Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 11

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Mhunl lnmmunlly hunnlu iu Hmlcl um mml bvdv ll neon thon Mhlhum Unllvd flumh Hun rlny thual humo Hulluuevn Urr pnva Wine Mn Mm nvlrllnlnnl Mr cl la wlrm lnll nl hrr ham Rub lmv llmk hrr lump an My nlmmmnlu Amr wurvlu nl hrr Mum aneldn Nath rnlnlnmnl lhc mnmy 11m ln allhwprn quer Me In hpr hum Murdny Ml noon numbnnl hunlur hm an In Ihu MIL Imp llw Itlurulul In lllllnl Ihrlr umnl Mlvflmul Unlcd mm mtn Incl nl he hump cl Mr Harold Own The mun ul lhl mullnl wu Htmrnlhrnm Day quln mm Ilnnnld Ilerlrnm Mr and Mn Jim licnunl Ind Mr And Mu Willlnm Ilerlum Ind brmmhl Hyclr mm or Madam Mr and Mn Dnllun Slmur hm Mr Her younwl Chlldrfll hnplhnl all Fnrm Fnrum mu II harm ul Mr Ind Mu nnnnlrl lulllll Mnmlly urnlnu whrn Iho llmnl fhunh Ill mumr dll umlun On ndny unlque thrhun Inf Imlcn wu Irmnlml XII Mr llnllrf Irrh uhm lly Mlll NASH Kellh Slawan nl nnyll Mll Mnry fullm Klnnlon uncut Int Mrkmd wilh hll llmlly undlnn hy Held Pfllnswick and music by nn Ben MulholllndL CIIH Lockhmt Introduced lhl Aprnkrr Hun Vlllll Imiu Unlled Church About 120 Auk down to lur hy hanun calmd to by Suoud Imsbylcrlnn ladle In Sroud all chnudny waning MIX Gnodycnr Mamr Crnlzvall 1mm adtd musterOHM munim luml In In lldlu by Clannu Lackie was responded to by Mn Annll Mound Huh mark moved mu Hunk lho Iadiu mvlnx And Manl wmon rnspundni Rev Mr Bell hortndd ryo Jaycd anolhcr Mon day night of lflChfb Slmud Winner wen Miss Lambkln Mrs Fad Mulhollnnd Mn NI pitr Mn Closwn Allrtd Webb and 11th Cough Lunch serv ed by lltIzn Mnlhnlland Mm Irul Webb Ind Helen Mam ORANGE ENS FANQUET Sunday visllnn wilh lho Jack Ion were and Mn ward Blnllnx Bantlnl Alllston And Mr Ind Mrs Club In Leask and Calhy Vcslon ALL 30AM EUCIIRE Angux Dove spent Sundny ln Kitchener with Mr and Mn Ed Kuglcr He also visited his aunt Mn Sari Achnunll In Kilt ener Waterloo Hasnllal Mr Ind Mrs Clnrcnco DlVld son Lanlgan Saskllchewan have bnn visiting Mr and Mn Edgar Thompson nd Mrs Bert Mumolllnd Bannla and am And Mn Buv 5111th Ind Sherrl Lu wen Sun day in Tumnlo visillnl Mrs HI oId Saunders who has been pallent in hosplul Mr Ind Mrs Ra firm Ind nmlly Kitchener upon tha wzekend with Mu Frizelluu enu Mr and Mn all BMW Mr and Mrs Claude Mason Hawkestone vislled Mr and Mung Lanxlon this week Robert Andrews report Ihll III use were llylnl em Ignin durinl he wmn lull Walther Mr and Mrs Allrcd Webb visiIed in Colllnzwood or couple of days Rum Mr Ind Mrs Taylor By MRS MUUIDLLAND Mr Ind Mrs Rod Black Deh ble and Terry and Mr and Mrs Lennox Black mowed to Bellevllle on Sunday In vlnl Mr Ind Mu Ross Ridden Quilt few school chlldren have been 111 with mumpL um Jnmleson and Al Hawklns those way on the hunt 111 majoflly lumen Ahbrl water Ind look lorwmi to lot rain and snow helm 23124112 Mu McAuley wu Acmmpm led her dnughler and Mn Menu donlllon will be sent to the Bessie MucMnrchy Mem orlnl Fuhdand Whlll Gilt Sun day will be Dec Mrs leinzslon served lundl Mr and Mrs lllcQulz Ind Inplly and Mn McCulll spent the weekend with mum In mmnlo llirsl liicAuley ol Eimvaie Iubsillulinl for Ihe Presbyterlal presldenl lllra McClung wnl pmuu She oulllnad the Ilruc lure of lhe WMS mm the Auxé illarle lo the Preshyiedes Sy nndsInd council She said the Auxiliaries represented loun dallon oi iii Migly and each Presldenl lln to lhe Presby tery She Ive encaurnement lo lml mups llkenlnl illum lo 11 disciple chosen by Jesut The Nuvcmbermécllnz of HM Prehylerlln VMS we held nt tho homeof Mrs Living slon Mr Sampson pmlded and led revew mlulon work In Cand1 MIDHURST SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS By MRS CAMERON STROUD GUTHRIB Cliff Bun are Imanz Innull deer Mn Molly dl Monllord his returned homo from twoweek with her daughter And Sympathy the commnnlly II mended In the Burllnl family Olive Mn manner Top unln Karl of Delmlt and Mer waed Nlum Fully on dulh half mother Mn Burllnz who pissed IWI ah ha Martyn Mlmf Newmukel on Oct 30 Cnolulown Unlled Church held ll Innlvemry lervltu Oct 27 with good attendance bolh services Speclll music wu Jun by lha choir Rev Llnduy of fluent Plrk UnL led Church Grill wn uu ll speaker Ron McKllllcan of Toronto 12an lb wcekend wlfll his pllv enls Mr Ind Mu Harold Mb Killian Mriand Mn Jamel Culler of Schomherz vlslttd on Sunday M51 aqd jugs Ed McComb Lu mamla Low or Tamale spent the weekend with her par ents My Ind Mn Blll Lowr Mr Ind Mn 00min cl Toronto mm weekwd with Ihalr dmhtcr Ind Ionlnlaw AllInd Mn Emery ammun Mlllar but you Iova In what at tho homI ul Mr and Mnunnldwlck Mldhum Glad to Mimic vMHler homl lulu calling much better mar lhreeweeks stay In Royl VMorll Hamill Jean Tolu Mn Rell Mnhnll Mrs We Arch Duckwoflh In orvmh And Humm Than was good Itlendanca me am mm lho mu Ion wllh In table or plmrl Hm no the wlnnen Mn To mmhnll MM ALLEN an Mr Ind Mr Ball Mr and Mn Allen Mlllen N13 3211 Miller Binh and wood Miller wm aunt ll lhl ham or Mr And Mn Genm Scull Allluon Frldly evenlnl to enjoy mm taken on their recent trip to vim nlaflm In Vlncouver WINTER BUILr1 aw wu Muriel received runny uulul gm from her MIdhum Mend am wishes In with her to her naw home In Hlmlllun The Sunday School La plannlnl Chrlsunu Ten and Bum mm or Sltqrdly Nov l0 DAURKEN ANDERSON uuml an In aluile homeior multlpla hnmlnl muclun uutdbyaulmnlyaHON ALLAN MACEACHEN MINISTER OF LABOQR COOKSTOWN Bvcryonc Illndl lo Iln from lncmud winter wotk Ind you in 350000th from the Department or Lnbourlfyourmw home fulfillmmln Muhemenll IlmchIIInlpplkllionfurwllflcatlanInWlnler Bull homI mull be mud to 5mm Smim Branch Department of Labour Ollwn either by you or the bulldu TM mp II mendl The bulk of llw work on your new home mull bu ended on bclnu March The foundnllnn may be lnmlled before Dcccmblr ml min onl Ildl nnhhlnl my be romplued In Mnuh Jln Your home muld be but for you you an build ll yonmll or you am My om nndy bulll TIM hum What this country needs Is good 12month year and you can help It happenl IITOPIR on IT NOW Anango for your now home to be WIntor Built FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IF YOU HAVE YOUR NEW HOME BUILT IN THE WINTER $500 oun INCENTIVE Wm Rm unwed Cmdlm bulldeu hm lhu knowhow In mm Wlnlcr Built home wund lnmlman Do ll Naw Mum Iodty Io hm your homc Winter num Youll uln um 150000 lnmllw and youll bu htlpln Cunnda Imp buly through 0D wlnlu monlbl of not more Ilun four units with each unit qunlliying lot 350000 lnccnllvc Nllurnliy lt nu to comply with notmnl mndudx oradequue homing and local bulldlnl byilwl When to lpplyl Your builder lm Ilia dctnlli And you an cl pamphict containing iull dclllll Ind application form from your nearesl Nailoml Em pioymtnl Setle ofllcc or lmt Ollie if you dont luv ofllce in your tlllltktJ from the Ctnlul Mmqu And outing Comontllon 0mm of wit dlmt to Special Savich Bunch Dwanmenl of Labour 0mm EXAMINERHOME or THE WEEK KERN x7 CANADA LUMBER ME IMPROVEMENT CENT efl We Carry Everything To Keep Your Home Up To Date LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Comfilm Slack new DIAMOND MINT um Uimm Outllly lmm Hm your Bulldcr um Ilorlrnm Bm Produm Our complete olpck quality lumber nmku ll pumlblo oryou lo 51an work lorlny Let us glvu you free csllmalo on your needs Frcu cityrldo delivery DouGLAéEBfiéRETE 91 Ann St assume the concrete is in contact with the ground lram your description Use either on asphalt tile or vinyl osbestns lilo to cover the floor ltlnnulnc turera detailed instructions or installation should be avaliablo irorn your denizr Ind careiully lollowcdt floor leveling com pound hould lint he applied to on Absolutely tienn floor sun ace to inmra unnoth level til floor wa remove the worn on linu leum1 What lype coveran can weuxe The room 15 by 15 eel with Illam huln down the middle when comm meal plne ANSWER To remove lha lin oleum Ielrnll Ill Ihnl can be loosened or pried up Remalnlnl place can be lonened by flnad lug with water which will work unflemenlh unvunvfll QUESTION We rectnily pur chgszd an old larmhouse kitchen floor hall plne half mncrele pravioua owners had nlnrged the kllchen by main ing an old back porch con crete llnor luvlnl ul wllh Illa problem Izl fluor covering There no basement Pram covering is linoleum whlch seem in be stuck to the flour Th cunmlo lull is vary molsl severing Haw do 429nmggasfl avPflfl¢Dz54 mun mum ANSWE Sorry to my but lha only way to relnova ha waler Ilulns la paint ovar them Hnwever helm applylnu the pILnL um anal Iho mined mu wlul con 01 pure lresh while mellnc 32mots 0va PLASIERBOARD QUESTION window In our wder room we 1m open dub an heavy rain xlorm and wnl ar leaked In on the plnuerhanrd will undenncnlh leaving seven IlnIn when It dritd In there lye mini myan EXAMINER mm Novaman FIRST AID FOR THE HOME Deliilerod Conhplolo Precast Concrete BEBTRHM anorurns mfi Camme mm of Sim PRODUCTS lTD By ROGER WHITMAN Barrio Is my line steel wool Purchase It by grndc number at any hardware or paint slore sumevaricly slum also stock Ulla Itam ruullllls with sandpaper Keep soak lng lhe paper wilh hm water un lll the paste sullen enough lor easy removal the paper Slenmors lnr this purpase can be rented lmm many wallpaper and palm and hardwaro dealers Before repaperlng lhe walls be sure lo wash them dawn wllh warm waler lo rcmnvc all trace pasta and glue slzing then allow lo dry thoroughly STEEL WOOL QUESTION want to cltan same lumllure Thu dlrccllnna call lur 30 slch wnol wnm lrade ML and where can he ggrchnscd REMOVING MLHAPER QUESTIQN We want In re place lhe wallpaper In our dawn slalrl powder mm The paper II washnble and moisture 509 We lluw can we remove IS ANSWER cin through the wallpsp hyuruhbing ll ANSWE Thu allowing pub Illh detailed well illustrated book on barbecue bulldlng nl nominal cost Lane Publishlnz 00 Munlo Park CnllL Popu lar Mechanics Press 1003 Ontarlo SL Chlnngn 11 Fawcel Conn Tncsu are available at many papcr back book outlets ur mm the Publisher Free In struction leaf on comet pmjecl amund the home are nvnllablo from Portland Cement Assoclallon Grand Ave Chicago 10 QUESTION We are mnklng patio and are Interested In buildlnz an nuldunr barhccue pll where can we Relplmurcs an 1113110 or his PA 89642 196111

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