mum vacuum In Juda Instrumon on Thun dxmm the YMCA whm mimic nnoiw YMCA thwwn by Russ Dayay dnr dny at Mr Davay clam are held twice Week judo mmm throws Brian Peacth an attempt to SImcocn Emergency Measures Orgnnllnllon ll pre Efran or the lumen examine lu hlslory Excrch Climax uhcdultd lo um am Nov 24 will lnvoive more lhnn as volunteer wllh lhnulamla hour txpcrlcncn ln vnrlnm phase EMO minhau nay Mklnmn mordlnnlnr Inld ll hoped to cxcrclw all due nuxlllnry nullce com munlcallonl nml wcllm penan ncl uhn have bml undcrzolnu unlninz In lhe pm ycur Ila Igld lho ricrcm ll dulgn cd Io prncllcu clvll emergency proctdum at all dcpnrlmenu rccllng Murlumtrllcclure and Shawn Kelly duran demon COMMUNICATIONS PM In Ann Um nuxlllnry pollco wlll mmlucl mmplcle In vullxnllnnl Ilmulaltd to cor mpcnd In llm lypn ncllvlly Hwy mlnhl became Involved In uhcn nll munlclpnl lurccl had been cummmrd In olhnr amm cnclm lm Inld EMO Preparing Big Exercises Hmllmly nmmunlmllonl verwml and equipmrnl Ill be uml In provMo mdlo commun knunnl or all drpnrlmrnu In much lhe Inma manner In tiny would vsan or munlclpnl ll arlmrnll Mm mum Ihcmldm um nmllllnnnl Irrvlrrl he Inld nw rrlcun nprrmlam will be drllunnl lo prndla ledmlqut MUAN PEACIIMAN cor INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PERSONAL LIMITED Dull lmlo INSURANCE SURVEYS FOR SARJEANI INSURANCE AGENCY Yf EXPERTS DEMONSTBATE IUDQHOLDSIOR 336111111115 common lo nnlurnl or munvmnda dImlcn Wellnrc pcnanncl will look after rezlnlrnllnn tar lho group nnd provlda hot meal for tho noon hour brcnk from ï¬eld cook lnu Imlll Kcmunlly Ilmulnllnn lcnm wlll ndgircnlilm lho DPCYHIOVII hi muklnz up vnrloux nccldcnt vdlma lo Inok Ilka Ihu real lhInz to lcly 15 women will In nvolvm in lhc txrrclm They Include wellnrc cmunlIy Ilmulnllan and communltnlionl warkorm uralhm the Emuham es AWE Given trnlning women too can win lhe Brown bolt him mam PAST PACE Mklnwn Inld ha whole cxerclno ll dulzncd In go all at nil rats to Ihul pnrlnnncl le lln lhrmlclvu wllh mam dlfllcull IHunIlonl In unmch Ihnn mlzht nurmnlly be upm new new nuxlllnry pel lce nfllcm who are now In lrnlnlnu pmxmm and who huvo nnl yrl qnnllllul nl pollen lim Ill be Inked In munId and nulu mm Th mob communican lrnllcr will be uud rxltnnvcly rflny Inlnliaq muljhu mm mulkm ham Ilnu lho ravm with nun Alklnum lMd mulllary pnllu hlll yrnrv put 1400 THE PIONEER FARMER AND BACKWOODSMAN IAvihly illusmltd lull fnldnaung ddth plonccr lilc Ind deliglnlul and inlomnuvc quoladom mm old book ncwnpapm 1mm mad downlulu Ihu ncw book by tho dilllnguhhul Canadian llhtmian rich goldlmina at lavm at Canadian 766 pagu 450 fllmtmdons lamb mmdy boundI collouora nun you will b01de la own Pct bvxul let two volumu $2000 OIIm work In Canadian nmal Muary by 00m Tlu Gm Mlgmllan Imwlmnd H955 cloth $756 Tlu LIX MTlmgl Iu hwy 9750 un 11 van Tmu 9750 At your boohcflcr or mm UNIVKBSHY OF TORQNIO rm By EDWIN GUILLET hour on the heal exclusive of clnu room so that the lulnl number noun experience behind Ihll cxcrclm mm Into the housnmi when all group an mmldmd LONIWAY LII lll Ill mufï¬nI nay ll unw mln Nun Hume Slrnud on Thund Navzmhlr Ln In man In Herbert 14mm mother 21 aoydnn rum nun Ind nml Coomuwn In In 75m MI nu Im mMm nml mun unlll lo flll Novembr II run rl Chum Mlhl nu on my Novma bar ma Chum nllul romp nly ol Dru bllovtd Mu bind Cu tumL nu nu nm my nunn ml Homo I0 Worlln IL mm Yunml on Iuudli numb Iumur nunmanl In es award judo student can hum 11ml on ma m1 Nnvlmmr ml Klnn ll beluvrd Call mm min an ml na nddmlhm num llnlrullon nn mm Mr nm My mm mm nn mom In mu hum1 Hum lhnh Yum m1 um MUM maan II rm Inmml ll Inlan umlm dnm 11 minimu DEATHS School Area Residents lAsk ForlA Crosswalk City Councfl will be asked to Approve crosswalk at he car ner St Vincent and Grove mm home the new Maple Grave Public School opens hles day committee of Oakley Park cltlzens headed by Mrs Kay Lumourcux Oakley Park Sq sent letter asking or lhe crosswalk lo council the school board and tha principal of Maple Grove School Pupils hi he urea armor wont to either Oakley Pa Mlhll llma of year there are many human In he woods law are expcrlcnced woodsmen and some are seasoned hunleu However the majority of hun lm who mam lhmugh northern woods flux1M Jim dcerscason have relaflvely Ulllc bush ex pericnce Lands End Forests Offers Rules For LostHunters The Department Land and Farm gave rules worth know lngl you happen tn be in m1 category and become 1051 Slop sit down Try to lgura out where you are U50 your head not ynur logo caught by nlghl in or norm stop at mm and make camp In sheltered spot Build Hm In safe place Gmhcr plcmy dry fuel MIDIIURST SL1 Nomln nllnn day In Vesprn Townshlp la Nov 25 clerk Earl fllchnrd Ion rcporll Mldhunl Iowm shlp hall brtwccn 1130 and 130 vm nomlnnllonx will be receiv ed lar cove deputy rccve caun cll nnd lrullccl or Vcspm Tawn lhlp School Aren and an election mcmnry will be held Dec 14 from No to 630 pm nl tight poll Inl lubdlvlllnm In In owmhlp Nominations On November 25 School if they lived on the west schoql If we can get the crosswalk ln before school opens on Tues 51ch or Steel or Codringlan schools ll they llvcd on um east With the opening al Maple Grove he slndcnls will have to cross Sl Vlncent slrectl Mrs Lamaurcux says the street which is wide and re cently paved has extremely heavy vchlcular trafï¬c parti cularly noon and our oclock when the pupils come harm from if Mark choose élcar spot on promomury and maka slgnal smoke gnal lire nre lh quickest way atlmct allcnï¬on Build 0mm in an open spot cleared all lnflnmmnblo malarial lhn ire wont spread Into ha areal In lhe daytlma lhmw green branches and WK wood on the blue la make smoke The eagle eye the arm pro ledlon tire lookonly oi observ bant ycll dont run dont worry and above all dont quit uach the right and wrong ways 01 somersaultlnz Fall ing the wrong way can be ex SIGNAL mm an In forest patrol plane or commercial nhlpl my spot your Imokt thinkan man 15 never lost or long Kenp dent bmln ln oommlsxlon and the chances are you will come out lho wood on your own 1m Dont wander about Travel val213 sums Expert Shh Shlrpullnl Ulnally rudy nma dly SKATE EXCHANGE Shoe raft day she said it might save lot at trouble later om school patrol la lmposslble or tho area slncc students must be In Grade In be leader Maple Grove wlll accomodnle only Grades lo 3r Mn Lamourcux explnlncd Ihat although signatures have been added the Inner it 15 not really petition ll ll la the form lrlcndly leller she sald but ll it re qulres pcllllon we will gal one When we lrlcd la gel llghls or Oakley Park School ll look long lime bnl were hopan lor last ncllon in lhls cas skill andï¬indlceare fliedid to do It right tgqpely pain and PA 66531 HEATING FUELS CALL inacblwumiffrfl om human Imlo 111m ha becn Im Incruslnl dnnlmd lnr Cabin TV In tlm flnnlo um panlrulnrly wllh an Wrenml lnlmn In colour lnluvhlnn lrll Plum htch mmlu ulrnd lhu ulna nolwnrk nnd ll ll ullmalul um mm 3000 mm now Iblo lo mm lhn Icvm ulcclcd rhunnoli nw Iyllfln urrlel ABC CBS cm 7W md NIIC murnmL Afllllll In unnlnhlly and Ill becoming mu of he pull in flu mnny hum lwm alllna nunnun dam uo la ml Inhlnlnl Ind It mmm 11w Cable lnulnllnllan II mndu wllh llm pcnrll Ilu cable mumml In yuur TV Ind Ihmlnn II Ml lublect lo ho mnny luurdl nl lho nurmnl homo Auknun gm Ipmd by tho Clbln TV mmle lo Illnln the bull mulblo nupllnn In th limit Boot the rush Get Yours Todoyl Installation Fee $995 Monthly Rental $450 BARRIE CABLE TV coop USE CHANNEL WHEN BUFFALO CHANNEL cm Tononm CHANNEL CKvn nMuuF PA 33644 500th Subscriber TEIIARRE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER One ofmy pet peeve belnx delayed at the bank This week was lnwlled over theun or 42 cehtn Thu cashier when conkanled by me and the cheque ï¬rst uked Whats your nddms didnt hlva It but asked why shc Wanwdjoknaw She then asked ll had an accounl at that bank When answered In he negatlve ltvwa then knew why the address bll The teller lmaxlne was dolng her job and lmaglne must have looked like the last or the malMlma croaku 0n the thlur alda guess cash least cnuple chequu at this same bank each month My signature was on ï¬le there or whoie year in 198261 nerctarytrmurer Barrio Dislrdl Senior Solthall Association Oh yes The manager as he alwayl does altered hlo Mend ly greeting as walked out past his open door Thank goodness he acknowledges Incl GOOD EVENING Spritely Pop Hines up norm far weeks humlnz with he Bani Hunt Club Broad henl 0n Mher hand you Susi cant keep flood man down Youngheaded Pop mere 37 last September Hes been hunting so the note any nnly 54 yam In the same group are Jack Stewart Jack Martin Dan Ince Wilbur and Harold Laklng Earl Marshall Sandy Dempsler Jlm Webb and couple the Pa tersnn boys Judging by ps contin ucd enUIusmsm Its no wonder his son Stave kept playing soil ball long After mus other low would have been consider ed over the hill HOCKEY TIME Georgian Bay Inlermedjalc Mr Undnhlll Ilmwn hm wllh the bolt 01 program he now can rtivm By STEVE 0n llc pl by Hockey League darted ac Hon yeslerdny If youre look ing or sand evenings enter lnmenl lake iook at some 58 games Youll lot of lormer proleslsonnl star and many ounger and even mare enthus asdc wrappers JONESCU BEETON Stall Court of revbion for Tecumseu Tawn shlp Is now in adjournment while It membcrs take time out to examlno property under up penl clerktreasurer Har vey annnuncad Thursday The court awnlrlng lurlhu lnfnrmpllan on request or change 01 schml suppart This assessment problem durlvel tram legislation passed earlier this year by the Ontario gavem ment concerning Ieparalo rchgol supparterg Adjourn Court At Tecumseth Sees Property rnvlslon sess Iom began at the awnshlp nt flce 0ct 30 Mr Harvey an nounced those resqu from not lces lent to applicants ap peals against the assessment roll or 1964 on praperty and 28 asking for change of school ellme of adjournment 11 appeals against usessmunl had been sustained and 13 others were adjusted The court of ra vision hopes to resume llngs next week Mr Harvey said nmprlslng the court an member lownshlp council Reeve Garnet Breedon Deputy Reeve William Mllllgan and councilim Harry Cross How ard Downey andVcrnan Con Ed Buy The BUCKET Buy 11 BARREL lndledunl 0X DINNER CllCll HAMILTON CHANNEL wxuw BUFFAM CHANNEL 11 IITO TORONTO CHANNEL lAKEVlEW For anlly Din PHONE PA lSlll 375 495 35