamnw The llle ol Illlan Pinkerton wu lull ol excitemanh He no ceulully caplured jewel thieves bank robber and wlndlen II also mde wllh lawmen along the lmnllcr la hunmown mem bern ol Jam Jamul lung and other duper Plnkerton Wan man with arm vowero nl observallan and courIKo and In credited wllh prevenllng Ill Inaulnnllan attempt on Abra hlm Lincoln he Vindicaion is proof that justice dnc triumph but often mlnn areal oddl Bloriel human Detzdivu yipnnrd Gribble vur lander DonM MncDam Ild uld hm nhould In dud mm of lmn unlu mun 19WW9L Allan Pinkerton wu called up on to Huh trim by local mu Ind Mew authorities training his mm Wlllllm and Robert tn mm hlm Both WIlllnm Illd Robert becama tamnua or their detective work Now much of the criminal In vestlgallon that brought lama to Pinkerton has bcen luken over by the FBI Ind other palm or xnniullona But Ihe well known Plnkerlona anlonnl Detecllvu Agency sun tracks down law breakers In Vlndlulgn In Ml book Mannd Grlbblm wrllu about detective as well as the history at Indian Irom tho laundan the Franch Sub etc In the lime of Napoleon un lll today when Interpol own dlnam the work detective throughput jha mllrarwnrld This book collmllon of nolnble cam and challeng lhcy offered to Scotland Yard AM ha am or varlcly of remn nadnpallce hlslnry Clown Illa nnw rim lrl lo 000 run Even llu flywnl cnluory Illnnl mun uunmay um up In um Thu old lhnll M750 In labor tnndllnllnn nfllml new IlIrl ll um Ind cnn lo mm The llmna van to to swim rnqrowa Third inni much bmlnm don ll lhn than union hul he oweMon dld com up wllh mum ol prawn norm lm Inul Tho development of acknqu delecllon Ihnwn no one nbla to follow the npcrnllmu well known delccllvu FBI Scotland Yard France Italy and Germany The reader also allow the Hm dclectlvcs from Scollnnd Yard and Waltth All In Pinkerton ll wnrk in lhl Unlled Stale Thm Ilorlel pruml lu cinmlnz Ind gripping nlrllllvc the unccaslng war between um law Ind UM underworld They munum 11 erd BLlftonnng Grlhhla Mr Grlbhle rela the cry or Jouph Grinr114 known throughout Iho London under world Camml Ila wnl the realm lulu mm vcrllnbll cud mnllnurd bclwrcn nmml And Chlo Dmcllva Ward 5collan Yard hul Wnrd hnd la WI mlny ytnrl hclaru lIy DON OIIEMIN TORONTOWI Incl Illa uuund hm that you usually um lrll Irma mlnlmr Ivy ha nlnrlu Ila hm hm mlnlmn In cubinel In llon Fred Cm nllornrynnml and Man he llavllqwnlr Inhar am an In 11y Will And lhnl qu ICIIHA loédrmnrrl am lhll MI om vlrLyu rfiwrzfl MM AT THE LIBRARY QUEENS PARK 5m grind Moved To illvoid ArréStf Became Famous Detective Sees His Employees Are Being Well Paid Mm my mum lhm MI Ivren In ol Hi In men ynrl In uvnr nl bmldlnl up In caunlly Iyllvm In local ovum mm hi wu able to Ipprehgnd Cam Hownver In much mom practical for he avern pa lien to Inflow his own doctorl rulu andmast me an ulcer wlll be cured Then there Ii ha now of Km Mtyrlch Sahol nlzhlcluh queen who Mbnubbedwlth crown prin klnn mm um Ind mu celebrities She wu wellknown In the police court as her mum chgbu wags lreggeply alga we know take Illkllldl to make world and m1 In quully true of the underworld Mr flrlhblaa mllecllon of cum gnakgs Mexgum rqadlnz no firm Forlfrl By GerId Eypmw Geraldspamw is well known for Mt book on criminal And The Grant Forum continues the uquenca bulnnlnl with The Gm Swindl and The Bur Dr Molnm My ll hnnd has ulcers friend men tlnned recent ankle that claimed freezing tha stomach would cure them Plane alv us your oplnlunMn 05 TM relatively new pro ctdure It looks prumlulnl may be very effectlve But also Intricate requlrinz hol pllailzntlon lpeclnl equipment and skilled personnel do not or mamen dly paragc he lmnglnation nhllily and scientific background of lhc axcellenl peopln who conceived um method Lenva thla caled method for ulcer whlch do noi rupand prosaic but elledlvo mellde now In un How man hundred or dallm wnuld ml your mum to luve hla Job travel to In dlrlunt medical ctnlre for lhls lpeclnl um menl and then day In aller MM Ind exumlnallnnl liqm nimd Iill iiimluu In doing ma 50b Ihmuxh MUM an nun By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Mum nMIrllh Mu hav un been unlml lhl lalfll In hullflm mly Inked lhom an to ho nlllnl my lair hymn Delicate procedure IIuth main stomach ulcerl mnka newn Ind rightly no but that daelnt mean they are suddenly nvallnhle nvcrywheu It also doesnt mean thu treatment in tncxpcnxlve or Ihnt It man elfccllva cum Den Dr Molnen My daugh er who almost 11 welsh over 100 poundl She ll Imnll In nature and not very acllvo hnv been lrylnz In reduce her load hm everyone lclll ml Im wronz Should continue or let her mIm Two year an an nnlwrt Murnulny Inlklnl null njruully In or of lavunmwl mnnmo loam Ilul nndllnl hlvptnnl 111m van wry Iurrmlul muml mnrlnn plan tnuur Mun ll yum nun Sup cruml In II 01 mamI lumd Ind Iolm wm In llnllnlmll Inlk About mortmu um up dnvlnl dlmmlon at UM Wlnlmnl mn mum on emumer mdn 31 Inthor Had armlmon Inlemlinl than than who rob II in lruo cnuulh that com Imnll children have bnhy and Ihnd lt But by lhu limit 12 lhil no longer um be rounded luck The over wcllhl mum min more than necessary Ind north 1th begamel mud llnm Ithool Mllrlcll Me And ha mpmed Hm Aludy cnuld bvlnz about man orfluly lnmlh uni film um ho unvemmenl would II II Irfpndhmlurgx hunln MrIDnlu ll liflll um nun Ind wu ulllrul In high cell ol mnrllun minty Thu youngster like Inyane clue and pltnly proleln lull mul lllh lfll thee Over arllnl unrchu upeclllly quur Ind MI ulullly mnku Wnpll loo Maw 50 cul down or ml out dmerll or elu Who Is cveryone1 Im um It doesnt Include ynur doclar Just ellnl lhll chlld my can menu only Hill the will mm Hrmly eslnhllsh the habit of calm Ion muchennu more Ith Ihe needl or Inn much In wrong thinll TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH mru Dukllot LIENll Husband Has Ulcer Asks About Preézing bnnkll1uorm In rule gentle wily mu who derlm mmlderabla nullcum mm cievernm All types of large are pro eented in this bank Some are menwheee Imbltlun II make Iiulr own money Then were are thosewho large drum and bills exchange Probably the mes hecinailnz form are than whoby their an creala aid marina re that experienced an dealers are deceivedx Some or the larger are from the Far East lhuuzh most are Eritllh Thle In due to the fact that Mr Sparrow epent number at year inBenrkak Is practicini law yer Indian the bench Whl wonderful uppoflunlflex we have had to know me Lord But nealected opportunities In wom nun no ppmluxuries Iubslllulelresh lrull or gelatin Na gruvles Clear not cream soups No candy or pop The youngster need vegetables but dont mum Ihzm Just by lol lowlnz Ihm rules the wlll gal rmth to eat and not bu hun iry hell reducu her calmlea Encourage her to he more ac ve an in cream nvaiinbie In re lieve an agonizing uxinnry itch Accompanied by HEM dil thine ln Illlllll 50 mm um um fur fire and Milan It the judgmenl thin lnr you Lnkc 10m There mlght In ceruln rare cam be Inch mm the Itch II Iuperlidal problem Howaver when ll Ignnlu lug lamalhlnl wrong What cmt new but with few ash yuur dulur can idenlily most he poulhlllllex Dla bun II we Kidney or bladder lhlecuon In another Danl waste time experimenting wllh an Itch mam Find out what It wally wrnnl Ind hnvn cor rected BIBLE THOUGHT lhrrlu Llunn luh Inccln nl Commuan Home 45 Toronto EL am pm nrmlrurd Town Counrll medlnl In mud chamber II pm Bnnlu Chrlmnn mulnmmml Comnulm din nlr menu nl 10 pm ll nunnn Menus Unllul Church Dr IHnmIIn lonmr mluhm mm will be final weaker VEDNEHIMV Naumhrr ll Burl Hadlcullurnl Tour In OKerlo foul Smmd Mmlci For dclull Am rmrvm lulu cnll Mn Archer mm or Mn rrlnglun II nlssn Holly Tu 1mm lo 10 pm In SI erphl Audnnrluln ml Mulnulrr SL Implccl St Mary Calhoun Vnmeul lam lam In mmkrn mum dnnclfll ll lho IICAP Mioclnllun llnll IQ IR 5L Irmn In 1030 pm Chum uponwmi by HumDune Mum Dnnclnl Club ntcmllnnnl Vammll lnr llvllu In Aml um ll Ilillcmt me School mm 915 lo 10 5n Church PIE Burrla Ind Dlxlrld llama Ind School Councll mmlnl II Jolmwn 51 School audllorlmn pm Mu ll lcldmnn pruldcnl Ilnlu llmk lhl council will lulu now look nl llle home nml school lllllrluru Kcmptnlcll Klwnnll Club mm Al Cmnmunlly Home 1115 pm Alllslon PUC mman In PUC nlllm on We lorll St ll 500 pm TUESDAY November 12 TODAY SATUIIDAY Novrmhrr Public Skallnz al Harrie Arena chlldren from MM pm sludan Ind ndulu from no I015 vm Euchre Purly In be held at Scrncanu Mm nl Squadron Grey and Slmcoe Foresters Barrie MD pm Proceed or work Burris Scnlnr Cllllenl Club ASQNDAY Nurember lo MONDAY Nnvcmbu ll flnrrle City Council mmlinz ll 700 pm flemrmbranco Scrvlcl It tho Ccnollph 1100 Suurdly Novnmbur lo SIIUrdlY Novcmbhr 16 0mm Apythlna they ganja gar do pater wns the theme or To mada Diet nbakers oolorlu casflgallon oi the hem government More mandlem of my mem beu hm The age on was the hallyearly cloud mean of the 120 members of um national axecndvn of thepmy Hie fiery spam ma tha cllchu Journalism was cheered fill Illa Ileana But Ihesg onn11 pollflcal 0c caslom are Always hallowed by lnlormal postmortem examina tion In Ottawa And the find lm by the coroner at ml in quest have been contradictory nndaznlllcanl you not ca the luconsla tentnumbeu In my first para graph Many Oonservntlves here ara uvagety cltloal be cause all Tory senator and MP and other clal guests were Invited to In but not partlclpate the nationalrdl rector Dick Thrasher told me The presence of that huge ma orlty nanmembers put the cloud enuncll meetlng out order but It ensured the prw once at the pm Dielenbaku cheering sectlon of Prairie MP to make the utter ring Mrr chtepbalrer related tlul lhere ls sun split tn the party about hl leadershl4 and nld that ouldlax leadgrshlp 0K uié In at the annual gen aral mecung the party next February This Is the second palm uzued in the post mor ems Many rightly nay that an no nunl general mectlng In no leadershlp convanllon and It wrong to nltempt lo mnven It lnlo one mullne formality lllm saylng arm below me banquetI vole of confidence Sn die lender ls nlwnyl plucd nnmlmously by lhow hands In contrast vol to choose lender must In by lecm ballot But the annual pm on Ille back does not necessarily mean anything In lad Wllhln three month of Melvin that town courtesy on leader was lhmwn ouIa man who liter Ion OTTAWAREPOBT By PATRICK NICHOISDN BARRIE can Do Beflerf Is Theme OiDid Ind district Simcoe County Trustees and Rnlzplym Angglalion tyrkfx banqgey Fug anunl THURSDAY Novrmher Millinory Classes or Indie held lha It 730 pm EcauxDcllu Square Bunting Club med pm In RCAF AIMIIHOHHUH Burris Romy Club meet at CammunlLv Haule 45 Toronto 51 1115 pm FRIDAY Navember HI Swlmmln for rum and wnmcn la and over Icnvinl Darrle 750 pm Harm llama Tu and Cullen Party Emm Tnhle rum 110930 pm At ISL Georgia Parish Hall Allnndnlel Imormrdiata nthy Uxhrldnc Black Hawk nnnlo Scrm Um II no pm In Danie Amm Angus Nomlnallnn IQ llluimnn all 100 SATURDAY Nuvrmhcr II Public 5mm nI llnrrlu Alum chlldrm tom no la MIL Iludcnll and ndnlu 1mm no la 1015 mn Annunl Ccnllal wanlu and fluid Tu lln unr Ind like Sale ll Trlnlly All tom to pm Cmmnre Sewn Ind Cnlu wulu paper col lecflou Sluymr nrxlslrnlhn or 1er Lknlinl In wuncil rhumbm mm lo pm MAM Ind naked Good lho ankfl IMM lnz lmm am In 11 noon won0nd by llnrrlo Vrnlurl Cluh 51m Llnul lnmdo Ipomnnd by name 1an Mcrrhnnh Amociaiinn HI um lrnm Colller filmI Unllrd Church VIII Hm Slice lu 1mm Shnmvlun Ilaxn Almlalion turkey banquet and Innunl gymAn bokslnwn Unllm Church ghd successful 19m In the 1qu league premier of hlanltogl unhappin strayed lnlo he led eral fleld where he was ur out of his depth and could achieve no judo euccess There are two hach wlthln the Conservativa party today Just there are two wllhin the hem artyhose who want Prime lnlster Pearson to be repIaped by Bob vlnlerland those who dont Talks wllh cmsasectlon of Torlu on Par liament Hill show that mm bo lleva in John chlenbakern luré while 0mm believe he FL enhaker still an nppeniinx leader Their applause or his oratory made the rulers rinz So what Ask lho omen l1 Diuwan Paul Anka crooned be ore an Audience of in that name hall he would be up plauded until the raliera ran Bui singing song or math speech does not relied tho capabilities needed to govern complex wuniry flaw in 199p and varied dlflicullles the cri lics argue nor the skill re quired in plan the ewnomlc chi and mililary security 19 900000 souls But look at Dielenbakerl great past achievements as Hump spellbinder painter visions and as man not disheartened by laflnres um his Iupportm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tha In Interwlonial Railway lrlln bdween Hall lax and Sam John made Initial run 91 yam no I04 9H2 we 41 whole line of the Ynleroolo nlnl Railway was open amth on nix Allanflu pom and exlagdinz mm than 700 mflu Thy former sserLuat n1u 134a ronnrr Brkish grim 13111 at Neville thaiibumn died TODAY IN HISTORY

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