Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 6

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uununn wu mm ll Iho lmlvh III In El Juhnl Null ran Mull Mum Ilw hrldnp rumor rmlw lh nuts Imlnl drm guwl mun Um Ununpy nl uoksluum hmlvrr the Invlrzmum Mu ml man 1M mhm Im Alan lluUmm Ilunlullle nu Cal Mach IMknlnwn llu nllrurhmll arm awnnl thc In Incl lruulll drum rnllIlInu lulu orgnmn om Inl Mm ullh nulrlvlnl ml mu IRMI and mlllem Thrlr hfml divpr um Inflm lam uh mum no Tllry rnlllml mun lnyl whlla munu Mlh rink Annualan Mm Inlrlrln Church nl Ilnnlw mu Hu mnlrl Ilmlnr Mlu finmhn llnu nl lmhkmfl lrr ul Io IIIMI ml IVIMIQ Imhl nml Mk Juduh um nl ouhlnun III hlllln Junlm luldrxmnld The hrhlr will Khm In mnr rlnuo by Mr lnlhrr Mm mun II lull Irnxlll 11mm Illk or 5mm mrr Intlrlm 11w Illru mu lnlhlunml llllnl My dim ml lily lwlnl Ilrnn Hm um um ruhunml wml md mrl nml nunhu nn lho nub In mul llvo Mnlll Hrr Inscrllp ml nl unlluml min Ilhulml MM MIA hy mum nl vhlnulnuu nnd warn She Mllhl lmuxntl rd mm mm Mult Ilwhnllulil umlmn lluncrn drcnrm in Si Iohnn nfllkiln Chunk vuhslnuu or In Mddlllll Mix Jnun Elnlnn Ilms dumm 111 01 Mr nm lrn Dnuglun Run Elm llzull Dawny mu ho lulc Mr ml Mm 1le Imuncy 71 Conkan my Clive llzull Dawny mu Hu lulc Mr ml Mm 1le Imuncy Conkmmn llvv lltmnnl ulflcmlld al Ilw Hrvnnun rrrtmnny 11 mm Lnrllhm Junk Fllluul mm lhr nnlu lrnycr mu Inlvcl lmc nrmmpmnnl hy Mm Hulmny Conkn llmn Mrs Nurmnn Campbell as Gulhrle eldesl of mu charter members cm the sow anniver sary cakev Scaled at lhe chur members table with Mrs Campbell were Mrs any Mc Cunig Gulhrle Mrs John Lee Brncehridge Mrs Valknr Cald well Guthrie Mrs on chrisL Guthrie Mrs John Ans dell RR OriIllnhlls Kala Graham Gulhr Mrs Can cl Owen Sou Neil llc Cualg Bmfrlp and Ernesl =7 Lave Gulhrln Thu elnvcnth charter member whn was absent an IIIRM 15 Mrs Neil Morrisnn Toronln Gardens su cy were among about 60 members former members and special Eucsls Autumn Flowers Adorn Church For Wedding At Cookstown GUTHRIE 5mm Ten 01 the 11 chan members of Gulh tic Womens Inslihfle nllcndud the 50h anniversary party held by he bfnnchlast nigh alluw MT ANNIVERSARY CAKE hr the Guthrie Womens sulule wns cuLlast night by of an LailclrAhxlllary lo mt 10 Chqxter Members Presént ms2m2a 21 £3 mm At WIs 50th Anniversary post SChedule ronksrmm Spurinlh nn Neil Morrisnn Toronln MIL AND MRS4 CLIVE BASIL DAWNEY lllur In lwr nulnlm lhn hrlrlc M11 lumuml lxy lhxrn uhuwm prurmnl AIIIMN lell hy her aunt Mn Tlmmnl ml hlh Ullhrnl mIMllnmmn Ihuurr lrlrmll Hm rnlw muuny al llw Halon Ilnll lu unkxluwn Mm Mu nhlll Mmllll uml lay Jnnll hmlrllrl Ilnrn Alumr hy MlI Inmrln lnurh llnnle Iur lruvrlllml Unitcrl 5mm Ihu luhlr ww null 11 nunnhvrr lllll HI Khih numnxlu nml leaxl uhlln mm hmln or In nllrnlluncc 1mm Ihmlavllle Guelph nlrr lvu Turnnln Annllum Hmlul nnrrln mmm IleIl Hwnrl mul lfnnkuumn url mcr fluwrrtd mum wrlh Minn nnrl hrnun Memories and cumin Tnllsnllln hmL Tho brldruronml nlylrrInInw Mrs Llano anncy nslixlcd wearan null nl Mun brocade Ml Mllilv Mussmln mud 11qu ylxile roxr Tho nwlywxl mll IMHO in unhluw The Cnnadinn Save The CM drcn Fund how is organized and how ls fund are um was described by Mrs nmly Hicks Sealed at Ihe head table were Mrs Norman Tuck Crown Hill district president of East Sim cnc Mrs Lane Cald wuier board member Mrs Rus nil McEiwnin Phelpsion area president Mrs iiiei Jnmiesnn Guthrie WI president Mrs Earl Scott liiiichcli Square area sec rcinry treasurer Mrs James Pearsnii Guihrin WI sccreiury treasurer Mrs Arihur Iilce Mitchel Square Earl Simcau disiriei secretary treasurer and Wendy Hicks Barrie guest speaker SPECIAL GUESTS Gulhrle WI vlce presldcnt Mrs James Caldwell exlcndcd grecllngs la the chnrler mem bers head luble gums mem bers and lurmer members Ihe eldest of We 11 pfiaylcr members Mrs Norman Qump belt Tha 50th annlversnry mm In he duuulrd lo Mmlul llcnll Aunduuon will brought lo flu Dumber mtrllnx he Lnlllu Auxilllry In five Anocmtrd Cnnndinn Tru HHfll nl Ilnrfln Tho dothlvn wm made lay mtmherl Ihn mentmu hold nl Inc Home Mn Frnnk mmmw nn Vellln Inn SI 121 lullnwlnx Hm mm lcllrr mm mm nnrrle Mrnln Ilcnllh Amulnllnn Mrmhrrn drflllnl In park luidmm INIan IIIr needy Ir nllllm In Hm urn 1M hu Im mune nn Annual verch Ilnoa Hm nrxnnlmllm nl he nuxlllnry lrslllrnl Mn Don Hun rlmlml the Inumm unlnn of lhr Inmllmllul Mlmnml mnprulvn mrmlvrr Mn Mlh Vlddvlnnmn the oldcst rhmlcr mumber Mrs ermnll Campbell Nreiv ml the min of KoldAcoluml Mnlcr corsagn Mn Squires St Thomas on the prim Iur lhn gum who hurt come tho anh ul dlslnncc MII um Jamic mm pnzu lnr he neuron hlnh uy Nov nd Mrll Lloyd rcct or he weddlnu mm vcrnury nearest the mm nnmvcnnry Cuntinuing in this tradition the is buying drnycl new In lawcls new dishes and ranlg nrntor or the vnlnrgcd arcnu this your Mrs Howard Camp hell added It was through the Canadian Save the Children Fund that he Guthrie Vl udopted tivc yearold Chinese xirl law year no Mu Jnmu Pcaraul ex plnmcd during her nbscnntlons sncrclary Ircnsurcr Tho Guthrie WI cnntrlhutc MO your to this chlldn support Mrs Pmrsnll passed around phulas and read lctlcra sent to lhe by this udoptcd chtld Prnslllnn Mrs Mel Jnmlnsnn was chairman far he cvcnlnsl program She conducted the In Memorlnm lm drccawd mam hm wllh Mu Bob Campbell singing luo dnvouannl num hem MAKE IMPROVEMENTS They nnlcd that ni he 28 charter members 11 were uilll living Memories of your pan ed Included ten rationing in World War when members brought their own to From home in avoid missing out on lhls social hour custom The bruncha activities nup pariing the war cilorl were so extensive lha by ms tho Ireay ury was depleted to SHE iinw aver finance improved in sub scqucnl years This ennblcd lhu Guthrie VI to help eqqu the kitchen oi the Gulhrie cummun ily centre and sponsor Ihe iim iiuliowcen pariy held in lhu arena in 1947 ACT Auxiliary Discuss Projects ilislary the Guthrie Wl branch over its Hrs 50 yéar was rncnlled by Mrs William Campbell and Mrs ilnwnrd Campbell party was held fllver Gnr dens Restaurant Examiner Photo Dorothy Smllh sklp Mn Murlel Ftndley Mn Helen Needhnm Mn Joyce Forester Mn Wyn Rownrth Skip Mn France Nawton Mrl Helen Nowtnn Mrl Anna Cullen Mrs Gladyl Dewar Sklp Mrl Pcz layler Mn Kamy Nixon Mn June Wellxale Mn Elalne In mn Skip Mn Jockla Mll Icr Mn Mildred Marshall Mrs Dorothy Stevenson Mn Lenora Munn Sklo MII Helen Iduon Mn Murlel Slcphm Mu El ennor Jackwn Mn Josie Hum er Sklp Mrl Sylvlu Cull Mu nclhen Crown Mn Dolly Nel nou Mn Mnrg Jnmu Skip Inez Steph II Mn ch Thompson Mu VI Emml Mrl Grace Sun ML Sklp Mn Man Gray Mn Glnn Hnlpenny Mu VI Cook Mn hobo McDonuuzh Sklp Mn Mnmnna Emllh him All nlchnrdwn Mu Vu nn Hrndcrwn Mn Audrey Fr In Skip Mu Phyl Hnrrll Mu Gwen Lowe Mn Mary Jane Lnnzmulr Mn Juncua Mur rny Sklp Mu Lillian Seymour mcr Mrs Bu Mn Helen Narlhwuy Mrs In Scundrell Skip Mn Edllh Car hy Mn Elsie Hurlflme Mrs Phy Hutchlnwn Mrs Burbnra HnrrlL Skip Mu Marlon Smith Mn Slella Clllk Mn Cellnu Llllle Mu amlhy Smllh Sklp My New members of the LAdies nation the Barrie Curling Club wera Introduced at lhe op eran dinner meeting They are Mr qur Klnuland Mrs Whalmnuxh Mn Hunter Mrs Taylor Mrs Aiken Mrs Snelxrovz Mn Den ny Mn Calplm Mn Thorn Mrs Mchnnugh Mn Bob Auxlln Mr Wuuihler Min Ruth Tharburn Mn Church Mrs McWalerl Mn Carter Mrl Jeanjrlznall Mrs Belly McDumld Mm Brluow Mn Elaine Ineson Mn Munn Mn thn Cook Mrs Belly Shun Mn Maxinn Crnnflfld The Lndiu curllng schedule for coming mum nl lallowu Monthly and Thursday ILM Schedule sklp Mrs Lolllu Thompson Mn Isobel Swan Mrs Spring Mm Btlly Hmong Skipnhln Dom Hm wlflowdnle Unlted Church We men are holding rummage anlc Saturday morning In Ihe Odd Fellows Hall Collier Slrcelr The Isle begin at ncIuck museumng mu Mr and Mrs Frank Bemmse dressed as prlmlllva man Ind woman wnn llrsl pm masquerade party held at lhe home 01 Mr and Mrs Jnck Bur bldze Punk SL when members of tho Ladle Auxiliary to ACE played host In thelr husbands Among lhe nests were Mr and Giiv miner around the city look lnrwnrd eachyear ta Iho Four Seam Gm Shop an lored by all mum of Coiier Sim United Church Women This year the event In being held Nov from unlII pm and willinclude Bazaar Bake tahic and Tea RUMMAQE gm Mr And Mn Harald mm Crown Hill will enlemln their Mend Ind neighbor Barn dance tonight In tho new burn on their Arm mun smoNa Wlllnrd Cole 11le nnouncMlhe enniemen their dnuth mn Cather lne to Paul Ferzul Kerr tan Mr Ind Mrs Fem Kerr all of Allman Sl Jahnl United Church Allion wlfl be the set In or the lemon ceremony Nnv 284 BARN DANCE ENGAGEMENT 0NDAV AND THUMDAY For Lady curlers SPEAKING OFJPEOPLE AND PLACES OMEGA Wm III llvplird 15K gold hum when Inlhlo ll one of II Mmhll mou nuumc mull mumnmll Ulmlnn ml at lrqu lime Ire wlldm of mu Illnllnrllun Iynllunic prime Illdl II IntRpm Ind uulflnml and mm llw mu lightly no dun nu pnulrr 11 mp In In ml the bounty of dlll wllh the faceted crystal is twinkIlrgjewe Convnnlmi Budget Tum Mrs Mara Went Mn Fe Woodler Mrr Lea Whntmouuh Skip Mrn Sally Napier Mil Elhei Landry Mn Bertha Stewart Mn Jean Sneirrove Skip Mrs Al Kennedy Mrl Flare Broiey Mn Ede Hndzron Mrs Mary Davies Skip Mrs And Webb Mn Dorothy Trud well Mn Vi Simmons Mn Mar Jack Skip Mrr Betty Mn ger Mrs Fran Sutton Mrl Del McGetrlck Mu Ruin Mes izy Skip iirlt Pearl Danger iiuld Mrs Zita Byme Mr Vi Jackson Mn Eileen Thnrne Skip Man Smith and Mn Vi Grnhnm Mn Cinrn Butler Mrs irene near Mrs iw bel Wilson Sk iiirl Marl Pu cock Mrs Marl Amen Mrs Sally Skinner Mrs ilaicn Stai inr Skip Mrs 10ch Seugrlm Mrn iierln Trnub Mrs Dawn Lonelt iirsGwen ka Skip Mrr Betty Nixon Mrs Mnrio Vlau Mrn Yvonne million Mrsionn Nesbllt Ski Mn iielen Gibson Mn ollrn dcn and Mrr Empkc Mn Vern Vuiiwin Mrl lluth Wil ilnms TUESDAY AND IM Skly Audrey WeUb Mrl Yvonne llrnulmnlv Mrs Myrlle Calcmnn Mrl Doris Denney Sklp Mrs Olive llermy Mrl llllldrcd McKenllc Mm Irene Prnll Mn Belly Nutter Sklp Mrl Runllnd Durham NH Darla Cnmpbrll Mrs Kny Frcnrh MrL Shelln Brlnnw Skip Mrs Mary Kennedy Mn Marlon Armxlmnz Mn Marlon Slephenn Mu llelen Grah Eklp Mr lllnry llnmlllon Mu Jean Jnnacn MIL Fllulmmons Mrn Nndlnu Cranlluld Skip Mm Jean Admm Mn Frlzdl Mrs Peler Dawson Mr And Mm Gerry William Mr and the new new In flu clIy Ind mum Weddlnl Il alumna blnhdul Wu pllflll 1mm alIu pm Ilu lellan Ina HIVjut In II Item nteml to wumen mam ol hlu out Your help In Iuwlylnl lhll Imumlu In mad awn llula phono Thu Examiner PA H531 Ind II or Ellen Dlxnn or Audu Cannon ll Worm enl Department THE CANDLE SHOP OPEN mm DAILY MT IN ym TUESDAY CLOSED Miles North of Harris on Highway 11 To 011 Nam In launder lo com Will Be Open Until Christmas In uddlllon to our collection cnndlel ram many munlrirn you ulll llmi unUIUIl qu or my the year well Chumlam Ilw hlvt Iclccllon Chrlllmu urdl BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA FA 6l3l1 14K GOLD WATCNII Green Mrs Gertrude Crook Mn Ray Kym Skip Mrs Gum Ough Mrl Irene Emery Mrl Dorothy Cordy Mn Mm Klnulmd Sklp Mn Bully Clyne Mn Ellcen Norm Mn Connla Merrinm Mn Howell Skly Mn Ellecn Johmlnn Mn Slelln ope MIL Mari Moran Mn Thelm Wluthler skip Mn Della run Mn erlnm Duvnl Mu Fern Campbell Mn Belly Shun Skip Mu Lorna Bell Mrl Hllda Suphcman Mn Shirley Campbell Mu Jun Brianll Skip Mn Amy anr Mn Larle Walk Mrs 11 Idling Mn lwhel Col plls CANADIAN STUDIES Rouzhly one third of II knuwn rndlnl vclnclllu In the lludy nl aurophyllu hlVl been determlnw In Canada Camp Borden Girl Guldea were wash of the Second Enr He Gulde Hullaween party held in Collier Slml United ClhIIach Fellowship Hall In The party was planned for Guldu trying ur lhelr Hosch Badge Plrficlplllnl In the plun nlnl of food unmet Ind ro celvinz the gum were Bever le Hnrvey Lynda Gin Anna verlhorn Paulina Bryan and Mnrgmt Norton Mrs Crnlzhud Dklrlct Cnm mlsslancr ludgtd llIe varlcd Hallnwcen costume worn by the lllelll Captain Ind Mn Carr and dnuzhera Jennuer Illd PalrchI all ol Ottawa were recent visitor In home of Mn Carrs parents Mn and Mn Badileyp Aldaxh Road Guldel Mary Pal Graham Ind Barbara Pearson parsed he as or World Knowlzdle an Frlnce llld Augtralla mm It the home at Mr and ML William Diana Cen tre 82 was Mr Ind Mn ohn Bodlllh Am Ind Mn Ind Mm Dnvld Archibald and Ian haul Member Mrs HawArd Evert Suk man Sukntchewm wu re cent guest at the home of her mains Mr and Mrs dough and ulster Mrs AymtCIlmberlnnd street mum visnons MIL Chuck Woods Mr and Mn Hnrald Mlller Minand Mu Ted Carpenter Mr Ind Mll NablI 511mm Mr Inderl Dave Reid Mr and Mn Roy Seluh Mr and Mrs Don HOME Mr Ind Mrs Chuck Coleman Mr and Min Charles Tierney Mr and Mrs Funk Bemrase Mr and Mn Stanley Shaw Ind Wen of Hawkulone and Mr nudMrs Wllllam Smllh and Iamlly Hamilton were mm tho ham or Mn and Mn Rum PImldu cl Mlnexlng SI Pams Anglican Church mum will hold Service Remenllgfquerov 10 at 11 aim vetgnm and lheir natalkin annually Invited manqnd ht clnl abrvlca which will be con noted by Pam Trgnt wzsianN cum Halloween Party Hosted By Guidés Lm to Mom £000 In um 0mm FROM gm LANDERS THE BAHRIE EXAMINEIL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 54 Ml Please dont tell me lo mp win this man became do luvs him hmhermore the next mm will have the same ideas since all men are alike when it comes to hitFIGHT ING AND LOSING bar and Li Sorry Tools you iasi your trump card girl who gimgway sample has no right to mmplain when the man decide ha like Lin merchandise Both you klds havo been of murlazeablc nae or quile Iomc lime II he wont put the rinx on your finger now he never will Get with It BTEPFAHIER mannzfid petty habitll Dur II PL HENI yaur letter and homily endme the gimmick SAMPLES DurAnn Landau Why ll that unless zlrl gives 11 ba lm marrlxe we allow ll Ml lnleresledl The story usually goes llke lth you loved me youd prove it 11 you arent wllllnz to pmv ll youdonl love me so wed helm call quls ha been suing wilh this man for metal moms We not teen35m Ann Im and he 42 The trouble in did give in in him few ilmu but iva thought it over And decided dont want tint kind million lhip outside 01 martian Now im lirnid ii refute to along with him hell drop me musln of mine had timid who did the lame thing Every one was annoyed with her When the group met toa lunch eon one day the snoopy wamun proceeded to turn over the chirp Plate ugugl mun plate usual The hasten had been warned about her She pasted piece of adhesive tape on the bottom the plate with Ihla mu uie We just knew youd loo no woman lumcd three amides or red and Ian mi bfin nown lame un er pan Ilm that time Prlnt this nu may put wmlgnwgr Dent Ann Llfldflli Heres cure or hit Hand Plain Folkl who he hub 01 lumlnl over the china and nmlnlnx the lllverla hunt or humanks Sll Mann Ont Vur Tun hm 0f Up To 550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest Slx Monlhl Om Yur Two You Du Ann Lude Ive hem SheGotlTheMessvage Last Time ShePéeked MRS LILLICRAP nuan ThorntonvCookmwn Um Phono PA 662 HERI ARE THE POINYS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINYS NIW IUBSCRIPTIDNS WINNER THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL Ill be tolling on you soon Could Be wm YOUR Help RENEWAL SUMCRIPYIONS You need professlonal advice In learn how la cope wlm um 311 urge you to get help And It may well be Ihat she need nme pmtesslannl help I00 sleplalher or three months and It seems If Ive had 300 years filled with problems My wile ndmlls Betty spelled ranen She lrled 10 make up In Belly for them vorce by calerlnz to her neednt describe the result Inch mnnoenvrlngv The week gller we wefe manled Betty smashed up my cau nndl blew my suck My wile was furious becnm 105 my mar VNo week ago my own Ion weniinioiha service And ioii his car in our garage laid Beiiy she could noi drive his car became he wanted ii In good ahape when he came home When learned she was driving his car on the Iiy put it in mmmerciai game With orders that no one be permiiied to lake out flatly lrled take iha car out and iallcd Then she told her mother had humiliated her before the garage man Now she reiusas in speak to me Im empied to him her aver my hneeJusi bncc Shall HslYMIED Dear stymied No would make her despise ynu em more Spanking 1Hearold glrl no way to build decent latherdaughter relationshlp WIEGINS H1115 loll turn only little To anxAuNlmr AND ABOVE ALL PRICI No obuuflon nmmm ununmo COLD ITOIAEI lullmun munml Ilrrlcu Exclnfln ImHer who nuke and Bun Yun Brwilun Dnnlop El PA Ml 5000 polnn 0000 polnnk 20000 palm 3000 polnll 75000 polnh 50000 polnll forum MET

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